本文主要是介绍CS61B sp21fall Project02 Gitlet,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
Project02 Gitlet
- 一、项目简介
- 二、Git和Gitlet
- 2.1 Git简介
- 2.2 Gitlet简介
- 三、框架设计
- 3.1 Blobs
- 3.2 Trees
- 3.3 Commits
- 四、.Gitlet文件结构设计
- 4.1 .git文件架构
- 4.1.1 重点介绍
- index(VSCode中无法查看,会乱码)
- objects(VSCode中无法查看,会乱码)
- 4.1.2 其他文件大杂烩
- 4.2 Gitlet文件架构设计
- 五、项目文件设计
- Repository类
- init函数
- add函数
- commit函数
- rm函数
- log函数
- global_log函数
- find函数
- status函数
- checkout部分综合代码
- branch函数
- rm_branch函数
- reset函数
- merge函数
2.1 Git简介
- 保存整个文件目录的内容。在git中,这被称为提交(git commit + git push),而保存的内容本身被称为提交。
- 还原一个或多个文件的版本或整个提交。在git中,这称为签出那些文件或提交的文件。
- 查看备份的历史记录。在git中,您可以在称为日志的东西中查看此历史(简称开发历史,同时起到还原的作用)。
- 维护相关的提交序列,称为分支(branch)。
- 将一个分支中的更改合并到另一个分支中(简单理解就是将不同版本的代码进行合并)。
- 不仅支持历史版本的修改,还能支持形式上的不同实现方案(Plan A B C D)同时推进。
2.2 Gitlet简介
- Gitlet支持多版本多分枝开发。
- Gitlet不支持删除commit,这样设计的目的是尽可能保证各个历史版本的完整性。
- Gitlet的结构比较像树形结构,但是Gitlet仅仅支持两个parents的树形结构。
- GItlet更像是一个本地Git版本管理工具,将代码推送到远程分支的功能可以自己感兴趣进行添加,在我的项目实现里面我添加了这个功能,因为是Git的忠实信徒(doge)。
3.1 Blobs
3.2 Trees
3.3 Commits
将元数据、日志信息(正常commit -m后面加的东西)、还有相关指针信息
4.1 .git文件架构
如果想要一个纯净的.git文件参考一下用来写init函数,可以在powershell中找一个文件夹执行git init,于是乎得到以下文件:
4.1.1 重点介绍
- commits:元数据,commit指针以及整体commit的维护
- trees:各个commit版本文件的存储结构(数据结构)
- blobs:数据块
4.1.2 其他文件大杂烩
- HEAD:保存了本地仓库的分支指针位置,在这个仓库中是master
- ORIG_HEAD:用哈希的方法随机生成的唯一标识码
- log :保存日志信息相关内容
- HEAD:保存所有的头部指针信息
这里的matster文件保存了所有master分支提交的信息 - refs:保存本地分支和远程分支对应关系
- HEAD:保存所有的头部指针信息
4.2 Gitlet文件架构设计
- objects 文件夹:存储commit和blob对象,数据结构是tree(使用hashcode作为文件名)
- commits文件夹:存储每一次commit信息
- blobs文件夹:存储数据块
- commit 文件:用sha1编码保存对commit的引用
- blob文件:用sha1编码·1保存对blob的引用
- remotes 存储远端分支内容,用于远程推送
- HEAD文件: 存储当前分支的名称,默认为master分支,在init的时候生成
- staging 存储缓存区内容(以Stage class的形式存储blob)
- removedStage 存储被rm的文件(以Stage class的形式存储)
- Utils文件中是用于实现生成sha1标签值、对象序列化和反序列化、使用到的数据结构、常用的IO操作的辅助函数
- Repository中定用于初始化的时候定义Gitlet项目文件夹的架构和文件初始化。
- Commit中定义了git中比较重要的一个类commit的应用。
- 序列化的时间不能由于对象的内容大小而变化。
public void init() {//create a new .gitlet directoryif (GITLET_DIR.exists()) {System.out.println("A Gitlet version-control system already exists in the current directory.");return;} else {GITLET_DIR.mkdir();// set the visibility of the .gitlet directory to hiddenDosFileAttributeView fileAttributeView = Files.getFileAttributeView(GITLET_DIR.toPath(), DosFileAttributeView.class);try {fileAttributeView.setHidden(true);} catch (IOException e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);}//get the current timelong time = System.currentTimeMillis();//change the type of the time to a stringString timestamp = String.valueOf(time);//create the initial commitCommit initialCommit = new Commit("initial commit", null,timestamp, null);//set the branch to master by defultbranch = "master";//create object area for commits areasFile object = join(GITLET_DIR, "object");//create subdirectories for commits areas and blobsFile commit = join(object, "commit");//create subdirectories for blobs areasFile blob = join(object, "blob");//create head area for commits areasFile head = join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD");//init the head to masterwriteContents(head, "master");//create staging area for commitsFile staging = join(GITLET_DIR, "staging");//create the files aboveobject.mkdir();commit.mkdir();blob.mkdir();staging.mkdir();}}
- 判断当前文件夹下是否存在.gitlet仓库,如果没有就新建一个,如果有就提示已经存在。
- 创建commit文件夹和blob文件夹,同时初始化一个initial commit对象到文件并保存到commit文件夹下
- 创建一个staging区域用于暂存commit的内容。
//add a copy of the files as currently exist to the stagging areapublic void add(String filename) {//if the current working version of the file is identical to the version in the current commit do not stage!//if the file does not exist at all,print an error messageif (!join(CWD, filename).exists()) {System.out.println("File does not exist.");return;}//if the current working version of the file is identical to the version in the current commit, do not stage itif (join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit", "HEAD", filename).exists()) {if (join(CWD, filename).equals(join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit", "HEAD", filename))) {return;}}//if the file is not staged, add it to the staging areaif (!join(GITLET_DIR, "staging", filename).exists()) {writeContents(join(GITLET_DIR, "staging", filename), readContentsAsString(join(CWD, filename)));}//if the file is already staged, overwrite the file in the staging area with the new versionelse {writeContents(join(GITLET_DIR, "staging", filename), readContentsAsString(join(CWD, filename)));}}
- 将指定的文件添加到暂存区中
//commit the files in the staging areapublic void commit(String message) {//if no files have been staged, print an error messageif (join(GITLET_DIR,"stageing").list().length == 1) {System.out.println("No changes added to the commit.");return;}//create a new commit object and set the parent commit//TODO: figure out how the blobs workCommit newCommit = new Commit(message, readObject(join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD", "HEAD"), Commit.class), String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), null);//create a new commit fileFile commitFile = join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit", newCommit.getUID());//serialize the commit object and write it to the commit filewriteObject(commitFile, newCommit);//update the head to the new commitwriteContents(join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD", "HEAD"), newCommit.getUID());//clear the staging areafor (File file : join(GITLET_DIR, "staging").listFiles()) {file.delete();}}
- 新建一个commit对象记录当前的项目状态。
//remove the file from the staging areapublic void rm(String filename) {//if the file is not staged, print an error messageif (!join(GITLET_DIR, "staging", filename).exists()) {System.out.println("No reason to remove the file.");return;}//remove the file from the staging areajoin(GITLET_DIR, "staging", filename).delete();}
- 从暂存区中将已经添加的某个文件删除。
//print the commit history, but we only display the first parent commit links and ignore any second parent linkspublic void log() {//get into the commit directoryFile commit = join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit");//get the current commit and deserialize it to a commit objectFile currentCommit = join(commit, readContentsAsString(join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD", "HEAD")));Commit current = readObject(currentCommit, Commit.class);//print the commit historywhile (current != null) {System.out.println("===");System.out.println("commit " + current.getUID());System.out.println("Date: " + current.getTimestamp());System.out.println(current.getMessage());System.out.println();current = current.getParent();//implement the circular of the commit messages}}
- 从commit文件夹下获取当前分支的commit信息并打印在控制台上面。
//print the commit history of all commitspublic void global_log() {//get the global log of all commitsFile commit = join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit");for (File file : commit.listFiles()) {Commit current = readObject(file, Commit.class);System.out.println("===");System.out.println("commit " + current.getUID());System.out.println("Date: " + current.getTimestamp());System.out.println(current.getMessage());System.out.println();}}
- 在全局范围内打印所有的commit信息。
//find the commit with the given messagepublic void find(String message) {//get the global log of all commitsFile commit = join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit");for (File file : commit.listFiles()) {Commit current = readObject(file, Commit.class);if (current.getMessage().equals(message)) {System.out.println(current.getUID());//print the commit message by linereturn;}}}
- 根据文件名找到相应的commit message
//print the status of the repositorypublic void status() {//get the current branchFile head = join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD");String currentBranch = readContentsAsString(head);//print the current branchSystem.out.println("=== Branches ===");System.out.println("*" + currentBranch);for (File file : join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit").listFiles()) {if (!file.getName().equals(currentBranch)) {System.out.println(file.getName());}}System.out.println();//print the staged filesSystem.out.println("=== Staged Files ===");for (File file : join(GITLET_DIR, "staging").listFiles()) {System.out.println(file.getName());}System.out.println();//print the removed filesSystem.out.println("=== Removed Files ===");for (File file : join(GITLET_DIR, "staging").listFiles()) {System.out.println(file.getName());}System.out.println();//print the modified filesSystem.out.println("=== Modifications Not Staged For Commit ===");System.out.println();//print the untracked filesSystem.out.println("=== Untracked Files ===");System.out.println();}
- 打印当前的暂存区的状态
//checkout the file from the current commitpublic void checkout(String filename) {//get the current commitFile commit = join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit");File currentCommit = join(commit, readContentsAsString(join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD")));Commit current = readObject(currentCommit, Commit.class);//get the file from the current commitFile file = join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "blob", current.getUID(), filename);//copy the file to the current working directorywriteContents(join(CWD, filename), readContents(file));}//checkout the file from the commit idpublic void checkout(String commitID, String filename) {//get the commit from the commit idFile commit = join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit");File currentCommit = join(commit, commitID);Commit current = readObject(currentCommit, Commit.class);//get the file from the commitFile file = join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "blob", current.getUID(), filename);//copy the file to the current working directorywriteContents(join(CWD, filename), readContents(file));}//checkout the branchpublic void checkoutBranch(String branchName) {//get the current branchFile head = join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD");String currentBranch = readContentsAsString(head);//if the branch does not exist, print an error messageif (!join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit", branchName).exists()) {System.out.println("No such branch exists.");return;}//if the branch is the current branch, print an error messageif (currentBranch.equals(branchName)) {System.out.println("Already on the target branch, no need to change the branch");return;}//get the current commitFile commit = join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit");File currentCommit = join(commit, readContentsAsString(join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD")));Commit current = readObject(currentCommit, Commit.class);//get the branch commitFile branchCommit = join(commit, branchName);Commit branch = readObject(branchCommit, Commit.class);//get the files from the branch commitfor (File file : join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "blob", branch.getUID()).listFiles()) {//copy the file to the current working directorywriteContents(join(CWD, file.getName()), readContents(file));}//delete the files that are not in the branch commitfor (File file : join(CWD).listFiles()) {if (!join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "blob", branch.getUID(), file.getName()).exists()) {file.delete();}}//update the head to the branch commitwriteContents(join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD"), branchName);}
- 分支切换以及状态更新
//Description: Creates a new branch with the given name, and points it at the current head commit. A branch is nothing more than a name for a reference (a SHA-1 identifier) to a commit node. This command does NOT immediately switch to the newly created branch (just as in real Git). Before you ever call branch, your code should be running with a default branch called “master”.public void branch(String branchName) {//get the current branchFile head = join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD");String currentBranch = readContentsAsString(head);//if the branch already exists, print an error messageif (join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit", branchName).exists()) {System.out.println("A branch with that name already exists.");return;}//create a new branch commitFile commit = join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit");File currentCommit = join(commit, readContentsAsString(join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD")));Commit current = readObject(currentCommit, Commit.class);Commit newBranch = new Commit(current.getMessage(), current, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), null);//create a new branch commit fileFile branchCommit = join(commit, branchName);//serialize the branch commit object and write it to the branch commit filewriteObject(branchCommit, newBranch);}
- 创建一个新的branch
//remove the branchpublic void rm_branch(String branchName) {//get the current branchFile head = join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD");String currentBranch = readContentsAsString(head);//if the branch does not exist, print an error messageif (!join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit", branchName).exists()) {System.out.println("A branch with that name does not exist.");return;}//if the branch is the current branch, print an error messageif (currentBranch.equals(branchName)) {System.out.println("Cannot remove the current branch.");return;}//remove the branchjoin(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit", branchName).delete();}
- 删除一个分支
//reset the commit header to the given commitpublic void reset(String commitID) {//get the commit from the commit idFile commit = join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit");File currentCommit = join(commit, commitID);Commit current = readObject(currentCommit, Commit.class);//get the files from the commitfor (File file : join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "blob", current.getUID()).listFiles()) {//copy the file to the current working directorywriteContents(join(CWD, file.getName()), readContents(file));}//delete the files that are not in the commitfor (File file : join(CWD).listFiles()) {if (!join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "blob", current.getUID(), file.getName()).exists()) {file.delete();}}//update the head to the commitwriteContents(join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD"), commitID);}
//merge the branch with the current branchpublic void merge(String branchName) {//get the current branchFile head = join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD");String currentBranch = readContentsAsString(head);//if the branch does not exist, print an error messageif (!join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit", branchName).exists()) {System.out.println("A branch with that name does not exist.");return;}//if the branch is the current branch, print an error messageif (currentBranch.equals(branchName)) {System.out.println("Cannot merge a branch with itself.");return;}//get the current commitFile commit = join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "commit");File currentCommit = join(commit, readContentsAsString(join(GITLET_DIR, "HEAD")));Commit current = readObject(currentCommit, Commit.class);//get the branch commitFile branchCommit = join(commit, branchName);Commit branch = readObject(branchCommit, Commit.class);//get the split point commitCommit splitPoint = findSplitPoint(current, branch);//get the files from the split point commitfor (File file : join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "blob", splitPoint.getUID()).listFiles()) {//copy the file to the current working directorywriteContents(join(CWD, file.getName()), readContents(file));}//get the files from the branch commitfor (File file : join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "blob", branch.getUID()).listFiles()) {//if the file is not in the split point commit, copy the file to the current working directoryif (!join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "blob", splitPoint.getUID(), file.getName()).exists()) {writeContents(join(CWD, file.getName()), readContents(file));}}//get the files from the current commitfor (File file : join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "blob", current.getUID()).listFiles()) {//if the file is not in the split point commit, copy the file to the current working directoryif (!join(GITLET_DIR, "object", "blob", splitPoint.getUID(), file.getName()).exists()) {writeContents(join(CWD, file.getName()), readContents(file));}}}
这篇关于CS61B sp21fall Project02 Gitlet的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!