Real World Linux Security (2nd Edition)

2024-04-19 04:18

本文主要是介绍Real World Linux Security (2nd Edition),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

版权声明:原创作品,允许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出版、作者信息和本声明。否则将追究法律责任。 - topmvp
You have in your hands a book I've been waiting to read for years a practical, hands-on guide to hardening your Linux system." align="right"> From the foreword by Eric S. Raymond Safeguard your Linux systems against today's most vicious attacks! Realistic, step-by-step techniques from one of the world's leading Linux security experts Covers IP Tables, ARP attacks, adaptive firewalls, VPNs, wireless networks, Samba, monitoring, 2.4 kernel security, and much more Quick and effective recovery from intrusions Web site contains important new tools for monitoring networks and locking out hackers "A comprehensive guide to system security: covers everything from hardening a system to system recovery after an attack." align="right"> Steve Bourne, Creator of the Bourne Shell Stop today's most vicious Internet attackers right in their tracks! Your Linux system will be attacked: maybe in minutes, certainly in days. Be ready! Real World Linux Security, Second Edition brings together state-of-the-art solutions and exclusive software for safeguarding any Linux-based system or network, and fighting off any intrusion. Top Linux security consultant Bob Toxen has thoroughly revamped this definitive guide to reflect today's most vicious Internet attacks and arm you with breakthrough resources for protecting yourself! Surprising new IP Tables research every netadmin must know about New techniques and software for detecting and blocking ARP and Switch attacks Important enhancements to Linux-based adaptive firewalls Thoroughly revised coverage of Samba security for Windows clients 802.11b wireless networks security How to make the most of Logcheck, Portsentry, and other new monitoring tools VPN and instant messaging security, GNU Privacy Guard, 2.4 kernel issues, and much more Includes all-new chapter on physical security Reviewed by some of the world's leading Linux security experts! Web Site The accompanying web site contains the author's own state-of-the-art software for instantly locking out hackers and alerting system administrators. The website contents also include exclusive IP Tables and IP Chains firewall scripts (rule sets), as well as powerful new tools for monitoring network health, detecting and reporting suspicious activities, securing backups, simplifying recovery, and much more.

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