Upgrading to Lotus Notes And Domino 7

2024-04-19 02:48
文章标签 notes domino lotus upgrading

本文主要是介绍Upgrading to Lotus Notes And Domino 7,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Upgrading to Lotus Notes and Domino 7 does exactly what it says on the cover. You will:
* Get to grips with all of the major new features
* Understand the new Domino Domain Monitoring (DDM), as well as new event monitoring and the automatic diagnostic collection process
* Learn the new server features, including AdminP,new server tasks, and updates to administration tools
* A complete look at policy management, including the new mail policy and enhancements to security and archiving policies
* Work with Smart Upgrade, improve performance, and understand the new and improved features of the Notes/Domino 7 clients
* See how to use the significant enhancements of Domino Web Access 7, and then see how to integrate Domino with the popular and powerful WebSphere Portal, or the ubiquitous Microsoft Outlook
* Comprehensive coverage of DB2, programming and security
* Learn how Notes/Domino 7 uses the various types of Directories for messaging, DNS, data, application directories, and more, and what new features Lotus has packed into the latest release
* A chapter on troubleshooting, followed by a real life case study of how the developerWorks Lotus site upgraded to Lotus Domino 7

这篇关于Upgrading to Lotus Notes And Domino 7的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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