Unix Systems Programming: Communication, Concurrency and Threads, Second Edition

本文主要是介绍Unix Systems Programming: Communication, Concurrency and Threads, Second Edition,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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UNIX Systems Programming: Communication, Concurrency, and Threads by Kay A. Robbins and Steven Robbins UNIX processes, files, and special files Signals and timers POSIX threads, semaphores, and IPC TCP, UDP, multicast, and the Web Features projects on Internet radio, server performance, timers, web caching, and shells Learn how to design and implement reliable UNIX software whether you are using Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, or another POSIX-based system. This completely updated classic (originally titled Practical UNIX Programming ) demonstrates how to design complex software to get the most from the UNIX operating system. UNIX Systems Programming provides a clear and easy-to-understand introduction to the essentials of UNIX programming. Starting with short code snippets that illustrate how to use system calls, Robbins and Robbins move quickly to hands-on projects that help readers expand their skill levels. This practical guide thoroughly explores communication, concurrency,and multithreading. Known for its comprehensive and lucid explanationsof complicated topics such as signals and concurrency, the bookfeatures practical examples, exercises, reusable code, and simplifiedlibraries for use in network communication applications. A self-contained reference that relies on the latest UNIX standards,UNIX Systems Programming provides thorough coverage of files, signals,semaphores, POSIX threads, and client-server communication. Thisedition features all-new chapters on the Web, UDP, and serverperformance.

这篇关于Unix Systems Programming: Communication, Concurrency and Threads, Second Edition的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




1.什么是操作系统? 从严格意义上说,可将操作系统定义为一种软件,它控制计算机硬件资源,提供程序运行环境。我们通常将这种软件称为内核(kerel),因为它相对较小,而且位于环境的核心。  从广义上说,操作系统包括了内核和一些其他软件,这些软件使得计算机能够发挥作用,并使计算机具有自己的特生。这里所说的其他软件包括系统实用程序(system utility)、应用程序、shell以及公用函数库等

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Unix介绍 UNIX操作系统(尤尼斯),是一个强大的多用户、多任务操作系统,支持多种处理器架构,按照操作系统的分类,属于分时操作系统,最早由KenThompson、DennisRitchie和DouglasMcIlroy于1969年在AT&T的贝尔实验室开发。目前它的商标权由国际开放标准组织所拥有,只有符合单一UNIX规范的UNIX系统才能使用UNIX这个名称,否则只能称为类UNIX(UNI

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