Beginning XML, 4th Edition

2024-04-18 22:58
文章标签 xml edition beginning 4th

本文主要是介绍Beginning XML, 4th Edition,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Beginning XML provides a complete course in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) with an unusually gradual learning curve. In fact, the introduction states that the book is "for people who know that it would be a pretty good idea to learn the language, but aren't 100 percent sure why." Despite its recognition of the fuzziness of readers' understanding of the technology, the book delivers a rather comprehensive study of XML.

Very little space is wasted detailing the history of XML and its relation to SGML, as is the case in many other titles. The argument for the importance of XML is made quickly, and the basics of well-formed syntax are tackled right off. One notable distinction of this book is its excellent coverage of related technologies, such as cascading style sheets (CSS) and relational databases.

In addition to discussing the crucial companion standards to the core XML language (DTDs, XSL, and XSLT), the book adds a nice perspective to the broad range of applications in which XML can play a role. One section, "Other Uses for XML," illustrates how XML can be used to serialize object models, creating stateless objects and utilizing the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Case studies on--among other things--how XML can be used to build discussion groups, and provide B2B data transfer, round out the text. This book is perfect for Web programmers who are turning their attention to XML for the first time. It imparts a solid understanding of the XML forest and XML trees.

这篇关于Beginning XML, 4th Edition的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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intellij idea generatorConfig.xml

generatorConfig.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE generatorConfigurationPUBLIC "-// MyBatis Generator Configuration 1.0//EN""


以下内容摘录自W3School 一、XML的特性 xml是用来传输和存储数据的,本身对数据没有任何操作。在这里要区别一下html,html是用来显示数据的。xml的焦点是数据内容,html的焦点是数据外观。 下面是xml的定义: •XML 指可扩展标记语言(EXtensible Markup Language) •XML 是一种标记语言,很类似 HTML


这里使用的是org.dom4j的jar包来完成xml格式数据的创建。 import;import;import org.dom4j.Document;import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper;import org.dom4j.Element;import org.dom4j.


dubbo自定义了很多xml标签,例如<dubbo:application>,那么这些自定义标签是怎么与spring结合起来的呢?我们先看一个简单的例子。 一 编写模型类 1 package com.hulk.testdubbo.model;2 3 public class Hero {4 private String name;5 private int

xml reader

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