Professional Software Testing with Visual Studio 2005 Team System: Tools for Software Developers and

本文主要是介绍Professional Software Testing with Visual Studio 2005 Team System: Tools for Software Developers and,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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With the introduction of Visual Studio 2005 Team System (VSTS), Microsoft for the first time offers software developers and test engineers a complete and integrated suite of tools for software testing. This authoritative book shares with you best practices for software testing using VSTS test and development tools and covers all phases of the development lifecycle so that you may learn how to implement these practices.

Written by key members of the team that developed the VSTS test anddevelopment tools, this essential resource offers a no-nonsense introduction to using the tools the way they were meant to be used. The authors walk you through the overall user interface of the Visual Studio Team Edition for Software Developers and Visual Studio Team Edition for Software Testers. You'll explore each of the available test types and learn how to effectively use the code analysis and dynamic analysis tools to quickly become effective as a software developer or test engineer.

What you will learn from this book
*Load Test your applications, potentially with thousands of simulated users, and leverage new and existing automated tests
*Create Web Tests by recording interactions with web applications and (optionally) render those tests to your favorite .NET language
*Test your database back-end's design and integrity using unit tests
*Incorporate data-driven testing into your automated tests to enhance your testing library

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Visual Studio开发环境搭建

原文: Visual Studio开发环境搭建 测试:笔记本原装操作系统:Windows 10 家庭中文版 资源分享链接:提取码:qbt2 注意事项:注意查看本地硬盘是否够用,建议预留4G左右空间。 教程 安装Visual studio 2010 找到并解压 “VS2010中文旗舰版”