Requirements Management Using IBM(R) Rational(R) RequisitePro(R)

2024-04-18 20:09

本文主要是介绍Requirements Management Using IBM(R) Rational(R) RequisitePro(R),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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Optimize Your Entire Requirements ProcessCand Use Requirements to Build More Successful Software

Using IBM® Rational® RequisitePro®, you can systematically improve the way you create and maintain requirementsCand use those requirements to build more effective, higher-quality software. Now, for the first time, theres a comprehensive, hands-on guide to optimally using RequisitePro in real-world development environments.

Utilizing a start-to-finish sample project, requirements expert Peter Zielczynski introduces an organized, best-practice approach to managing requirements and shows how to implement every step with RequisitePro. Youll walk through planning, eliciting, and clarifying stakeholder requirements; building use cases and other key project documents; managing changing requirements; transforming requirements into designs; and much more. Every stage of the process is illuminated with examples, realistic artifacts, and practical solutions.

This book is an invaluable resource for everyone who creates requirements, and everyone who relies on them: business analysts, systems analysts, project managers, architects, designers, developers, and testers alike.

Coverage includes
*Overcoming the three leading causes of project failure: lack of user input, incomplete requirements and specifications, and poorly managed change
*Understanding each type of software requirementChow they interrelate, and what makes a good requirement
*Establishing a Requirements Management Plan that describes how requirements are created and handled throughout the project lifecycle
*Developing a Vision document that can drive your project from beginning to end
*Creating high-quality use cases
*Using requirements as the basis for system design
*Leveraging RequisitePro features for improved project management
*Integrating requirements management with the IBM Rational Unified Process®

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