Wicked Cool PHP: Real-World Scripts That Solve Difficult Problems [ILLUSTRATED]

本文主要是介绍Wicked Cool PHP: Real-World Scripts That Solve Difficult Problems [ILLUSTRATED],希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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PHP is an easy-to-use scripting language perfect for quickly creating the Web features you need. Once you know the basics of how the language works, wouldn't it be great to have a collection of useful scripts that solve those tricky problems and add interesting functionality to your site? We thought so, too.

Instead of starting at "Hello World," Wicked Cool PHP assumes that you're familiar with the language and jumps right into the good stuff. After you learn the FAQs of life-the most commonly wished for PHP scripts-you'll work your way through smart configuration options and the art of forms, all the way through to complex database-backed scripts.

Wicked Cool PHP contains a wide variety of scripts to process credit cards, check the validity of email addresses, template HTML, and serve dynamic images and text. The 76 easily implemented scripts will also teach you how to:

*Send and receive email notifications
*Track your visitors' behavior with cookies and sessions
*Override PHP's default settings
*Manipulate dates, images, and text on the fly
*Harness SOAP and other web services
*Create an online poll, ecard delivery system, and blog


这篇关于Wicked Cool PHP: Real-World Scripts That Solve Difficult Problems [ILLUSTRATED]的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



PHP执行php.exe -v命令报错的解决方案

《PHP执行php.exe-v命令报错的解决方案》:本文主要介绍PHP执行php.exe-v命令报错的解决方案,文中通过图文讲解的非常详细,对大家的学习或工作有一定的帮助,需要的朋友可以参考下... 目录执行phpandroid.exe -v命令报错解决方案执行php.exe -v命令报错-PHP War


PHP的内存管理, 分为俩大部分, 第一部分是PHP自身的内存管理, 这部分主要的内容就是引用计数, 写时复制, 等等面向应用的层面的管理. 而第二部分就是今天我要介绍的, zend_alloc中描写的关于PHP自身的内存管理, 包括它是如何管理可用内存, 如何分配内存等. 另外, 为什么要写这个呢, 因为之前并没有任何资料来介绍PHP内存管理中使用的策略, 数据结构, 或者算法. 而在我们


1.json_decode() json_decode (PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PECL json >= 1.2.0) json_decode — 对 JSON 格式的字符串进行编码 说明 mixed json_decode ( string $json [, bool $assoc ] ) 接受一个 JSON 格式的字符串并且把它转换为 PHP 变量 参数 json


find ./dir -name "*.php" -exec 'cat' {} \; > dir.out


方法一: <?phpheader("Content-type:image/jpeg"); class download_image{function read_url($str) { $file=fopen($str,"r");$result = ''; while(!feof($file)) { $result.=fgets($file,9999); } fclose($file); re


SQL 注入是PHP应用中最常见的漏洞之一。事实上令人惊奇的是,开发者要同时犯两个错误才会引发一个SQL注入漏洞。 一个是没有对输入的数据进行过滤(过滤输入),还有一个是没有对发送到数据库的数据进行转义(转义输出)。这两个重要的步骤缺一不可,需要同时加以特别关注以减少程序错误。 对于攻击者来说,进行SQL注入攻击需要思考和试验,对数据库方案进行有根有据的推理非常有必要(当然假设攻击者看不到你的


如果用户输入的是直接插入到一个SQL语句中的查询,应用程序会很容易受到SQL注入,例如下面的例子: $unsafe_variable = $_POST['user_input'];mysql_query("INSERT INTO table (column) VALUES ('" . $unsafe_variable . "')"); 这是因为用户可以输入类似VALUE”); DROP TA


(1)mysql_real_escape_string – 转义 SQL 语句中使用的字符串中的特殊字符,并考虑到连接的当前字符集 使用方法如下: $sql = "select count(*) as ctr from users where username ='".mysql_real_escape_string($username)."' and password='". mysql_r


Linux系统centos6.5 PHP5.6 MySQL5.6 Nginx1.7 yum安装依赖库 yum install -y make cmake gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake libpng-devel libjpeg-devel zlib libxml2-devel ncurses-devel bison \libtool-ltdl-devel li


方法一: $str = 'abc';$a =str_split($str);perm($a, 0, count($a)-1);function perm(&$ar, $k, $m) {if($k == $m){ echo join('',$ar), PHP_EOL;}else {for($i=$k; $i<=$m; $i++) {swap($ar[$k], $ar[$i]);perm($ar