Wicked Cool PHP: Real-World Scripts That Solve Difficult Problems [ILLUSTRATED]

本文主要是介绍Wicked Cool PHP: Real-World Scripts That Solve Difficult Problems [ILLUSTRATED],希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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PHP is an easy-to-use scripting language perfect for quickly creating the Web features you need. Once you know the basics of how the language works, wouldn't it be great to have a collection of useful scripts that solve those tricky problems and add interesting functionality to your site? We thought so, too.

Instead of starting at "Hello World," Wicked Cool PHP assumes that you're familiar with the language and jumps right into the good stuff. After you learn the FAQs of life-the most commonly wished for PHP scripts-you'll work your way through smart configuration options and the art of forms, all the way through to complex database-backed scripts.

Wicked Cool PHP contains a wide variety of scripts to process credit cards, check the validity of email addresses, template HTML, and serve dynamic images and text. The 76 easily implemented scripts will also teach you how to:

*Send and receive email notifications
*Track your visitors' behavior with cookies and sessions
*Override PHP's default settings
*Manipulate dates, images, and text on the fly
*Harness SOAP and other web services
*Create an online poll, ecard delivery system, and blog


这篇关于Wicked Cool PHP: Real-World Scripts That Solve Difficult Problems [ILLUSTRATED]的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




PHP的基本语法包括以下几个方面: PHP标记:PHP脚本以<?php开始,以?>结束。这是PHP文件的默认文件扩展名是.php。 变量和常量:变量以$符号开头,其后是变量的名称。常量使用define()函数定义,例如define("常量名", 常量值);。 数据类型:PHP支持多种数据类型,如整型、浮点型、字符串型等。 注释:PHP支持单行注释(用//表示)和多行注释(用/* */表示

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串行化serialize可以把变量包括对象,转化成连续bytes数据. 你可以将串行化后的变量存在一个文件里或在网络上传输. 然后再反串行化还原为原来的数据. 你在反串行化类的对象之前定义的类,PHP可以成功地存储其对象的属性和方法. 有时你可能需要一个对象在反串行化后立即执行. 为了这样的目的,PHP会自动寻找__sleep和__wakeup方法.   当一个对象被串行化,PHP会


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PHP ODBC:连接数据库的桥梁 PHP ODBC(Open Database Connectivity)是一个允许PHP应用程序连接到各种数据库管理系统的扩展。它为PHP提供了一个标准的数据库访问接口,使得开发者可以编写不依赖于特定数据库系统的代码。本文将详细介绍PHP ODBC的概念、工作原理、使用方法以及在实际开发中的应用。 什么是PHP ODBC? PHP ODBC扩展使得PHP能

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今天遇到一个问题,对类中的一个成员变量赋值,一直报错。就是一个常量连接一个字符串 class FileUploadController extends Controller{private $path = BASEDIR."/Public/Upload"; //上传文件保存你路径private $allowType = array('jpg','png','gif');


1.PHP中可以静态调用非静态方法么? 今天我被问到PHP中可不可以使用 className::methodName() 的方法来调用一个没有声明static的方法。在我的印象中,我好像是见过这种用法,但又有些不确定。大家都知道,在手册或者教程里,方法被分为静态方法 和非静态方法,通常我们静态调用的方法,肯定是静态方法。 那如果我们调用了非静态方法会怎么样呢?首先做测试。 1


$str = '123abcDEF测试的事发地点';$length = strlen(preg_replace('/[\x00-\x7F]/', '', $str));$arr['en'] = strlen( $str) - $length; //(非中文)$arr['cn'] = intval($length / 3); // 编码GBK,除以2 (中文)print_r($