Mac OS X for Photographers: Optimized image workflow for the Mac user

2024-04-18 18:38

本文主要是介绍Mac OS X for Photographers: Optimized image workflow for the Mac user,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

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If you're a photographer using a Mac and why wouldn't you be? then you need this guide to optimizing OS X for your photography workflow.

Macs are still the hardware of choice for the cream of digital imaging experts over two million registered Mac users of Adobe Photoshop can't be wrong. Let the expert advice of Rod Wynne-Powell help you to:

* Configure your Mac for a trouble-free life from capture to output
* Speed up your photography workflow using Photoshop, Bridge and the rest of the Adobe Creative Suite
* Optimize your color management system and ensure the highest quality image results
* Save time through effective storage and retrieval of images

Years of experience dealing with digital image makers queries on a day-to-day basis means he also knows that problems can and do happen even on a Mac so this book is also packed full of vital troubleshooting advice and ways to avoid the pitfalls in the first place.

The only Mac OS X book written specifically for photographers, this unique guide to troubleshooting and working with digital images on a Mac is fully updated for the Leopard release of OS X.

这篇关于Mac OS X for Photographers: Optimized image workflow for the Mac user的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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lvgl8.3.6 控件垂直布局 label控件在image控件的下方显示

在使用 LVGL 8.3.6 创建一个垂直布局,其中 label 控件位于 image 控件下方,你可以使用 lv_obj_set_flex_flow 来设置布局为垂直,并确保 label 控件在 image 控件后添加。这里是如何步骤性地实现它的一个基本示例: 创建父容器:首先创建一个容器对象,该对象将作为布局的基础。设置容器为垂直布局:使用 lv_obj_set_flex_flow 设置容器

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