Practical Text Mining with Perl

2024-04-18 17:48
文章标签 text perl mining practical

本文主要是介绍Practical Text Mining with Perl,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

版权声明:原创作品,允许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出版、作者信息和本声明。否则将追究法律责任。 - topmvp

Provides readers with the methods, algorithms, and means to perform text mining tasks This book is devoted to the fundamentals of text mining using Perl, an open-source programming tool that is freely available via the Internet ( It covers mining ideas from several perspectives--statistics, data mining, linguistics, and information retrieval--and provides readers with the means to successfully complete text mining tasks on their own.

The book begins with an introduction to regular expressions, a text pattern methodology, and quantitative text summaries, all of which are fundamental tools of analyzing text. Then, it builds upon this foundation to explore:

*Probability and texts, including the bag-of-words model
*Information retrieval techniques such as the TF-IDF similarity measure
*Concordance lines and corpus linguistics
*Multivariate techniques such as correlation, principal components analysis, and clustering
*Perl modules, German, and permutation tests

Each chapter is devoted to a single key topic, and the author carefully and thoughtfully introduces mathematical concepts as they arise, allowing readers to learn as they go without having to refer to additional books. The inclusion of numerous exercises and worked-out examples further complements the book's student-friendly format.

Practical Text Mining with Perl is ideal as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in text mining and as a reference for a variety of professionals who are interested in extracting information from text documents.

这篇关于Practical Text Mining with Perl的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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Apple - Text Attribute Programming Topics

本文翻译整理自:Text Attribute Programming Topics(更新日期:2004-02-16

68. Text Justification 给定一个单词数组和一个长度 maxWidth,重新排版单词,使其成为每行恰好有 maxWidth 个字符,且左右两端对齐的文本。 你应该使用“贪心算法”来放置给定的单词;也就是说,尽可能多地往每行中放置单词。必要时可用空格 ’ ’ 填充,使得每行恰好有 maxWidth


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