本文主要是介绍TokenInsight 对话首席——智能法律合约,去中心化的法务、仲裁之路可否行通,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
本次《对话首席》特邀Jur CEO & Co-founder - Alessandro Palombo作为主嘉宾。
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TokenInsight 《对话首席》直播活动已经举办十八期,以下为往期精选,详情请点击阅读:
TokenInsight 对话首席——Staking技术、经济模型和治理思考
TokenInsight 对话首席——Facebook Libra背后共识算法第一作者首次中文平台深度访谈
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TokenInsight 对话首席—— DeFi:是新瓶装旧酒,还是真正的未来金融?
TokenInsight 对话首席——2019年底层公链机会展望
/Section 1:ChainNews Interview/
/ 第一环节:链闻提问 /
ChainNews:The goal of Blockchain legal decentralized system is to become the global go-to dispute resolution system for contracts of any size, and there are typically three layers as the dispute resolution mechanisms.
Q1: How it works and how it decides the value of disputes?
Jur CEO - Alessandro:The value of each dispute is determined by the amount escrowed by each party. Let’s take the example of the Jur Beta Platform. Me and you, we decide to escrow an amount in JUR tokens which is equal to 3,000 USD. This is the value of the contract.
【译文】Jur CEO - Alessandro:每项争议的价值取决于各方托管的金额。我们以Jur Beta平台为例。我们决定托管价值等于3000美金的Jur代币。这是合同的价值。现在,假如你不看好事情的进展,所以你通过质押合同价值的1%来提出争议。初始金额的3000美元是争议的价值。
Now, let’s say you don’t like how things are going, so you open a dispute by staking 1% of the contract value. This initial amount of 30 USD is the value of the dispute. Any other Jur token holder, by voting on this dispute, will increase the value of the dispute.
That’s because voting, on the platform, means to stake JUR tokens on one of the two parties in litigation. The theoretical limit of a single dispute is 1 billion tokens (the maximum number of JUR tokens available). We can’t say, for now, what would be the average value.
Q2: Is there any limitations and what’s the problems and challenges to set up this kind of system?
Jur CEO - Alessandro:
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