Tabs-building blocks

2024-04-14 08:58
文章标签 building blocks tabs

本文主要是介绍Tabs-building blocks,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Tabs in the action bar make it easy to explore and switch between different views or functionalaspects(n.方面面貌方位,方向形势; ) of your app, or to browse categorized data sets.

For details on using gestures to move between tabs, see the Swipe Views pattern.

Scrollable Tabs

Scrolling tab controls can contain a larger number of items than a standard tab control. To navigate to the next/previous view, swipe left or right.

Scrolling tabs in the Play Store app.

Fixed Tabs

Fixed tabs display all items concurrently. To navigate to a different view, touch the tab, or swipe left or right.

Fixed tabs are displayed with equal width, based on the width of the widest tab label. If there is insufficient room to display all tabs, the tab labels themselves will be scrollable. For this reason, fixed tabs are best suited for displaying 3 or fewer tabs.

Tabs in Holo Dark & Light.
Tabs in the Google Play Movies app.

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