The mv command

2024-04-14 08:48
文章标签 command mv

本文主要是介绍The mv command,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

'mv' is a command that we're going to use tomove files around or to rename them. 'mv' sort of has a split-personality 人格分裂 because it serves these two functions at the same time.

'mv' command for renaming files

Let's go back yet again to Tony's file, 'stuff' again. 'stuff' is not a good name for a file just as 'book' isn't a good name for a book. Just imagine: "The number one bestselling book this week is 'Book' by John Author.You should probably re-name this file to something meaningful. I would suggest doing something like this:

mv stuff tonys_jokes

You may have noticed the underscore '_' in the title.It's there because Linux doesn't really like spaces in the file names. You can do it and Linux will accept it but it will put a \\ between the different words.Spaces are sort of 'faux pas' in Linux but not 'verboten'.It would be to your advantage to use '_' between words though.

Moving files with the 'mv' command

Now you can use the 'mv' command to move Tony's jokes into the directory you made to keep his files.

mv tonys_jokes tonyd/

If you do cd tonyd and then ls to* you will see his file there along with 'toms_jokes' and 'tomato_soup_recipe'. (if you have another friend named Tom and you like to cook)

You can also move entire directories with this command. You do not have to use the '-r' option as you did with 'cp'. You would just substitute the file name for a directory name

mv tonyd/ my_friends/

would move the directory 'tonyd' to the directory 'my_friends'.

这篇关于The mv command的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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