1. 队列的定义:
2. 存储结构:
1. 顺序队列:循环队列
队列满的条件:(rear+1) % QueueSize == front,即牺牲空间来判断是否为满队列,如下图的右图所示。
1. 循环队列的定义:
typedef int DATA_TYPE;typedef struct que
{DATA_TYPE *pbase;int front;int rear;int maxSize;
2. 循环队列的创建:
SQE_QUE *Create_Sqe_Queue(int maxSize)
{SQE_QUE *psqe = malloc(sizeof(SQE_QUE));if(psqe == NULL){perror("fail to malloc");return NULL;}psqe->pbase = malloc(maxSize * sizeof(DATA_TYPE));psqe->front = 0;psqe->rear = 0;psqe->maxSize = maxSize;return psqe;
3. 判断循环队列是否为空或满:
int Is_Empty_Sqe_Queue(SQE_QUE *psqe)
{if(psqe->front == psqe->rear){return 1;}return 0;
}int Is_Full_Sqe_Queue(SQE_QUE *psqe)
{if(((psqe->rear + 1) % psqe->maxSize) == psqe->front){return 1;}return 0;
4. 入循环队列:
int Push_Sqe_Queue(SQE_QUE *psqe, DATA_TYPE data)
{if(Is_Full_Sqe_Queue(psqe)){fprintf(stderr, "Queue full!\n");return -1;}else{psqe->pbase[psqe->rear] = data;psqe->rear = (psqe->rear+1) % psqe->maxSize;}return 0;
5. 出循环队列:
int Pop_Sqe_Queue(SQE_QUE *psqe, DATA_TYPE *data)
{if(Is_Empty_Sqe_Queue(psqe)){fprintf(stderr, "Queue Empty!\n");return -1;}else{if(data != NULL){*data = psqe->pbase[psqe->front];}psqe->front = (psqe->front+1) % psqe->maxSize;}return 0;
6. 读取循环队列队头的数据:
int Find_Front_Sqe_Queue(SQE_QUE *psqe, DATA_TYPE *data)
{*data = psqe->pbase[psqe->front];return 0;
7. 清空循环队列:
void Clear_Sqe_Queue(SQE_QUE *psqe)
{psqe->front = psqe->rear = 0;return;
8. 销毁循环队列:
void Destory_Sqe_Queue(SQE_QUE *psqe)
9. 循环队列的遍历(为了方便验证队列是否正确):
void Show_Queue(SQE_QUE *psqe)
{int i = psqe->front;while(i != psqe->rear){printf("%d ", psqe->pbase[i]);i = (i + 1) % psqe->maxSize; }printf("\n");return;
2. 链式队列:
1. 链式队列的定义:
typedef int DATA_TYPE;typedef struct node
{DATA_TYPE data;struct node *pnext;
}QUEUE_NODE;typedef struct list
{QUEUE_NODE *pfront;QUEUE_NODE *preal;int curlen;}QUEUE_LIST;
2. 链式队列句柄的创建:
QUEUE_LIST *Create_Queue_List(void)
{QUEUE_LIST *plist = malloc(sizeof(QUEUE_LIST));if(plist == NULL){perror("fail to malloc");return NULL;}plist->pfront = NULL;plist->preal = NULL;plist->curlen = 0;return plist;
3. 链式队列结点的创建:
QUEUE_NODE *Create_Queue_Node(DATA_TYPE data)
{QUEUE_NODE *pnode = malloc(sizeof(QUEUE_NODE));if(pnode == NULL){perror("fail to malloc");return NULL;}pnode->data = data;pnode->pnext = NULL;return pnode;
4. 入队列(尾插法):
int Is_Empty_Queue(QUEUE_LIST *plist)
{return plist->pfront == NULL;
}int Push_Queue_Link(QUEUE_LIST *plist, QUEUE_NODE *pnode)
{if(plist == NULL || pnode == NULL){return -1;}if(plist->pfront == NULL){plist->pfront = pnode;plist->preal = pnode;}else{plist->preal->pnext = pnode;plist->preal = pnode;}plist->curlen++;return 0;
5. 出队列(头删法):
int Pop_Queue_Link(QUEUE_LIST *plist, DATA_TYPE *data)
{if(Is_Empty_Queue(plist)){return 0;}QUEUE_NODE *ptmp = plist->pfront;if(ptmp->pnext == NULL){plist->pfront = NULL;plist->preal = NULL;if(data != NULL){*data = ptmp->data;}free(ptmp);}else{plist->pfront = ptmp->pnext;if(data != NULL){*data = ptmp->data;}free(ptmp);}plist->curlen--;return 0;
6. 获取链式队列队头的数据:
int Get_Front_Quene(QUEUE_LIST *plist, DATA_TYPE *data)
{if(Is_Empty_Queue(plist)){return 0;}QUEUE_NODE *ptmp = plist->pfront;*data = ptmp->data;return 0;
7. 清空链式队列:
void Clear_Queue(QUEUE_LIST *plist)
{QUEUE_NODE *ptmp = plist->pfront;while(plist->pfront != NULL){Pop_Queue_Link(plist, NULL);}return;
8. 销毁链式队列:
void Destory_Queue(QUEUE_LIST *plist)
9. 链式队列的遍历(为了方便验证队列是否正确):
void Show_Queue(QUEUE_LIST *plist)
{QUEUE_NODE *ptmp = plist->pfront;while(ptmp != NULL){printf("%d ", ptmp->data);ptmp = ptmp->pnext;}printf("\n");return;