
2024-04-10 19:52
文章标签 数据 显示 qt 控件 hex




#ifndef CHUNKS_H
#define CHUNKS_H/** \cond docNever *//*! The Chunks class is the storage backend for QHexEdit.** When QHexEdit loads data, Chunks access them using a QIODevice interface. When the app uses* a QByteArray interface, QBuffer is used to provide again a QIODevice like interface. No data* will be changed, therefore Chunks opens the QIODevice in QIODevice::ReadOnly mode. After every* access Chunks closes the QIODevice, that's why external applications can overwrite files while* QHexEdit shows them.** When the the user starts to edit the data, Chunks creates a local copy of a chunk of data (4* kilobytes) and notes all changes there. Parallel to that chunk, there is a second chunk,* which keep track of which bytes are changed and which not.**/#include <QtCore>struct Chunk
{QByteArray data;QByteArray dataChanged;qint64 absPos;
};class Chunks: public QObject
public:// Constructors and file settingsChunks(QObject *parent);Chunks(QIODevice &ioDevice, QObject *parent);bool setIODevice(QIODevice &ioDevice);// Getting data out of ChunksQByteArray data(qint64 pos=0, qint64 count=-1, QByteArray *highlighted=0);bool write(QIODevice &iODevice, qint64 pos=0, qint64 count=-1);// Set and get highlighting infosvoid setDataChanged(qint64 pos, bool dataChanged);bool dataChanged(qint64 pos);// Search APIqint64 indexOf(const QByteArray &ba, qint64 from);qint64 lastIndexOf(const QByteArray &ba, qint64 from);// Char manipulationsbool insert(qint64 pos, char b);bool overwrite(qint64 pos, char b);bool removeAt(qint64 pos);// Utility functionschar operator[](qint64 pos);qint64 pos();qint64 size();private:int getChunkIndex(qint64 absPos);QIODevice * _ioDevice;qint64 _pos;qint64 _size;QList<Chunk> _chunks;#ifdef MODUL_TEST
public:int chunkSize();
};/** \endcond docNever */#endif // CHUNKS_H


#include "chunks.h"
#include <limits.h>#define NORMAL 0
#define HIGHLIGHTED 1#define BUFFER_SIZE 0x10000
#define CHUNK_SIZE 0x1000
#define READ_CHUNK_MASK Q_INT64_C(0xfffffffffffff000)// ***************************************** Constructors and file settingsChunks::Chunks(QObject *parent): QObject(parent)
{QBuffer *buf = new QBuffer(this);setIODevice(*buf);
}Chunks::Chunks(QIODevice &ioDevice, QObject *parent): QObject(parent)
}bool Chunks::setIODevice(QIODevice &ioDevice)
{_ioDevice = &ioDevice;bool ok = _ioDevice->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);if (ok)   // Try to open IODevice{_size = _ioDevice->size();_ioDevice->close();}else                                        // Fallback is an empty buffer{QBuffer *buf = new QBuffer(this);_ioDevice = buf;_size = 0;}_chunks.clear();_pos = 0;return ok;
}// ***************************************** Getting data out of ChunksQByteArray Chunks::data(qint64 pos, qint64 maxSize, QByteArray *highlighted)
{qint64 ioDelta = 0;int chunkIdx = 0;Chunk chunk;QByteArray buffer;// Do some checks and some arrangementsif (highlighted)highlighted->clear();if (pos >= _size)return buffer;if (maxSize < 0)maxSize = _size;elseif ((pos + maxSize) > _size)maxSize = _size - pos;_ioDevice->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);while (maxSize > 0){chunk.absPos = LLONG_MAX;bool chunksLoopOngoing = true;while ((chunkIdx < _chunks.count()) && chunksLoopOngoing){// In this section, we track changes before our required data and// we take the editdet data, if availible. ioDelta is a difference// counter to justify the read pointer to the original data, if// data in between was deleted or inserted.chunk = _chunks[chunkIdx];if (chunk.absPos > pos)chunksLoopOngoing = false;else{chunkIdx += 1;qint64 count;qint64 chunkOfs = pos - chunk.absPos;if (maxSize > ((qint64)chunk.data.size() - chunkOfs)){count = (qint64)chunk.data.size() - chunkOfs;ioDelta += CHUNK_SIZE - chunk.data.size();}elsecount = maxSize;if (count > 0){buffer += chunk.data.mid(chunkOfs, (int)count);maxSize -= count;pos += count;if (highlighted)*highlighted += chunk.dataChanged.mid(chunkOfs, (int)count);}}}if ((maxSize > 0) && (pos < chunk.absPos)){// In this section, we read data from the original source. This only will// happen, whe no copied data is availableqint64 byteCount;QByteArray readBuffer;if ((chunk.absPos - pos) > maxSize)byteCount = maxSize;elsebyteCount = chunk.absPos - pos;maxSize -= byteCount;_ioDevice->seek(pos + ioDelta);readBuffer = _ioDevice->read(byteCount);buffer += readBuffer;if (highlighted)*highlighted += QByteArray(readBuffer.size(), NORMAL);pos += readBuffer.size();}}_ioDevice->close();return buffer;
}bool Chunks::write(QIODevice &iODevice, qint64 pos, qint64 count)
{if (count == -1)count = _size;bool ok = iODevice.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);if (ok){for (qint64 idx=pos; idx < count; idx += BUFFER_SIZE){QByteArray ba = data(idx, BUFFER_SIZE);iODevice.write(ba);}iODevice.close();}return ok;
}// ***************************************** Set and get highlighting infosvoid Chunks::setDataChanged(qint64 pos, bool dataChanged)
{if ((pos < 0) || (pos >= _size))return;int chunkIdx = getChunkIndex(pos);qint64 posInBa = pos - _chunks[chunkIdx].absPos;_chunks[chunkIdx].dataChanged[(int)posInBa] = char(dataChanged);
}bool Chunks::dataChanged(qint64 pos)
{QByteArray highlighted;data(pos, 1, &highlighted);return bool(highlighted.at(0));
}// ***************************************** Search APIqint64 Chunks::indexOf(const QByteArray &ba, qint64 from)
{qint64 result = -1;QByteArray buffer;for (qint64 pos=from; (pos < _size) && (result < 0); pos += BUFFER_SIZE){buffer = data(pos, BUFFER_SIZE + ba.size() - 1);int findPos = buffer.indexOf(ba);if (findPos >= 0)result = pos + (qint64)findPos;}return result;
}qint64 Chunks::lastIndexOf(const QByteArray &ba, qint64 from)
{qint64 result = -1;QByteArray buffer;for (qint64 pos=from; (pos > 0) && (result < 0); pos -= BUFFER_SIZE){qint64 sPos = pos - BUFFER_SIZE - (qint64)ba.size() + 1;if (sPos < 0)sPos = 0;buffer = data(sPos, pos - sPos);int findPos = buffer.lastIndexOf(ba);if (findPos >= 0)result = sPos + (qint64)findPos;}return result;
}// ***************************************** Char manipulationsbool Chunks::insert(qint64 pos, char b)
{if ((pos < 0) || (pos > _size))return false;int chunkIdx;if (pos == _size)chunkIdx = getChunkIndex(pos-1);elsechunkIdx = getChunkIndex(pos);qint64 posInBa = pos - _chunks[chunkIdx].absPos;_chunks[chunkIdx].data.insert(posInBa, b);_chunks[chunkIdx].dataChanged.insert(posInBa, char(1));for (int idx=chunkIdx+1; idx < _chunks.size(); idx++)_chunks[idx].absPos += 1;_size += 1;_pos = pos;return true;
}bool Chunks::overwrite(qint64 pos, char b)
{if ((pos < 0) || (pos >= _size))return false;int chunkIdx = getChunkIndex(pos);qint64 posInBa = pos - _chunks[chunkIdx].absPos;_chunks[chunkIdx].data[(int)posInBa] = b;_chunks[chunkIdx].dataChanged[(int)posInBa] = char(1);_pos = pos;return true;
}bool Chunks::removeAt(qint64 pos)
{if ((pos < 0) || (pos >= _size))return false;int chunkIdx = getChunkIndex(pos);qint64 posInBa = pos - _chunks[chunkIdx].absPos;_chunks[chunkIdx].data.remove(posInBa, 1);_chunks[chunkIdx].dataChanged.remove(posInBa, 1);for (int idx=chunkIdx+1; idx < _chunks.size(); idx++)_chunks[idx].absPos -= 1;_size -= 1;_pos = pos;return true;
}// ***************************************** Utility functionschar Chunks::operator[](qint64 pos)
{return data(pos, 1)[0];
}qint64 Chunks::pos()
{return _pos;
}qint64 Chunks::size()
{return _size;
}int Chunks::getChunkIndex(qint64 absPos)
{// This routine checks, if there is already a copied chunk available. If os, it// returns a reference to it. If there is no copied chunk available, original// data will be copied into a new chunk.int foundIdx = -1;int insertIdx = 0;qint64 ioDelta = 0;for (int idx=0; idx < _chunks.size(); idx++){Chunk chunk = _chunks[idx];if ((absPos >= chunk.absPos) && (absPos < (chunk.absPos + chunk.data.size()))){foundIdx = idx;break;}if (absPos < chunk.absPos){insertIdx = idx;break;}ioDelta += chunk.data.size() - CHUNK_SIZE;insertIdx = idx + 1;}if (foundIdx == -1){Chunk newChunk;qint64 readAbsPos = absPos - ioDelta;qint64 readPos = (readAbsPos & READ_CHUNK_MASK);_ioDevice->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly);_ioDevice->seek(readPos);newChunk.data = _ioDevice->read(CHUNK_SIZE);_ioDevice->close();newChunk.absPos = absPos - (readAbsPos - readPos);newChunk.dataChanged = QByteArray(newChunk.data.size(), char(0));_chunks.insert(insertIdx, newChunk);foundIdx = insertIdx;}return foundIdx;
}#ifdef MODUL_TEST
int Chunks::chunkSize()
{return _chunks.size();


#ifndef COMMANDS_H
#define COMMANDS_H/** \cond docNever */#include <QUndoStack>#include "chunks.h"/*! CharCommand is a class to provid undo/redo functionality in QHexEdit.
A QUndoCommand represents a single editing action on a document. CharCommand
is responsable for manipulations on single chars. It can insert. overwrite and
remove characters. A manipulation stores allways two actions
1. redo (or do) action
2. undo action.CharCommand also supports command compression via mergeWidht(). This enables
the user to perform an undo command e.g. 3 steps in a single command.
If you for example insert a new byt "34" this means for the editor doing 3
steps: insert a "00", overwrite it with "03" and the overwrite it with "34". These
3 steps are combined into a single step, insert a "34".The byte array oriented commands are just put into a set of single byte commands,
which are pooled together with the macroBegin() and macroEnd() functionality of
Qt's QUndoStack.
*/class UndoStack : public QUndoStack
{Q_OBJECTpublic:UndoStack(Chunks *chunks, QObject * parent=0);void insert(qint64 pos, char c);void insert(qint64 pos, const QByteArray &ba);void removeAt(qint64 pos, qint64 len=1);void overwrite(qint64 pos, char c);void overwrite(qint64 pos, int len, const QByteArray &ba);private:Chunks * _chunks;QObject * _parent;
};/** \endcond docNever */#endif // COMMANDS_H


#include "commands.h"
#include <QUndoCommand>// Helper class to store single byte commands
class CharCommand : public QUndoCommand
public:enum CCmd {insert, removeAt, overwrite};CharCommand(Chunks * chunks, CCmd cmd, qint64 charPos, char newChar,QUndoCommand *parent=0);void undo();void redo();bool mergeWith(const QUndoCommand *command);int id() const { return 1234; }private:Chunks * _chunks;qint64 _charPos;bool _wasChanged;char _newChar;char _oldChar;CCmd _cmd;
};CharCommand::CharCommand(Chunks * chunks, CCmd cmd, qint64 charPos, char newChar, QUndoCommand *parent): QUndoCommand(parent)
{_chunks = chunks;_charPos = charPos;_newChar = newChar;_cmd = cmd;
}bool CharCommand::mergeWith(const QUndoCommand *command)
{const CharCommand *nextCommand = static_cast<const CharCommand *>(command);bool result = false;if (_cmd != CharCommand::removeAt){if (nextCommand->_cmd == overwrite)if (nextCommand->_charPos == _charPos){_newChar = nextCommand->_newChar;result = true;}}return result;
}void CharCommand::undo()
{switch (_cmd){case insert:_chunks->removeAt(_charPos);break;case overwrite:_chunks->overwrite(_charPos, _oldChar);_chunks->setDataChanged(_charPos, _wasChanged);break;case removeAt:_chunks->insert(_charPos, _oldChar);_chunks->setDataChanged(_charPos, _wasChanged);break;}
}void CharCommand::redo()
{switch (_cmd){case insert:_chunks->insert(_charPos, _newChar);break;case overwrite:_oldChar = (*_chunks)[_charPos];_wasChanged = _chunks->dataChanged(_charPos);_chunks->overwrite(_charPos, _newChar);break;case removeAt:_oldChar = (*_chunks)[_charPos];_wasChanged = _chunks->dataChanged(_charPos);_chunks->removeAt(_charPos);break;}
}UndoStack::UndoStack(Chunks * chunks, QObject * parent): QUndoStack(parent)
{_chunks = chunks;_parent = parent;this->setUndoLimit(1000);
}void UndoStack::insert(qint64 pos, char c)
{if ((pos >= 0) && (pos <= _chunks->size())){QUndoCommand *cc = new CharCommand(_chunks, CharCommand::insert, pos, c);this->push(cc);}
}void UndoStack::insert(qint64 pos, const QByteArray &ba)
{if ((pos >= 0) && (pos <= _chunks->size())){QString txt = QString(tr("Inserting %1 bytes")).arg(ba.size());beginMacro(txt);for (int idx=0; idx < ba.size(); idx++){QUndoCommand *cc = new CharCommand(_chunks, CharCommand::insert, pos + idx, ba.at(idx));this->push(cc);}endMacro();}
}void UndoStack::removeAt(qint64 pos, qint64 len)
{if ((pos >= 0) && (pos < _chunks->size())){if (len==1){QUndoCommand *cc = new CharCommand(_chunks, CharCommand::removeAt, pos, char(0));this->push(cc);}else{QString txt = QString(tr("Delete %1 chars")).arg(len);beginMacro(txt);for (qint64 cnt=0; cnt<len; cnt++){QUndoCommand *cc = new CharCommand(_chunks, CharCommand::removeAt, pos, char(0));push(cc);}endMacro();}}
}void UndoStack::overwrite(qint64 pos, char c)
{if ((pos >= 0) && (pos < _chunks->size())){QUndoCommand *cc = new CharCommand(_chunks, CharCommand::overwrite, pos, c);this->push(cc);}
}void UndoStack::overwrite(qint64 pos, int len, const QByteArray &ba)
{if ((pos >= 0) && (pos < _chunks->size())){QString txt = QString(tr("Overwrite %1 chars")).arg(len);beginMacro(txt);removeAt(pos, len);insert(pos, ba);endMacro();}


#ifndef QHEXEDIT_H
#define QHEXEDIT_H#include <QAbstractScrollArea>
#include <QPen>
#include <QBrush>#include "chunks.h"
#include "commands.h"#ifdef QHEXEDIT_EXPORTS
#endif/** \mainpage
QHexEdit is a binary editor widget for Qt.
*//** QHexEdit is a hex editor widget written in C++ for the Qt (Qt4, Qt5) framework.
It is a simple editor for binary data, just like QPlainTextEdit is for text
data. There are sip configuration files included, so it is easy to create
bindings for PyQt and you can use this widget also in python 2 and 3.QHexEdit takes the data of a QByteArray (setData()) and shows it. You can use
the mouse or the keyboard to navigate inside the widget. If you hit the keys
(0..9, a..f) you will change the data. Changed data is highlighted and can be
accessed via data().Normally QHexEdit works in the overwrite mode. You can set overwrite mode(false)
and insert data. In this case the size of data() increases. It is also possible
to delete bytes (del or backspace), here the size of data decreases.You can select data with keyboard hits or mouse movements. The copy-key will
copy the selected data into the clipboard. The cut-key copies also but deletes
it afterwards. In overwrite mode, the paste function overwrites the content of
the (does not change the length) data. In insert mode, clipboard data will be
inserted. The clipboard content is expected in ASCII Hex notation. Unknown
characters will be ignored.QHexEdit comes with undo/redo functionality. All changes can be undone, by
pressing the undo-key (usually ctr-z). They can also be redone afterwards.
The undo/redo framework is cleared, when setData() sets up a new
content for the editor. You can search data inside the content with indexOf()
and lastIndexOf(). The replace() function is to change located subdata. This
'replaced' data can also be undone by the undo/redo framework.QHexEdit is based on QIODevice, that's why QHexEdit can handle big amounts of
data. The size of edited data can be more then two gigabytes without any
*/class QHEXEDIT_API QHexEdit : public QAbstractScrollArea
{Q_OBJECT/*! Property address area switch the address area on or off. Set addressArea true(show it), false (hide it).*/Q_PROPERTY(bool addressArea READ addressArea WRITE setAddressArea)/*! Property address area color sets (setAddressAreaColor()) the backgroundcolor of address areas. You can also read the color (addressAreaColor()).*/Q_PROPERTY(QColor addressAreaColor READ addressAreaColor WRITE setAddressAreaColor)/*! Property addressOffset is added to the Numbers of the Address Area.A offset in the address area (left side) is sometimes useful, whe you showonly a segment of a complete memory picture. With setAddressOffset() you setthis property - with addressOffset() you get the current value.*/Q_PROPERTY(qint64 addressOffset READ addressOffset WRITE setAddressOffset)/*! Set and get the minimum width of the address area, width in characters.*/Q_PROPERTY(int addressWidth READ addressWidth WRITE setAddressWidth)/*! Switch the ascii area on (true, show it) or off (false, hide it).*/Q_PROPERTY(bool asciiArea READ asciiArea WRITE setAsciiArea)/*! Set and get bytes number per line.*/Q_PROPERTY(int bytesPerLine READ bytesPerLine WRITE setBytesPerLine)/*! Property cursorPosition sets or gets the position of the editor cursorin QHexEdit. Every byte in data has two cursor positions: the lower and upperNibble. Maximum cursor position is factor two of data.size().*/Q_PROPERTY(qint64 cursorPosition READ cursorPosition WRITE setCursorPosition)/*! Property data holds the content of QHexEdit. Call setData() to set thecontent of QHexEdit, data() returns the actual content. When calling setData()with a QByteArray as argument, QHexEdit creates a internal copy of the dataIf you want to edit big files please use setData(), based on QIODevice.*/Q_PROPERTY(QByteArray data READ data WRITE setData NOTIFY dataChanged)/*! That property defines if the hex values looks as a-f if the value is false(default)or A-F if value is true.*/Q_PROPERTY(bool hexCaps READ hexCaps WRITE setHexCaps)/*! Property defines the dynamic calculation of bytesPerLine parameter depends of width of widget.set this property true to avoid horizontal scrollbars and show the maximal possible data. defalut value is false*/Q_PROPERTY(bool dynamicBytesPerLine READ dynamicBytesPerLine WRITE setDynamicBytesPerLine)/*! Switch the highlighting feature on or of: true (show it), false (hide it).*/Q_PROPERTY(bool highlighting READ highlighting WRITE setHighlighting)/*! Property highlighting color sets (setHighlightingColor()) the backgroundcolor of highlighted text areas. You can also read the color(highlightingColor()).*/Q_PROPERTY(QColor highlightingColor READ highlightingColor WRITE setHighlightingColor)/*! Property overwrite mode sets (setOverwriteMode()) or gets (overwriteMode()) the modein which the editor works. In overwrite mode the user will overwrite existing data. Thesize of data will be constant. In insert mode the size will grow, when insertingnew data.*/Q_PROPERTY(bool overwriteMode READ overwriteMode WRITE setOverwriteMode)/*! Property selection color sets (setSelectionColor()) the backgroundcolor of selected text areas. You can also read the color(selectionColor()).*/Q_PROPERTY(QColor selectionColor READ selectionColor WRITE setSelectionColor)/*! Property readOnly sets (setReadOnly()) or gets (isReadOnly) the modein which the editor works. In readonly mode the the user can only navigatethrough the data and select data; modifying is not possible. Thisproperty's default is false.*/Q_PROPERTY(bool readOnly READ isReadOnly WRITE setReadOnly)/*! Set the font of the widget. Please use fixed width fonts like Mono or Courier.*/Q_PROPERTY(QFont font READ font WRITE setFont)public:/*! Creates an instance of QHexEdit.\param parent Parent widget of QHexEdit.*/QHexEdit(QWidget *parent=0);// Access to data of qhexedit/*! Sets the data of QHexEdit. The QIODevice will be opened just before readingand closed immediately afterwards. This is to allow other programs to rewritethe file while editing it.*/bool setData(QIODevice &iODevice);/*! Gives back the data as a QByteArray starting at position \param pos anddelivering \param count bytes.*/QByteArray dataAt(qint64 pos, qint64 count=-1);/*! Gives back the data into a \param iODevice starting at position \param posand delivering \param count bytes.*/bool write(QIODevice &iODevice, qint64 pos=0, qint64 count=-1);// Char handling/*! Inserts a char.\param pos Index position, where to insert\param ch Char, which is to insertThe char will be inserted and size of data grows.*/void insert(qint64 pos, char ch);/*! Removes len bytes from the content.\param pos Index position, where to remove\param len Amount of bytes to remove*/void remove(qint64 pos, qint64 len=1);/*! Replaces a char.\param pos Index position, where to overwrite\param ch Char, which is to insertThe char will be overwritten and size remains constant.*/void replace(qint64 pos, char ch);// ByteArray handling/*! Inserts a byte array.\param pos Index position, where to insert\param ba QByteArray, which is to insertThe QByteArray will be inserted and size of data grows.*/void insert(qint64 pos, const QByteArray &ba);/*! Replaces \param len bytes with a byte array \param ba\param pos Index position, where to overwrite\param ba QByteArray, which is inserted\param len count of bytes to overwriteThe data is overwritten and size of data may change.*/void replace(qint64 pos, qint64 len, const QByteArray &ba);// Utility functions/*! Calc cursor position from graphics position* \param point from where the cursor position should be calculated* \return Cursor position*/qint64 cursorPosition(QPoint point);/*! Ensure the cursor to be visbile*/void ensureVisible();/*! Find first occurrence of ba in QHexEdit data* \param ba Data to find* \param from Point where the search starts* \return pos if fond, else -1*/qint64 indexOf(const QByteArray &ba, qint64 from);/*! Returns if any changes where done on document* \return true when document is modified else false*/bool isModified();/*! Find last occurrence of ba in QHexEdit data* \param ba Data to find* \param from Point where the search starts* \return pos if fond, else -1*/qint64 lastIndexOf(const QByteArray &ba, qint64 from);/*! Gives back a formatted image of the selected content of QHexEdit*/QString selectionToReadableString();/*! Return the selected content of QHexEdit as QByteArray*/QString selectedData();/*! Set Font of QHexEdit* \param font*/void setFont(const QFont &font);/*! Gives back a formatted image of the content of QHexEdit*/QString toReadableString();public slots:/*! Redoes the last operation. If there is no operation to redo, i.e.there is no redo step in the undo/redo history, nothing happens.*/void redo();/*! Undoes the last operation. If there is no operation to undo, i.e.there is no undo step in the undo/redo history, nothing happens.*/void undo();signals:/*! Contains the address, where the cursor is located. */void currentAddressChanged(qint64 address);/*! Contains the size of the data to edit. */void currentSizeChanged(qint64 size);/*! The signal is emitted every time, the data is changed. */void dataChanged();/*! The signal is emitted every time, the overwrite mode is changed. */void overwriteModeChanged(bool state);/*! \cond docNever */
public:~QHexEdit();// Propertiesbool addressArea();void setAddressArea(bool addressArea);QColor addressAreaColor();void setAddressAreaColor(const QColor &color);QColor addressAreaPenColor();void setAddressAreaPenColor(const QColor& color);QColor dataAreaPenColor();void setDataAreaPenColor(const QColor& color);qint64 addressOffset();void setAddressOffset(qint64 addressArea);int addressWidth();void setAddressWidth(int addressWidth);bool asciiArea();void setAsciiArea(bool asciiArea);int bytesPerLine();void setBytesPerLine(int count);qint64 cursorPosition();void setCursorPosition(qint64 position);QByteArray data();void setData(const QByteArray &ba);void appenData(const QByteArray &ba);void setHexCaps(const bool isCaps);bool hexCaps();void setDynamicBytesPerLine(const bool isDynamic);bool dynamicBytesPerLine();bool highlighting();void setHighlighting(bool mode);QColor highlightingColor();void setHighlightingColor(const QColor &color);bool overwriteMode();void setOverwriteMode(bool overwriteMode);bool isReadOnly();void setReadOnly(bool readOnly);QColor selectionColor();void setSelectionColor(const QColor &color);protected:// Handle eventsvoid keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * event);void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * event);void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);virtual bool focusNextPrevChild(bool next);private:// Handle selectionsvoid resetSelection(qint64 pos);            // set selectionStart and selectionEnd to posvoid resetSelection();                      // set selectionEnd to selectionStartvoid setSelection(qint64 pos);              // set min (if below init) or max (if greater init)qint64 getSelectionBegin();qint64 getSelectionEnd();// Private utility functionsvoid init();void readBuffers();QString toReadable(const QByteArray &ba);private slots:void adjust();                              // recalc pixel positionsvoid dataChangedPrivate(int idx=0);         // emit dataChanged() signalvoid refresh();                             // ensureVisible() and readBuffers()void updateCursor();                        // update blinking cursorprivate:// Name convention: pixel positions start with _pxint _pxCharWidth, _pxCharHeight;            // char dimensions (dependend on font)int _pxPosHexX;                             // X-Pos of HeaxAreaint _pxPosAdrX;                             // X-Pos of Address Areaint _pxPosAsciiX;                           // X-Pos of Ascii Areaint _pxGapAdr;                              // gap left from AddressAreaint _pxGapAdrHex;                           // gap between AddressArea and HexAereaint _pxGapHexAscii;                         // gap between HexArea and AsciiAreaint _pxCursorWidth;                         // cursor widthint _pxSelectionSub;                        // offset selection rectint _pxCursorX;                             // current cursor posint _pxCursorY;                             // current cursor pos// Name convention: absolute byte positions in chunks start with _bqint64 _bSelectionBegin;                    // first position of Selectionqint64 _bSelectionEnd;                      // end of Selectionqint64 _bSelectionInit;                     // memory position of Selectionqint64 _bPosFirst;                          // position of first byte shownqint64 _bPosLast;                           // position of last byte shownqint64 _bPosCurrent;                        // current position// variables to store the property valuesbool _addressArea;                          // left area of QHexEditQColor _addressAreaColor;QColor _addressAreaPenColor;QColor _dataAreaPenColor;int _addressWidth;bool _asciiArea;qint64 _addressOffset;int _bytesPerLine;int _hexCharsInLine;bool _highlighting;bool _overwriteMode;QBrush _brushSelection;QPen _penSelection;QBrush _brushHighlighted;QPen _penHighlighted;bool _readOnly;bool _hexCaps;bool _dynamicBytesPerLine;// other variablesbool _editAreaIsAscii;                      // flag about the ascii mode editedint _addrDigits;                            // real no of addressdigits, may be > addressWidthbool _blink;                                // help get cursor blinkingQBuffer _bData;                             // buffer, when setup with QByteArrayChunks *_chunks;                            // IODevice based access to dataQTimer _cursorTimer;                        // for blinking cursorqint64 _cursorPosition;                     // absolute position of cursor, 1 Byte == 2 ticsQRect _cursorRect;                          // physical dimensions of cursorQByteArray _data;                           // QHexEdit's data, when setup with QByteArrayQByteArray _dataShown;                      // data in the current ViewQByteArray _hexDataShown;                   // data in view, transformed to hexqint64 _lastEventSize;                      // size, which was emitted last timeQByteArray _markedShown;                    // marked data in viewbool _modified;                             // Is any data in editor modified?int _rowsShown;                             // lines of text shownUndoStack * _undoStack;                     // Stack to store edit actions for undo/redo/*! \endcond docNever */
};#endif // QHEXEDIT_H


#include <QApplication>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QScrollBar>#include "qhexedit.h"
#include <algorithm>QHexEdit::QHexEdit(QWidget *parent) : QAbstractScrollArea(parent)
{_addressArea = true;_addressWidth = 4;_asciiArea = true;_overwriteMode = true;_highlighting = true;_readOnly = false;_cursorPosition = 0;_lastEventSize = 0;_hexCharsInLine = 47;_bytesPerLine = 16;_editAreaIsAscii = false;_hexCaps = true;_dynamicBytesPerLine = false;_chunks = new Chunks(this);_undoStack = new UndoStack(_chunks, this);#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32setFont(QFont("Courier", 10, 75));
#elsesetFont(QFont("Monospace", 10));
#endifsetAddressAreaColor(this->palette().alternateBase().color());setHighlightingColor(QColor(0xff, 0xff, 0x99, 0xff));setSelectionColor(this->palette().highlight().color());connect(&_cursorTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateCursor()));connect(verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(adjust()));connect(horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(adjust()));connect(_undoStack, SIGNAL(indexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(dataChangedPrivate(int)));_cursorTimer.setInterval(500);_cursorTimer.start();setAddressWidth(4);setAddressArea(true);setAsciiArea(true);setOverwriteMode(true);setHighlighting(true);setReadOnly(false);init();
{}// ********************************************************************** Propertiesvoid QHexEdit::setAddressArea(bool addressArea)
{_addressArea = addressArea;adjust();setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition);viewport()->update();
}bool QHexEdit::addressArea()
{return _addressArea;
}void QHexEdit::setAddressAreaColor(const QColor &color)
{_addressAreaColor = color;viewport()->update();
}QColor QHexEdit::addressAreaPenColor()
{return _addressAreaPenColor;
}void QHexEdit::setAddressAreaPenColor(const QColor &color)
{_addressAreaPenColor = color;viewport()->update();
}QColor QHexEdit::dataAreaPenColor()
{return _dataAreaPenColor;
}void QHexEdit::setDataAreaPenColor(const QColor &color)
{_dataAreaPenColor = color;viewport()->update();
}QColor QHexEdit::addressAreaColor()
{return _addressAreaColor;
}void QHexEdit::setAddressOffset(qint64 addressOffset)
{_addressOffset = addressOffset;adjust();setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition);viewport()->update();
}qint64 QHexEdit::addressOffset()
{return _addressOffset;
}void QHexEdit::setAddressWidth(int addressWidth)
{_addressWidth = addressWidth;adjust();setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition);viewport()->update();
}int QHexEdit::addressWidth()
{qint64 size = _chunks->size();int n = 1;if (size > Q_INT64_C(0x100000000)){ n += 8; size /= Q_INT64_C(0x100000000);}if (size > 0x10000){ n += 4; size /= 0x10000;}if (size > 0x100){ n += 2; size /= 0x100;}if (size > 0x10){ n += 1;}if (n > _addressWidth)return n;elsereturn _addressWidth;
}void QHexEdit::setAsciiArea(bool asciiArea)
{if (!asciiArea)_editAreaIsAscii = false;_asciiArea = asciiArea;adjust();setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition);viewport()->update();
}bool QHexEdit::asciiArea()
{return _asciiArea;
}void QHexEdit::setBytesPerLine(int count)
{_bytesPerLine = count;_hexCharsInLine = count * 3 - 1;adjust();setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition);viewport()->update();
}int QHexEdit::bytesPerLine()
{return _bytesPerLine;
}void QHexEdit::setCursorPosition(qint64 position)
{// 1. delete old cursor_blink = false;viewport()->update(_cursorRect);// 2. Check, if cursor in range?if (position > (_chunks->size() * 2 - 1))position = _chunks->size() * 2  - (_overwriteMode ? 1 : 0);if (position < 0)position = 0;// 3. Calc new position of cursor_bPosCurrent = position / 2;_pxCursorY = ((position / 2 - _bPosFirst) / _bytesPerLine + 1) * _pxCharHeight;int x = (position % (2 * _bytesPerLine));if (_editAreaIsAscii){_pxCursorX = x / 2 * _pxCharWidth + _pxPosAsciiX;_cursorPosition = position & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE;}else{_pxCursorX = (((x / 2) * 3) + (x % 2)) * _pxCharWidth + _pxPosHexX;_cursorPosition = position;}if (_overwriteMode)_cursorRect = QRect(_pxCursorX - horizontalScrollBar()->value(), _pxCursorY + _pxCursorWidth, _pxCharWidth, _pxCursorWidth);else_cursorRect = QRect(_pxCursorX - horizontalScrollBar()->value(), _pxCursorY - _pxCharHeight + 4, _pxCursorWidth, _pxCharHeight);// 4. Immediately draw new cursor_blink = true;viewport()->update(_cursorRect);emit currentAddressChanged(_bPosCurrent);
}qint64 QHexEdit::cursorPosition(QPoint pos)
{// Calc cursor position depending on a graphical positionqint64 result = -1;int posX = pos.x() + horizontalScrollBar()->value();int posY = pos.y() - 3;if ((posX >= _pxPosHexX) && (posX < (_pxPosHexX + (1 + _hexCharsInLine) * _pxCharWidth))){_editAreaIsAscii = false;int x = (posX - _pxPosHexX) / _pxCharWidth;x = (x / 3) * 2 + x % 3;int y = (posY / _pxCharHeight) * 2 * _bytesPerLine;result = _bPosFirst * 2 + x + y;}elseif (_asciiArea && (posX >= _pxPosAsciiX) && (posX < (_pxPosAsciiX + (1 + _bytesPerLine) * _pxCharWidth))){_editAreaIsAscii = true;int x = 2 * (posX - _pxPosAsciiX) / _pxCharWidth;int y = (posY / _pxCharHeight) * 2 * _bytesPerLine;result = _bPosFirst * 2 + x + y;}return result;
}qint64 QHexEdit::cursorPosition()
{return _cursorPosition;
}void QHexEdit::setData(const QByteArray &ba)
{_data = ba;_bData.setData(_data);setData(_bData);
}void QHexEdit::appenData(const QByteArray &ba)
}QByteArray QHexEdit::data()
{return _chunks->data(0, -1);
}void QHexEdit::setHighlighting(bool highlighting)
{_highlighting = highlighting;viewport()->update();
}bool QHexEdit::highlighting()
{return _highlighting;
}void QHexEdit::setHighlightingColor(const QColor &color)
{_brushHighlighted = QBrush(color);_penHighlighted = QPen(viewport()->palette().color(QPalette::WindowText));viewport()->update();
}QColor QHexEdit::highlightingColor()
{return _brushHighlighted.color();
}void QHexEdit::setOverwriteMode(bool overwriteMode)
{_overwriteMode = overwriteMode;emit overwriteModeChanged(overwriteMode);
}bool QHexEdit::overwriteMode()
{return _overwriteMode;
}void QHexEdit::setSelectionColor(const QColor &color)
{_brushSelection = QBrush(color);_penSelection = QPen(Qt::white);viewport()->update();
}QColor QHexEdit::selectionColor()
{return _brushSelection.color();
}bool QHexEdit::isReadOnly()
{return _readOnly;
}void QHexEdit::setReadOnly(bool readOnly)
{_readOnly = readOnly;
}void QHexEdit::setHexCaps(const bool isCaps)
{if (_hexCaps != isCaps){_hexCaps = isCaps;viewport()->update();}
}bool QHexEdit::hexCaps()
{return _hexCaps;
}void QHexEdit::setDynamicBytesPerLine(const bool isDynamic)
{_dynamicBytesPerLine = isDynamic;resizeEvent(NULL);
}bool QHexEdit::dynamicBytesPerLine()
{return _dynamicBytesPerLine;
}// ********************************************************************** Access to data of qhexedit
bool QHexEdit::setData(QIODevice &iODevice)
{bool ok = _chunks->setIODevice(iODevice);init();dataChangedPrivate();return ok;
}QByteArray QHexEdit::dataAt(qint64 pos, qint64 count)
{return _chunks->data(pos, count);
}bool QHexEdit::write(QIODevice &iODevice, qint64 pos, qint64 count)
{return _chunks->write(iODevice, pos, count);
}// ********************************************************************** Char handling
void QHexEdit::insert(qint64 index, char ch)
{_undoStack->insert(index, ch);refresh();
}void QHexEdit::remove(qint64 index, qint64 len)
{_undoStack->removeAt(index, len);refresh();
}void QHexEdit::replace(qint64 index, char ch)
{_undoStack->overwrite(index, ch);refresh();
}// ********************************************************************** ByteArray handling
void QHexEdit::insert(qint64 pos, const QByteArray &ba)
{_undoStack->insert(pos, ba);refresh();
}void QHexEdit::replace(qint64 pos, qint64 len, const QByteArray &ba)
{_undoStack->overwrite(pos, len, ba);refresh();
}// ********************************************************************** Utility functions
void QHexEdit::ensureVisible()
{if (_cursorPosition < (_bPosFirst * 2))verticalScrollBar()->setValue((int)(_cursorPosition / 2 / _bytesPerLine));if (_cursorPosition > ((_bPosFirst + (_rowsShown - 1)*_bytesPerLine) * 2))verticalScrollBar()->setValue((int)(_cursorPosition / 2 / _bytesPerLine) - _rowsShown + 1);if (_pxCursorX < horizontalScrollBar()->value())horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(_pxCursorX);if ((_pxCursorX + _pxCharWidth) > (horizontalScrollBar()->value() + viewport()->width()))horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(_pxCursorX + _pxCharWidth - viewport()->width());viewport()->update();
}qint64 QHexEdit::indexOf(const QByteArray &ba, qint64 from)
{qint64 pos = _chunks->indexOf(ba, from);if (pos > -1){qint64 curPos = pos*2;setCursorPosition(curPos + ba.length()*2);resetSelection(curPos);setSelection(curPos + ba.length()*2);ensureVisible();}return pos;
}bool QHexEdit::isModified()
{return _modified;
}qint64 QHexEdit::lastIndexOf(const QByteArray &ba, qint64 from)
{qint64 pos = _chunks->lastIndexOf(ba, from);if (pos > -1){qint64 curPos = pos*2;setCursorPosition(curPos - 1);resetSelection(curPos);setSelection(curPos + ba.length()*2);ensureVisible();}return pos;
}void QHexEdit::redo()
{_undoStack->redo();setCursorPosition(_chunks->pos()*(_editAreaIsAscii ? 1 : 2));refresh();
}QString QHexEdit::selectionToReadableString()
{QByteArray ba = _chunks->data(getSelectionBegin(), getSelectionEnd() - getSelectionBegin());return toReadable(ba);
}QString QHexEdit::selectedData()
{QByteArray ba = _chunks->data(getSelectionBegin(), getSelectionEnd() - getSelectionBegin()).toHex();return ba;
}void QHexEdit::setFont(const QFont &font)
{QFont theFont(font);theFont.setStyleHint(QFont::Monospace);QWidget::setFont(theFont);QFontMetrics metrics = fontMetrics();#if QT_VERSION > QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 11, 0)_pxCharWidth = metrics.horizontalAdvance(QLatin1Char('2'));
#else_pxCharWidth = metrics.width(QLatin1Char('2'));
#endif_pxCharHeight   = metrics.height();_pxGapAdr       = _pxCharWidth / 2;_pxGapAdrHex    = _pxCharWidth;_pxGapHexAscii  = 2 * _pxCharWidth;_pxCursorWidth  = _pxCharHeight / 7;_pxSelectionSub = _pxCharHeight / 5;viewport()->update();
}QString QHexEdit::toReadableString()
{QByteArray ba = _chunks->data();return toReadable(ba);
}void QHexEdit::undo()
{_undoStack->undo();setCursorPosition(_chunks->pos()*(_editAreaIsAscii ? 1 : 2));refresh();
}// ********************************************************************** Handle events
void QHexEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
{// Cursor movementsif (event->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToNextChar)){qint64 pos = _cursorPosition + 1;if (_editAreaIsAscii)pos += 1;setCursorPosition(pos);resetSelection(pos);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToPreviousChar)){qint64 pos = _cursorPosition - 1;if (_editAreaIsAscii)pos -= 1;setCursorPosition(pos);resetSelection(pos);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToEndOfLine)){qint64 pos = _cursorPosition - (_cursorPosition % (2 * _bytesPerLine)) + (2 * _bytesPerLine) - 1;setCursorPosition(pos);resetSelection(_cursorPosition);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToStartOfLine)){qint64 pos = _cursorPosition - (_cursorPosition % (2 * _bytesPerLine));setCursorPosition(pos);resetSelection(_cursorPosition);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToPreviousLine)){setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition - (2 * _bytesPerLine));resetSelection(_cursorPosition);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToNextLine)){setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition + (2 * _bytesPerLine));resetSelection(_cursorPosition);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToNextPage)){setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition + (((_rowsShown - 1) * 2 * _bytesPerLine)));resetSelection(_cursorPosition);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToPreviousPage)){setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition - (((_rowsShown - 1) * 2 * _bytesPerLine)));resetSelection(_cursorPosition);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToEndOfDocument)){setCursorPosition(_chunks->size() * 2 );resetSelection(_cursorPosition);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::MoveToStartOfDocument)){setCursorPosition(0);resetSelection(_cursorPosition);}// Select commandsif (event->matches(QKeySequence::SelectAll)){resetSelection(0);setSelection(2 * _chunks->size() + 1);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::SelectNextChar)){qint64 pos = _cursorPosition + 1;if (_editAreaIsAscii)pos += 1;setCursorPosition(pos);setSelection(pos);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::SelectPreviousChar)){qint64 pos = _cursorPosition - 1;if (_editAreaIsAscii)pos -= 1;setSelection(pos);setCursorPosition(pos);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::SelectEndOfLine)){qint64 pos = _cursorPosition - (_cursorPosition % (2 * _bytesPerLine)) + (2 * _bytesPerLine) - 1;setCursorPosition(pos);setSelection(pos);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::SelectStartOfLine)){qint64 pos = _cursorPosition - (_cursorPosition % (2 * _bytesPerLine));setCursorPosition(pos);setSelection(pos);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::SelectPreviousLine)){qint64 pos = _cursorPosition - (2 * _bytesPerLine);setCursorPosition(pos);setSelection(pos);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::SelectNextLine)){qint64 pos = _cursorPosition + (2 * _bytesPerLine);setCursorPosition(pos);setSelection(pos);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::SelectNextPage)){qint64 pos = _cursorPosition + (((viewport()->height() / _pxCharHeight) - 1) * 2 * _bytesPerLine);setCursorPosition(pos);setSelection(pos);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::SelectPreviousPage)){qint64 pos = _cursorPosition - (((viewport()->height() / _pxCharHeight) - 1) * 2 * _bytesPerLine);setCursorPosition(pos);setSelection(pos);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::SelectEndOfDocument)){qint64 pos = _chunks->size() * 2;setCursorPosition(pos);setSelection(pos);}if (event->matches(QKeySequence::SelectStartOfDocument)){qint64 pos = 0;setCursorPosition(pos);setSelection(pos);}// Edit Commandsif (!_readOnly){/* Cut */if (event->matches(QKeySequence::Cut)){QByteArray ba = _chunks->data(getSelectionBegin(), getSelectionEnd() - getSelectionBegin()).toHex();for (qint64 idx = 32; idx < ba.size(); idx +=33)ba.insert(idx, "\n");QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();clipboard->setText(ba);if (_overwriteMode){qint64 len = getSelectionEnd() - getSelectionBegin();replace(getSelectionBegin(), (int)len, QByteArray((int)len, char(0)));}else{remove(getSelectionBegin(), getSelectionEnd() - getSelectionBegin());}setCursorPosition(2 * getSelectionBegin());resetSelection(2 * getSelectionBegin());} else/* Paste */if (event->matches(QKeySequence::Paste)){QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();QByteArray ba = QByteArray().fromHex(clipboard->text().toLatin1());if (_overwriteMode){ba = ba.left(std::min<qint64>(ba.size(), (_chunks->size() - _bPosCurrent)));replace(_bPosCurrent, ba.size(), ba);}elseinsert(_bPosCurrent, ba);setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition + 2 * ba.size());resetSelection(getSelectionBegin());} else/* Delete char */if (event->matches(QKeySequence::Delete)){if (getSelectionBegin() != getSelectionEnd()){_bPosCurrent = getSelectionBegin();if (_overwriteMode){QByteArray ba = QByteArray(getSelectionEnd() - getSelectionBegin(), char(0));replace(_bPosCurrent, ba.size(), ba);}else{remove(_bPosCurrent, getSelectionEnd() - getSelectionBegin());}}else{if (_overwriteMode)replace(_bPosCurrent, char(0));elseremove(_bPosCurrent, 1);}setCursorPosition(2 * _bPosCurrent);resetSelection(2 * _bPosCurrent);} else/* Backspace */if ((event->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace) && (event->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier)){if (getSelectionBegin() != getSelectionEnd()){_bPosCurrent = getSelectionBegin();setCursorPosition(2 * _bPosCurrent);if (_overwriteMode){QByteArray ba = QByteArray(getSelectionEnd() - getSelectionBegin(), char(0));replace(_bPosCurrent, ba.size(), ba);}else{remove(_bPosCurrent, getSelectionEnd() - getSelectionBegin());}resetSelection(2 * _bPosCurrent);}else{bool behindLastByte = false;if ((_cursorPosition / 2) == _chunks->size())behindLastByte = true;_bPosCurrent -= 1;if (_overwriteMode)replace(_bPosCurrent, char(0));elseremove(_bPosCurrent, 1);if (!behindLastByte)_bPosCurrent -= 1;setCursorPosition(2 * _bPosCurrent);resetSelection(2 * _bPosCurrent);}} else/* undo */if (event->matches(QKeySequence::Undo)){undo();} else/* redo */if (event->matches(QKeySequence::Redo)){redo();} elseif ((QApplication::keyboardModifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) ||(QApplication::keyboardModifiers() == Qt::KeypadModifier) ||(QApplication::keyboardModifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) ||(QApplication::keyboardModifiers() == (Qt::AltModifier | Qt::ControlModifier)) ||(QApplication::keyboardModifiers() == Qt::GroupSwitchModifier)){/* Hex and ascii input */int key;if (_editAreaIsAscii)key = (uchar)event->text()[0].toLatin1();elsekey = int(event->text()[0].toLower().toLatin1());if ((((key >= '0' && key <= '9') || (key >= 'a' && key <= 'f')) && _editAreaIsAscii == false)|| (key >= ' ' && _editAreaIsAscii)){if (getSelectionBegin() != getSelectionEnd()){if (_overwriteMode){qint64 len = getSelectionEnd() - getSelectionBegin();replace(getSelectionBegin(), (int)len, QByteArray((int)len, char(0)));} else{remove(getSelectionBegin(), getSelectionEnd() - getSelectionBegin());_bPosCurrent = getSelectionBegin();}setCursorPosition(2 * _bPosCurrent);resetSelection(2 * _bPosCurrent);}// If insert mode, then insert a byteif (_overwriteMode == false)if ((_cursorPosition % 2) == 0)insert(_bPosCurrent, char(0));// Change contentif (_chunks->size() > 0){char ch = key;if (!_editAreaIsAscii){QByteArray hexValue = _chunks->data(_bPosCurrent, 1).toHex();if ((_cursorPosition % 2) == 0)hexValue[0] = key;elsehexValue[1] = key;ch = QByteArray().fromHex(hexValue)[0];}replace(_bPosCurrent, ch);if (_editAreaIsAscii)setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition + 2);elsesetCursorPosition(_cursorPosition + 1);resetSelection(_cursorPosition);}}}}/* Copy */if (event->matches(QKeySequence::Copy)){QByteArray ba = _chunks->data(getSelectionBegin(), getSelectionEnd() - getSelectionBegin()).toHex();for (qint64 idx = 32; idx < ba.size(); idx +=33)ba.insert(idx, "\n");QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();clipboard->setText(ba);}// Switch between insert/overwrite modeif ((event->key() == Qt::Key_Insert) && (event->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier)){setOverwriteMode(!overwriteMode());setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition);}// switch from hex to ascii editif (event->key() == Qt::Key_Tab && !_editAreaIsAscii){_editAreaIsAscii = true;setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition);}// switch from ascii to hex editif (event->key() == Qt::Key_Backtab  && _editAreaIsAscii){_editAreaIsAscii = false;setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition);}refresh();QAbstractScrollArea::keyPressEvent(event);
}void QHexEdit::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * event)
{_blink = false;viewport()->update();qint64 actPos = cursorPosition(event->pos());if (actPos >= 0){setCursorPosition(actPos);setSelection(actPos);}
}void QHexEdit::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * event)
{_blink = false;viewport()->update();qint64 cPos = cursorPosition(event->pos());if (cPos >= 0){if (event->button() != Qt::RightButton)resetSelection(cPos);setCursorPosition(cPos);}
}void QHexEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
{QPainter painter(viewport());auto oldPen = painter.pen();oldPen.setColor(_dataAreaPenColor);painter.setPen(oldPen);int pxOfsX = horizontalScrollBar()->value();if (event->rect() != _cursorRect){int pxPosStartY = _pxCharHeight;// draw some patterns if neededpainter.fillRect(event->rect(), viewport()->palette().color(QPalette::Base));if (_addressArea)painter.fillRect(QRect(-pxOfsX, event->rect().top(), _pxPosHexX - _pxGapAdrHex/2, height()), _addressAreaColor);/*if (_asciiArea){int linePos = _pxPosAsciiX - (_pxGapHexAscii / 2);painter.setPen(Qt::gray);painter.drawLine(linePos - pxOfsX, event->rect().top(), linePos - pxOfsX, height());}*/painter.setPen(viewport()->palette().color(QPalette::WindowText));// paint address areaif (_addressArea){QString address;oldPen.setColor(_addressAreaPenColor);painter.setPen(oldPen);for (int row=0, pxPosY = _pxCharHeight*2; row <= (_dataShown.size()/_bytesPerLine); row++, pxPosY +=_pxCharHeight){address = QString("%1").arg(_bPosFirst + row*_bytesPerLine + _addressOffset, _addrDigits, 16, QChar('0'));painter.drawText(_pxPosAdrX - pxOfsX, pxPosY, hexCaps() ? address.toUpper() : address);}}// paint hex and ascii areaoldPen.setColor(_dataAreaPenColor);painter.setPen(oldPen);QPen colStandard = QPen(viewport()->palette().color(QPalette::WindowText));painter.setBackgroundMode(Qt::TransparentMode);int pxPosX1 = _pxPosHexX  - pxOfsX;for (int i = 0, pxPosY = pxPosStartY; i <= 15; i++){QString address;address = QString("%1").arg(i,2,16,QLatin1Char('0'));painter.drawText(pxPosX1, pxPosY, address.toUpper());pxPosX1 += 3*_pxCharWidth;}for (int row = 0, pxPosY = pxPosStartY*2; row <= _rowsShown; row++, pxPosY +=_pxCharHeight){QByteArray hex;int pxPosX = _pxPosHexX  - pxOfsX;int pxPosAsciiX2 = _pxPosAsciiX  - pxOfsX;qint64 bPosLine = row * _bytesPerLine;for (int colIdx = 0; ((bPosLine + colIdx) < _dataShown.size() && (colIdx < _bytesPerLine)); colIdx++){QColor c = viewport()->palette().color(QPalette::Base);painter.setPen(colStandard);qint64 posBa = _bPosFirst + bPosLine + colIdx;if ((getSelectionBegin() <= posBa) && (getSelectionEnd() > posBa)){c = _brushSelection.color();painter.setPen(_penSelection);}else{if (_highlighting)if (_markedShown.at((int)(posBa - _bPosFirst))){c = _brushHighlighted.color();painter.setPen(_penHighlighted);}}// render hex valueQRect r;if (colIdx == 0)r.setRect(pxPosX, pxPosY - _pxCharHeight + _pxSelectionSub, 2*_pxCharWidth, _pxCharHeight);elser.setRect(pxPosX - _pxCharWidth, pxPosY - _pxCharHeight + _pxSelectionSub, 3*_pxCharWidth, _pxCharHeight);painter.fillRect(r, c);hex = _hexDataShown.mid((bPosLine + colIdx) * 2, 2);painter.drawText(pxPosX, pxPosY, hexCaps()?hex.toUpper():hex);pxPosX += 3*_pxCharWidth;// render ascii valueif (_asciiArea){int ch = (uchar)_dataShown.at(bPosLine + colIdx);if ( ch < ' ' || ch > '~' )ch = '.';r.setRect(pxPosAsciiX2, pxPosY - _pxCharHeight + _pxSelectionSub, _pxCharWidth, _pxCharHeight);painter.fillRect(r, c);painter.drawText(pxPosAsciiX2, pxPosY, QChar(ch));pxPosAsciiX2 += _pxCharWidth;}}}painter.setBackgroundMode(Qt::TransparentMode);painter.setPen(viewport()->palette().color(QPalette::WindowText));}// _cursorPosition counts in 2, _bPosFirst counts in 1int hexPositionInShowData = _cursorPosition - 2 * _bPosFirst;// due to scrolling the cursor can go out of the currently displayed dataif ((hexPositionInShowData >= 0) && (hexPositionInShowData < _hexDataShown.size())){// paint cursorif (_readOnly){// make the background stick outQColor color = viewport()->palette().dark().color();painter.fillRect(QRect(_pxCursorX - pxOfsX, _pxCursorY - _pxCharHeight + _pxSelectionSub, _pxCharWidth, _pxCharHeight), color);}else{if (_blink && hasFocus())painter.fillRect(_cursorRect, this->palette().color(QPalette::WindowText));}if (_editAreaIsAscii){// every 2 hex there is 1 asciiint asciiPositionInShowData = hexPositionInShowData / 2;if ((asciiPositionInShowData-16)>=0){int ch = (uchar)_dataShown.at(asciiPositionInShowData-16);if (ch < ' ' || ch > '~')ch = '.';painter.drawText(_pxCursorX - pxOfsX, _pxCursorY, QChar(ch));}elsepainter.drawText(_pxCursorX - pxOfsX, _pxCursorY, QChar(' '));}else{if ((hexPositionInShowData-32) >= 0)painter.drawText(_pxCursorX - pxOfsX, _pxCursorY, hexCaps() ? _hexDataShown.mid(hexPositionInShowData-32, 1).toUpper() : _hexDataShown.mid(hexPositionInShowData-32, 1));else{QString address;address = QString("%1").arg(hexPositionInShowData%2 == 0 ? 0 : hexPositionInShowData/2,1,16,QLatin1Char('0'));painter.drawText(_pxCursorX - pxOfsX, _pxCursorY, address.toUpper());}}}// emit event, if size has changedif (_lastEventSize != _chunks->size()){_lastEventSize = _chunks->size();emit currentSizeChanged(_lastEventSize);}
}void QHexEdit::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
{if (_dynamicBytesPerLine){int pxFixGaps = 0;if (_addressArea)pxFixGaps = addressWidth() * _pxCharWidth + _pxGapAdr;pxFixGaps += _pxGapAdrHex;if (_asciiArea)pxFixGaps += _pxGapHexAscii;// +1 because the last hex value do not have space. so it is effective one char moreint charWidth = (viewport()->width() - pxFixGaps ) / _pxCharWidth + 1;// 2 hex alfa-digits 1 space 1 ascii per byte = 4; if ascii is disabled then 3// to prevent devision by zero use the min value 1setBytesPerLine(std::max(charWidth / (_asciiArea ? 4 : 3),1));}adjust();
}bool QHexEdit::focusNextPrevChild(bool next)
{if (_addressArea){if ( (next && _editAreaIsAscii) || (!next && !_editAreaIsAscii ))return QWidget::focusNextPrevChild(next);elsereturn false;}else{return QWidget::focusNextPrevChild(next);}
}// ********************************************************************** Handle selections
void QHexEdit::resetSelection()
{_bSelectionBegin = _bSelectionInit;_bSelectionEnd = _bSelectionInit;
}void QHexEdit::resetSelection(qint64 pos)
{pos = pos / 2 ;if (pos < 0)pos = 0;if (pos > _chunks->size())pos = _chunks->size();_bSelectionInit = pos;_bSelectionBegin = pos;_bSelectionEnd = pos;
}void QHexEdit::setSelection(qint64 pos)
{pos = pos / 2;if (pos < 0)pos = 0;if (pos > _chunks->size())pos = _chunks->size();if (pos >= _bSelectionInit){_bSelectionEnd = pos;_bSelectionBegin = _bSelectionInit;}else{_bSelectionBegin = pos;_bSelectionEnd = _bSelectionInit;}
}qint64 QHexEdit::getSelectionBegin()
{return _bSelectionBegin-16;
}qint64 QHexEdit::getSelectionEnd()
{return _bSelectionEnd-16;
}// ********************************************************************** Private utility functions
void QHexEdit::init()
{_undoStack->clear();setAddressOffset(0);resetSelection(0);setCursorPosition(0);verticalScrollBar()->setValue(0);_modified = false;
}void QHexEdit::adjust()
{// recalc Graphicsif (_addressArea){_addrDigits = addressWidth();_pxPosHexX = _pxGapAdr + _addrDigits*_pxCharWidth + _pxGapAdrHex;}else_pxPosHexX = _pxGapAdrHex;_pxPosAdrX = _pxGapAdr;_pxPosAsciiX = _pxPosHexX + _hexCharsInLine * _pxCharWidth + _pxGapHexAscii;// set horizontalScrollBar()int pxWidth = _pxPosAsciiX;if (_asciiArea)pxWidth += _bytesPerLine*_pxCharWidth;horizontalScrollBar()->setRange(0, pxWidth - viewport()->width());horizontalScrollBar()->setPageStep(viewport()->width());// set verticalScrollbar()_rowsShown = ((viewport()->height()-4)/_pxCharHeight);if((viewport()->height()-4)%_pxCharHeight > 0)++_rowsShown;int lineCount = (int)(_chunks->size() / (qint64)_bytesPerLine) + 3;verticalScrollBar()->setRange(0, lineCount - _rowsShown);verticalScrollBar()->setPageStep(_rowsShown);int value = verticalScrollBar()->value();_bPosFirst = (qint64)value * _bytesPerLine;_bPosLast = _bPosFirst + (qint64)(_rowsShown * _bytesPerLine) - 1;if (_bPosLast >= _chunks->size())_bPosLast = _chunks->size() - 1;readBuffers();setCursorPosition(_cursorPosition);
}void QHexEdit::dataChangedPrivate(int)
{_modified = _undoStack->index() != 0;adjust();emit dataChanged();
}void QHexEdit::refresh()
}void QHexEdit::readBuffers()
{_dataShown = _chunks->data(_bPosFirst, _bPosLast - _bPosFirst + _bytesPerLine + 1, &_markedShown);_hexDataShown = QByteArray(_dataShown.toHex());
}QString QHexEdit::toReadable(const QByteArray &ba)
{QString result;for (int i=0; i < ba.size(); i += 16){QString addrStr = QString("%1").arg(_addressOffset + i, addressWidth(), 16, QChar('0'));QString hexStr;QString ascStr;for (int j=0; j<16; j++){if ((i + j) < ba.size()){hexStr.append(" ").append(ba.mid(i+j, 1).toHex());char ch = ba[i + j];if ((ch < 0x20) || (ch > 0x7e))ch = '.';ascStr.append(QChar(ch));}}result += addrStr + " " + QString("%1").arg(hexStr, -48) + "  " + QString("%1").arg(ascStr, -17) + "\n";}return result;
}void QHexEdit::updateCursor()
{if (_blink)_blink = false;else_blink = true;viewport()->update(_cursorRect);





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