「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第6篇

2024-04-08 23:36

本文主要是介绍「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第6篇,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


「每日跟读」英语常用句型公式 第6篇

1. As ___ as possible

越 ___ 越好

As soon as possible (ASAP)(越快越好)

As happy as possible (越快乐越好)

As prepared as possible (越有准备越好)

As much/many as possible (越多越好 *不可数/可数)

As early as possible (越早越好)

As cheap as possible (越便宜越好)

2. Let’s not ___


Let’s not judge others (我们不要评判他人)

Let’s not talk about it (我们不要聊它)

Let’s not waste time (我们不要浪费时间)

Let’s not give up easily (我们不要轻易放弃)

Let’s not get too stressed (我们不要太紧张)

Let’s not be too worried (我们不要太担心了)

3. He is as __ as __

他和 __ 一样 ___

He is as strong as an ox (他和牛一样强壮)

He is as brave as a lion (他和狮子一样勇敢)

He’s as busy as a bee(他和蜜蜂一样忙)

He’s as fast as Usain Bolt (他和博尔特一样快)

He is as loyal as a dog (他和狗一样忠诚)

He is as patient as a saint (他和圣人一样有耐心)

4. He’s so _ that _

他太 _ 以至于_

He’s so honest that he always tells the truth (他太诚实了,以至于他一直说实话)

He’s so tired that he fell asleep immediately after dinner (他太累了,以至于晚饭后立刻就睡着了)

He’s so confident that he never doubts his ability to succeed (他太自信了,以至于他从不怀疑自己成功的能力)

He’s so focused that he didn’t even notice me walk into the room (他太专注了,以至于我走进房间他都没注意到)

He’s so kind that everyone wants to be his friend (他太善良了,以至于每个人都想成为他的朋友)

He’s so funny that we couldn’t stop laughing at his jokes (他太有趣了,以至于我们听到他的笑话就忍不住大笑)

5. Don’t ever _


Don’t ever say that (千万不要说这个)

Don’t ever stop trying (千万不要停止尝试)

Don’t ever let anyone tell you you can’t do something(千万不要让别人告诉你你做不到某事)

Don’t ever take your health for granted (千万不要忽视你的健康)

Don’t ever let fear hold you back from pursuing your goals (千万不要让恐惧阻止你追求目标)

Don’t ever hesitate to ask for help when you need it (千万不要在需要的时候犹豫寻求帮助)

6. How long does it take to _?


How long does it take to cook a meal? (做一顿饭要花多长时间?)

How long does it take to learn a new language? (学习一门新语言要花多长时间?)

How long does it take to finish a marathon? (完成马拉松要花多长时间?)

How long does it take to read a novel? (读完一本小说要花多长时间?)

How long does it take to write good handwriting(写一手好字需要花多长时间)

How long does it take to build trust with others (和别人建立信任需要花多长时间)

7. It’s too bad that _


It’s too bad that we missed the concert (我们错过了音乐会,真是太可惜了)

It’s too bad that the painting was damaged in the fire (那幅画在火灾中受损了,真是太可惜了)

It’s too bad that we didn’t get to see the sunrise (我们没能看到日出,真是太可惜了)

It’s too bad that he lost the game after working so hard (他这么努力却还是输了比赛,真是太可惜了)

It’s too bad that the book is out of print (这本书已经绝版了,真是太可惜了)

It’s too bad that our vacation plans were ruined by the rain (我们的度假计划被雨水破坏了,真是太可惜了)

8. It’s very kind of you to _


It’s very kind of you to offer me a helping hand (你主动伸出援手,真是太好心了)

It’s very kind of you to lend me your umbrella (你借给我雨伞,真是太好心了)

It’s very kind of you to volunteer to help the needy (你自愿帮助有需要的人,真是太好心了)

It’s very kind of you to give me advice when I was confused (你在我困惑时给我建议,真是太好心了)

It’s very kind of you to stay late to help me finish the project (你为了帮我完成项目而加班,真是太好心了)

It’s very kind of you to share your food with me when you didn’t have much (你明明食物不多,却还和我分享,真是太好心了)


share with 分享

9. It’s up to _ , _

__ , 由 __ 说了算

It’s up to you, whether we go out or stay in (我们出去还是待在家里,由你说了算)

It’s up to the teacher, how the class is organized (班级如何组织,由老师说了算)

It’s up to the manager, which project to prioritize (哪个项目优先,由经理说了算)

It’s up to the voters, who will be the next president (谁将成为下一任总统,由选民说了算)

It’s up to our parents how much allowance we have (我们有多少零花钱 由我们父母说了算)

It’s up to me if I will go home (我会不会回家 由我说了算)


allowance :零花钱,注意和pocket money(零钱)做区分

10. It’s your turn __

轮到你 __ 了

It’s your turn to speak (轮到你发言了)

It’s your turn to clean the dishes (轮到你洗碗了)

It’s your turn to make dinner (轮到你做晚饭了)

It’s your turn to choose the movie (轮到你选电影了)

It’s your turn to drive (轮到你开车了)

It’s your turn to present your project (轮到你展示你的项目了)

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题意 求下式的值: Sn=⌈ (a+b√)n⌉%m S_n = \lceil\ (a + \sqrt{b}) ^ n \rceil\% m 其中: 0<a,m<215 0< a, m < 2^{15} 0<b,n<231 0 < b, n < 2^{31} (a−1)2<b<a2 (a-1)^2< b < a^2 解析 令: An=(a+b√)n A_n = (a +