Elsevier 文章手稿 投稿各种状态总结

2024-04-08 07:38

本文主要是介绍Elsevier 文章手稿 投稿各种状态总结,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

1. Submitted to Journal
当上传结束后,显示的状态是Submitted to Journal,这个状态是自然形成的无需处理。

2. With editor

3. Editor assigned 4. Editor Declined Invitation


5. Reviewer(s) invited


6. Under review

7. required review completed

8. Decision in Process

9. Minor revision/Major revision

10. Revision Submitted to Journal

11. Accepted

还有个状态是 Rejected希望不要出现。

In the Rapid Review ® system, your manuscript has a different status assigned to it at various stages in the process. Below is a list of the status descriptions used with brief explanations.
Incomplete Submission... you have begun the submission process.The submission has been assigned a temporary (TMP) manuscript number.You must complete the submission process.
Finish My Submission... by viewing and approving the MS PDF. Once this is done, the submission will be assigned a permanent manuscript number.
MS at Check-In... the manuscript is pending a quality check bythe staff or editor. This involves verifying that the MS PDF contains acomplete manuscript (text, tables, figures, etc.) and is suitable forreview purposes.
Conversion to PDF in Process... If the manuscript was submitteddigitally, the MS PDF did not pass the QC process and is not suitablefor review purposes. The staff may be in the process of converting thedigital files to a new MS PDF or staff may have requested that theauthor send new file(s). The Journal Office is waiting for the file(s)to upload for conversion purposes.
MS Being Pre-screened... if you submitted a manuscript to ajournal whose review process includes pre-screening, this statusindicates that the manuscript (or the abstract) is currently beingpre-screened to determine its appropriateness for the journal.
MS In Review... the manuscript has been assigned to an editor and may be awaiting reviewer selections, or the awaiting reviews.
Decision Pending... the manuscript has been reviewed and the editor is in the process of making a decision.
MS in Revision (Optional)... a decision to accept the paper withoptional revisions (as suggested in the reviewer or editor comments)has been made by the editor, and a letter requesting these revisionshas been sent to the author. Resubmission is anticipated.
MS in Revision (Minor)... a decision to accept the paper withminor revisions (as suggested in the reviewer or editor comments) hasbeen made by the editor, and a letter requesting these revisions hasbeen sent to the author. Resubmission is anticipated.
MS in Revision (Major)... a decision to reconsider the paperafter major revisions (as suggested in the reviewer or editor comments)has been made by the editor, and a letter requesting these revisionshas been sent to the author. Resubmission is permitted.
MS Rejected... a decision to decline publication has been made by the editor, and a rejection letter has been sent to the author.
MS Accepted... a decision to accept the paper has been made by the editor, and an acceptance letter has been sent to the author.
MS Withdrawn... the manuscript has been withdrawn at theauthor's request. No resubmission is permitted. Any further versionmust be considered as a brand new submission.
MS Deactivated... the manuscript has been deactivated due to theauthor's non-response in resubmitting a revised version or, in someinstances, to the editor's invitation to submit a solicited paper.
MS Published... the review process is complete and the manuscript is awaiting publication or it has already been published.
Invitation/Submit Invited Paper... the editor has extended toyou an invitation to submit a paper on a proposed topic. You are askedto reply by using the "Reply to Invitation" button. If you and theeditor are in agreement, you can submit the invited paper by using the"Submit Invited MS" button.

这篇关于Elsevier 文章手稿 投稿各种状态总结的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




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