
2024-04-07 07:18


下图1,为配置截图;下图2为含有#define DEMO_MIXED_API_USE的运行结果,下图3为不含有#define DEMO_MIXED_API_USE的运行结果。实现代码如下所示:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>using namespace cv;  // The new C++ interface API is inside this namespace. Import it.
using namespace std;void help( char* progName)
{cout << endl << progName<< " shows how to use cv::Mat and IplImages together (converting back and forth)." << endl<< "Also contains example for image read, spliting the planes, merging back and "  << endl<< " color conversion, plus iterating through pixels. "                            << endl<< "Usage:" << endl<< progName << " [image-name Default: lena.jpg]"                           << endl << endl;
}// comment out the define to use only the latest C++ API
#define DEMO_MIXED_API_USEint main( int argc, char** argv )
{help(argv[0]);const char* imagename = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "lena.jpg";#ifdef DEMO_MIXED_API_USE//包含C和C++应用程序接口Ptr<IplImage> IplI = cvLoadImage(imagename); // Ptr<T> is safe ref-counting pointer classif(IplI.empty()){cerr << "Can not load image " <<  imagename << endl;return -1;}Mat I(IplI); //转换为Mat类型,只复制指针,不复制图像
#else//纯C++应用程序接口Mat I = imread(imagename);// the newer cvLoadImage alternative, MATLAB-style functionif( I.empty() )           // same as if( ! ){cerr << "Can not load image " <<  imagename << endl;return -1;}
#endif///自动转换图像至YUV彩色空间Mat I_YUV;cvtColor(I, I_YUV, CV_BGR2YCrCb);vector<Mat> planes;   //应用标准模板库矢量存储多Mat对象 split(I_YUV, planes); //把图像分割为独立的Y,U,V彩色平面#if 1 // change it to 0 if you want to see a blurred and noisy version of this processing Mat scanning// Method 1. process Y plane using an iterator递归器MatIterator_<uchar> it = planes[0].begin<uchar>(), it_end = planes[0].end<uchar>();for(; it != it_end; ++it){double v = *it * 1.7 + rand()%21 - 10;*it = saturate_cast<uchar>(v*v/255);}for( int y = 0; y < I_YUV.rows; y++ ){// Method 2. process the first chroma plane using pre-stored row pointer.uchar* Uptr = planes[1].ptr<uchar>(y);for( int x = 0; x < I_YUV.cols; x++ ){Uptr[x] = saturate_cast<uchar>((Uptr[x]-128)/2 + 128);// Method 3. process the second chroma plane using individual element accessuchar& Vxy = planes[2].at<uchar>(y, x);Vxy =        saturate_cast<uchar>((Vxy-128)/2 + 128);}}#elseMat noisyI(I.size(), CV_8U);           // Create a matrix of the specified size and type// Fills the matrix with normally distributed random values (around number with deviation off).// There is also randu() for uniformly distributed random number generationrandn(noisyI, Scalar::all(128), Scalar::all(20));// blur the noisyI a bit, kernel size is 3x3 and both sigma's are set to 0.5GaussianBlur(noisyI, noisyI, Size(3, 3), 0.5, 0.5);const double brightness_gain = 0;const double contrast_gain = 1.7;#ifdef DEMO_MIXED_API_USE// To pass the new matrices to the functions that only work with IplImage or CvMat do:// step 1) Convert the headers (tip: data will not be copied).// step 2) call the function   (tip: to pass a pointer do not forget unary "&" to form pointers)IplImage cv_planes_0 = planes[0], cv_noise = noisyI;cvAddWeighted(&cv_planes_0, contrast_gain, &cv_noise, 1, -128 + brightness_gain, &cv_planes_0);
#elseaddWeighted(planes[0], contrast_gain, noisyI, 1, -128 + brightness_gain, planes[0]);
#endifconst double color_scale = 0.5;// Mat::convertTo() replaces cvConvertScale.// One must explicitly specify the output matrix type (we keep it intact - planes[1].type())planes[1].convertTo(planes[1], planes[1].type(), color_scale, 128*(1-color_scale));// alternative form of cv::convertScale if we know the datatype at compile time ("uchar" here).// This expression will not create any temporary arrays ( so should be almost as fast as above)planes[2] = Mat_<uchar>(planes[2]*color_scale + 128*(1-color_scale));// Mat::mul replaces cvMul(). Again, no temporary arrays are created in case of simple expressions.planes[0] = planes[0].mul(planes[0], 1./255);
#endifmerge(planes, I_YUV);                // now merge the results backcvtColor(I_YUV, I, CV_YCrCb2BGR);  // and produce the output RGB imagenamedWindow("image with grain", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);   // use this to create images#ifdef DEMO_MIXED_API_USE// this is to demonstrate that I and IplI really share the data - the result of the above// processing is stored in I and thus in IplI too.cvShowImage("image with grain", IplI);
#elseimshow("image with grain", I); // the new MATLAB style function show
#endifwaitKey();// Tip: No memory freeing is required!//      All the memory will be automatically released by the Vector<>, Mat and Ptr<> destructor.return 0;








文章目录 需求影响照片清晰度的因素 实现降噪测试代码 锐化空间锐化Unsharp Masking频率域锐化对比测试 对比度增强常用算法对比测试 需求 对图像进行优化,使其看起来更清晰,同时保持尺寸不变,通常涉及到图像处理技术如锐化、降噪、对比度增强等 影响照片清晰度的因素 影响照片清晰度的因素有很多,主要可以从以下几个方面来分析 1. 拍摄设备 相机传感器:相机传

2. c#从不同cs的文件调用函数

1.文件目录如下: 2. Program.cs文件的主函数如下 using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Threading.Tasks;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace datasAnalysis{internal static


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客户有些需求需要设置默认壁纸和锁屏壁纸  在默认情况下 这两个壁纸是相同的  如果需要默认的锁屏壁纸和桌面壁纸不一样 需要额外修改 Android13实现 替换默认桌面壁纸: 将图片文件替换frameworks/base/core/res/res/drawable-nodpi/default_wallpaper.*  (注意不能是bmp格式) 替换默认锁屏壁纸: 将图片资源放入vendo

uva 10061 How many zero's and how many digits ?(不同进制阶乘末尾几个0)+poj 1401

题意是求在base进制下的 n!的结果有几位数,末尾有几个0。 想起刚开始的时候做的一道10进制下的n阶乘末尾有几个零,以及之前有做过的一道n阶乘的位数。 当时都是在10进制下的。 10进制下的做法是: 1. n阶位数:直接 lg(n!)就是得数的位数。 2. n阶末尾0的个数:由于2 * 5 将会在得数中以0的形式存在,所以计算2或者计算5,由于因子中出现5必然出现2,所以直接一

day-51 合并零之间的节点

思路 直接遍历链表即可,遇到val=0跳过,val非零则加在一起,最后返回即可 解题过程 返回链表可以有头结点,方便插入,返回 Code /*** Definition for singly-linked list.* public class ListNode {* int val;* ListNode next;* ListNode() {}*

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参数介绍:createTrackbar( trackbarname , "hello" , &alpha_slider ,alpha_max ,  on_trackbar )  ;在标签中显示的文字(提示滑动条的用途) TrackbarName创建的滑动条要放置窗体的名字 “hello”滑动条的取值范围从 0 到 alpha_max (最小值只能为 zero).滑动后的值存放在


//------------------start opencv--------------------@Override public void onResume(){ super.onResume(); //通过OpenCV引擎服务加载并初始化OpenCV类库,所谓OpenCV引擎服务即是 //OpenCV_2.4.3.2_Manager_2.4_*.apk程序包,存

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