English Contest -- The Programmer's Dream

2024-04-01 21:38

本文主要是介绍English Contest -- The Programmer's Dream,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Yes, The Programmer’s Dream!

How many programmers here? I am sure of that every body here has a dream inside. What’s the biggest dream or goal you have in your life at this moment ['məʊm(ə)nt]? Is it making money, saving money, double salary,or becoming a better public speaker? do not speak it out,just keep it in your mind.

I am a programmer,or IT man. I know lots of facts about programmer:

Every morning , it is not the clock get the programmer wake up,but it is the dream get the programmer wake up.

Every evening, the programmer work over time,and over time ,and without compensation.

On the Saturday, the programmer is working overtime in the office, he receive the call from his girlfriend and let him comeback to home,he says: I am on the way back to home and I am blocked in the traffic jam [dʒæm]. in fact, the programmer is lying ,he is still in the office.

One hour later, he receive the second “back to home”call ,he says: I am on the way back to home and I am blocked in the traffic jam.J in fact, theprogrammer is working hard to fix a bug in the software.

One more hour later, he receive the second “back to home” call,he says: I am on the way back to home and I am blocked in the traffic jam. in fact, the programmer is fighting for my dream. 

but what is the programmer’s dream?  Is it be zero bug,clean code,and no delay? Isit one programming language , one platform, one technology? Is it one house,onecar,one girlfriendJ,onefamily?All of these are programmer’ dream.As a programmer, I conclude that the programmer ‘s dream is fighting for the people who love me and who I love. In the other world, the programmer dream is to be founder of a family .

I think of that most of people here are the founder of your family, you already know that this small dream is not easy. the programmer not only raise a family, earn a living but also keep on learning new technology, keep on growing, keep on refreshing knowledge, keep on pushing themselves . Nowadays,we are in the internet age, the best time we are! It is the programmer who help create the internet age, It is the programmer who help create the best time. It is the programmer who create lots of valuable services to simple our life,happy our life,easy our life.

Programmers are true heros ,Programmers are the founder of internet.

But one point I want to highlight is programmers are the founder of internet ,But most programmers are not the founder of their dream.they are the founder of other’s dream. only a few programmer set up a company and run it successfully,only a few programmer create an APP and change the world. only a few programmer become a leader of internet.programmers spend so much time with technology detail, programmers know computer more than themselves,but programmers don't know who they are. programmers are fighting for their family, programmers are fighting for the internet,programmers are fighting for the internet,  programmers are not fighting for their dreams!

I challenge programmers to fight for ourselves,to fight to be a founder to change the world!

I challenge programmers to live our dream. people who are running towards their dreams, life have a special kind of meaning.

I challenge programmers to represent an idea and represent possibilities.

If you still taking about your goals.But you have not done anything,JUST TAKE THE FIRST STEP! It is never late to make dream come true, liujiangfeng leave huawei he has worked for 19 years,zhangyaqin leave Microsof the has worked for 16 years,my teacher who is the professor of UESTC,set up his company at 60 years old.jack luo is a good example as a co-founder of STS….I do not intend to suggest programmers leave the job,leave the company you are working for.I just suggest to invest in our mind and look at our dream, review it every day and saying to ourselves: No matter how bad it is or how bad it gets, I'm going to make it!

Live on our dream, the programmer will contribute more to the internet,to family,contribute more to people who i love and who love me!

thank you!

这篇关于English Contest -- The Programmer's Dream的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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