
2024-04-01 00:36
文章标签 台词 审判 吵架 堕落


(Sandra)-What do you expect me to do? I mean it's part of the job. you have to organize yourself differently. I'm not going to cancel.
(Samuel)-Am I supposed to organize myself on my own? you know we have to plan things together. like to leave Daniel alone because you go after your own.
-Leave him with Monica. what's the big deal?
-3 days a week? we have to pay her for that. we can't afford it. I need time, not a few hours. I'm talking about blocking out time for myself for the whole year. this isn't working for me anymore.
-Well, organize time differently if you want to, it's up to you.
-What's the last time you helped him do his homework? there're so many things you don't give a shit about. that's the time I'm talking about.
-Darling, the book just came out. you know very well it's just this time.
-It's always "just this time". whatever you have a book out or you're writing or you need a space to figure out what to write. [yelling] I mean I've been following your lead for years. I can't do anything with my time. do you understand? it's not my time, it's yours!
-Do I force you to teach? do I force you to homeschool Daniel? no one's forcing you. if you want to make more time for yourself, I've never stopped you.
-Are you fucking serious? I cut my course load in half to gain more time and it's still not enough. I have to finish the renovation plus I did everything else. why do you refuse to talk about it? why can't you just admit it has to do with how things are divided between us?
-Because you're wrong. I don't owe you any time. I do my part. come on, let's not take inventory here, please. let's relax. [pouring drinks] When you decided to homeschool Daniel, I told you to be careful. it's a beautiful and generous choice. I thank you for it, but you don't have to do it. I told you it would force you to...
-What? To spend more time with my son? I'm glad that I did. I wouldn't have the relationship I have with him today if I didn't.
-[wordless] You mean the relationship that I don't have with him.
-I didn't say that. I'm saying maybe, just maybe, things are a little out of balance between us. and I want you to take a look at that. why is this so hard to discuss?
-First of all, I don't believe in the notion of reciprocity in a couple. it's naive and, frankly, depressing. yes, and I think discussing it is a waste of time, considering the state you're in, seriously. all this blah-blah-blah and more time is gone. all this time spent chitchatting could be spent in silence doing whatever you want to do.
-I want time to start writing, just as same as you.
-Do it. I don't know a single writer who doesn't write just because they have a son in the house. stop whining about your scheduling bullshit and drop this logic which consists of blaming me for what you did or didn't do.
-I did live with you, I plan my life around you. If I imposed on you what you're imposing on me. neither of us would be able to write.
-Don't worry about me. I always manage to write.
-Great, perfect. if you're so sure of yourself, then adapt, that's my suggestion.
-I do adapt. I take Daniel to school.
-Once a week.
-We have Monica on Tuesdays.
-Oh, Sandra, don't be dishonest.
-I'm not, you're the one nitpicking.
-I've given you too much, too much time, too many concession. I want this time back. and you owe it to me. be fair!
-[laugh] I'm sorry, but no. Are you insane? I don't owe you anything. really. this is about your relationship with your son. and protecting yourself and your confidence because you got scared to put yourself in this position. it was your choice to come here and start this renovation. this is your trap. I don't take your time. you waste it all on your own!
-Ok I want things to change now. I want time to start writing again.
-Great, go for it. if you want my advice, go back to the one you ditched.
-What's your advice? go back to the book you plundered?
-Ok, so now it's plundering?! we've discussed it, you'd given it up.
-[laugh] You took the book's best idea. how am I supposed to just "go back" to it? do you realize how cynical that is?
-Publish your version, say it inspired me, and I'll admit to it. if something needs to be written, someone has to write it.
-Wow, you have animal vision. you pretend to be obliging, but...
-Look at you, even your bullshit moralizing, this, is a way for you to waste more time. you should be flattered that I was inspired by you. this is life. things circulate. and frankly, I wish you'd be inspired to plunder me some time.
-You're not alone in your jungle. living with you, you impose everything. you impose your rhythm, your use of time, and even your language. we meet on your turf, we speak English at home!
-I'm not on my turf. I don't speak my mother tongue.
-You don't speak mine either. even though we live here.
-Yes, it's a middle ground. because I'm not French, you're not German. so we create a middle ground. so nobody has to meet each other on their turf. this is what English is for. it's the point. you can't blame me for that.
-But we live in France. that's our reality. Daniel hears you speak a language that has nothing to do with his life. just because you impose it on him, just like everything else. we're on your turf, all the time!
-In your country! every single day I have to accept that we live in your hometown! the people you grew up with look down on me whenever I don't make the effort to smile at them. you don't think me living here counts as meeting you on your turf?!
-You never smile at anyone.
-Yeah, that's why you love me right?
-[laugh] You have no shame. that's a superpower. you see no one but yourself.
-I see you very clearly, I just don't see you as a victim.
-You impose your way of living, speaking, eating, even fucking. I could never get you to fuck any other way. because you expect me to follow your lead. that's your notion of a couple.
-[frowning] I don't have a notion, I don't give a fuck about a couple. so, you say I'm stopping you from fucking the way you want?! seriously?
-Be honest. who's been refusing to fuck since the accident?
-You know I meant before.
-What did I ever refuse to do sexually?
-Everything. everything. plus I have to accept that you fuck other people.
-I do not fuck other people.
-Don't deny it.
-[yelling] Once! And you cling to it! to suffer! you make yourself the victim!
-[yelling] I'm not a victim! I'm a man who's been cheated on! plundered and cheated on!
-[sigh] I can live without sex, but not forever.
-so you want to blame me? I'm the one frustrating you?
-It's not about who's...who's blaming who or who's frustrating who. the frustration is there and we're both dealing with it. I refuse to rot inside! I find a solution. at this point, sex was just a question of personal hygiene.
-But you impose your solutions, which are solutions for you only. you don't give a shit if it hurts me and Daniel.
-You leave Daniel out of this. this is not about Daniel. I do not impose anything on him. You made us live here, among the goats. You complain about the life that you chose! You're not a victim! Not at all! Your generosity conceals something dirtier and meaner! you're incapable of facing your ambitions and you resent me for it! but I'm not the one that put you where you are. I've nothing to do with it! You are not sacrificing yourself as you say! You choose to sit on the sidelines because you're afraid! Because your pride makes your head explode before you can even come up with a germ of an idea! and now you wake up at your 40, you need someone to blame! and you are the one to blame! You're petrified by your fucking standards and your fear of failure! This is the truth! You're smart, I know you know I'm right. Daniel has nothing to do with it! stop it!
-You're a monster. even Daniel says it, in his own words.
-You take that back, you piece of shit.
-He's told me countless times how hard you are. do you know that?
-He's telling you what you want to hear. He can feel your guilt and he's trying to reassure you. don't you see that?! You've never stopped feeling guilty about him!
-You're cold-hearted. you have no pity.
-Yes, and you have too much for yourself.





1. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! ­  2. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? ­  3. I’m very disappointed. 真让我失望。 ­  5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! ­  6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! ­  7. Who do you think yo


原文转自:http://www.admin10000.com/document/1121.html 我曾在多个场合撰文说过,现在培训出来的企业Java开发兵团只知道使用某种框架,但完全不知道这些框架的底层原理。今天早上,在依次对三个职位的应聘者面试中,我又再次见到了这种情形。   我们的顾问公司收到了一个客户的招聘需求,要一个经验丰富并通晓SQL的Java开发人员。我们公司在这个客户那


2000-2022年各地级市知识产权审判结案数数据 1、时间:2000-2022年 2、指标:城市知识产权审判结案数 3、来源:整理自北大法宝 4、范围:287个地级市 5、用途:可用于衡量地级市知识产权保护水平 6、指标解释:城市知识产权审判结案数是指在特定城市地区内,针对知识产权纠纷案件的审判程序已经完成,并做出最终判决或决定的案件数量。 7、下载链接: 2000-2022年各


今天推荐一个网站33台词,你可以根据电影、电视剧、纪录片等某一段台词,来找到来源,帮你精确到多少分多少秒出现的,非常的好用,尤其是对那种只记得一些经典台词,不知道是哪个电影的人来说,帮助巨大。 他还支持高级筛选,让你更准确找到你要的信息。 链接直达:https://33.agilestudio.cn


文章目录 原神(圈内) 崩坏:星穹铁道(圈内) 崩坏3(圈内) 原神 只要不失去你的崇高,整个世界都会为你敞开。 总有地上的生灵,敢于直面雷霆的威光。 谁也没有见过风,更别说你和我了;谁也没有见过爱情,直到有花束拋向自己。 很多人的一生写在纸上也不过几行,大多都是些无聊的故事。 你若困于无风之地,我便让全世界的风吹向你。 终点并不意味着一切,在抵达终点之前,用你的眼睛


导读: 一直很喜欢看电影~ 很喜欢看看过很多次的电影~ 去用心体会里面的每一句台词~ 经常会想如果没有了台词的电影会是个什么样子~ 也许只有卓别林那样的大师才可以~ 相信VC里面和我一样爱好的人也不少~ 前几天在某论坛上看到一个猜台词的游戏~ 已经进行到300多贴了~ 于是就想把这个游戏带到VC来~ 让大家重温那些曾经让我们心动的话语~ 具体规则: 1、1楼的人(就是我)说

【GameFi】链游 | E4C | 堕落竞技场FallenArena

官网:https://www.ambrus.studio/ 游戏下载:https://www.ambrus.studio/game/fallenArena Fallen Arena是一款15人对战游戏,包含单人对战模式和3人队伍对战模式。玩家可以通過收集地图上散落的宝石或消灭对手来获得积分。得分最高的玩家或队伍获胜。 玩家进入一个充满活力的竞技场,在地图上收集水晶来为自己赚取积分。玩家积累的积


愤怒吧,不共戴天的仇恨,强悍而纯粹的愤怒,将会化作坚不可摧的原动力,督促你变强 —— 吾峠呼世晴《鬼灭之刃》 愤怒和仇恨是一种强烈的情感,它们可以驱使人们去寻求改变,去变得更加强大。在故事中,这种情感成为了角色们前进的驱动力,使他们能够克服种种困难,不断提升自己的实力,最终战胜敌人。 然而,这句话也提醒我们,虽然愤怒和仇恨可以成为变强的动力,但它们并不是一种健康的情感状态。如果我们长时间




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