2024-03-31 10:12
文章标签 参数 wparam lparam


从前,Windows 是 16 位的。每条message信息都可以携带两段数据,分别称为 WPARAM 和 LPARAM。在消息参数传递中对指针类型使用强制类型转换,这是一种常见用法。第一个参数是一个 16 位值("word"),因此称为 W;第二个参数是一个 32 位值("long"),因此称为 L。
W 参数用于传递句柄和整数。L 参数用于传递指针。
当 Windows 转换为 32 位时,WPARAM 参数也变为 32 位值。一个字的大小变成了32bit。(在 64 位 Windows 中,两个参数都是 64 位值!)。
了解这些术语的起源很有帮助。如果查看一下窗口消息的设计,就会发现如果消息使用指针,指针通常会在 LPARAM 中传递,而如果消息使用句柄或整数,则会在 WPARAM 中传递。(如果一条信息两个都包含,则整数放在 WPARAM 中,指针放在 LPARAM 中)。
学会了这一点,记忆窗口消息的参数就容易多了。相反,如果一条消息违反了这一规则,那么你的大脑就会说: "不,这不对"。
Once upon a time, Windows was 16-bit. Each message could carry with it two pieces of data, called WPARAM and LPARAM. It is the common practice of passing casted pointers as message parameters. The first one was a 16-bit value (“word”), so it was called W. The second one was a 32-bit value (“long”), so it was called L.
You used the W parameter to pass things like handles and integers. You used the L parameter to pass pointers.
When Windows was converted to 32-bit, the WPARAM parameter grew to a 32-bit value as well. The word changes to 32-bit. (And in 64-bit Windows, both parameters are 64-bit values!)
It is helpful to understand the origin of the terms. If you look at the design of window messages, you will see that if the message takes a pointer, the pointer is usually passed in the LPARAM, whereas if the message takes a handle or an integer, then it is passed in the WPARAM. (And if a message takes both, the integer goes in the WPARAM and the pointer goes in the LPARAM.)
Once you learn this, it makes remembering the parameters for window messages a little easier. Conversely, if a message breaks this rule, then it sort of makes your brain say, “No, that’s not right.”
LPARAM 是 LONG_PTR 的类型定义,在 win32 中是 long(有符号 32 位),在 x86_64 中是 __int64 (有符号 64 位)。
WPARAM 是 UINT_PTR 的类型定义,在 win32 中是无符号 int(32 位无符号),在 x86_64 中是__int64(64 位无符号)。
LPARAM is a typedef for LONG_PTR which is a long (signed 32-bit) on win32 and __int64 (signed 64-bit) on x86_64.
WPARAM is a typedef for UINT_PTR which is an unsigned int (unsigned 32-bit) on win32 and unsigned __int64 (unsigned 64-bit) on x86_64.
====== 分割线 ====== 
今天遇到的问题,就和这两个类型相关。示例代码如下,使用的是unsigned int类型,传递的参数名借用了WPARAM和LPARAM。
#include <stdio.h>
void func(unsigned int LPARAM, unsigned int WPARAM)
  unsigned int * value;
  printf("Input LPARAM: 0x%lX \n", LPARAM);
  value = (unsigned int *) LPARAM;
  *value = 100;
  printf("WPARAM is %d\n", WPARAM);
int main()
  unsigned int foo, bar;
  printf("foo addr: 0x%lX \n", &foo);
  func(&foo, bar);
  return 0;
这段代码,在ARM 32平台上执行是没问题的,但执行在ARM 64和x86-64的Ubuntu虚拟机平台上,就崩了。
我PC的处理器: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400H CPU @ 2.50GHz   2.50 GHz, 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor, Windows 64系统,上面安装的64 bit的Ubuntu虚拟机。
$ gcc -o x86 test.c
$ ./x86
foo addr: 0x7FFE0163AD10
Input LPARAM: 0x163AD10
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
因为在64 位系统上,unsigned int类型大多还是4字节,long int才是8字节,而指针类型,是8字节,这样一转换,就直接挂了。
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void func(intptr_t LPARAM, uint32_t WPARAM)
  int * value;
  printf("Input LPARAM: 0x%lX \n", LPARAM);
  value = (int *) LPARAM;
  *value = 100;
  printf("Input WPARAM is %d \n", WPARAM);
int main()
  unsigned int foo, bar;
  bar = 1000;
  printf("foo addr size %ld %ld, value 0x%lX\n", sizeof(&foo), sizeof(unsigned long) , (unsigned long)&foo);
  func((intptr_t)&foo, bar);
  printf("foo is %d, bar is %d. \n", foo, bar);
  return 0;
$ gcc -o x86 test.c
$ ./x86
foo addr size 8 8, value 0x7FFE82FD8750
Input LPARAM: 0x7FFE82FD8750
Input WPARAM is 1000
foo is 100, bar is 1000.
WPARAM类型使用uint32_t类型,在stdint.h中定义,使用固定大小,正常应该能满足需求,并且32位、64位系统的int 类型大多同样是4字节。
What do the letters W and L stand for in WPARAM and LPARAM? - The Old New Thing
c# - What are the definitions for LPARAM and WPARAM? - Stack Overflow




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