
2024-03-30 08:48
文章标签 阅读 pep 摘要


  • PEP387 – Backwards Compatibility Policy

    This PEP outlines Python’s backwards compatibility policy.

  • PEP432 – Restructuring the CPython startup sequence

    This PEP proposes a mechanism for restructuring the startup sequence for CPython, making it easier to modify the initialization behaviour of the reference interpreter executable, as well as making it easier to control CPython’s startup behaviour when creating an alternate executable or embedding it as a Python execution engine inside a larger application.

    When implementation of this proposal is completed, interpreter startup will consist of three clearly distinct and independentily configutable phases:

    • Python core runtime preinitialization
    • Python core runtime initialization
    • Main interpreter configuration
  • PEP543 – A Unified TLS API for Python

    Because the ssl module is distributed with the Python standard library, it has become the overwhelmingly most-popular method for handling TLS in Python.

    Unfortunately, the preeminence of the ssl module has had a number of unforessen side-effects that have the effect of typing the entire ecosystem tightly to OpenSSL. This has forced Python users to use OpenSSL even in situations where it may provide a worse user experience than alternative TLS implementations, which imposes a cognitive burden and makes it hard to provide “platform-native” experiences.

  • PEP551 – Security transparency in the Python runtime

    This PEP provides guidance to those planning to integrate Python into their secure or audited environments.

    This PEP describes the concept of security transparency and how it applies to the Python runtime.

  • PEP554 – Multiple Interpreters in the Stdlib

    CPython has supported multiple interpreters in the same process since version 1.5. The feature has been available via the C-API.

    Subinterpreters oprate in relative isolation from one another, which facilitates novel alternative approaches to concurrency.

  • PEP558 – Defined semantics for locals()

  • PEP582 – Python local packages directory

    This PEP proposes to add to Python a mechanism to automaticallyu recognize a __pypackages__ directory and prefer importing packages installed in this location over user or global site-packages.

  • PEP588 – Github Issues Migration Plan

    This PEP describes the detailed plan for migrating from Python’s issue tracker on Roundup Github issues.

  • PEP594 – Removing dead battries from the standard library

    This PEP proposed a list of standard library modules to be removed from the standard library.

  • PEP595 – Improving

  • PEP596 – Python 3.9 Release Schedule

  • PEP597 – Soft deprecation of omitting encoding

  • PEP603 – Adding a frozenmap type to collections

  • PEP604 – Complementary syntax for Union[]

    This PEP proposes a complementary syntax for Union[X,Y]

  • PEP609 – PyPA Governance

    This document describes a governance model for the Python Packaging Authroty(PyPA)

  • PEP611 – The one million limit

  • PEP612 – Parameter Specification Variables

  • PEP618 – Add Optional Length-Checking To zip

  • PEP619 – Python 3.10 Release Schedule

  • PEP801 – Reserved




虚拟机中编程小技巧分享——ssh的使用 事情的起因是这样的:前几天一位工程师过来我这边,他看到我在主机和虚拟机运行了两个vscode环境,不经意间提了句:“这么艰苦的环境写代码啊”。 后来我一想:确实。 我长时间以来都是直接在虚拟机里写的代码,但是毕竟是虚拟机嘛,有时候编辑器没那么流畅,在文件比较多的时候跳转很麻烦,容易卡住。因此,我当晚简单思考了一下,想到了一个可行的解决方法——即用ssh

芯片后端之 PT 使用 report_timing 产生报告如何阅读

今天,就PT常用的命令,做一个介绍,希望对大家以后的工作,起到帮助作用。 在PrimeTime中,使用report_timing -delay max命令生成此报告。switch -delay max表示定时报告用于设置(这是默认值)。 首先,我们整体看一下通过report_timing 运行之后,报告产生的整体样式。 pt_shell> report_timing -from start_

论文阅读--Efficient Hybrid Zoom using Camera Fusion on Mobile Phones

这是谷歌影像团队 2023 年发表在 Siggraph Asia 上的一篇文章,主要介绍的是利用多摄融合的思路进行变焦。 单反相机因为卓越的硬件性能,可以非常方便的实现光学变焦。不过目前的智能手机,受制于物理空间的限制,还不能做到像单反一样的光学变焦。目前主流的智能手机,都是采用多摄的设计,一般来说一个主摄搭配一个长焦,为了实现主摄与长焦之间的变焦,目前都是采用数字变焦的方式,数字变焦相比于光学


研究背景 大规模语言模型(LLMs)在许多自然语言处理(NLP)任务中取得了显著进展,特别是在零样本/少样本学习(In-Context Learning, ICL)方面。ICL不需要更新模型参数,只需利用几个标注示例就可以生成预测。然而,现有的ICL和链式思维(Chain-of-Thought, CoT)方法在复杂推理任务上仍存在生成的推理链常常伴随错误的问题,导致不真实和不可靠的推理结果。


细粒度图像分类论文阅读笔记 摘要Abstract1. 用于细粒度图像分类的聚合注意力模块1.1 文献摘要1.2 研究背景1.3 本文创新点1.4 计算机视觉中的注意力机制1.5 模型方法1.5.1 聚合注意力模块1.5.2 通道注意力模块通道注意力代码实现 1.5.3 空间注意力模块空间注意力代码实现 1.5.4 CBAM注意力机制CBAM注意力代码实现 1.5.5 本文模型整体架构 1.6


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明朝那些事儿第四部看完了,合上书本给我印象比较深刻的文臣要数王守仁,不愧为明朝的军事家,思想家,文学家,教育家,他经过多年的思索、磨难、追求,终于有一天,在穷乡僻壤,困苦简陋的贵州龙场顿悟,史称龙场悟道。世间一切万物万事,都存在于人的内心。这就是王守仁著名的心学(阳明心学)的诞生,其核心“心外无物,心即理”、“知行合一”、“致良知”。 王守仁是一个了不起的人物,在当时做出了很多功绩,比如


目录 摘要 Abstract 文献阅读:使用 Transformer 进行长期预测-PatchTST 一、现有问题 二、提出方法 三、相关知识 1、Patch 2、Vanilla Transformer 四、提出的方法 1、模型结构 2、表征学习 3、模型优点 五、研究实验 1、数据集 2、评估指标 3、基线模型 4、实验过程 5、实验结果 六、代码实现 七

Interleaving Retrieval with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning for ... 论文阅读

Interleaving Retrieval with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning for Knowledge-Intensive Multi-Step Questions 论文阅读 文章目录 Interleaving Retrieval with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning for Knowledge-Intensive Multi-S