- Application 书写内容
- A1. Project title (200 characters): *
- A2. Research question(s) and aim(s) (up to 5000 characters or 200 words):
- A3. The background and scientific rationale of the proposed research project in general (up to 5000 characters or 300 words):
- A4. A brief description of the method(s) to be used (up to 5000 characters or 300 words):
- A5. The type and size of dataset required (e.g., case-control subset, men only, imaging data only, whole cohort, etc.) (Up to 5000 characters or 100 words):
- A6. The expected value of the research (taking into account the public interest requirement) (up to 5000 characters or 100 words):
- A7. Please provide up to 6 keywords which best summarise your proposed research project:
- A8. Please provide a lay summary of your research project in plain English, stating the aims, scientific rationale, project duration and public health impact (up to 5000 characters or 400 words):