
2024-03-28 13:36



#! /usr/bin/env python


#! /usr/bin/env python3




#! /usr/bin/env pythonimport sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import random# finds the highest nonempty queue
# -1 if they are all empty
def FindQueue():q = hiQueuewhile q > 0:if len(queue[q]) > 0:return qq -= 1if len(queue[0]) > 0:return 0return -1def Abort(str):sys.stderr.write(str + '\n')exit(1)#
#parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-s', '--seed', help='the random seed', default=0, action='store', type='int', dest='seed')
parser.add_option('-n', '--numQueues',help='number of queues in MLFQ (if not using -Q)', default=3, action='store', type='int', dest='numQueues')
parser.add_option('-q', '--quantum', help='length of time slice (if not using -Q)',default=10, action='store', type='int', dest='quantum')
parser.add_option('-a', '--allotment', help='length of allotment (if not using -A)',default=1, action='store', type='int', dest='allotment')
parser.add_option('-Q', '--quantumList',help='length of time slice per queue level, specified as ' + \'x,y,z,... where x is the quantum length for the highest ' + \'priority queue, y the next highest, and so forth', default='', action='store', type='string', dest='quantumList')
parser.add_option('-A', '--allotmentList',help='length of time allotment per queue level, specified as ' + \'x,y,z,... where x is the # of time slices for the highest ' + \'priority queue, y the next highest, and so forth', default='', action='store', type='string', dest='allotmentList')
parser.add_option('-j', '--numJobs', default=3, help='number of jobs in the system',action='store', type='int', dest='numJobs')
parser.add_option('-m', '--maxlen', default=100, help='max run-time of a job ' +'(if randomly generating)', action='store', type='int',dest='maxlen')
parser.add_option('-M', '--maxio', default=10,help='max I/O frequency of a job (if randomly generating)',action='store', type='int', dest='maxio')
parser.add_option('-B', '--boost', default=0,help='how often to boost the priority of all jobs back to ' +'high priority', action='store', type='int', dest='boost')
parser.add_option('-i', '--iotime', default=5,help='how long an I/O should last (fixed constant)',action='store', type='int', dest='ioTime')
parser.add_option('-S', '--stay', default=False,help='reset and stay at same priority level when issuing I/O',action='store_true', dest='stay')
parser.add_option('-I', '--iobump', default=False,help='if specified, jobs that finished I/O move immediately ' + \'to front of current queue',action='store_true', dest='iobump')
parser.add_option('-l', '--jlist', default='',help='a comma-separated list of jobs to run, in the form ' + \'x1,y1,z1:x2,y2,z2:... where x is start time, y is run ' + \'time, and z is how often the job issues an I/O request',action='store', type='string', dest='jlist')
parser.add_option('-c', help='compute answers for me', action='store_true',default=False, dest='solve')(options, args) = parser.parse_args()random.seed(options.seed)# MLFQ: How Many Queues
numQueues = options.numQueuesquantum = {}
if options.quantumList != '':# instead, extract number of queues and their time slicquantumLengths = options.quantumList.split(',')numQueues = len(quantumLengths)qc = numQueues - 1for i in range(numQueues):quantum[qc] = int(quantumLengths[i])qc -= 1
else:for i in range(numQueues):quantum[i] = int(options.quantum)allotment = {}
if options.allotmentList != '':allotmentLengths = options.allotmentList.split(',')if numQueues != len(allotmentLengths):print('number of allotments specified must match number of quantums')exit(1)qc = numQueues - 1for i in range(numQueues):allotment[qc] = int(allotmentLengths[i])if qc != 0 and allotment[qc] <= 0:print('allotment must be positive integer')exit(1)qc -= 1
else:for i in range(numQueues):allotment[i] = int(options.allotment)hiQueue = numQueues - 1# MLFQ: I/O Model
# the time for each IO: not great to have a single fixed time but...
ioTime = int(options.ioTime)# This tracks when IOs and other interrupts are complete
ioDone = {}# This stores all info about the jobs
job = {}# seed the random generator
random.seed(options.seed)# jlist 'startTime,runTime,ioFreq:startTime,runTime,ioFreq:...'
jobCnt = 0
if options.jlist != '':allJobs = options.jlist.split(':')for j in allJobs:jobInfo = j.split(',')if len(jobInfo) != 3:print('Badly formatted job string. Should be x1,y1,z1:x2,y2,z2:...')print('where x is the startTime, y is the runTime, and z is the I/O frequency.')exit(1)assert(len(jobInfo) == 3)startTime = int(jobInfo[0])runTime   = int(jobInfo[1])ioFreq    = int(jobInfo[2])job[jobCnt] = {'currPri':hiQueue, 'ticksLeft':quantum[hiQueue],'allotLeft':allotment[hiQueue], 'startTime':startTime,'runTime':runTime, 'timeLeft':runTime, 'ioFreq':ioFreq, 'doingIO':False,'firstRun':-1}if startTime not in ioDone:ioDone[startTime] = []ioDone[startTime].append((jobCnt, 'JOB BEGINS'))jobCnt += 1
else:# do something randomfor j in range(options.numJobs):startTime = 0runTime   = int(random.random() * (options.maxlen - 1) + 1)ioFreq    = int(random.random() * (options.maxio - 1) + 1)job[jobCnt] = {'currPri':hiQueue, 'ticksLeft':quantum[hiQueue],'allotLeft':allotment[hiQueue], 'startTime':startTime,'runTime':runTime, 'timeLeft':runTime, 'ioFreq':ioFreq, 'doingIO':False,'firstRun':-1}if startTime not in ioDone:ioDone[startTime] = []ioDone[startTime].append((jobCnt, 'JOB BEGINS'))jobCnt += 1numJobs = len(job)print 'Here is the list of inputs:'
print 'OPTIONS jobs',            numJobs
print 'OPTIONS queues',          numQueues
for i in range(len(quantum)-1,-1,-1):print 'OPTIONS allotments for queue %2d is %3d' % (i, allotment[i])print 'OPTIONS quantum length for queue %2d is %3d' % (i, quantum[i])
print 'OPTIONS boost',           options.boost
print 'OPTIONS ioTime',          options.ioTime
print 'OPTIONS stayAfterIO',     options.stay
print 'OPTIONS iobump',          options.iobumpprint '\n'
print 'For each job, three defining characteristics are given:'
print '  startTime : at what time does the job enter the system'
print '  runTime   : the total CPU time needed by the job to finish'
print '  ioFreq    : every ioFreq time units, the job issues an I/O'
print '              (the I/O takes ioTime units to complete)\n'print 'Job List:'
for i in range(numJobs):print '  Job %2d: startTime %3d - runTime %3d - ioFreq %3d' % (i, job[i]['startTime'],job[i]['runTime'],job[i]['ioFreq'])
print ''if options.solve == False:print 'Compute the execution trace for the given workloads.'print 'If you would like, also compute the response and turnaround'print 'times for each of the jobs.'print ''print 'Use the -c flag to get the exact results when you are finished.\n'exit(0)# initialize the MLFQ queues
queue = {}
for q in range(numQueues):queue[q] = []# TIME IS CENTRAL
currTime = 0# use these to know when we're finished
totalJobs    = len(job)
finishedJobs = 0print '\nExecution Trace:\n'while finishedJobs < totalJobs:# find highest priority job# run it until either# (a) the job uses up its time quantum# (b) the job performs an I/O# check for priority boostif options.boost > 0 and currTime != 0:if currTime % options.boost == 0:print '[ time %d ] BOOST ( every %d )' % (currTime, options.boost)# remove all jobs from queues (except high queue) and put them in high queuefor q in range(numQueues-1):for j in queue[q]:if job[j]['doingIO'] == False:queue[hiQueue].append(j)queue[q] = []# change priority to high priority# reset number of ticks left for all jobs (just for lower jobs?)# add to highest run queue (if not doing I/O)for j in range(numJobs):# print '-> Boost %d (timeLeft %d)' % (j, job[j]['timeLeft'])if job[j]['timeLeft'] > 0:# print '-> FinalBoost %d (timeLeft %d)' % (j, job[j]['timeLeft'])job[j]['currPri']   = hiQueuejob[j]['ticksLeft'] = allotment[hiQueue]# print 'BOOST END: QUEUES look like:', queue# check for any I/Os doneif currTime in ioDone:for (j, type) in ioDone[currTime]:q = job[j]['currPri']job[j]['doingIO'] = Falseprint '[ time %d ] %s by JOB %d' % (currTime, type, j)if options.iobump == False or type == 'JOB BEGINS':queue[q].append(j)else:queue[q].insert(0, j)# now find the highest priority jobcurrQueue = FindQueue()if currQueue == -1:print '[ time %d ] IDLE' % (currTime)currTime += 1continue# there was at least one runnable job, and hence ...currJob = queue[currQueue][0]if job[currJob]['currPri'] != currQueue:Abort('currPri[%d] does not match currQueue[%d]' % (job[currJob]['currPri'], currQueue))job[currJob]['timeLeft']  -= 1job[currJob]['ticksLeft'] -= 1if job[currJob]['firstRun'] == -1:job[currJob]['firstRun'] = currTimerunTime   = job[currJob]['runTime']ioFreq    = job[currJob]['ioFreq']ticksLeft = job[currJob]['ticksLeft']allotLeft = job[currJob]['allotLeft']timeLeft  = job[currJob]['timeLeft']print '[ time %d ] Run JOB %d at PRIORITY %d [ TICKS %d ALLOT %d TIME %d (of %d) ]' % \(currTime, currJob, currQueue, ticksLeft, allotLeft, timeLeft, runTime)if timeLeft < 0:Abort('Error: should never have less than 0 time left to run')# UPDATE TIMEcurrTime += 1# CHECK FOR JOB ENDINGif timeLeft == 0:print '[ time %d ] FINISHED JOB %d' % (currTime, currJob)finishedJobs += 1job[currJob]['endTime'] = currTime# print 'BEFORE POP', queuedone = queue[currQueue].pop(0)# print 'AFTER POP', queueassert(done == currJob)continue# CHECK FOR IOissuedIO = Falseif ioFreq > 0 and (((runTime - timeLeft) % ioFreq) == 0):# time for an IO!print '[ time %d ] IO_START by JOB %d' % (currTime, currJob)issuedIO = Truedesched = queue[currQueue].pop(0)assert(desched == currJob)job[currJob]['doingIO'] = True# this does the bad rule -- reset your tick counter if you stay at the same levelif options.stay == True:job[currJob]['ticksLeft'] = quantum[currQueue]job[currJob]['allotLeft'] = allotment[currQueue]# add to IO Queue: but which queue?futureTime = currTime + ioTimeif futureTime not in ioDone:ioDone[futureTime] = []print 'IO DONE'ioDone[futureTime].append((currJob, 'IO_DONE'))# CHECK FOR QUANTUM ENDING AT THIS LEVEL (BUT REMEMBER, THERE STILL MAY BE ALLOTMENT LEFT)if ticksLeft == 0:if issuedIO == False:# IO HAS NOT BEEN ISSUED (therefor pop from queue)'desched = queue[currQueue].pop(0)assert(desched == currJob)job[currJob]['allotLeft'] = job[currJob]['allotLeft'] - 1if job[currJob]['allotLeft'] == 0:# this job is DONE at this level, so move onif currQueue > 0:# in this case, have to change the priority of the jobjob[currJob]['currPri']   = currQueue - 1job[currJob]['ticksLeft'] = quantum[currQueue-1]job[currJob]['allotLeft'] = allotment[currQueue-1]if issuedIO == False:queue[currQueue-1].append(currJob)else:job[currJob]['ticksLeft'] = quantum[currQueue]job[currJob]['allotLeft'] = allotment[currQueue]if issuedIO == False:queue[currQueue].append(currJob)else:# this job has more time at this level, so just push it to endjob[currJob]['ticksLeft'] = quantum[currQueue]if issuedIO == False:queue[currQueue].append(currJob)# print out statistics
print ''
print 'Final statistics:'
responseSum   = 0
turnaroundSum = 0
for i in range(numJobs):response   = job[i]['firstRun'] - job[i]['startTime']turnaround = job[i]['endTime'] - job[i]['startTime']print '  Job %2d: startTime %3d - response %3d - turnaround %3d' % (i, job[i]['startTime'],response, turnaround)responseSum   += responseturnaroundSum += turnaroundprint '\n  Avg %2d: startTime n/a - response %.2f - turnaround %.2f' % (i, float(responseSum)/numJobs,float(turnaroundSum)/numJobs)print '\n'





pip install 2to3


2to3 -w your_script.py



#! /usr/bin/env python3import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import random# finds the highest nonempty queue
# -1 if they are all empty
def FindQueue():q = hiQueuewhile q > 0:if len(queue[q]) > 0:return qq -= 1if len(queue[0]) > 0:return 0return -1def Abort(str):sys.stderr.write(str + '\n')exit(1)#
#parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-s', '--seed', help='the random seed',default=0, action='store', type='int', dest='seed')
parser.add_option('-n', '--numQueues',help='number of queues in MLFQ (if not using -Q)',default=3, action='store', type='int', dest='numQueues')
parser.add_option('-q', '--quantum', help='length of time slice (if not using -Q)',default=10, action='store', type='int', dest='quantum')
parser.add_option('-a', '--allotment', help='length of allotment (if not using -A)',default=1, action='store', type='int', dest='allotment')
parser.add_option('-Q', '--quantumList',help='length of time slice per queue level, specified as ' + \'x,y,z,... where x is the quantum length for the highest ' + \'priority queue, y the next highest, and so forth',default='', action='store', type='string', dest='quantumList')
parser.add_option('-A', '--allotmentList',help='length of time allotment per queue level, specified as ' + \'x,y,z,... where x is the # of time slices for the highest ' + \'priority queue, y the next highest, and so forth',default='', action='store', type='string', dest='allotmentList')
parser.add_option('-j', '--numJobs', default=3, help='number of jobs in the system',action='store', type='int', dest='numJobs')
parser.add_option('-m', '--maxlen', default=100, help='max run-time of a job ' +'(if randomly generating)', action='store', type='int',dest='maxlen')
parser.add_option('-M', '--maxio', default=10,help='max I/O frequency of a job (if randomly generating)',action='store', type='int', dest='maxio')
parser.add_option('-B', '--boost', default=0,help='how often to boost the priority of all jobs back to ' +'high priority', action='store', type='int', dest='boost')
parser.add_option('-i', '--iotime', default=5,help='how long an I/O should last (fixed constant)',action='store', type='int', dest='ioTime')
parser.add_option('-S', '--stay', default=False,help='reset and stay at same priority level when issuing I/O',action='store_true', dest='stay')
parser.add_option('-I', '--iobump', default=False,help='if specified, jobs that finished I/O move immediately ' + \'to front of current queue',action='store_true', dest='iobump')
parser.add_option('-l', '--jlist', default='',help='a comma-separated list of jobs to run, in the form ' + \'x1,y1,z1:x2,y2,z2:... where x is start time, y is run ' + \'time, and z is how often the job issues an I/O request',action='store', type='string', dest='jlist')
parser.add_option('-c', help='compute answers for me', action='store_true',default=False, dest='solve')(options, args) = parser.parse_args()random.seed(options.seed)# MLFQ: How Many Queues
numQueues = options.numQueuesquantum = {}
if options.quantumList != '':# instead, extract number of queues and their time slicquantumLengths = options.quantumList.split(',')numQueues = len(quantumLengths)qc = numQueues - 1for i in range(numQueues):quantum[qc] = int(quantumLengths[i])qc -= 1
else:for i in range(numQueues):quantum[i] = int(options.quantum)allotment = {}
if options.allotmentList != '':allotmentLengths = options.allotmentList.split(',')if numQueues != len(allotmentLengths):print('number of allotments specified must match number of quantums')exit(1)qc = numQueues - 1for i in range(numQueues):allotment[qc] = int(allotmentLengths[i])if qc != 0 and allotment[qc] <= 0:print('allotment must be positive integer')exit(1)qc -= 1
else:for i in range(numQueues):allotment[i] = int(options.allotment)hiQueue = numQueues - 1# MLFQ: I/O Model
# the time for each IO: not great to have a single fixed time but...
ioTime = int(options.ioTime)# This tracks when IOs and other interrupts are complete
ioDone = {}# This stores all info about the jobs
job = {}# seed the random generator
random.seed(options.seed)# jlist 'startTime,runTime,ioFreq:startTime,runTime,ioFreq:...'
jobCnt = 0
if options.jlist != '':allJobs = options.jlist.split(':')for j in allJobs:jobInfo = j.split(',')if len(jobInfo) != 3:print('Badly formatted job string. Should be x1,y1,z1:x2,y2,z2:...')print('where x is the startTime, y is the runTime, and z is the I/O frequency.')exit(1)assert(len(jobInfo) == 3)startTime = int(jobInfo[0])runTime   = int(jobInfo[1])ioFreq    = int(jobInfo[2])job[jobCnt] = {'currPri':hiQueue, 'ticksLeft':quantum[hiQueue],'allotLeft':allotment[hiQueue], 'startTime':startTime,'runTime':runTime, 'timeLeft':runTime, 'ioFreq':ioFreq, 'doingIO':False,'firstRun':-1}if startTime not in ioDone:ioDone[startTime] = []ioDone[startTime].append((jobCnt, 'JOB BEGINS'))jobCnt += 1
else:# do something randomfor j in range(options.numJobs):startTime = 0runTime   = int(random.random() * (options.maxlen - 1) + 1)ioFreq    = int(random.random() * (options.maxio - 1) + 1)job[jobCnt] = {'currPri':hiQueue, 'ticksLeft':quantum[hiQueue],'allotLeft':allotment[hiQueue], 'startTime':startTime,'runTime':runTime, 'timeLeft':runTime, 'ioFreq':ioFreq, 'doingIO':False,'firstRun':-1}if startTime not in ioDone:ioDone[startTime] = []ioDone[startTime].append((jobCnt, 'JOB BEGINS'))jobCnt += 1numJobs = len(job)print('Here is the list of inputs:')
print('OPTIONS jobs',            numJobs)
print('OPTIONS queues',          numQueues)
for i in range(len(quantum)-1,-1,-1):print('OPTIONS allotments for queue %2d is %3d' % (i, allotment[i]))print('OPTIONS quantum length for queue %2d is %3d' % (i, quantum[i]))
print('OPTIONS boost',           options.boost)
print('OPTIONS ioTime',          options.ioTime)
print('OPTIONS stayAfterIO',     options.stay)
print('OPTIONS iobump',          options.iobump)print('\n')
print('For each job, three defining characteristics are given:')
print('  startTime : at what time does the job enter the system')
print('  runTime   : the total CPU time needed by the job to finish')
print('  ioFreq    : every ioFreq time units, the job issues an I/O')
print('              (the I/O takes ioTime units to complete)\n')print('Job List:')
for i in range(numJobs):print('  Job %2d: startTime %3d - runTime %3d - ioFreq %3d' % (i, job[i]['startTime'],job[i]['runTime'],job[i]['ioFreq']))
print('')if options.solve == False:print('Compute the execution trace for the given workloads.')print('If you would like, also compute the response and turnaround')print('times for each of the jobs.')print('')print('Use the -c flag to get the exact results when you are finished.\n')exit(0)# initialize the MLFQ queues
queue = {}
for q in range(numQueues):queue[q] = []# TIME IS CENTRAL
currTime = 0# use these to know when we're finished
totalJobs    = len(job)
finishedJobs = 0print('\nExecution Trace:\n')while finishedJobs < totalJobs:# find highest priority job# run it until either# (a) the job uses up its time quantum# (b) the job performs an I/O# check for priority boostif options.boost > 0 and currTime != 0:if currTime % options.boost == 0:print('[ time %d ] BOOST ( every %d )' % (currTime, options.boost))# remove all jobs from queues (except high queue) and put them in high queuefor q in range(numQueues-1):for j in queue[q]:if job[j]['doingIO'] == False:queue[hiQueue].append(j)queue[q] = []# change priority to high priority# reset number of ticks left for all jobs (just for lower jobs?)# add to highest run queue (if not doing I/O)for j in range(numJobs):# print '-> Boost %d (timeLeft %d)' % (j, job[j]['timeLeft'])if job[j]['timeLeft'] > 0:# print '-> FinalBoost %d (timeLeft %d)' % (j, job[j]['timeLeft'])job[j]['currPri']   = hiQueuejob[j]['ticksLeft'] = allotment[hiQueue]# print 'BOOST END: QUEUES look like:', queue# check for any I/Os doneif currTime in ioDone:for (j, type) in ioDone[currTime]:q = job[j]['currPri']job[j]['doingIO'] = Falseprint('[ time %d ] %s by JOB %d' % (currTime, type, j))if options.iobump == False or type == 'JOB BEGINS':queue[q].append(j)else:queue[q].insert(0, j)# now find the highest priority jobcurrQueue = FindQueue()if currQueue == -1:print('[ time %d ] IDLE' % (currTime))currTime += 1continue# there was at least one runnable job, and hence ...currJob = queue[currQueue][0]if job[currJob]['currPri'] != currQueue:Abort('currPri[%d] does not match currQueue[%d]' % (job[currJob]['currPri'], currQueue))job[currJob]['timeLeft']  -= 1job[currJob]['ticksLeft'] -= 1if job[currJob]['firstRun'] == -1:job[currJob]['firstRun'] = currTimerunTime   = job[currJob]['runTime']ioFreq    = job[currJob]['ioFreq']ticksLeft = job[currJob]['ticksLeft']allotLeft = job[currJob]['allotLeft']timeLeft  = job[currJob]['timeLeft']print('[ time %d ] Run JOB %d at PRIORITY %d [ TICKS %d ALLOT %d TIME %d (of %d) ]' % \(currTime, currJob, currQueue, ticksLeft, allotLeft, timeLeft, runTime))if timeLeft < 0:Abort('Error: should never have less than 0 time left to run')# UPDATE TIMEcurrTime += 1# CHECK FOR JOB ENDINGif timeLeft == 0:print('[ time %d ] FINISHED JOB %d' % (currTime, currJob))finishedJobs += 1job[currJob]['endTime'] = currTime# print 'BEFORE POP', queuedone = queue[currQueue].pop(0)# print 'AFTER POP', queueassert(done == currJob)continue# CHECK FOR IOissuedIO = Falseif ioFreq > 0 and (((runTime - timeLeft) % ioFreq) == 0):# time for an IO!print('[ time %d ] IO_START by JOB %d' % (currTime, currJob))issuedIO = Truedesched = queue[currQueue].pop(0)assert(desched == currJob)job[currJob]['doingIO'] = True# this does the bad rule -- reset your tick counter if you stay at the same levelif options.stay == True:job[currJob]['ticksLeft'] = quantum[currQueue]job[currJob]['allotLeft'] = allotment[currQueue]# add to IO Queue: but which queue?futureTime = currTime + ioTimeif futureTime not in ioDone:ioDone[futureTime] = []print('IO DONE')ioDone[futureTime].append((currJob, 'IO_DONE'))# CHECK FOR QUANTUM ENDING AT THIS LEVEL (BUT REMEMBER, THERE STILL MAY BE ALLOTMENT LEFT)if ticksLeft == 0:if issuedIO == False:# IO HAS NOT BEEN ISSUED (therefor pop from queue)'desched = queue[currQueue].pop(0)assert(desched == currJob)job[currJob]['allotLeft'] = job[currJob]['allotLeft'] - 1if job[currJob]['allotLeft'] == 0:# this job is DONE at this level, so move onif currQueue > 0:# in this case, have to change the priority of the jobjob[currJob]['currPri']   = currQueue - 1job[currJob]['ticksLeft'] = quantum[currQueue-1]job[currJob]['allotLeft'] = allotment[currQueue-1]if issuedIO == False:queue[currQueue-1].append(currJob)else:job[currJob]['ticksLeft'] = quantum[currQueue]job[currJob]['allotLeft'] = allotment[currQueue]if issuedIO == False:queue[currQueue].append(currJob)else:# this job has more time at this level, so just push it to endjob[currJob]['ticksLeft'] = quantum[currQueue]if issuedIO == False:queue[currQueue].append(currJob)# print out statistics
print('Final statistics:')
responseSum   = 0
turnaroundSum = 0
for i in range(numJobs):response   = job[i]['firstRun'] - job[i]['startTime']turnaround = job[i]['endTime'] - job[i]['startTime']print('  Job %2d: startTime %3d - response %3d - turnaround %3d' % (i, job[i]['startTime'],response, turnaround))responseSum   += responseturnaroundSum += turnaroundprint('\n  Avg %2d: startTime n/a - response %.2f - turnaround %.2f' % (i,float(responseSum)/numJobs,float(turnaroundSum)/numJobs))print('\n')





《Nginx设置连接超时并进行测试的方法步骤》在高并发场景下,如果客户端与服务器的连接长时间未响应,会占用大量的系统资源,影响其他正常请求的处理效率,为了解决这个问题,可以通过设置Nginx的连接... 目录设置连接超时目的操作步骤测试连接超时测试方法:总结:设置连接超时目的设置客户端与服务器之间的连接


《Java判断多个时间段是否重合的方法小结》这篇文章主要为大家详细介绍了Java中判断多个时间段是否重合的方法,文中的示例代码讲解详细,感兴趣的小伙伴可以跟随小编一起学习一下... 目录判断多个时间段是否有间隔判断时间段集合是否与某时间段重合判断多个时间段是否有间隔实体类内容public class D


《Python使用国内镜像加速pip安装的方法讲解》在Python开发中,pip是一个非常重要的工具,用于安装和管理Python的第三方库,然而,在国内使用pip安装依赖时,往往会因为网络问题而导致速... 目录一、pip 工具简介1. 什么是 pip?2. 什么是 -i 参数?二、国内镜像源的选择三、如何

IDEA编译报错“java: 常量字符串过长”的原因及解决方法

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《Linux使用nload监控网络流量的方法》Linux中的nload命令是一个用于实时监控网络流量的工具,它提供了传入和传出流量的可视化表示,帮助用户一目了然地了解网络活动,本文给大家介绍了Linu... 目录简介安装示例用法基础用法指定网络接口限制显示特定流量类型指定刷新率设置流量速率的显示单位监控多个


《Java覆盖第三方jar包中的某一个类的实现方法》在我们日常的开发中,经常需要使用第三方的jar包,有时候我们会发现第三方的jar包中的某一个类有问题,或者我们需要定制化修改其中的逻辑,那么应该如何... 目录一、需求描述二、示例描述三、操作步骤四、验证结果五、实现原理一、需求描述需求描述如下:需要在


《JavaScript中的reduce方法执行过程、使用场景及进阶用法》:本文主要介绍JavaScript中的reduce方法执行过程、使用场景及进阶用法的相关资料,reduce是JavaScri... 目录1. 什么是reduce2. reduce语法2.1 语法2.2 参数说明3. reduce执行过程


《C#中读取XML文件的四种常用方法》Xml是Internet环境中跨平台的,依赖于内容的技术,是当前处理结构化文档信息的有力工具,下面我们就来看看C#中读取XML文件的方法都有哪些吧... 目录XML简介格式C#读取XML文件方法使用XmlDocument使用XmlTextReader/XmlTextWr


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《C++初始化数组的几种常见方法(简单易懂)》本文介绍了C++中数组的初始化方法,包括一维数组和二维数组的初始化,以及用new动态初始化数组,在C++11及以上版本中,还提供了使用std::array... 目录1、初始化一维数组1.1、使用列表初始化(推荐方式)1.2、初始化部分列表1.3、使用std::