Top 10 time waster games

2024-03-28 00:32
文章标签 top time games waster

本文主要是介绍Top 10 time waster games,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

When you’re done with MS Windows included games or other freebies or these “nasty” admins at work didn’t install them on your computer here are some suggestions of online games.

We did only include games you can play with little effort - for example by just using the mouse -and that run as Flash files. No arcade games are included.

We’ve tried all of them out personally (guess why we only put up 3 posts yesterday) and these are the best we found in the different categories that exist. And we do know that there are many other great ones out there (comment box is below):

screenshots and links after the jump

link to ScatchpadScratchpad
A game the whole office can play. Draw with others on a scratchpad. Normally 20-50 people in one room.


link to Cuber XtremeCuber Xtreme:
Block - pushing games with 3D environment and a little guy pushing the blocks around.

link to OrisinalOrisinal:
A whole collection of online games. Try the Japanese warrior.

link to Mansion ImpossibleMansion Impossible:
Buy and sell houses and make a profit before prices fall. Nice effects (jumping houses)

link to Bin ballBin ball:
Get the ball into the bin. It’s not as easy as it looks. There is a similar one called Office Boredom Game (see screenshot at the beginning of this post).

link to Line RiderLine Rider:
No time waster list would be complete without this. Draw a line and let the little guy slide (up) and down. Check YouTube for advances rides.

link to Double WiresDouble Wires:
Swing as far as you can with your liana…

link to Puki The swarmPuki The SWARM:
fight little mutant critters in 3D

link to TangramTangram:
An online version of the old tangram game.

link to Sift headsSift Heads:
Those who enjoy movies like Transporter or Snatch will love this game.

If you want to try out other time wasters or games have a look at:
Milk and
flash addictive


这篇关于Top 10 time waster games的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!



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