
2024-03-27 01:40
文章标签 复习 词汇 上课 六级


1.tangible/'tæn(d)ʒɪb(ə)l/ 有形的
例句:In the broadest term ,an object is a thing,both tangible and intangible
2. stands for:替代
例句:The notation we use in the book is based on the industry standard notation called UML.which stands for Unifide Modeling Language
3. nontrivial /nɒn’trɪvɪəl/ 有用的
4. 对象名后面写类名,对象名下面划横线在这里插入图片描述
5. For the computer to be able to create an object ,we must provide a definition ,called a class .A class is a kind of mold or template that dictates what objects can and cannot do .
An object is called an instance of a class. An object is an instance of exactly one class.
6. To instruct a class or a object to perform a task,we send a message to it
You cannot just send a message to any class or object .You can send a message only to the classes and objects that understand the message you send .For a class or an object to process the message it receives,it must possess a matching method
然后书里面说,message we send to an object or a class must be the same as the methods name.所以说,(目前我认为的)方法调用如people.laugh()中实际上是在发送laugh这个message?
书上原话: Because the object that receives a message must possess a corresponding method, we often substitute the expression sending a message with calling a method.
The expressioncalling object O’s method Mis synonymous withsending message M to object O.(表达式调用对象O的方法Mis等同于向对象O发送消息M。)

  1. designated :特定的,特指的
  2. requested operation请求操作
  3. obstacle/'ɒbstək(ə)l/ :障碍物
  4. Instead of returning a numerical value, a method can report back the status of the requested operation. For example, a method walk can be defined to return the status success/fail to indicate whether the specified distance was covered successfully or not
  5. analogous /ə’næləgəs/ :to/with sth类似的相似的
    例句:analogous to defining class and instance methods ,we can define class and instance data values;
  6. possess /pə’zes/ :(小钥匙)拥有
  7. set of data:数据集(set of:一套)
    例句 All instances of the same class will possess the same set of data values
  8. To use an object in a program,first we declare and create an object,and then we send messages to it.
  9. When an identifier consists of multiple words, the Java naming convention dictates the first letter from every word will be capitalized, except the first word if the identifier is an object name. For example, we write MyMainWindow and myMainWindow for the class and object name, respectively.
  10. 在这里插入图片描述
    当使用new关键字创建一个对象,会在堆中分配空间来存储此对象,通过赋值号 “=” 可以将new关键字创建出的对象的引用存储在相应对象类型的变量中。


  1. Notice that the import statement is terminated by a semicolon. (分号)
  2. When we say “import a package,”it sounds as if we are copying all those classes into our programs.(不只是简单的拷贝)That is not the case.Importing a package is only a shorthand notation for referencing classes.The only effect of importing a package is the elimination of the requirement to use the fully qualified name. No classes are physically copied into our programs.(但是!!!啥是所谓的fully qualified name啊)
  3. 编译编辑运行周期( edit-compile-run cycle )
    step 1:Type in the program, using an editor, and save the program to a file. Use the name of the main class and the suffix .java for the filename. This file, in which the program is in a human-readable form, is called a source file.使用编辑器输入程序,并将程序保存到文件中。使用主类的名称和后缀.java作为文件名。该文件称为源文件,其中程序以人们可读的形式存在。
    step 2:Compile the source file. Many compilers require you to create a project file and then place the source file in the project file in order to compile the source file. When the compilation is successful, the compiled version of the source file is created. This compiled version is called bytecode, and the file that contains bytecode is called a bytecode file. The name of the compiler-generated bytecode file will have the suffix .class while its prefix is the same as the one for the source file.
    step 3:Execute the bytecode file.
    :Unlike machine-language instructions,or machine code,Java bytecode is not tied to any particular operating system or CPU.All we need to run the same Java programs on different operating systems is the Java interpreters for the desired operating systems. Currently, there are Java interpreters for Windows, Mac, Unix, and other operating systems. A Java interpreter is also called a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) because it is like a virtual machine that executes bytecode,whereas a CPU is a real machine that executes machine code.与机器语言指令或机器代码不同,Java字节码不绑定到任何特定的操作系统或CPU。要在不同的操作系统上运行相同的Java程序,只需要为所需的操作系统提供Java解释器。目前,Windows、Mac、Unix和其他操作系统都有Java解释器。Java解释器也称为Java虚拟机(JVM),因为它类似于执行字节码的虚拟机,而CPU是执行机器码的真实机器。
  4. Sample java Standard Class(java标准类)之标准输出
    When a program computes a result, we need a way to display this result to the user of the program. One of the most common ways to do this in Java is to use the console window. The console window is also called the standard output window. We output data such as the computation results or messages to the console window via System.out. The System class includes a number of useful class data values. One is an instance of the PrintStream class named out. (所以说,什么是class data values?)Since this is a class data value, we refer to it through the class name as System.out, and this PrintStream object is tied to the console window (there’s exactly one console window per program). Every data item we send to System.out will appear on this console window. We call the technique to output data by using System.out the standard output.
  5. Sample java Standard Class(java标准类)之String
String str=new String("Harry is handsome");//显示使用(explicit use of new)
String str="Harry is handsome";

String类里面有三个有意思的方法: substring, length, and indexOf





【408数据结构】散列 (哈希)知识点集合复习考点题目

苏泽  “弃工从研”的路上很孤独,于是我记下了些许笔记相伴,希望能够帮助到大家    知识点 1. 散列查找 散列查找是一种高效的查找方法,它通过散列函数将关键字映射到数组的一个位置,从而实现快速查找。这种方法的时间复杂度平均为(


点对点链路:两个相邻节点通过一个链路相连,没有第三者 应用:PPP协议,常用于广域网 广播式链路:所有主机共享通信介质 应用:早期的总线以太网,无线局域网,常用于局域网 典型拓扑结构:总线型 星型(逻辑总线型) 介质访问控制  静态划分信道 信道划分介质访问控制 频分多路复用FDM 时分多路复用TDM 波分多路复用WDM 码分多路复用CDM 动态分配信道 轮询访问介质访问控


例1:证明,循环群的子群是循环群。 证:设G = (a),H ≤ G。 (1)若H = {e},则H是一阶循环群; (2)设H至少包含2个元素,即设H = {...,a^(-k),a^(-j),a^(-i),a^0,a^i,a^j,a^k,...}, 其中a^i是H中正指数最小的元素,0<i<j<k, 下证a^i是H的生成元: 对任意的a^t∈H(t∈Z),存在q∈Z,使得t = qi


一.名词解释 1.社会静力学:旨在揭示人类社会的基本秩序。它从社会的横断面,静态的考察人类社会的结构和制度,寻找确立和维护人类社会的共存和秩序的原则。 2.社会动力学:纵观人类理性和人类社会发展的先后必要阶段,所叙述的是这一基本秩序在达到实证主义这一最终阶段之前所经过的曲折历程。 3.社会事实:一切行为方式,不论它是固定的还是不固定的,凡是能从外部给予个人以约束的,或者说是普遍存在于该社会各

CVPR 2024最新论文分享┆YOLO-World:一种实时开放词汇目标检测方法

论文分享简介 本推文主要介绍了CVPR 2024上的一篇论文《YOLO-World: Real-Time Open-Vocabulary Object Detection》,论文的第一作者为Tianheng Cheng和Lin Song,该论文提出了一种开放词汇目标检测的新方法,名为YOLO-World。论文通过引入视觉-语言建模和大规模预训练解决了传统YOLO检测器在固定词汇检测中的局限性。论


西方文论选读复习资料 1.柏拉图:古希腊哲学家,苏格拉底的学生。公园前387年在雅典城外建立学园开始授徒讲学,撰写对话。柏拉图的作品即《柏拉图文艺对话集》中讨论美学和文艺理论问题较多的有:《大希庇阿斯》、《伊安》、《高吉阿斯》、《会饮》、《斐德若》、《理想国》、《斐利布斯》、《法律》等。 ▲柏拉图《伊安》和《斐若德》内容:主要阐述了"迷狂说"和"灵魂回忆说":柏拉图认为,高明的诗人都是凭灵

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android kotlin复习 Anonymous function 匿名函数

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类和对象 1. 面向对象和面向过程的区别是什么?(开放性问题) 1. **抽象级别**:- **面向对象**:以对象(数据和方法的集合)为中心,强调的是数据和行为的封装。- **面向过程**:以过程(函数或子程序)为中心,强调的是步骤和顺序。2. **数据和方法的关系**:- **面向对象**:数据和处理数据的方法封装在对象中,对象可以包含数据和操作数据的方法。- **面向过程**:数据和处理