Hibernate: select user0_.uid as uid4_, user0_.username as username4_, user0_.password as password4_,

本文主要是介绍Hibernate: select user0_.uid as uid4_, user0_.username as username4_, user0_.password as password4_,,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Hibernate: select user0_.uid as uid4_, user0_.username as username4_, user0_.password as password4_, user0_.email as email4_, user0_.phone as phone4_, user0_.sex as sex4_, user0_.did as did4_ from user user0_ where user0_.username=? and user0_.password=?
Hibernate: select user0_.uid as uid4_, user0_.username as username4_, user0_.password as password4_, user0_.email as email4_, user0_.phone as phone4_, user0_.sex as sex4_, user0_.did as did4_ from user user0_ where user0_.username=? and user0_.password=?
Hibernate: select menuitem0_.mid as mid6_0_, user2_.uid as uid4_1_, menuitem0_.pid as pid6_0_, menuitem0_.isParent as isParent6_0_, menuitem0_.checked as checked6_0_, menuitem0_.name as name6_0_, menuitem0_.target as target6_0_, menuitem0_.icon as icon6_0_, menuitem0_.url as url6_0_, user2_.username as username4_1_, user2_.password as password4_1_, user2_.email as email4_1_, user2_.phone as phone4_1_, user2_.sex as sex4_1_, user2_.did as did4_1_, users1_.mid as mid0__, users1_.uid as uid0__ from menuitem menuitem0_ inner join user_menuitem users1_ on menuitem0_.mid=users1_.mid inner join user user2_ on users1_.uid=user2_.uid where user2_.uid=?

这篇关于Hibernate: select user0_.uid as uid4_, user0_.username as username4_, user0_.password as password4_,的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!




《el-select下拉选择缓存的实现》本文主要介绍了在使用el-select实现下拉选择缓存时遇到的问题及解决方案,文中通过示例代码介绍的非常详细,对大家的学习或者工作具有一定的参考学习价值,需要的... 目录项目场景:问题描述解决方案:项目场景:从左侧列表中选取字段填入右侧下拉多选框,用户可以对右侧

easyui 验证下拉菜单select

validatebox.js中添加以下方法: selectRequired: {validator: function (value) {if (value == "" || value.indexOf('请选择') >= 0 || value.indexOf('全部') >= 0) {return false;}else {return true;}},message: '该下拉框为必选项'}


1  Hibernate的检索方式 Ø  导航对象图检索(根据已经加载的对象,导航到其他对象。) Ø  OID检索(按照对象的OID来检索对象。) Ø  HQL检索(使用面向对象的HQL查询语言。) Ø  QBC检索(使用QBC(Qurey By Criteria)API来检索对象。 QBC/QBE离线/在线) Ø  本地SQL检索(使用本地数据库的SQL查询语句。) 包括Hibern


目录 多路转接之select 引入 介绍 fd_set 函数原型 nfds readfds / writefds / exceptfds readfds  总结  fd_set操作接口  timeout timevalue 结构体 传入值 返回值 代码 注意点 -- 调用函数 select的参数填充  获取新连接 注意点 -- 通信时的调用函数 添加新fd到

C++ I/O多路复用 select / poll / epoll

I/O多路复用:在网络I/O中,用 1个或1组线程 管理 多个连接描述符。             如果有至少一个描述符准备就绪,就处理对应的事件             如果没有,就会被阻塞,让出CPU给其他应用程序运行,直到有准备就绪的描述符 或 超时

Go Select的实现

select语法总结 select对应的每个case如果有已经准备好的case 则进行chan读写操作;若没有则执行defualt语句;若都没有则阻塞当前goroutine,直到某个chan准备好可读或可写,完成对应的case后退出。 Select的内存布局 了解chanel的实现后对select的语法有个疑问,select如何实现多路复用的,为什么没有在第一个channel操作时阻塞 从而导

Go 语言中Select与for结合使用break

func test(){i := 0for {select {case <-time.After(time.Second * time.Duration(2)):i++if i == 5{fmt.Println("break now")break }fmt.Println("inside the select: ")}fmt.Println("inside the for: ")}} 执行后

org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException:is not mapped 异常总结

org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: User is not mapped [select u from User u where u.userName=:userName and u.password=:password] 上面的异常的抛出主要有几个方面:1、最容易想到的,就是你的from是实体类而不是表名,这个应该大家都知道,注意

Caused by: org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not determine type for: org.cgh.ssh.pojo.GoodsType,

MappingException:这个主要是类映射上的异常,Could not determine type for: org.cgh.ssh.pojo.GoodsType,这句话表示GoodsType这个类没有被映射到


/*** 调用存储过程* * @param PRONAME* @return*/public CallableStatement citePro(final String PRONAME){Session session = getCurrentSession();CallableStatement pro = session.doReturningWork(new ReturningWork<C