
2024-03-26 20:38
文章标签 部署 笔记 tvm airface


使用TVM在Tx2 Arm上部署AirFace c++

  • 目录
    • 前言
    • 自动优化
    • 终端测试






根据FrozenGene说的,arm目前还不能用graph tune。

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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Auto-tuning a convolutional network for ARM CPU
**Author**: `Lianmin Zheng <https://github.com/merrymercy>`_, `Zhao Wu <https://github.com/FrozenGene>`_, `Eddie Yan <https://github.com/eqy>`_Auto-tuning for a specific ARM device is critical for getting the best
performance. This is a tutorial about how to tune a whole convolutional
network.The operator implementation for ARM CPU in TVM is written in template form.
The template has many tunable knobs (tile factor, vectorization, unrolling, etc).
We will tune all convolution and depthwise convolution operators
in the neural network. After tuning, we produce a log file which stores
the best knob values for all required operators. When the TVM compiler compiles
these operators, it will query this log file to get the best knob values.We also released pre-tuned parameters for some arm devices. You can go to
`ARM CPU Benchmark <https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/wiki/Benchmark#arm-cpu>`_
to see the results.
"""######################################################################import os
import onnx
import numpy as np
import tvm
from tvm import autotvm
from tvm import relay
import tvm.relay.testing
from tvm.autotvm.tuner import XGBTuner, GATuner, RandomTuner, GridSearchTuner
from tvm.contrib.util import tempdir
import tvm.contrib.graph_runtime as runtime
from tvm.contrib import utilmodel_name = "face_load_weight"
model_dir = '/home/bokyliu/dukto/fxp/AirFace/2d_facerecognition/20191119-1/test/%s.onnx' % model_name
input_name = "0"
# Define network
# --------------
# First we need to define the network in relay frontend API.
# We can load some pre-defined network from :code:`relay.testing`.
# We can also load models from MXNet, ONNX and TensorFlow.def get_network(name, batch_size):"""Get the symbol definition and random weight of a network"""input_shape = (batch_size, 3, 224, 224)output_shape = (batch_size, 1000)if "resnet" in name:n_layer = int(name.split('-')[1])mod, params = relay.testing.resnet.get_workload(num_layers=n_layer, batch_size=batch_size, dtype=dtype)elif "vgg" in name:n_layer = int(name.split('-')[1])mod, params = relay.testing.vgg.get_workload(num_layers=n_layer, batch_size=batch_size, dtype=dtype)elif name == 'mobilenet':mod, params = relay.testing.mobilenet.get_workload(batch_size=batch_size)elif name == 'squeezenet_v1.1':mod, params = relay.testing.squeezenet.get_workload(batch_size=batch_size, version='1.1', dtype=dtype)elif name == 'inception_v3':input_shape = (1, 3, 299, 299)mod, params = relay.testing.inception_v3.get_workload(batch_size=batch_size, dtype=dtype)elif name == 'mxnet':# an example for mxnet modelfrom mxnet.gluon.model_zoo.vision import get_modelblock = get_model('resnet18_v1', pretrained=True)mod, params = relay.frontend.from_mxnet(block, shape={'data': input_shape}, dtype=dtype)net = mod["main"]net = relay.Function(net.params, relay.nn.softmax(net.body), None, net.type_params, net.attrs)mod = relay.Module.from_expr(net)elif name == 'onnx':input_shape = (batch_size, 3, 112, 112)onnx_model = onnx.load(model_dir)shape_dict = {input_name: (1, 3, 112, 112)}output_shape = (1, 512)mod, params = relay.frontend.from_onnx(onnx_model, shape_dict, dtype="float32")else:raise ValueError("Unsupported network: " + name)return mod, params, input_shape, output_shape############################################################################################################
# Set Tuning Options
# ------------------
# Before tuning, we should apply some configurations. Here I use an RK3399 board
# as example. In your setting, you should modify the target and device_key accordingly.
# set :code:`use_android` to True if you use android phone.#### DEVICE CONFIG ##### Replace "aarch64-linux-gnu" with the correct target of your board.
# This target is used for cross compilation. You can query it by :code:`gcc -v` on your device.
target = tvm.target.create('llvm -device=arm_cpu -target=aarch64-linux-gnu')# Also replace this with the device key in your tracker
device_key = 'tx2'# Set this to True if you use android phone
use_android = False#### TUNING OPTION ####
network = 'onnx'
log_file = "%s.%s.log" % (device_key, network)
dtype = 'float32'tuning_option = {'log_filename': log_file,'tuner': 'xgb','n_trial': 1500,'early_stopping': 800,'try_spatial_pack_depthwise': True,'measure_option': autotvm.measure_option(builder=autotvm.LocalBuilder(build_func='ndk' if use_android else 'default'),runner=autotvm.RPCRunner(device_key, host='', port=9190,number=5,timeout=10,),),
}num_threads = 4
os.environ["TVM_NUM_THREADS"] = str(num_threads)####################################################################
# .. note:: How to set tuning options
#   In general, the default values provided here work well.
#   If you have enough time budget, you can set :code:`n_trial`, :code:`early_stopping` larger,
#   which makes the tuning run longer.
#   If your device runs very slow or your conv2d operators have many GFLOPs, considering to
#   set timeout larger.
#   If your model has depthwise convolution, you could consider setting
#   :code:`try_spatial_pack_depthwise` be :code:`True`, which perform better than default
#   optimization in general. For example, on ARM CPU A53 2.0GHz, we find it could boost 1.6x
#   performance of depthwise convolution on Mobilenet V1 model.###################################################################
# Begin Tuning
# ------------
# Now we can extract tuning tasks from the network and begin tuning.
# Here, we provide a simple utility function to tune a list of tasks.
# This function is just an initial implementation which tunes them in sequential order.
# We will introduce a more sophisticated tuning scheduler in the future.# You can skip the implementation of this function for this tutorial.
def tune_tasks(tasks,measure_option,tuner='xgb',n_trial=1000,early_stopping=None,log_filename='tuning.log',use_transfer_learning=True,try_winograd=True,try_spatial_pack_depthwise=True):if try_winograd:for i in range(len(tasks)):try:  # try winograd templatetsk = autotvm.task.create(tasks[i].name, tasks[i].args,tasks[i].target, tasks[i].target_host, 'winograd')input_channel = tsk.workload[1][1]if input_channel >= 64:tasks[i] = tskexcept Exception:pass# if we want to use spatial pack for depthwise convolutionif try_spatial_pack_depthwise:tuner = 'xgb_knob'for i in range(len(tasks)):if tasks[i].name == 'topi_nn_depthwise_conv2d_nchw':tsk = autotvm.task.create(tasks[i].name, tasks[i].args,tasks[i].target, tasks[i].target_host,'contrib_spatial_pack')tasks[i] = tsk# create tmp log filetmp_log_file = log_filename + ".tmp"if os.path.exists(tmp_log_file):os.remove(tmp_log_file)for i, tsk in enumerate(reversed(tasks)):prefix = "[Task %2d/%2d] " % (i+1, len(tasks))# create tunerif tuner == 'xgb' or tuner == 'xgb-rank':tuner_obj = XGBTuner(tsk, loss_type='rank')elif tuner == 'xgb_knob':tuner_obj = XGBTuner(tsk, loss_type='rank', feature_type='knob')elif tuner == 'ga':tuner_obj = GATuner(tsk, pop_size=50)elif tuner == 'random':tuner_obj = RandomTuner(tsk)elif tuner == 'gridsearch':tuner_obj = GridSearchTuner(tsk)else:raise ValueError("Invalid tuner: " + tuner)if use_transfer_learning:if os.path.isfile(tmp_log_file):tuner_obj.load_history(autotvm.record.load_from_file(tmp_log_file))# do tuningn_trial = min(n_trial, len(tsk.config_space))# n_trial = len(tsk.config_space)tuner_obj.tune(n_trial=n_trial,early_stopping=early_stopping,measure_option=measure_option,callbacks=[autotvm.callback.progress_bar(n_trial, prefix=prefix),autotvm.callback.log_to_file(tmp_log_file)])# pick best records to a cache fileautotvm.record.pick_best(tmp_log_file, log_filename)os.remove(tmp_log_file)########################################################################
# Finally, we launch tuning jobs and evaluate the end-to-end performance.def tune_and_evaluate(tuning_opt):# extract workloads from relay programprint("Extract tasks...")mod, params, input_shape, outshape = get_network(network, batch_size=1)tasks = autotvm.task.extract_from_program(mod["main"], target=target,params=params,ops=(relay.op.nn.conv2d,))# run tuning tasksprint("Tuning...")tune_tasks(tasks, **tuning_opt)# compile kernels with history best recordswith autotvm.apply_history_best(log_file):print("Compile...")with relay.build_config(opt_level=1):graph, lib, params = relay.build_module.build(mod, target=target, params=params)# export librarylib_dir = '/home/bokyliu/Project/TVM/%s_tune_lib-fp32.tar' % model_namegraph_dir = '/home/bokyliu/Project/TVM/%s_tune_graph-fp32.json' % model_nameparams_dir = '/home/bokyliu/Project/TVM/%s_tune_params-fp32' % model_nametmp = tempdir()if use_android:from tvm.contrib import ndkfilename = "net.so"lib.export_library(tmp.relpath(filename), ndk.create_shared)else:filename = "net.tar"lib.export_library(lib_dir)temp = util.tempdir()with open(temp.relpath(graph_dir), "w") as fo:fo.write(graph)with open(temp.relpath(params_dir), "wb") as fo:fo.write(relay.save_param_dict(params))# upload module to deviceprint("Upload...")remote = autotvm.measure.request_remote(device_key, '', 9190,timeout=10000)# remote.upload(tmp.relpath(filename))# rlib = remote.load_module(filename)remote.upload(lib_dir)remote_tar = '%s_tune_lib-fp16.tar' % model_namerlib = remote.load_module(remote_tar)# upload parameters to devicectx = remote.context(str(target), 0)module = runtime.create(graph, rlib, ctx)data_tvm = tvm.nd.array((np.random.uniform(size=input_shape)).astype(dtype))module.set_input('0', data_tvm)module.set_input(**params)module.run()out0 = module.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty(outshape)).asnumpy()# test onnx outputctx = tvm.gpu()# create modulemodule = runtime.create(graph, lib, ctx)# set input and parametersmodule.set_input("0", data_tvm)module.set_input(**params)# runmodule.run()# get outputout1 = module.get_output(0, tvm.nd.empty(outshape)).asnumpy()tvm.testing.assert_allclose(out0, out1, atol=1e-3)# evaluateprint("Evaluate inference time cost...")ftimer = module.module.time_evaluator("run", ctx, number=12, repeat=10)prof_res = np.array(ftimer().results) * 1000  # convert to millisecondprint("Mean inference time (std dev): %.2f ms (%.2f ms)" %(np.mean(prof_res), np.std(prof_res)))# We do not run the tuning in our webpage server since it takes too long.
# Uncomment the following line to run it by yourself.tune_and_evaluate(tuning_option)######################################################################
# Sample Output
# -------------
# The tuning needs to compile many programs and extract feature from them.
# So a high performance CPU is recommended.
# One sample output is listed below.
# It takes about 2 hours on a 32T AMD Ryzen Threadripper.
# .. code-block:: bash
#    Extract tasks...
#    Tuning...
#    [Task  1/12]  Current/Best:   22.37/  52.19 GFLOPS | Progress: (544/1000) | 406.59 s Done.
#    [Task  2/12]  Current/Best:    6.51/  18.77 GFLOPS | Progress: (608/1000) | 325.05 s Done.
#    [Task  3/12]  Current/Best:    4.67/  24.87 GFLOPS | Progress: (480/1000) | 372.31 s Done.
#    [Task  4/12]  Current/Best:   11.35/  46.83 GFLOPS | Progress: (736/1000) | 602.39 s Done.
#    [Task  5/12]  Current/Best:    1.01/  19.80 GFLOPS | Progress: (448/1000) | 262.16 s Done.
#    [Task  6/12]  Current/Best:    2.47/  23.76 GFLOPS | Progress: (672/1000) | 563.85 s Done.
#    [Task  7/12]  Current/Best:   14.57/  33.97 GFLOPS | Progress: (544/1000) | 465.15 s Done.
#    [Task  8/12]  Current/Best:    1.13/  17.65 GFLOPS | Progress: (576/1000) | 365.08 s Done.
#    [Task  9/12]  Current/Best:   14.45/  22.66 GFLOPS | Progress: (928/1000) | 724.25 s Done.
#    [Task 10/12]  Current/Best:    3.22/  15.36 GFLOPS | Progress: (864/1000) | 564.27 s Done.
#    [Task 11/12]  Current/Best:   11.03/  32.23 GFLOPS | Progress: (736/1000) | 635.15 s Done.
#    [Task 12/12]  Current/Best:    8.00/  21.65 GFLOPS | Progress: (1000/1000) | 1111.81 s Done.
#    Compile...
#    Upload...
#    Evaluate inference time cost...
#    Mean inference time (std dev): 162.59 ms (0.06 ms)######################################################################
# .. note:: **Experiencing Difficulties?**
#   The auto tuning module is error-prone. If you always see " 0.00/ 0.00 GFLOPS",
#   then there must be something wrong.
#   First, make sure you set the correct configuration of your device.
#   Then, you can print debug information by adding these lines in the beginning
#   of the script. It will print every measurement result, where you can find useful
#   error messages.
#   .. code-block:: python
#      import logging
#      logging.getLogger('autotvm').setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
#   Finally, always feel free to ask our community for help on https://discuss.tvm.ai


  • 将try_spatial_pack_depthwise置true
  • 修改n_trail和early_stopping
  • 保存优化的结果(教程里面这点很坑,人家优化了几十个小时的结果就让他保存在/tmp/***/下面,程序一退出就自动删除了。)



import numpy as np
import tvm
from tvm.contrib import graph_runtimepath_lib = './100-net-fp16.tar'loaded_json = open("./face_partial_tune_graph-fp16.json").read()
loaded_lib = tvm.module.load(path_lib)
loaded_params = bytearray(open('./face_partial_tune_params-fp16', 'rb').read())
input_data = tvm.nd.array(np.random.uniform(size=(1, 3, 112, 112)).astype('float32'))input_name = "0" # ??graph?????
ctx = tvm.cpu()
module = graph_runtime.create(loaded_json, loaded_lib, ctx)
module.set_input(input_name, input_data)
# module.set_input(**loaded_params)
module.load_params(loaded_params)# evaluate
print("Evaluate inference time cost...")
ftimer = module.module.time_evaluator("run", ctx, number=100, repeat=3)
prof_res = np.array(ftimer().results) * 1000  # convert to millisecond
print("Mean inference time (std dev): %.2f ms (%.2f ms)" %(np.mean(prof_res), np.std(prof_res)))


import numpy as np
import tvm
import tvm.relay as relay
from tvm.contrib import graph_runtime
import torch
# import cv2 as cvtest_json = '/home/face/tvm_cpp/modelFolder/face_partial_tune_graph-fp16-load.json'
test_lib = '/home/face/tvm_cpp/modelFolder/100-net-fp16-load.tar.so'
test_param = '/home/face/tvm_cpp/modelFolder/face_partial_tune_params-fp16-load'loaded_json = open(test_json).read()
loaded_lib = tvm.module.load(test_lib)
loaded_params = bytearray(open(test_param, "rb").read())def preprocess(img_src):img_src= cv.cvtColor(img_src, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)img_src= cv.resize(img_src, (112, 112))input_data = np.array(img_src).astype(np.float32)input_data = input_data / 255.0input_data = np.transpose(input_data, (2, 0, 1))input_data[0] = (input_data[0] - 0.5)/ 0.5input_data[1] = (input_data[1] - 0.5)/ 0.5input_data[2] = (input_data[2] - 0.5)/ 0.5input_data = input_data[np.newaxis, :].copy()return input_data# img = cv.imread("/home/face/anna/164_2.jpg")
# img_input = preprocess(img)ctx = tvm.cpu(0)
module = graph_runtime.create(loaded_json, loaded_lib, ctx)
module.load_params(loaded_params)tempimg0 = torch.ones(1, 3, 112, 112)
# run the module
module.set_input("0", tempimg0)
out_deploy = module.get_output(0).asnumpy()print(out_deploy)


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)project(tvm_cpp)set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON)
set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON)find_package(Qt5Core)
set(OpenCV_DIR /home/face/addition/opencv-3.4.2/build)
find_package (OpenCV REQUIRED)
if(OpenCV_FOUND)include_directories(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS})message(STATUS "OpenCV library status:")message(STATUS "    version: ${OpenCV_VERSION}")message(STATUS "    libraries: ${OpenCV_LIBS}")message(STATUS "    include path: ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
endif()add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} "main.cpp")target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Qt5::Core)INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES("~/tvm/include")
INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES("~/tvm/3rdparty/dmlc-core/include")target_link_libraries(tvm_cpp "~/tvm/build/libtvm.so""~/tvm/build/libtvm_runtime.so"${OpenCV_LIBS})


#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <dlpack/dlpack.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/module.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/registry.h>
#include <tvm/runtime/packed_func.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <opencv2/dnn/dnn.hpp>
#include <dirent.h>int find_dir_file(std::string dir_name, std::vector<std::string> &v) //文件夹地址,文件列表
{DIR *dirp;struct dirent *dp;std::vector<std::string> first;dirp = opendir(dir_name.c_str());while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL){//跳过'.'和'..'两个目录if (dp->d_name[0] == '.')continue;first.push_back(dp->d_name);}(void)closedir(dirp);std::cout << "first.size = " << first.size() << std::endl;//子目录搜索std::vector<std::string> sec;for (int i = 0; i < first.size(); i++){std::string second = dir_name + "/" + first[i];// cout<<"second = "<<second<<endl;dirp = opendir(second.c_str());while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL){//跳过'.'和'..'两个目录if (dp->d_name[0] == '.')continue;std::string save = second + "/" + dp->d_name;sec.push_back(save);}(void)closedir(dirp);}std::cout << "sec.size = " << sec.size() << std::endl;//子子目录搜索std::cout<<sec[0]<<std::endl;std::cout<<sec[1]<<std::endl;std::vector<std::string> trd;for (int i = 0; i < sec.size(); i++){std::string third = sec[i];// cout << third << endl;dirp = opendir(third.c_str());while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL){//跳过'.'和'..'两个目录if (dp->d_name[0] == '.')continue;std::string save = third + "/" + dp->d_name;v.push_back(save);}(void)closedir(dirp);}return 0;
}void Mat_to_CHW(float *data, cv::Mat &frame)
{assert(data && !frame.empty());unsigned int volChl = 112 * 112;for(int c = 0; c < 3; ++c){for (unsigned j = 0; j < volChl; ++j)data[c*volChl + j] = static_cast<float>(float(frame.data[j * 3 + c]) / 255.0);}}int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);std::vector<std::string> v;find_dir_file("/home/face/kaoqin_112/", v);int num = v.size();std::cout << "total img num = " << num << std::endl;// tvm module for compiled functionstvm::runtime::Module mod_syslib = tvm::runtime::Module::LoadFromFile("../modelFolder/100-net-fp16-load.tar.so");//load graphstd::ifstream json_in("../modelFolder/face_partial_tune_graph-fp16-load.json");std::string json_data((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(json_in)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());json_in.close();// parameters in binarystd::ifstream params_in("../modelFolder/face_partial_tune_params-fp16-load", std::ios::binary);std::string params_data((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(params_in)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());params_in.close();// parameters need to be TVMByteArray type to indicate the binary dataTVMByteArray params_arr;params_arr.data = params_data.c_str();params_arr.size = params_data.length();int dtype_code = kDLFloat;int dtype_bits = 32;int dtype_lanes = 1;int device_type = kDLCPU;int device_id = 0;// get global function module for graph runtimetvm::runtime::Module mod = (*tvm::runtime::Registry::Get("tvm.graph_runtime.create"))(json_data, mod_syslib, device_type, device_id);DLTensor* x;int in_ndim = 4;int64_t in_shape[4] = {1, 3, 112, 112};TVMArrayAlloc(in_shape, in_ndim, dtype_code, dtype_bits, dtype_lanes, device_type, device_id, &x);// create csvstd::ofstream rgbData;rgbData.open("FeatureData.csv",std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);// load image from cv matfloat avg_time = 0;float totaltime = 0;for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++){cv::Mat tensor = cv::imread(v[i]);if(tensor.empty())continue;cv::cvtColor(tensor,tensor, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);float testinput[112*112*3];Mat_to_CHW(testinput, tensor);int size = sizeof(float32_t);memcpy(x->data, &testinput, 3 * 112 * 112 * size);// get the function from the module(set input data)tvm::runtime::PackedFunc set_input = mod.GetFunction("set_input");set_input("0", x);// get the function from the module(load patameters)tvm::runtime::PackedFunc load_params = mod.GetFunction("load_params");load_params(params_arr);// get the function from the module(run it)tvm::runtime::PackedFunc run = mod.GetFunction("run");for(int j=0; j<1; j++){double t = (double)cv::getTickCount();run();float timeuse = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - t)/ cv::getTickFrequency();if(i!=0){totaltime+=timeuse;avg_time = totaltime/(float)i;}std::cout<<v[i]<<" time: "<< timeuse <<"averge time: "<<avg_time<<std::endl;}tvm::runtime::PackedFunc get_output = mod.GetFunction("get_output");tvm::runtime::NDArray res = get_output(0);float *p_res = (float *)res->data;std::vector<float> f1;float ssum=0;for(int j=0; j<512; j++){ssum += p_res[j]*p_res[j];}ssum = sqrt(ssum);for(int j=0; j<512; j++){f1.push_back(p_res[j]/ssum);}rgbData<<v[i]<<",";for(int j=0; j<512; j++){rgbData<<f1[j]<<",";}rgbData<<std::endl;}rgbData.close();TVMArrayFree(x);return 0;

可以看到整个部署代码还是很简单,但是实际推理速度还是没那么令人满意,这个模型mnn推理不到80ms,tvm耗时148ms。也可能是我优化方法没用对,期待后续发现,但是TVM在ARM CPU上部署过程应该就是如此了。





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0基础租个硬件玩deepseek,蓝耘元生代智算云|本地部署DeepSeek R1模型的操作流程

《0基础租个硬件玩deepseek,蓝耘元生代智算云|本地部署DeepSeekR1模型的操作流程》DeepSeekR1模型凭借其强大的自然语言处理能力,在未来具有广阔的应用前景,有望在多个领域发... 目录0基础租个硬件玩deepseek,蓝耘元生代智算云|本地部署DeepSeek R1模型,3步搞定一个应


《redis群集简单部署过程》文章介绍了Redis,一个高性能的键值存储系统,其支持多种数据结构和命令,它还讨论了Redis的服务器端架构、数据存储和获取、协议和命令、高可用性方案、缓存机制以及监控和... 目录Redis介绍1. 基本概念2. 服务器端3. 存储和获取数据4. 协议和命令5. 高可用性6.

Deepseek R1模型本地化部署+API接口调用详细教程(释放AI生产力)

《DeepseekR1模型本地化部署+API接口调用详细教程(释放AI生产力)》本文介绍了本地部署DeepSeekR1模型和通过API调用将其集成到VSCode中的过程,作者详细步骤展示了如何下载和... 目录前言一、deepseek R1模型与chatGPT o1系列模型对比二、本地部署步骤1.安装oll


《nginx部署https网站的实现步骤(亲测)》本文详细介绍了使用Nginx在保持与http服务兼容的情况下部署HTTPS,文中通过示例代码介绍的非常详细,对大家的学习或者工作具有一定的参考学习价值... 目录步骤 1:安装 Nginx步骤 2:获取 SSL 证书步骤 3:手动配置 Nginx步骤 4:测


《Tomcat高效部署与性能优化方式》本文介绍了如何高效部署Tomcat并进行性能优化,以确保Web应用的稳定运行和高效响应,高效部署包括环境准备、安装Tomcat、配置Tomcat、部署应用和启动T... 目录Tomcat高效部署与性能优化一、引言二、Tomcat高效部署三、Tomcat性能优化总结Tom

如何在本地部署 DeepSeek Janus Pro 文生图大模型

《如何在本地部署DeepSeekJanusPro文生图大模型》DeepSeekJanusPro模型在本地成功部署,支持图片理解和文生图功能,通过Gradio界面进行交互,展示了其强大的多模态处... 目录什么是 Janus Pro1. 安装 conda2. 创建 python 虚拟环境3. 克隆 janus


《本地私有化部署DeepSeek模型的详细教程》DeepSeek模型是一种强大的语言模型,本地私有化部署可以让用户在自己的环境中安全、高效地使用该模型,避免数据传输到外部带来的安全风险,同时也能根据自... 目录一、引言二、环境准备(一)硬件要求(二)软件要求(三)创建虚拟环境三、安装依赖库四、获取 Dee