
2024-03-23 07:59





☞  机器人工程的工作与考研之困惑“卷”

☞  机器人工程的工作与考研之困惑“歧视”

☞  机器人工程的工作与考研之困惑“取舍”

☞  机器人工程的工作与考研之困惑“学历与待遇”

☞  机器人工程的工作与考研之困惑“学历与待遇”补充

☞  机器人工程的工作与考研之困惑“阶段小结”

☞  机器人工程的工作与考研之困惑“要求越来越高”

☞  机器人工程的工作与考研之困惑“效果越来越差”

☞  机器人工程的工作与考研之困惑“以学生为中心”

#include<stdio.h>#define n 4int compltedPhilo = 0,i;struct fork{
int taken;
}ForkAvil[n];struct philosp{
int left;
int right;
}Philostatus[n];void goForDinner(int philID){ //same like threads concept here cases implemented
if(Philostatus[philID].left==10 && Philostatus[philID].right==10)printf("Philosopher %d completed his dinner\n",philID+1);
//if already completed dinner
else if(Philostatus[philID].left==1 && Philostatus[philID].right==1){//if just taken two forksprintf("Philosopher %d completed his dinner\n",philID+1);Philostatus[philID].left = Philostatus[philID].right = 10; //remembering that he completed dinner by assigning value 10int otherFork = philID-1;if(otherFork== -1)otherFork=(n-1);ForkAvil[philID].taken = ForkAvil[otherFork].taken = 0; //releasing forksprintf("Philosopher %d released fork %d and fork %d\n",philID+1,philID+1,otherFork+1);compltedPhilo++;}else if(Philostatus[philID].left==1 && Philostatus[philID].right==0){ //left already taken, trying for right forkif(philID==(n-1)){if(ForkAvil[philID].taken==0){ //KEY POINT OF THIS PROBLEM, THAT LAST PHILOSOPHER TRYING IN reverse DIRECTIONForkAvil[philID].taken = Philostatus[philID].right = 1;printf("Fork %d taken by philosopher %d\n",philID+1,philID+1);}else{printf("Philosopher %d is waiting for fork %d\n",philID+1,philID+1);}}else{ //except last philosopher caseint dupphilID = philID;philID-=1;if(philID== -1)philID=(n-1);if(ForkAvil[philID].taken == 0){ForkAvil[philID].taken = Philostatus[dupphilID].right = 1;printf("Fork %d taken by Philosopher %d\n",philID+1,dupphilID+1);}else{printf("Philosopher %d is waiting for Fork %d\n",dupphilID+1,philID+1);}}}else if(Philostatus[philID].left==0){ //nothing taken yetif(philID==(n-1)){if(ForkAvil[philID-1].taken==0){ //KEY POINT OF THIS PROBLEM, THAT LAST PHILOSOPHER TRYING IN reverse DIRECTIONForkAvil[philID-1].taken = Philostatus[philID].left = 1;printf("Fork %d taken by philosopher %d\n",philID,philID+1);}else{printf("Philosopher %d is waiting for fork %d\n",philID+1,philID);}}else{ //except last philosopher caseif(ForkAvil[philID].taken == 0){ForkAvil[philID].taken = Philostatus[philID].left = 1;printf("Fork %d taken by Philosopher %d\n",philID+1,philID+1);}else{printf("Philosopher %d is waiting for Fork %d\n",philID+1,philID+1);}}}else{}
}int main(){
/* Observe here carefully, while loop will run until all philosophers complete dinner
Actually problem of deadlock occur only thy try to take at same time
This for loop will say that they are trying at same time. And remaining status will print by go for dinner function
printf("\nTill now num of philosophers completed dinner are %d\n\n",compltedPhilo);
}return 0;


#include<iostream>#define n 4using namespace std;int compltedPhilo = 0,i;struct fork{
int taken;
}ForkAvil[n];struct philosp{
int left;
int right;
}Philostatus[n];void goForDinner(int philID){ //same like threads concept here cases implemented
if(Philostatus[philID].left==10 && Philostatus[philID].right==10)cout<<"Philosopher "<<philID+1<<" completed his dinner\n";
//if already completed dinner
else if(Philostatus[philID].left==1 && Philostatus[philID].right==1){//if just taken two forkscout<<"Philosopher "<<philID+1<<" completed his dinner\n";Philostatus[philID].left = Philostatus[philID].right = 10; //remembering that he completed dinner by assigning value 10int otherFork = philID-1;if(otherFork== -1)otherFork=(n-1);ForkAvil[philID].taken = ForkAvil[otherFork].taken = 0; //releasing forkscout<<"Philosopher "<<philID+1<<" released fork "<<philID+1<<" and fork "<<otherFork+1<<"\n";compltedPhilo++;}else if(Philostatus[philID].left==1 && Philostatus[philID].right==0){ //left already taken, trying for right forkif(philID==(n-1)){if(ForkAvil[philID].taken==0){ //KEY POINT OF THIS PROBLEM, THAT LAST PHILOSOPHER TRYING IN reverse DIRECTIONForkAvil[philID].taken = Philostatus[philID].right = 1;cout<<"Fork "<<philID+1<<" taken by philosopher "<<philID+1<<"\n";}else{cout<<"Philosopher "<<philID+1<<" is waiting for fork "<<philID+1<<"\n";}}else{ //except last philosopher caseint dupphilID = philID;philID-=1;if(philID== -1)philID=(n-1);if(ForkAvil[philID].taken == 0){ForkAvil[philID].taken = Philostatus[dupphilID].right = 1;cout<<"Fork "<<philID+1<<" taken by Philosopher "<<dupphilID+1<<"\n";}else{cout<<"Philosopher "<<dupphilID+1<<" is waiting for Fork "<<philID+1<<"\n";}}}else if(Philostatus[philID].left==0){ //nothing taken yetif(philID==(n-1)){if(ForkAvil[philID-1].taken==0){ //KEY POINT OF THIS PROBLEM, THAT LAST PHILOSOPHER TRYING IN reverse DIRECTIONForkAvil[philID-1].taken = Philostatus[philID].left = 1;cout<<"Fork "<<philID<<" taken by philosopher "<<philID+1<<"\n";}else{cout<<"Philosopher "<<philID+1<<" is waiting for fork "<<philID<<"\n";}}else{ //except last philosopher caseif(ForkAvil[philID].taken == 0){ForkAvil[philID].taken = Philostatus[philID].left = 1;cout<<"Fork "<<philID+1<<" taken by Philosopher "<<philID+1<<"\n";}else{cout<<"Philosopher "<<philID+1<<" is waiting for Fork "<<philID+1<<"\n";}}}else{}
}int main(){
/* Observe here carefully, while loop will run until all philosophers complete dinner
Actually problem of deadlock occur only thy try to take at same time
This for loop will say that they are trying at same time. And remaining status will print by go for dinner function
cout<<"\nTill now num of philosophers completed dinner are "<<compltedPhilo<<"\n\n";
}return 0;



#include <stdio.h>int current[5][5], maximum_claim[5][5], available[5];
int allocation[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int maxres[5], running[5], safe = 0;
int counter = 0, i, j, exec, resources, processes, k = 1;int main()
printf("\nEnter number of processes: ");scanf("%d", &processes);for (i = 0; i < processes; i++)
{running[i] = 1;counter++;}printf("\nEnter number of resources: ");scanf("%d", &resources);printf("\nEnter Claim Vector:");for (i = 0; i < resources; i++)
{scanf("%d", &maxres[i]);}printf("\nEnter Allocated Resource Table:\n");for (i = 0; i < processes; i++)
{for(j = 0; j < resources; j++)
{scanf("%d", &current[i][j]);}}printf("\nEnter Maximum Claim Table:\n");for (i = 0; i < processes; i++)
{for(j = 0; j < resources; j++)
{scanf("%d", &maximum_claim[i][j]);}}printf("\nThe Claim Vector is: ");for (i = 0; i < resources; i++)
{printf("\t%d", maxres[i]);
}printf("\nThe Allocated Resource Table:\n");for (i = 0; i < processes; i++)
{for (j = 0; j < resources; j++)
{printf("\t%d", current[i][j]);}
printf("\n");}printf("\nThe Maximum Claim Table:\n");for (i = 0; i < processes; i++)
{for (j = 0; j < resources; j++)
{printf("\t%d", maximum_claim[i][j]);}printf("\n");}for (i = 0; i < processes; i++)
{for (j = 0; j < resources; j++)
{allocation[j] += current[i][j];}}printf("\nAllocated resources:");for (i = 0; i < resources; i++)
{printf("\t%d", allocation[i]);}for (i = 0; i < resources; i++)
{available[i] = maxres[i] - allocation[i];
}printf("\nAvailable resources:");for (i = 0; i < resources; i++)
{printf("\t%d", available[i]);}printf("\n");while (counter != 0)
{safe = 0;for (i = 0; i < processes; i++)
{if (running[i])
{exec = 1;for (j = 0; j < resources; j++)
{if (maximum_claim[i][j] - current[i][j] > available[j])
{exec = 0;break;}}if (exec)
{printf("\nProcess%d is executing\n", i + 1);running[i] = 0;counter--;safe = 1;for (j = 0; j < resources; j++)
{available[j] += current[i][j];}break;}}}if (!safe)
{printf("\nThe processes are in unsafe state.\n");break;}
{printf("\nThe process is in safe state");printf("\nAvailable vector:");for (i = 0; i < resources; i++)
{printf("\t%d", available[i]);}printf("\n");}}return 0;




Java 枚举的常用技巧汇总

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Ilya(不是本人,claude AI)在社交媒体上分享了他在OpenAI学习到的15个Prompt撰写技巧。 以下是详细的内容: 提示精确化:在编写提示时,力求表达清晰准确。清楚地阐述任务需求和概念定义至关重要。例:不用"分析文本",而用"判断这段话的情感倾向:积极、消极还是中性"。 快速迭代:善于快速连续调整提示。熟练的提示工程师能够灵活地进行多轮优化。例:从"总结文章"到"用


Git提交代码 git fetch  git add .  git commit -m “desc”  git pull  git push Git查看当前分支 git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD Git创建新的分支并切换 git checkout -b XXXXXXXXXXXXXX git push origin XXXXXXXXXXXXXX


一个应届硕士生的问题: 虽然我明白想成为技术大牛需要日积月累的磨练,但我总感觉自己学习方法或者哪些方面有问题,时间一天天过去,自己也每天不停学习,但总感觉自己没有想象中那样进步,总感觉找不到一个很清晰的学习规划……眼看 9 月份就要参加秋招了,我想毕业了去大城市磨练几年,涨涨见识,拓开眼界多学点东西。但是感觉自己的实力还是很不够,内心慌得不行,总怕浪费了这人生唯一的校招机会,当然我也明白,毕业


一、设置单独编译构建子模块 配置: 1、Root POM指向父pom.xml 2、Goals and options指定构建模块的参数: mvn -pl project1/project1-son -am clean package 单独构建project1-son项目以及它所依赖的其它项目。 说明: mvn clean package -pl 父级模块名/子模块名 -am参数

husky 工具配置代码检查工作流:提交代码至仓库前做代码检查

提示:这篇博客以我前两篇博客作为先修知识,请大家先去看看我前两篇博客 博客指路:前端 ESlint 代码规范及修复代码规范错误-CSDN博客前端 Vue3 项目开发—— ESLint & prettier 配置代码风格-CSDN博客 husky 工具配置代码检查工作流的作用 在工作中,我们经常需要将写好的代码提交至代码仓库 但是由于程序员疏忽而将不规范的代码提交至仓库,显然是不合理的 所


最近这段时间做了一个基于树梅派 ( raspberry pi ) 的视频监控机器人平台 Verybot ,现在打算把这个机器人的一些图片、视频、设计思路进行公开,并且希望跟大家一起研究相关的各种问题,下面是两张机器人的照片:         图片1:                   图片2                    这个平台的基本组成是:


经济在不断发展的同时,科技也在飞速发展。零工经济作为一种新兴的工作模式,正在全球范围内迅速崛起。特别是在中国,随着数字经济的蓬勃发展和共享经济模式的深入推广,零工小程序在促进就业、提升资源利用效率方面显示出了巨大的潜力和价值。 一、零工经济的定义及现状 零工经济是指通过临时性、自由职业或项目制的工作形式,利用互联网平台快速匹配供需双方的新型经济模式。这种模式打破了传统全职工作的界限,为劳动


深入浅出Smarty模板引擎工作机制,我们将对比使用smarty模板引擎和没使用smarty模板引擎的两种开发方式的区别,并动手开发一个自己的模板引擎,以便加深对smarty模板引擎工作机制的理解。 在没有使用Smarty模板引擎的情况下,我们都是将PHP程序和网页模板合在一起编辑的,好比下面的源代码: <?php$title="深处浅出之Smarty模板引擎工作机制";$content=