
2024-03-22 01:10




This is hardly a tragic story and it's not even a good photo, but it's interesting because it happens a few times a year. Perhaps it's happened to you! (Share in the comments)

这几乎不是一个悲惨的故事,它甚至不是一张好照片,但很有趣,因为它每年发生几次。 也许这是发生在你身上! (在评论中分享)

A buddy noticed a story in Business Insider Australia that was picked up off Reuters called "Microsoft says they've disrupted a global cybercrime ring responsible for $500 Million Theft." It was syndicated to OZ by Business Insider US who pulled it from Reuters, and it seems they each pick their own illustrative picture.

一位好友注意到路透社报道的《澳大利亚商业内幕》 ( Business Insider Australia)的一个故事,称“微软称他们破坏了造成5亿澳元盗窃的全球网络犯罪集团”。 它是由美国《商业内幕》(Business Insider US)联合组织给OZ的,后者将其从路透社撤出,似乎他们每个人都选择了自己的说明性图片。

And apparently they did it in my damn office. That's my big head, my three monitors and I am, in fact, hacking on CoffeeScript in this picture, not fighting cybercrime. How do I know? Because I was there when this photo was taken by Rob Conery. We used it for my Speaking Hacks educational video.

显然他们是在我该死的办公室里做到的 那是我的大头,我的三台显示器,实际上,我是在这张照片中入侵CoffeeScript,而不是与网络犯罪作斗争。 我怎么知道? 因为当罗伯·科纳里(Rob Conery)拍摄这张照片时,我在那里。 我们将其用于我的Speaking Hacks教育视频。


Rob Conery and I made a video called Speaking Hacks...here's a screen capture.

罗伯·科纳里(Rob Conery)和我拍了一段名为“说话的黑客”的视频。


It got used on a post a CoderWall.com where I describe my system setup. I love that they crop the pictures they so carefully Google Image Search for.

我在描述我的系统设置的CoderWall.com帖子上使用了它。 我喜欢他们裁剪出的图片,然后对Google图片搜索进行仔细的搜索。

I try to use search.creativecommons.org for my image searches on this blog. Raphael Rivera turned me on to this and reminded me of the importance of respecting image copyright. Just googling for a picture and slapping it on your blog isn't cool.

我尝试使用search.creativecommons.org在此博客上进行图像搜索。 拉斐尔·里维拉(Raphael Rivera)使我转向这一点,并提醒我尊重图像版权的重要性。 只是谷歌搜索图片并将其拍到您的博客上并不酷。

Usually when this kind of thing happens I'll just email a kind note to the owner of the site and mention it and it gets handled. (I've just emailed Business Insider now) Most people are very nice. Folks at Gizmodo and LifeHacker almost always have a real human behind their stories with a real Twitter account and they've always been accommodating about little things.

通常,当发生这种情况时,我会通过电子邮件将友好的注释发送给网站的所有者,并提及它,并加以处理。 (我刚刚通过电子邮件发送商业内幕现在)大多数人都很好。 Gizmodo和LifeHacker的人们几乎总是通过真实的Twitter帐户在故事背后有一个真正的人,而且他们一直都在适应小事情。

Ah, but sometimes it's not just a nameless-faceless newspaper but it's a nameless-faceless newspaper article originally published by Reuters on "put on the wire" which means it can spread literally everywhere, and fast.


Do I care? Not really, but it's the principle of the thing. I mention it because it's a teachable moment for us all.

我关心的? 不是真的,但这是事物的原理。 我提到它,是因为这对我们所有人来说都是一个可以教导的时刻。

When you put an image on the Internet, it's on the Internet.


It can be used for anything, anytime, by anyone. You can assert copyright, but usually depending on how big the site is (or how obtuse their Contact Us page is) you'll be lucky to find a human, much less a nice one.

它可以被任何人随时随地使用。 您可以主张版权,但是通常取决于网站的大小(或他们的“联系我们”页面的模糊程度),您会很幸运地找到一个人,而不是一个好人。


At least I have my hair. So far.

至少我有头发。 至今。

考虑对照片发布进行签名 (Think about signing that Photo Release)

It matters to me when it's big and public and involves my kids. Some friends were driving down the freeway recently and noticed something. They called and said "Is that your son on a billboard off I-5?"

对我来说,重要的是,它规模大且公开,并涉及我的孩子。 一些朋友最近在高速公路上行驶,发现了一些东西。 他们打电话说:“你儿子在I-5州外的广告牌上吗?”

This was my reaction: O_o



Turns out that years ago in our school's day care we signed a photo release. I assume we thought it was for their blog, or a pamphlet, but in retrospect even that was a bad idea. We never thought my kid would end up on a 30 foot paper billboard advertisement, with little recourse. Fortunately in the billboard case, the head of the school wasn't aware either! Their marketing folks were just pulling the photos from a shared folder, treating them as stock images. In the end, the school was extremely accommodating and apologetic and it's since been handled. Still, a wake up call to us, and I hope, to you, Dear Reader.

事实证明,几年前,在我们学校的日托中,我们签署了照片发布。 我以为我们以为是他们的博客或小册子,但回想起来,那真是个坏主意。 我们从来没有想到过我的孩子最终会收到一条长达30英尺的纸制广告牌广告,几乎没有追索权。 幸运的是,在广告牌案中,学校负责人也不知道! 他们的营销人员只是从共享文件夹中提取照片,将它们视为库存图像。 最后,这所学校非常包容和道歉,自那以后就得到了处理。 亲爱的读者,我们仍然在电话中,我们希望能收到您的电话。

快乐的决议 (Happy Resolution)

This email showed up literally as I was/am writing this post.


Hi Scott


Thanks for getting in touch. I’m the editor at Business Insider Australia.

感谢您的联系。 我是《澳大利亚商业内幕》的编辑。

I’ve removed that image, which was syndicated from the US edition. I’ve also alerted them to your complaint.

我已经删除了该图片,该图片是从美国版联合发布的。 我也已提醒他们您的投诉。



Hope this addresses the matter for you.


Best wishes,




Awesome. And sometimes your kind letter reaches a kind human and gets handled. Thanks Paul, much respect!

太棒了有时,您的好意信会到达好人并得到处理。 谢谢保罗,非常感谢!

Now, about this NEW picture...;)



(Yes, I realize the thick irony of me blogging it, and thereby putting the image "back out there" but it's for educational purposes.)


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/they-will-take-your-photos-and-they-will-use-them-and-you-will-like-it






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