本文主要是介绍zookeeper 内部蹩脚问题(未回答完),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
1. 说说zookeeper和chubby的Snapshots
Zookeeper使用的是fuzzy snapshot,中文意思大概是模糊的snapshot,但是,论文wait-free说到可能会有notvalid的时候
Chubby同样具有snapshots ,用了三种方式,原文是这样的:
Our firstimplementation of the fault-tolerant database blocked the system very brieflywhile making an in-memory copy of the (small) database. It then stored thecopied data on disk via a separate thread. Subsequently we implementedvirtually pause-less snapshots. We now use a “shadow” data structure totrack updates while the underlying database is serialized to disk.
2. Leader是干嘛用的?
To assign serial id's to all updates andconfirm that a quorum has received the update.
3. Zookeeper可以干什么(答案应该比较多)
event notification,locking, and as a priority queue mechanism另一个方面,对于read非常多的应用程序适合使用,因为Replication is used for scalability andreliability
4. 为什么说zookeeper不能做数据存储?
Using a memorybased system also mean you are limited to the amount of data that can fit inmemory, so it's not useful as a general data store.
It's meant tostore small bits of configuration information rather than large blobs.
5. 为什么说ZooKeeper 比起事件通知系统更像是一个基于状态的系统?
Watches are set as a side-effect of gettingdata so you'll always have a valid initial state and on any subsequent changeevents you'll refresh to get new values. If you want to use events to log whenand how something changed, for example, then you can't do that. You would haveto include change history in the data itself.
6. Watch事件?
7. Zookeeper有冲突的问题吗?
8. Zookeeper有活锁的问题吗?
9. Libpaxos和chubby的活锁问题是如何解决的?
难道使用的是paxos made simple中提到的If the distinguished proposer can communicate successfully with amajority of acceptors, and if it uses a proposal with number greater than anyalready used, then it will succeed in issuing a proposal that is accepted. Byabandoning a proposal and trying again if it learns about some request with ahigher proposal number, the distinguished proposer will eventually choose ahigh enough proposal number.
10. Zookeeper为什么需要两阶段?
11. Zookeeper怎么知道其他的Followersproposal都commit了呢?
It accomplishes this taskby queuing to a newly connected follower any PROPOSAL it has that the followerhas not seen, and then queuing a COM-MIT for all such proposals up to the lastmessage committed. After all such messages have been queued, the leader adds thefollower to the broadcast list for future PROPOSALs and ACKs
12. Session id的初始化?
Id为server id
longnextSid = 0;
longmill = System.currentTimeMillis();
nextSid= (System.currentTimeMillis() << 24) >> 8;
nextSid= nextSid | (id <<56);
13. 什么叫做idempotent,?
14. zookeeper写请求是怎么样的工作流程?
15. Zab does notpersistently record the id of every message delivered, Zab may redeliver amessage during recovery?
16. 写请求流程?
17. Redelivery使用在zookeeper哪里?
[1] zookeeper:wait-free http://static.usenix.org/event/usenix10/tech/full_papers/Hunt.pdf
[2] A simple totally ordered broadcastprotocol http://research.yahoo.com/files/ladis08.pdf
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