sde Geodatabase tool to upgrade system tables

2024-03-21 14:36

本文主要是介绍sde Geodatabase tool to upgrade system tables,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


ArcGIS Desktop

Esri | There has been a problem

Win7+ArcSDE10 +Oracle11g,均为64位。安装了sde10 的sp1补丁后发现SDE连接无法启动,查看日志,提示信息:
ArcSDE 10.0  for Oracle11g Build 775 Fri Sep 1711:45:27  2010
ST_Geometry Schema Owner: (SDE) Type Release: 1007
Instance initialized for ((sde)) . . .
Connected to instance . . .
ERROR in checking system st_geometry type (1).
Error checking the existence of system tables. Run
the Upgrade Geodatabase tool to install/upgrade system tables(-450).
Refer ArcSDE installation guide for instructions.

好像是需要升级系统表,提示用Upgrade Geodatabase tool ,于是打开GP工具 Update Geodatabase运行,选择连接时发现,sde没有启动,sde连接文件打不开,GP运行失败!怎么办??
看服务Oracle正常启动没有问题,那就用Oracle 直连!
再运行GP工具Update Geodatabase ,选择这个直连连接,执行。。。OK。。。

Upgrading an ArcSDE geodatabase in OracleResource Center

Beginning withArcGIS 10, geodatabases are upgraded using the Upgrade Geodatabasegeoprocessing tool or Python script. Therefore, you must have thecurrent version of ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Engine, or ArcGIS Serverinstalled on the computer from which you will run the upgrade becausethese applications can run the geoprocessing tool or Python script.


If you havegeodatabases in the schemas of users other than the sde user, you mustfirst upgrade the sde master geodatabase, then upgrade each of thegeodatabases in the other users' schemas. Each geodatabase is upgradedseparately.

Be sure you have read and performed the steps in Preparing to upgrade a geodatabase in Oracle before you upgrade.

This topic explains how to upgrade an ArcSDE geodatabase by launching the Upgrade Geodatabase geoprocessing tool from the Upgrade Geodatabase button on the Geodatabase Properties dialog box. You could also search for the tool and run it, or you could run a Python script.


  1. Start ArcCatalog, or start ArcMap, ArcGlobe, or ArcScene and open the Catalog window.
  2. Expand the Database Connections node. Connect to the geodatabase you want to upgrade.

    You must use a direct connection to the geodatabase and connect as the ArcSDE administrator.


    If the connection does not already exist, add a new connection. See Making a direct connection from ArcGIS Desktop to a geodatabase in Oracle for instructions.

  3. Right-click the geodatabase and click Properties.
  4. Click the General tab.

    If an upgrade is needed, the Upgrade Geodatabase button is active.

    If the Upgrade Geodatabasebutton is not active, it could be because the connecting client is atthe same release as the ArcSDE geodatabase, your DBMS is not at asupported upgradable release, you are using an ArcSDE serviceconnection rather than a direct connection to the geodatabase, or youare connecting from an ArcGIS Desktop client running under an ArcViewlicense.


    Youcannot run the Upgrade Geodatabase tool if any other geoprocessingtools are currently running as background processes on the clientmachine.

  5. Click the Upgrade Geodatabase button.

    The Upgrade Geodatabase geoprocessing tool opens. The Input geodatabase text box is prepopulated with the geodatabase connection information when launched using the Upgrade Geodatabase button.

  6. ESRI recommends that you leave both the Pre-requisites check and Upgrade geodatabaseoptions checked on the Upgrade Geodatabase geoprocessing tool. Thatway, the tool checks to see if the prerequisites to upgrade have beenmet before continuing with the geodatabase upgrade.

    The prerequisitecheck detects other active connections to the geodatabase, whether theconnecting user has sufficient privileges to upgrade the geodatabase,and that the database can support XML columns; makes sure all datasetscan be opened; ensures that the master geodatabase has been upgradedbefore any user-schema geodatabases can be upgraded; and detects thatthe database and libraries are at the same release. If anyprerequisites are not met, the tool terminates. You must correct anyproblems before you run the upgrade procedure again.

    The results of thischeck are reported in the geoprocessing tool progress dialog box andthe GDBUpgrade<n>.log, which can be found in the system TEMPdirectory.

  7. Click OK to start the checks and upgrade.
  8. Ifall checks are passed, the tool proceeds with the upgrade. The statusfor the prerequisites check and the upgrade are shown on thegeoprocessing tool progress dialog box.
  9. When the tool successfully completes, click Close to close the geoprocessing tool progress dialog box.

Your geodatabase is upgraded to the latest release.

To upgrade networkdatasets or cadastral or parcel fabrics in the geodatabase, use theUpgrade Network or Upgrade Parcel Fabric geoprocessing tools or Pythonscripts.


Upgradesof network datasets and cadastral or parcel fabrics are optional.However, if you do not upgrade them, you do not have access to thelatest functionality in network datasets and parcel fabrics.


sde Geodatabase tool to upgrade system tables

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