Attribute Changer的几种形态

2024-03-20 03:48

本文主要是介绍Attribute Changer的几种形态,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


Attribute Changer里面改变属性有好几种选项,找了很久资料终于知道他们的差别。


总的来说,这个use saved有点儿类似于格式刷

Launching Attribute Changer
Attribute Changer is implemented as a Windows Explorer Add-on (Shell Extension) and
cannot be run independently.
Right-click on drives, folders and files in Windows Explorer and select one of the following
available context menu entries:
Change Attributes
This is the standard way to run Attribute Changer. If a single file or / and folder is selected,
Attribute Changer will retrieve the current values from the file and folder and display them in
Attribute Changer.
If multiple files or folders are selected, Attribute Changer displays the most commonly used
attributes and the current system date & time. For example, if all files have the Archive
attribute set, then the Archive attribute will be checked in the user interface. If one of the files
has a different Archive attribute, then the Archive attribute will be grayed in the user interface.
Change Attributes / Use Current
At least two objects must be selected in Windows Explorer to be able to use this feature. The
Change Attributes / Use Current menu item takes the attributes, date and time values of the
item you right-clicked on to run Attribute Changer. The selected values are then displayed in
the File and Folder Properties tab.
It’s a simple way to duplicate attributes, date and time between multiple files and folders.
Please note that the item you right-clicked is excluded from the list of objects to process.
Change Attributes / Use Saved
Sometimes, you need to apply the last used set of attributes, date and time again and again.
Attribute Changer saves by default the last used configuration, including attributes, date and
In the Settings tab in Attribute Changer, you can disable the automatic configuration change
and do it manually when needed and create some kind of Preset configuration.
When you run Attribute Changer against multiple selected items and choose Change
Attributes / Use Saved, it ignores the current attributes, date and time and restores the
configuration from the last use.

这篇关于Attribute Changer的几种形态的文章就介绍到这儿,希望我们推荐的文章对编程师们有所帮助!


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