
2024-03-18 22:58



1.Lead Software Engineer/ Software Engineer II

Position Description:

 The candidate will be a member of the Innovus placement team in Shanghai, to work on the development and maintenance of global/detailed placement projects.

Position Requirements:

 MS/PHD from EE, computer science, math or related.

 Strong software programming skill with C/C++, advanced developing and debugging capacity in Unix/Linux environment, familiar with gdb etc.

 Strong problem-solving, algorithmic capacity.

 Experience with script language, TCL is a plus.

 EDA backend knowledge will be a strong plus.

 Good verbal and written presentation are must.

2. Lead Software Engineer-Voltus Low Power

Position Description:

 Responsible for designing, developing, troubleshooting and debugging power analysis software.

 Works on extremely complex problems where analysis of situations or data requires an evaluation of intangible variance factors.

 Exercises independent judgment in developing methods, techniques, and evaluation criterion for obtaining results.

 Work leadership may be provided by assigning work and resolving problems

Position Requirements:

 The candidate should have MS/PhD in EE/CS, strong programming skills in C++, and deep familiarity with object-oriented programming methods.

 Prior knowledge and experience with multi-threaded programming, numerical analysis techniques, and in-depth understanding of VLSI chip power analysis preferred.

3. Lead Software Engineer-GUI

Position Description:

 The candidate will be responsible for the development of Voltus GUI in Cadence

Position Requirements:

 MS in Computer Science or related area with 4+ years of working experience or PHD.

 Programming skill on Linux/Unix platform is must.

 Being Familiar with GUI application development, such as Qt, tcl/tk, X Window.

 EDA software development experience or IC design knowledge is a plus, especially on power and rail analysis.

 Multiple thread programming experience is a plus.

 Strong desires to learn and explore new technologies and is able to demonstrate good analysis and problem solving skills

 Good English communication skill, both oral and written.

4. Principal Software Engineer-Optimization

Position Description:

 The candidate will be a member of the Innovus IPO (in-place optimization) team in Shanghai, to work on the development and maintenance of the IPO project.

Position Requirements:

 MS/PHD from EE, computer science, math or related.

 IC design knowledge is necessary, synthesis, static timing analysis, placement knowledge will be a strong plus.

 Advanced developing and debugging capacity in LINUX environment, familiar with C/C++, gdb etc

 Strong problem-solving, algorithmic capacity.

 Experience with script language, TCL is a plus.

 Fluent English in both oral and written.

5. Software Engineer II

Position Description:

 This software engineering position will support and improve the implementation the state of art extraction products in a fast-paced, small team environment.

 We are looking for a highly motivated software engineer to work on the development new applications for parasitic extraction.

 This person will be responsible for implementing new techniques, algorithms and library API in C++.

Position Requirements:

 Strong algorithm background, programming skills and implementation in dealing and processing of large amount of data

 Good communication skills and desire to learn in a startup like environment

 Knowledge and experience with computational geometry, layout connectivity, parasitic extraction, capacitance modeling, FS development is a big plus

 Experience in C/C++ coding, with EDA physical verification or extraction background preferred

 Knowledge in UNIX shell and scripting language like TCL, Python, Perl

6. Lead Software Engineer-Floorplan

Position Description:

 The candidate will be a member of the Encounter floorplan team in Shanghai, to work on the development and maintenance of manual Floorplan project.

 The responsibilities include the develop of new features and products, and support other teams in Encounter product lines.

 The candidate must be comfortable working with existing code as well as developing new functionality to address new requirements, and be working closely with local/remote team members, and be also strong technical support to team.

Position Requirements:

 Candidate must be an expert in software engineering methods and committed to high quality of development work.

 The individual must be team-oriented, possess good communication skills, self-motivated, able to work independently and working with a team from multiple remote sites.

 Candidate must be able to develop detailed technical specification as well as the ability to scope efforts required.

 The candidate must be also smart to capture new EDA technologies, and switch among different areas successfully.

 Advanced developing and debugging software in UNIX & LINUX environments, familiar with gnu c/c++, gdb etc.

 Strong problem-solving, architecture, algorithmic.

 Familiar with interpreted language such as TCL is a plus.

 Knowledge of Digital Physical Design flow such as Floorplan/Placement/Routing/CTS is a plus.

7. Software Engineer II

Position Description:

 Software engineer working in a team oriented environment to develop and maintain advanced emulation and co-simulation runtime software tools.

 Responsibilities include working on emulation and co-simulation runtime command interface, development of Dynamic RTL (DRTL) software tools for Palladium emulation system, and various core runtime software modules for existing and future generation emulation systems.

Position Requirements:

 Bachelor or Master Degree in EE/CS/CE

 C/C++, Tcl/Tk and Unix shell programming skills.

 Prefer with Multi-threading, RPC and Socket programming experience.

 Knowledge with Verilog or VHDL design language and logic design.

 Good communication skills (prefer English language proficiency), attention to details, and ability to work in multi-site/multi-person project.

8. Lead Software Engineer

Position Description:

 The position is for a software development engineer. The person will be responsible for the development of new features in Cadence’s Sigrity MCAD product as well as maintaining and supporting the existing features. The development will be mainly in the areas of Graphic User Interface using QT and in CAD using Spatial's ACIS libraries. Additionally, developments related to mesh generation are possible too.

 The position will be part of a dedicated team of self-motivated engineers. This team is developing Electronic Design Automation software focused on field solvers for SI/PI and EMC in PCB, Package and IC design.

Position Requirements:

 A Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science (or other related field)

 Good Experience in GUI development using QT

 Good Experience in CAD development using ACIS

 Proficient in C++ and STL library

Plus to Have:

 Experience with Unix/Linux platforms

 Experience with ECAD/MCAD

 Experience in Mesh Generation

 Experience in Finite Element Method

9. Lead/ Software Engineer

Position Description:

 Responsible for designing, developing, troubleshooting and debugging Sigrity signal integrity and power integrity analysis software.

 Works on extremely complex problems where analysis of situations requires software programming skills and electrical engineering knowledge.

 Exercises independent judgment in developing methods, techniques, and evaluation criterion for obtaining results.

Position Requirements:

 The candidate should have MS/PhD in EE/CS with 4+ years of experience, strong programming skills in C++, and deep familiarity with object-oriented programming methods.

 Prior knowledge and experience with multi-threaded programming, analog circuit simulation techniques, and in-depth understanding of signal integrity and power integrity preferred.






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