piper准则_Piper Command Center BETA-使用Arduino从头开始构建游戏控制器

本文主要是介绍piper准则_Piper Command Center BETA-使用Arduino从头开始构建游戏控制器,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!



Back in 2018 I posted my annual Christmas List of STEM Toys and the Piper Computer Kit 2 was on the list. My kids love this little wooden "laptop" comprised of a Raspberry Pi and an LCD screen. You spend time going through curated episodes of custom content and build and wire the computer LIVE while it's on!

早在2018年,我就发布了年度圣诞节STEM玩具清单,而Piper Computer Kit 2也在清单中。 我的孩子们喜欢这个小小的木制“笔记本电脑”,它由Raspberry Pi和LCD屏幕组成。 您花时间浏览精选的自定义内容,并在计算机启动时构建并连接LIVE!

The Piper folks saw my post and asked me to take a look at the BETA of their Piper Command Center, so my sons and I jumped at the chance. They are actively looking for feedback. It's a chance to build our own game controller!

吹笛者们看到了我的帖子,并要求我看看他们的吹笛者指挥中心的BETA,所以我和我的儿子们抓住了这个机会。 他们正在积极寻求反馈。 这是建立我们自己的游戏控制器的机会!

The Piper Command Center BETA already has a ton of online content and things to try. Their "firmware" is an Arduino sketch and it's all up on GitHub. You'll want to get the Arduino IDE from the Windows Store.

Piper Command Center BETA已经拥有大量在线内容和可尝试的东西。 他们的“固件”是Arduino的草图,并且都在GitHub上。 您需要从Windows应用商店中获取Arduino IDE 。

Today the Command Center can look like a Keyboard or a Mouse.


  1. In Mouse Mode (default), the joystick controls cursor movement and the left and right buttons mimic left and right mouse clicks.

  2. In Keyboard Mode, the joystick mimics the arrow keys on a keyboard, and the buttons mimic Space Bar (Up), Z (Left), X (Down), and C (Right) keys on a keyboard.


Once it's built you can use the controller to play games in your browser, or soon, with new content on the Piper itself, which runs Minecraft usually. However, you DO NOT need the Piper to get the Piper Command Center. They are separate but complementary devices.

一旦构建完成,您就可以使用控制器在浏览器中玩游戏,或者很快就可以在Piper本身上添加新内容,该内容通常运行Minecraft。 但是,您不需要吹笛者即可获得吹笛者命令中心。 它们是独立但互补的设备。

Assemble a real working game controller, understand the basics of an Arduino, and discover physical computing by configuring a joystick, buttons, and more. Ideal for ages 13+.

组装真正的工作游戏控制器,了解Arduino的基础知识,并通过配置操纵杆,按钮等来发现物理计算。 13岁以上人士的理想选择。

My son is looking at how he can modify the "firmware" on the Command Center to allow him to play emulators in the browser.

我的儿子正在研究如何在Command Center上修改“固件”以允许他在浏览器中播放模拟器。

The parts ot the Piper Command Center
Parts and Wires for the Piper Command Center

The Piper Command Center comes unassembled, of course, and you get to put it together with a cool blueprint instruction sheet. We had some fun with the wiring and a were off by one a few times, but they've got a troubleshooting video that helped us through it.

派珀指挥中心(Piper Command Center)当然是未组装的,您可以将其与一个漂亮的蓝图说明表放在一起。 我们进行了一些有趣的布线,一次断开了几次,但是他们有一个故障排除视频,可以帮助我们解决问题。

Blueprints for the Piper Command Center

It's a nice little bit of kit and I love that it's made of wood. I'd like to see one with a second joystick that could literally emulate an XInput control pad, although that might be more complex than just emulating a mouse or keyboard.

这是一个很好的工具包,我喜欢它是用木头做的。 我想看到一个带有第二个操纵杆的操纵杆,它可以从字面上模拟XInput控制板,尽管它可能比模拟鼠标或键盘要复杂得多。

Go check it out. We're happy with it and we're looking forward to whatever direction it goes. The original Piper has updated itself many times in a few years we've had it, and we upgraded it to a 16gig SD Card to support the latest content and OS update.

去看看吧。 我们对此感到满意,我们期待它的发展方向。 最初的Piper在几年中已经对其进行了多次更新,并将其升级到16gig SD卡以支持最新的内容和操作系统更新。

Piper Command Center is in BETA and will be updated and actively developed as they explore this space and what they can do with the device. As of the time of this writing there were five sketches for this controller.

Piper Command Center位于BETA中,随着他们探索这个空间以及如何使用该设备,将对其进行更新和积极开发。 截至撰写本文时,此控制器有五个草图。

Sponsor: Manage GitHub Pull Requests right from the IDE with the latest JetBrains Rider. An integrated performance profiler on Windows comes to the rescue as well.

赞助商:使用最新的JetBrains Rider从IDE直接管理GitHub Pull Requests。 Windows上的集成性能分析器也可以解决。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/piper-command-center-beta-build-a-game-controller-from-scratch-with-arduino


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