利用栈/递归求解算术表达式 LeetCode 224. Basic Calculator

2024-03-17 15:58

本文主要是介绍利用栈/递归求解算术表达式 LeetCode 224. Basic Calculator,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

概括一句话就是: 遇到)或者优先级比即将读入元素低的符号,都要把栈弹出到不能再次弹出为止




大致的规律是,一元运算符 > 二元运算符 > 多元运算符。





      a:如果ch = '(',放入堆栈。
      b:如果ch = ')',依次输出堆栈中的运算符,直到遇到'('为止。



(2)读取A,是运算数,直接输出到output字符串,output = A
(3)读取'-',此时栈里面只有一个'(',因此将'-'压入栈,output = A
(4)读取B,是运算数,直接输出到output字符串,output = AB
(5)读取')',这时候依次输出栈里面的运算符'-',然后就是'(',直接弹出,output = AB-
(6)读取'*',是运算符,由于此时栈为空,因此直接压入栈,output = AB-
(7)读取C,是运算数,直接输出到output字符串,output = AB-C
(8)读取'+',是运算符,它的优先级比'*'低,那么弹出'*',压入'+",output = AB-C*
(9)读取D,是运算数,直接输出到output字符串,output = AB-C*D
(10)读取'-',是运算符,和'+'的优先级一样,因此弹出'+',然后压入'-',output = AB-C*D+
(11)读取E,是运算数,直接输出到output字符串,output = AB-C*D+E
(12)读取'/',是运算符,比'-'的优先级高,因此压入栈,output = AB-C*D+E
(13)读取F,是运算数,直接输出到output字符串,output = AB-C*D+EF
(14)原始字符串已经读取完毕,将栈里面剩余的运算符依次弹出,output = AB-C*D+EF/-

5 计算算术表达式










#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory.h>
using namespace std;
inline int calTwo(char ch,int a, int b) {if (ch == '+')return a+b;else if (ch == '-')return a-b;else if (ch == '*')return a*b;elsereturn a/b;
inline int getOp(char ch) {if (ch == '+' || ch == '-')return 0;else if (ch == '*' || ch == '/')return 1;else return 2;
int cal(const string& str, int s, int e){if (str[s] == '(' && str[e] == ')')return cal(str, s + 1, e - 1);if (s == e)return str[s] - '0';int leftBracket = 0, minPos = s, minOp = 1;for (int i = s; i <= e; ++i) {if (leftBracket == 0 && getOp(str[i]) <= minOp) {minPos = i;minOp = getOp(str[i]);}else if (str[i] == '(')++leftBracket;else if (str[i] == ')')--leftBracket;}int left = cal(str, s, minPos - 1);int right = cal(str, minPos + 1, e);int res = calTwo(str[minPos],left,right);return res;
}int main()
{string str = "2+1-6*3/(1+1)";int res = cal(str, 0, str.length() - 1);return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
int getPri(char ch) {if (ch == '(')return 0;if (ch == '+' || ch == '-')return 1;else if (ch == '*' || ch == '/')return 2;elsereturn 3;
int operate(char ch, int x, int y) {if (ch == '+')return x + y;else if (ch == '-')return x - y;else if (ch == '*')return x * y;elsereturn x/y;
void parse(stack<char>& op, stack<int>& num) {int x = num.top();num.pop();int y = num.top();num.pop();int z = operate(op.top(), x, y);op.pop();num.push(z);
}int cal(const string& str) {stack<int> num;stack<char> op;int len = str.length(), i, j;for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {if (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9')num.push(str[i]-'0');else {if (str[i] == '(') op.push(str[i]);else if (str[i] == ')') {while (op.top() != '(') parse(op, num);op.pop();}else if (op.empty() || getPri(str[i]) > getPri(op.top()))op.push(str[i]);else {while (!op.empty() || getPri(str[i]) <= getPri(op.top())) parse(op,num);op.push(str[i]);}}}while (!op.empty()) parse(op,num);return num.top();
int main()
{//string  str = "(1+2)*3-4";//string  str = "1+2*3";//string  str = "(1+2)*3/2";string str = "2*(1+2*5)";cout<<cal(str)<<endl;return 0;

Python Version:

class Solution:def FetchNum(self, str, pos, len):res = 0while (pos < len and str[pos] >= '0' and str[pos] < '9'):res = res*10 + (int(str[pos]))pos += 1return res, pos-1def CalValue(self, a, b, op):if (op == '+'):return a+belif (op == '-'):return a-belif (op == '*'):return a*belif (op == '/'):return a/bdef CalTop(self, nums, ops):b = nums.pop()a = nums.pop()op = ops.pop()c = self.CalValue(a, b, op)return cdef CalMathVal(self, str):slen = len(str)i = 0priDict = {'+':1, '-':1, '*':2, '/':2, '(':0}nums, ops = [], []while (i < slen):if (str[i] >= '0' and str[i] < '9'):num, i = self.FetchNum(str, i, slen)nums.append(num)elif (str[i] in priDict and ((ops and priDict[str[i]] > priDict[ops[-1]]) or (not ops))):ops.append(str[i])elif (str[i] == '('):ops.append(str[i])elif (str[i] in priDict and ((ops and priDict[str[i]] <= priDict[ops[-1]]) or (not ops)) ):c = self.CalTop(nums, ops)nums.append(c)ops.append(str[i])elif (str[i] == ')'):if(ops):c = self.CalTop(nums, ops)if (ops[-1] == '('):ops.pop()nums.append(c)i += 1while (ops):c = self.CalTop(nums, ops)nums.append(c)return nums[-1]s = Solution()
y = s.CalMathVal("(2+3)*(1+4)")





Implement a basic calculator to evaluate a simple expression string.

The expression string may contain open ( and closing parentheses ), the plus + or minus sign -non-negative integers and empty spaces .

Example 1:

Input: "1 + 1"
Output: 2

Example 2:

Input: " 2-1 + 2 "
Output: 3

Example 3:

Input: "(1+(4+5+2)-3)+(6+8)"
Output: 23


  • You may assume that the given expression is always valid.
  • Do not use the eval built-in library function.


from typing import Listclass Solution:def calculate(self, s: str) -> int:def fetch_num(s1, pos):res = 0while (pos < len(s1) and s1[pos] >= '0' and s1[pos] <= '9'):res = res * 10 + ord(s1[pos])-ord('0')pos += 1return res,posdef cal_top(n1, o1):if (len(n1) >= 2 and len(o1) >= 1):b = n1.pop()a = n1.pop()op = o1.pop()res = a + b if op == '+' else a - bn1.append(res)l, i = len(s), 0nums, ops = [], []while (i < l):print("nums={0} ops={1}".format(nums,ops))if (s[i] >= '0' and s[i] <= '9'):num, i = fetch_num(s, i)nums.append(num)elif (s[i] == '('):ops.append('(')i += 1elif (s[i] in {'+', '-'}):if (ops and ops[-1] in {'+', '-'}):cal_top(nums, ops)ops.append(s[i])i += 1elif (s[i] == ')'):if (ops and ops[-1] == '('): #bug1ops.pop()else:cal_top(nums, ops)if (ops and ops[-1] == '('): #bug2ops.pop()i += 1else:i += 1cal_top(nums, ops)return nums[-1]s = Solution()


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