- 一、定义抽象产品接口
- 二、定义抽象工厂接口
- 三、定义具体产品
- 四、定义具体工厂
- 五、定义工厂客户端
- 六、客户端调用工厂客户端
- 七、抽象工厂模式的结构
//| participants |
// abstract product > declares an interface for a type of products
//| participants > abstract product |
interface AbstractProductA{};
//| participants > abstract product |
interface AbstractProductB{void Interact(AbstractProductA*);};
//| participants |
interface AbstractFactory
// declares an interface for operations that create abstract products
{AbstractProductA* CreateProductA(void);AbstractProductB* CreateProductB(void);
//| participants |
// concrete product
// defines > product object to be created > by concrete factory
// implements > abstract product interface
//| participants > concrete product |
class ProductA1:public AbstractProductA
void ProductA1::ProductA1(void) {Print("product a1 constructed");}
//| participants > concrete product |
class ProductA2:public AbstractProductA
void ProductA2::ProductA2(void) {Print("product a2 constructed");}
//| participants > concrete product |
class ProductB1:public AbstractProductB
{public:ProductB1(void);void Interact(AbstractProductA*);
void ProductB1::ProductB1(void) {Print("product b1 constructed");}
void ProductB1::Interact(AbstractProductA*src)
{Print("product b1: ",&this," is interacting with product a: ",src);
//| participants > concrete product |
class ProductB2:public AbstractProductB
{public:ProductB2(void);void Interact(AbstractProductA*);
void ProductB2::ProductB2(void) {Print("product b2 constructed");}
void ProductB2::Interact(AbstractProductA*src)
{Print("product b2: ",&this," is interacting with product a: ",src);
//| participants |
// concrete factory > implements operations > create concrete products
//| participants > concrete factory |
class Factory1:public AbstractFactory
{public:Factory1(void);AbstractProductA* CreateProductA(void);AbstractProductB* CreateProductB(void);
//| participants > concrete factory > factory 1 |
void Factory1::Factory1(void)
{Print("factory 1: ",&this," constructed");
//| participants > concrete factory > factory 1 |
AbstractProductA* Factory1::CreateProductA(void)
{printf("factory 1 is creating and returning product a1");return new ProductA1;
//| participants > concrete factory > factory 1 |
AbstractProductB* Factory1::CreateProductB(void)
{printf("factory 1 is creating and returning product b1");return new ProductB1;
//| participants > concrete factory |
class Factory2:public AbstractFactory
{public:Factory2(void);AbstractProductA* CreateProductA(void);AbstractProductB* CreateProductB(void);
//| participants > concrete factory > factory 2 |
void Factory2::Factory2(void)
{Print("factory 2: ",&this," constructed");
//| participants > concrete factory > factory 2 |
AbstractProductA* Factory2::CreateProductA(void)
{printf("factory 2 is creating and returning product a2");return new ProductA2;
//| participants > concrete factory > factory 2 |
AbstractProductB* Factory2::CreateProductB(void)
{printf("factory 2 is creating and returning product b2");return new ProductB2;
//| participants |
class FactoryClient
// uses interfaces > declared by > abstract factory, abstract product
{public:void Run(void);void Switch(AbstractFactory*);FactoryClient(AbstractFactory*);~FactoryClient(void);protected:AbstractProductA* apa;AbstractProductB* apb;AbstractFactory* factory;void Delete(void);
//| participants > factory client |
void FactoryClient::FactoryClient(AbstractFactory* af)
{Print("factory client created and received abstract factory ",af);Print("factory client is requesting to accept/switch the factories");Switch(af);
//| participants > factory client |
void FactoryClient::~FactoryClient(void)
//| participants > factory client |
void FactoryClient::Run(void)
{Print("factory client is running abstract product b");apb.Interact(apa);
//| participants > factory client |
void FactoryClient::Delete(void)
{delete apa;delete apb;delete factory;
//| participants > factory client |
void FactoryClient::Switch(AbstractFactory *af)
{string sFactory;StringConcatenate(sFactory,sFactory,factory);int iFactory=(int)StringToInteger(sFactory);if(iFactory>0){Print("factory client is switching old factory ",factory," to new factory ",af);}else{Print("factory client is accepting new factory ",af);}Delete();factory=af;Print("factory client saved the new factory");Print("factory client is requesting its new factory to create product a");apa=factory.CreateProductA();Print("factory client is requesting its new factory to create product b");apb=factory.CreateProductB();
//| interface for patterns |
interface ClientExample //pattern client
{string Output(void); //returns headervoid Run(void); //execute the pattern client
//| participants |
class Client:public ClientExample{
public:string Output(void);void Run(void);};
string Client::Output(void) {return __FUNCTION__;}
//| collaborations |
void Client::Run(void)
// concrete factory
// a single instance > normally created at run-time
// creates products > with particular implementation
// client uses other factory > for different product objects
// abstract factory
// defers creation > product objects > concrete factory subclass{Print("client is requesting to create factory 1");Print("client is requesting to create the factory client");Print("client is requesting the factory client to manage factory 1");FactoryClient client(new Factory1);Print("client is requesting the factory client to operate");client.Run();Print("client is requesting to create new factory 2 and asking factory client to switch factories");client.Switch(new Factory2);Print("client is requesting the factory client to run again");client.Run();}
//| structure |
// | AbstractFactory|<-----------------------------------------|Client|
// |----------------| |
// |CreateProductA()| |
// |CreateProductA()| |AbstractProductA|<-------+
// ^ ^ |
// | | |
// +-----------+----------+ +-----+-----+ |
// | | | | |
//|ConcreteFactory1|- + |ConcreteFactory2|- + ->|ProductA2| |ProductA1|<- + |
//|----------------| | |----------------| | | |
//|CreateProductA()| |CreateProductA()| |
//|CreateProductB()| | |CreateProductB()| | | |
// |AbstractProductB|<----+--+
// | | ^ |
// |
// | | +-----+-----+ |
// | |
// | + ->|ProductB2| |ProductB1|<- +
// |
// + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +