geek_Ask How-To Geek:在仿真中还原XBMC FTP,重命名电视节目和Android Market

2024-03-12 23:50

本文主要是介绍geek_Ask How-To Geek:在仿真中还原XBMC FTP,重命名电视节目和Android Market,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!




Once a week we dig into our reader mailbag and answer your burning questions. Today we’re taking a peek at how to enable the missing FTP functionality in XBMC, rename your downloaded TV shows, and get access to the Market when emulating Android.

每周一次,我们深入阅读器的邮袋,并回答您的急切问题。 今天,我们来看看如何在XBMC中启用缺少的FTP功能,重命名下载的电视节目以及在模拟Android时如何访问Market。

在XBMC中还原FTP服务 (Restoring The FTP Service in XBMC)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I recently ditched my old Xbox-based XBMC units in favor of a modern nettop-based XBMC unit (HD video, here I come!) only to be dismayed that there is no FTP support? I’m so used to editing files and working with my Xbox through FTP! I’ve searched high and low in the setting menus and I can’t find a single reference to FTP anywhere. What gives?

我最近放弃了旧的基于Xbox的XBMC单元,转而使用现代的基于nettop的XBMC单元(高清视频,我来了!)令我沮丧的是,它不支持FTP? 我是如此习惯于通过FTP编辑文件并与Xbox协同工作! 我在设置菜单中搜索过高和过低,在任何地方都找不到对FTP的单一引用。 是什么赋予了?

Searchin’ for the FTP


Dear Searchin’,


Your inability to find the FTP function in the new versions of XBMC isn’t actually a failure on your part. Since XBMC jumped ship from the actual Xbox they’ve removed built-in FTP. Now, they presume, you’ll simply use the FTP functionality of the underlying operating system. While we happen to think it’s a bit of an oversight to not include the FTP server by default in any XBMC live-based installation (since it’s a bit of a hassle to get in there and install it yourself), we understand where they are coming from. In order to get access to your XBMC install via FTP you’ll need to install an FTP server on the machine.

实际上,您无法在新版本的XBMC中找到FTP功能并不是您的故障。 由于XBMC从实际的Xbox出厂,他们已经删除了内置的FTP。 现在,他们认为,您只需使用基础操作系统的FTP功能。 尽管我们碰巧认为在任何基于XBMC live的安装中默认不包含FTP服务器是一个疏忽(因为进入该位置并自行安装它很麻烦),但我们知道它们的来龙去脉从。 为了通过FTP访问XBMC安装,您需要在计算机上安装FTP服务器。

To keep things simple, we’d suggest using FileZilla. There are lighter weight applications out there, sure, but if you’re new to messing around with FTP servers (especially installing them on Linux if you’re primarily a Windows user) the ample installation documentation for FileZilla will be invaluable.

为了简单起见 ,我们建议使用FileZilla 。 当然,那里有重量较轻的应用程序,但是,如果您不熟悉FTP服务器(尤其是如果您主要是Windows用户,则特别是在Linux上安装它们),那么FileZilla的充足安装文档将非常有用。

重命名下载的电视节目 (Renaming Downloaded TV Shows)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I have tons of downloaded television shows with all kinds of wonky naming conventions. I’d really like to get everything uniform, partially because I’m a bit OCD about it and partially because it makes scraping for TV show data and covers so much easier. I have some renaming applications but they’re all intended for bulk renaming files and none of them have any tools for dealing with tricky subjects like television shows. Help! I don’t want to do this all by hand.

我有大量下载的电视节目,其中包含各种不正确的命名约定。 我真的很想使所有内容统一,部分是因为我对此感到有点强迫症,部分是因为它使抓取电视节目数据和覆盖变得如此容易。 我有一些重命名应用程序,但是它们都是用于批量重命名文件的,它们都没有用于处理电视节目等棘手主题的工具。 帮帮我! 我不想用手做这一切。

OCD Downloader


Dear OCD,


You’re right to ask for help before submitting your media collection to the mercy of a generic renaming tool. While there are more than a few tv-renaming tools floating around one of the simplest is TVRenamer. It can help you rename your files (as well as automatically renaming other important files that are stored along with it such as subtitles and artwork). Check out our guide to using TVRenamer here.

在将您的媒体收藏提交给通用重命名工具之前,您是正确的寻求帮助。 虽然有不止一种电视重新命名工具,但最简单的一种是TVRenamer。 它可以帮助您重命名文件(以及自动重命名与其一起存储的其他重要文件,例如字幕和插图)。 在此处查看有关使用TVRenamer的指南 。

One thing we would strongly advise you to do before renaming is to download any subtitles you’d like for your shows. Subtitles are almost always synced (down to the fraction of a second) to very specific releases. If you strip all that information out of the file name and reduce it to SomeShow S01E01.mkv instead of SomeShow S.01 E.01 CrazyBoysRipPalace HDTV SomeJibbaJabba H264 720p.mkv it makes it almost impossible to find good subtitles. Grab your subtitles first, then go through and rename everything.

我们强烈建议您在重命名之前要做的一件事就是下载您想要显示的字幕。 字幕几乎总是同步(非常短的时间)到非常特定的版本。 如果将所有信息从文件名中剥离,然后将其简化SomeShow S.01 E.01 CrazyBoysRipPalace HDTV SomeJibbaJabba H264 720p.mkv ,而不是SomeShow S.01 E.01 ,那么几乎很难找到好的字幕。 首先抓住你的字幕,然后通过和重命名的一切。

模拟中的Android Market (Android Market in Emulation)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

Sometime last year I followed your guide to setting up an Android emulator. I did it mostly because I wanted to mess around with Android before getting a new Android phone. Recently I went back to play with the emulator again as a way to try out apps before installing them on my phone and (if I’m being totally honest) play a couple games I’ve gotten addicted to from my desktop. Unfortunately I can’t seem to even find the Market to get to all those fabulous games. What gives?

去年的某个时候, 我按照您的指南设置了Android仿真器 。 我之所以这么做,主要是因为我想在购买新的Android手机之前先弄乱Android。 最近,我又回到了模拟器上,作为一种在将其安装到手机上之前试用应用程序的方法,并且(如果我真的很诚实的话)玩一些我从台式机上瘾的游戏。 不幸的是,我似乎甚至找不到找到所有这些出色游戏的市场。 是什么赋予了?

Longing for UniWar


Dear UniWar Lover,

亲爱的UniWar Lover,

First, you better email your UniWar screen name. We shall smite you with the rage of a thousand Titans. Second, you can’t find the Market because it isn’t there. We’ll lump this in the same “What were they thinking?” category that we lumped the lack of FTP in XBMC in earlier in this edition of Ask How-To Geek. It sure would be nice if the Market was enabled by default. Have no fear, however, so many people wanted to know how to set up the Market after we posted that Android emulation guide that we posted a follow up article on how to enable the Market. Now seriously, send us your UniWar screen name; we’ve laid so many bases to waste nobody will play with us anymore.

首先,最好通过电子邮件发送UniWar屏幕名称。 我们将以一千个泰坦之怒击杀你。 第二,您找不到市场,因为那里不存在。 我们将其统称为“他们在想什么?” 在本版的Ask How-To Geek中,我们归因于XBMC中FTP的缺乏。 如果默认启用市场,那肯定会很好。 不用担心,但是,在我们发布了Android仿真指南之后, 我们发布了有关如何启用Market的后续文章 ,因此有很多人想知道如何设置Market 。 现在,请认真向我们发送您的UniWar屏幕名称; 我们已经奠定了太多的基础,浪费了没有人再和我们一起玩。

Have a question you want to put before the How-To Geek staff? Shoot us an email at
您想向How-To Geek员工提出问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至 and then keep an eye out for a solution in the Ask How-To Geek column. ,然后在Ask How-To Geek专栏中关注解决方案。



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