Tryhackme-Complete Beginner Introduction

2024-03-10 02:20

本文主要是介绍Tryhackme-Complete Beginner Introduction,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

Complete Beginner Introduction


  • Complete Beginner Introduction
    • Leaning Cyber Security
      • task1 Web Application Security
      • task2 Network Security
      • task3 Learning Roadmap
    • Tutorial
      • task1 Starting your first machine
    • Starting Out In Cyber Sec
      • task1 Welcome To TryHackMe
      • task2 Offensive Security
      • task3 Defensive Security
    • Introductory Researching
      • task1 Introduction
      • task 2 Example Research Question
      • task3 Vulnerability Searching
      • task5 Final Thoughts
      • task5 Final Thoughts

Leaning Cyber Security

task1 Web Application Security

1.Read the above and learn how to hack BookFace, TryHackMe’s vulnerable social media site.


2.What is the username of the BookFace account you will be taking over?



2.Hack the BookFace account to reveal this task’s answer!



task2 Network Security

1.Read the above, and see how Target was hacked on the right hand side.


2.How much did the data breach cost Target?

$300 million

task3 Learning Roadmap



task1 Starting your first machine


启动机器后,打开火狐浏览器 输入IP得到flag

Starting Out In Cyber Sec

task1 Welcome To TryHackMe


task2 Offensive Security

What is the name of the career role that is legally employed to find vulnerabilities in applications?

penetration tester

task3 Defensive Security

What is the name of the role who’s job is to identify attacks against an organisation?

security analyst

Introductory Researching

task1 Introduction


task 2 Example Research Question

1.In the Burp Suite Program that ships with Kali Linux, what mode would you use to manually send a request (often repeating a captured request numerous times)?

Repeater (burp的一个功能模块)

提示:manually send request burp suite

2.What hash format are modern Windows login passwords stored in?


提示:hashing algorithm for windows



3.What are automated tasks called in Linux?

Cron jobs

提示:automated tasks Linux


4.What number base could you use as a shorthand for base 2 (binary)?


提示:Octal (base 8) is not the correct answer.

参考链接:Number Bases - Byte-Notes

5.If a password hash starts with 6 6 6, what format is it (Unix variant)?




task3 Vulnerability Searching 在漏洞数据库搜索

1.What is the CVE for the 2020 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability found in WPForms?


搜索关键词 2020, WPForms

2.There was a Local Privilege Escalation vulnerability found in the Debian version of Apache Tomcat, back in 2016. What’s the CVE for this vulnerability?


搜索关键词 2016, Debian, Apache Tomcat, Local Privilege

3.What is the very first CVE found in the VLC media player?


搜索关键词 VLC media player, very first

4.If you wanted to exploit a 2020 buffer overflow in the sudo program, which CVE would you use?


搜索关键词 buffer overflow(缓冲区溢出),sudo

task4 Manual Pages

1.SCP is a tool used to copy files from one computer to another.What switch would you use to copy an entire directory?


cp -r:递归复制,用于目录

2.fdisk is a command used to view and alter the partitioning scheme used on your hard drive.What switch would you use to list the current partitions?


fdisk -l 显示系统所有分区或指定分区

3.nano is an easy-to-use text editor for Linux. There are arguably better editors (Vim, being the obvious choice); however, nano is a great one to start with.Wnamhat switch would you use to make a backup when opening a file with nano?


nano -B,–backup

4.Netcat is a basic tool used to manually send and receive network requests. What command would you use to start netcat in listen mode, using port 12345?

nc -l -p 12345

task5 Final Thoughts

send and receive network requests. What command would you use to start netcat in listen mode, using port 12345?

nc -l -p 12345

task5 Final Thoughts


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