Oracle Applications DBA 基础(第二期)Week 05 exercise

2024-03-09 23:48

本文主要是介绍Oracle Applications DBA 基础(第二期)Week 05 exercise,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

1. 怎样在 OAM 中看 那些  patch applied 了 ?

N:System Administrator - Oracle Application Manager > Patch Wizard > Applied Patches > Go


2. 在 OAM 中 运行 concurrent processing activity report 。如果你有业务测试系统,可以看看你的系统的具体情形。

N:System Administrator - Oracle Application Manager > Dashboard > Site Map > Monitoring > Performance/Usage > Concurrent Processing Reports > Programs Usage Statistics > Programs Usage Statistics 


3. 一个 Oracle Applications 的 patch 可能影响多个文件。我们可以 通过 adpatch apply=no 的方式去检查,还可以在 OAM 中用什么方式看 ?请运行一个例子说明。
1. set staging directory
N:System Administrator - Oracle Application Manager > Patch Wizard > Patch Wizard Preferences > Tasks -> set "Staging Directory" -> click OK

2. put patch zip to the ad/nonad directory which under staging directory(R12.1.3) OR put patch zip to the staging directory(R12.0.6)
-bash-3.2$ pwd
-bash-3.2$ ls -l nonad/
total 632
-rw-r--r-- 1 aptm12 dba 641548 Mar 12 19:14

3. run PPA
N:System Administrator - Oracle Application Manager > Patch Wizard > Recommend/Analyze Patches > Tasks

submit patch analyze request set

check patch analyze request set status

check patch impact

patch impact overview

patch impact details

Patch Tracking Utilities


4. 测试运行一下 turn on and turn off OAM Restricted Mode 的步骤.
具体步骤请看 Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide 中的

Maintenance Managing Downtime in Restricted Mode。

Restricted Mode介绍:
In Restricted Mode, only valid database users are allowed to login into OAM via a
special URL, and are allowed to access a limited set of features. The database role
AD_MONITOR_ROLE has access to all the required database objects for Restricted
Mode features. However, a valid database user who does not have the
AD_MONITOR_ROLE may have further limited access to OAM functionality based on
the database objects to which this user has access. Monitoring in-progress AD utilities is
the only feature that is accessible.

How to Implement Restricted Mode
1. Schedule the system downtime and notify end users of the upcoming downtime.
  Use OAM to schedule the downtime. See: Manage Downtime Schedules - Overview, page 8-3.
2. Complete the required one-time setup steps required to monitor patching progress.
  Ensure that you have enabled the monitoring user account by unlocking the
 ad_monitor account with the following command:
 alter user ad_monitor account unlock;
Then log in to SQL*Plus as the user ad_monitor. The default password is 'lizard'.
Reset the password.
SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> select username,account_status from dba_users where username='AD_MONITOR';

------------------------------ --------------------------------

SQL> alter user ad_monitor account unlock;

User altered.

SQL> select username,account_status from dba_users where username='AD_MONITOR';

------------------------------ --------------------------------
AD_MONITOR               EXPIRED

SQL> conn AD_MONITOR/lizard
ORA-28001: the password has expired

Changing password for AD_MONITOR
New password:
Retype new password:
Password changed
SQL> show user
3. Shut down Apache and all other all Oracle E-Business Suite services. Use the
standard AD script:
$INST_TOP/admin/scripts/ apps/apps
4. Enable Maintenance Mode for your system.
To do this, run adadmin and select Option 5 =>Change Maintenance Mode, then
Option 1 => Enable Maintenance Mode.
5. Run the command:
[applvis@oel57vis scripts]$ grep -i s_apache_mode $CONTEXT_FILE
         <config_option type="techstack" oa_var="s_apache_mode">NORMAL</config_option>
[applvis@oel57vis scripts]$ $FND_TOP/bin/ -script=ChangeApacheMode -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -mode=Restrict
*** Log File = /u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/txkChangeApacheMode_Thu_Mar_13_01_25_56_2014.log
Program : /u01/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ started @ Thu Mar 13 01:25:56 2014

*** Log File = /u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/txkChangeApacheMode_Thu_Mar_13_01_25_56_2014.log

For switching to MAINTENANCE/NORMAL mode all the services on the Oracle Applications middle tier should be stopped. Are the services stopped? <Yes/No> [DEFAULT - Yes]:
Values used
Context File     : /u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/appl/admin/VIS_oel57vis.xml
Mode             : Restrict
Services stopped : Yes

Sanity check to switch the mode to Restrict

Following context variables are in SYNC:
Variable: s_restricted_mode_comment(Value: #)
Variable: s_apache_mode(Value: NORMAL)

Following files are in SYNC:
/u01/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/admin/template/httpd_conf_1013.tmp (Version: 120.33.12010000.4)
/u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/ora/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf (Version: 120.33.12010000.4)

Following files are in SYNC:
/u01/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/admin/template/ssl_conf_1013.tmp (Version: 120.11.12010000.2)
/u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/ora/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.conf (Version: 120.11.12010000.2)
**** Sanity check PASSED. Proceeding further...

Backing up context file...
Context file backed up at: /u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/Thu_Mar_13_01_25_56_2014/VIS_oel57vis.xml

Backing up httpd.conf file...
httpd.conf file backed up at: /u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/Thu_Mar_13_01_25_56_2014/httpd.conf

Backing up ssl.conf file...
ssl.conf file backed up at: /u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/Thu_Mar_13_01_25_56_2014/ssl.conf

Backing up orion-web.xml file...
orion-web.xml file backed up at: /u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/Thu_Mar_13_01_25_56_2014/orion-web.xml

Changing to RESTRICTED Mode...
Updating context Variable s_restricted_mode_comment...
Updated context Variable s_restricted_mode_comment to
Updating context Variable s_apache_mode...
Updated context Variable s_apache_mode to RESTRICT

File Instantiation:
Template: /u01/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/admin/template/httpd_conf_1013.tmp
Instantiated location: /u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/ora/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf

File Instantiation:
Template: /u01/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/admin/template/orion_web_xml_restricted_1013.tmp
Instantiated location: /u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/application-deployments/oacore/html/orion-web.xml

File Instantiation:
Template: /u01/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/admin/template/ssl_conf_1013.tmp
Instantiated location: /u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/ora/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.conf

Oracle HTTP Server is switched to RESTRICTED mode...
Start Oracle HTTP Server and OACORE OC4J

Log file to change the Apache Mode :

Program : /u01/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ completed @ Thu Mar 13 01:26:19 2014

End of /u01/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ : No Errors encountered
[applvis@oel57vis scripts]$ grep -i s_apache_mode $CONTEXT_FILE
         <config_option type="techstack" oa_var="s_apache_mode">RESTRICT</config_option>
[applvis@oel57vis scripts]$
6. Start Oracle HTTP Server and oacore OC4J:
[applvis@oel57vis scripts]$ $INST_TOP/admin/scripts/ start

You are running version 120.7.12010000.2

Starting OPMN managed Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) instance ...
opmnctl: opmn started.
opmnctl: starting opmn managed processes... exiting with status 0 check the logfile /u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/logs/appl/admin/log/adapcctl.txt for more information ...  

[applvis@oel57vis scripts]$ $INST_TOP/admin/scripts/ start

You are running version 120.13

Starting OPMN managed OACORE OC4J instance  ... exiting with status 0 check the logfile /u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/logs/appl/admin/log/adoacorectl.txt for more information ...  

[applvis@oel57vis scripts]$ $INST_TOP/admin/scripts/ status

You are running version 120.13

Checking status of OPMN managed OACORE OC4J instance ...

Processes in Instance:
ias-component                    | process-type       |     pid | status  
OC4JGroup:default_group          | OC4J:oafm          |     N/A | Down    
OC4JGroup:default_group          | OC4J:oacore        |   13896 | Alive   
HTTP_Server                      | HTTP_Server        |   13843 | Alive exiting with status 0 check the logfile /u02/inst/apps/VIS_oel57vis/logs/appl/admin/log/adoacorectl.txt for more information ...  

[applvis@oel57vis scripts]$
7. Begin applying patch(es). Run adpatch (hotpatch=n). 这里只测试一下restricted mode,所以没有进行patch步骤.
8. To monitor patching progress, launch Restricted Mode in OAM using the OAM
  Restricted Mode URL:
9. Log in as ad_monitor with the new password.

10. You are now in OAM Restricted Mode, and can access patching utilities from the
Maintenance tab of the Site Map: Navigate to Site Map > Maintenance, Patching and
Utilities > Timing Reports

11. Confirm the end of scheduled downtime in OAM upon patch completion.
From within OAM in Restricted Mode, navigate to Site Map > Maintenance >
Patching and Utilities > Manage Downtime Schedules. Click the Mark Complete
button. Confirm that you wish to change the downtime status to Complete.
12. Now switch the system back to normal mode. Run adadmin and select Option 5 =>
Change Maintenance Mode, then Option 2 => Disable Maintenance Mode.
13. Stop Oracle HTTP Server and oacore OC4J:
$INST_TOP/admin/scripts/ stop
$INST_TOP/admin/scripts/ stop

14. Run the following command:
$FND_TOP/bin/ -script=ChangeApacheMode -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -mode=Normal
[applvis@oel57vis scripts]$ grep -i s_apache_mode $CONTEXT_FILE
         <config_option type="techstack" oa_var="s_apache_mode">NORMAL</config_option>
[applvis@oel57vis scripts]$

15. Restart all services:
$INST_TOP/admin/scripts/ apps/apps

121samg.pdf - page 336 - 337


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