CPoseRender 主要是为了简化openpose中的调用方式进行简化重写,只需要opencv的参数即可使用。
1、CPoseRender 声明
#pragma once#include "opencv2/core.hpp"#include "CPoseClassify.h"#include "Keypoints.h"namespace Utils {
// fastmath, taken from op
// Use op::round/max/min for basic types (int, char, long, float, double, etc). Never with classes!
// `std::` alternatives uses 'const T&' instead of 'const T' as argument.
// E.g., std::round is really slow (~300 ms vs ~10 ms when I individually apply it to each element of a whole
// image array// VERY IMPORTANT: These fast functions does NOT work for negative integer numbers.
// E.g., positiveIntRound(-180.f) = -179.// Round functions
// Signed
template<typename T>
inline char positiveCharRound(const T a)
{return char(a + 0.5f);
}template<typename T>
inline signed char positiveSCharRound(const T a)
{return (signed char)(a + 0.5f);
}template<typename T>
inline int positiveIntRound(const T a)
{return int(a + 0.5f);
}template<typename T>
inline long positiveLongRound(const T a)
{return long(a + 0.5f);
}template<typename T>
inline long long positiveLongLongRound(const T a)
{return (long long)(a + 0.5f);
}// Unsigned
template<typename T>
inline unsigned char uCharRound(const T a)
{return (unsigned char)(a + 0.5f);
}template<typename T>
inline unsigned int uIntRound(const T a)
{return (unsigned int)(a + 0.5f);
}template<typename T>
inline unsigned long ulongRound(const T a)
{return (unsigned long)(a + 0.5f);
}template<typename T>
inline unsigned long long uLongLongRound(const T a)
{return (unsigned long long)(a + 0.5f);
}// Max/min functions
template<typename T>
inline T fastMax(const T a, const T b)
{return (a > b ? a : b);
}template<typename T>
inline T fastMin(const T a, const T b)
{return (a < b ? a : b);
}template<class T>
inline T fastTruncate(T value, T min = 0, T max = 1)
{return fastMin(max, fastMax(min, value));
} // namespace Utilsclass CPoseRender
public:CPoseRender(PoseModel poseModel);~CPoseRender();void rendPose(cv::Mat& frame, const cv::Mat& poseData, float renderThreshold = 0.05);private:const PoseModel poseModel;
2、CPoseRender 实现
#include "CPoseRender.h"#include <vector>
#include <array>//#include "openpose/utilities/fastMath.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"namespace {#define POSE_BODY_25_PAIRS_RENDER \1,8, 1,2, 1,5, 2,3, 3,4, 5,6, 6,7, 8,9, 9,10, 10,11, 8,12, 12,13, 13,14, 1,0, 0,15, 15,17, 0,16, 16,18, 14,19,19,20,14,21, 11,22,22,23,11,24
#define POSE_BODY_25_COLORS_RENDER \255.f, 0.f, 85.f, \255.f, 0.f, 0.f, \255.f, 85.f, 0.f, \255.f, 170.f, 0.f, \255.f, 255.f, 0.f, \170.f, 255.f, 0.f, \85.f, 255.f, 0.f, \0.f, 255.f, 0.f, \255.f, 0.f, 0.f, \0.f, 255.f, 85.f, \0.f, 255.f, 170.f, \0.f, 255.f, 255.f, \0.f, 170.f, 255.f, \0.f, 85.f, 255.f, \0.f, 0.f, 255.f, \255.f, 0.f, 170.f, \170.f, 0.f, 255.f, \255.f, 0.f, 255.f, \85.f, 0.f, 255.f, \0.f, 0.f, 255.f, \0.f, 0.f, 255.f, \0.f, 0.f, 255.f, \0.f, 255.f, 255.f, \0.f, 255.f, 255.f, \0.f, 255.f, 255.fconst std::array<std::vector<unsigned int>, (int)PoseModel::Size> POSE_BODY_PART_PAIRS_RENDER{std::vector<unsigned int>{POSE_BODY_25_PAIRS_RENDER}, // BODY_25
};const std::array<std::vector<unsigned int>, (int)PoseModel::Size> POSE_BODY_PART_PAIRS{// BODY_25std::vector<unsigned int>{1,8, 1,2, 1,5, 2,3, 3,4, 5,6, 6,7, 8,9, 9,10, 10,11, 8,12, 12,13, 13,14, 1,0, 0,15, 15,17, 0,16, 16,18, 2,17, 5,18, 14,19,19,20,14,21, 11,22,22,23,11,24}
};const std::array<std::vector<float>, (int)PoseModel::Size> POSE_SCALES{std::vector<float>{POSE_BODY_25_SCALES_RENDER}, // BODY_25
};const std::array<std::vector<float>, (int)PoseModel::Size> POSE_COLORS{std::vector<float>{POSE_BODY_25_COLORS_RENDER}, // BODY_25
};void renderOpenPoseKeypoints(cv::Mat & frame, const cv::Mat & poseData, PoseModel poseModel, const float threshold)
{const auto thicknessCircleRatio = 1.f / 75.f;const auto thicknessLineRatioWRTCircle = 0.75f;const auto& pairs = POSE_BODY_PART_PAIRS_RENDER.at((int)poseModel);const auto& poseScales = POSE_SCALES.at((int)poseModel);const auto& colors = POSE_COLORS.at((int)(int)poseModel);//-------------------------------------------------------------------------const auto width = frame.size[1];const auto height = frame.size[0];const auto area = width * height;// Parametersconst auto lineType = 8;const auto shift = 0;const auto numberColors = colors.size();const auto numberScales = poseScales.size();const auto thresholdRectangle = float(0.1);const auto numberKeypoints = poseData.cols; //keypoints.getSize(1);// Keypointsfor(auto person = 0; person < poseData.rows; person++) {const auto personRectangle = Utils::getKeypointsRectangle(poseData, person, thresholdRectangle);if(personRectangle.area() > 0) {const auto ratioAreas = Utils::fastMin(float(1), Utils::fastMax(personRectangle.width / (float)width, personRectangle.height / (float)height));// Size-dependent variablesconst auto thicknessRatio = Utils::fastMax(Utils::positiveIntRound(std::sqrt(area)* thicknessCircleRatio * ratioAreas), 2);// Negative thickness in cv::circle means that a filled circle is to be drawn.const auto thicknessCircle = Utils::fastMax(1, (ratioAreas > float(0.05) ? thicknessRatio : -1));const auto thicknessLine = Utils::fastMax(1, Utils::positiveIntRound(thicknessRatio * thicknessLineRatioWRTCircle));const auto radius = thicknessRatio / 2;// Draw linesfor(auto pair = 0u; pair < pairs.size(); pair += 2) {const auto index1 = (person * numberKeypoints + pairs[pair]) * poseData.channels();const auto index2 = (person * numberKeypoints + pairs[pair + 1]) * poseData.channels();if(poseData.at<float>(index1 + 2) > threshold && poseData.at<float>(index2 + 2) > threshold) {const auto thicknessLineScaled = Utils::positiveIntRound(thicknessLine * poseScales[pairs[pair + 1] % numberScales]);const auto colorIndex = pairs[pair + 1] * 3; // Before: colorIndex = pair/2*3;const cv::Scalar color{colors[(colorIndex + 2) % numberColors],colors[(colorIndex + 1) % numberColors],colors[colorIndex % numberColors]};const cv::Point keypoint1{Utils::positiveIntRound(poseData.at<float>(index1)), Utils::positiveIntRound(poseData.at<float>(index1+1))};const cv::Point keypoint2{Utils::positiveIntRound(poseData.at<float>(index2)), Utils::positiveIntRound(poseData.at<float>(index2 + 1))};cv::line(frame, keypoint1, keypoint2, color, thicknessLineScaled, lineType, shift);}}// Draw circlesfor(auto part = 0; part < numberKeypoints; part++) {const auto faceIndex = (person * numberKeypoints + part) * frame.channels();if(poseData.at<float>(faceIndex + 2) > threshold) {const auto radiusScaled = Utils::positiveIntRound(radius * poseScales[part % numberScales]);const auto thicknessCircleScaled = Utils::positiveIntRound(thicknessCircle * poseScales[part % numberScales]);const auto colorIndex = part * 3;const cv::Scalar color{colors[(colorIndex + 2) % numberColors],colors[(colorIndex + 1) % numberColors],colors[colorIndex % numberColors]};const cv::Point center{Utils::positiveIntRound(poseData.at<float>(faceIndex)),Utils::positiveIntRound(poseData.at<float>(faceIndex + 1))};cv::circle(frame, center, radiusScaled, color, thicknessCircleScaled, lineType, shift);}}}}
}} // namespaceCPoseRender::CPoseRender(PoseModel poseModel):poseModel(poseModel)
}void CPoseRender::rendPose(cv::Mat & frame, const cv::Mat & poseData, float renderThreshold)
{if(frame.empty() || poseData.empty())return;renderOpenPoseKeypoints(frame, poseData, poseModel, renderThreshold);