
我之前已经谈论过我是Audible的粉丝。 通过将其轻松地放在汽车中聆听,将其融入生活中之后,您便拥有了同步iPod或MP3播放器多少次的良好节奏,它确实可以丰富您的生活。 我什至让我的妻子迷上了它。 她每天带着婴儿走三英里,一直在听《时光旅行者》的妻子(一本很棒的书,强烈推荐。 )
I'm in Charlotte transferring planes to Dallas right now and just noticed a very clever digital device that I hadn't seen before. It's such a clever and totally obvious idea. Portable Audio Books with the audio pre-loaded on a "disposable" player.
我现在正在夏洛特(Charlotte)转移飞机到达拉斯(Dallas),只是注意到了一个我以前从未见过的非常聪明的数字设备。 这是一个聪明而完全显而易见的想法。 便携式音频书,其音频已预装在“一次性”播放器上。
They are called Playaway. Apparently they launched a year ago. They're attractively packaged and include everything you need. The book, pre-loaded batteries and headphones. The audio books are tiny, about the size of a micro-cassette with controls on the back for controlling the speed of the reader's voice, fast forwarding, etc.
他们被称为Playaway 。 显然他们是在一年前发射的。 它们包装精美,可以满足您的所有需求。 这本书,预装了电池和耳机。 有声读物很小,大约只有微型盒式磁带的大小,背面有控件,用于控制阅读器语音的速度,快进等。
Fantastic idea, brilliantly executed, save one thing. $39.95 for a book? Oy. I was a biscuit away from buying one, was drawn to the retail point of sale, picked it up, looked at the box, all the things one is supposed to do if the marketers got it right.
出色的想法,出色的执行力,可以节省一件事。 一本书39.95美元? 哦我是一个远离购买饼干的人,被吸引到零售销售点,拿起它,看着盒子,如果营销人员正确的话,我应该做的所有事情。
However, in this case, I turned the package over and blanched at $39.95. Some are even more. Yikes. If it were $19.95, sold, without even a thought. $24.95, maybe. $30, eh. $40? Hell no.
但是,在这种情况下,我将包装翻了过来,烫了39.95美元。 有些甚至更多。 kes。 如果它是$ 19.95,卖出,甚至没有一个想法。 可能是$ 24.95。 30美元, 40美元? 一定不行。
Back to audible again. For half the Playaway's cost per month I get two books. Sure I have to have an audio player, so I'm comparing apples to carburetors, but you get the idea. If a first class recent paperback is <$10, I expect a device like this to be under $25, IMHO. I'm sure the price will come down, but at this pricing it kind of squashed the whole impulse buy thing. Still a rockin' sweet idea though. Maybe I'll give some of these for Christmas to some of my Luddite relatives. :)
回到声音。 每月花掉Playaway一半的费用,我就能得到两本书。 当然,我必须有一个音频播放器,所以我正在将苹果与化油器进行比较,但是您明白了。 如果最近一等的平装本<$ 10,我希望这样的设备低于$ 25,恕我直言。 我敢肯定价格会下降,但是按照这个价格,它压倒了整个冲动购买的东西。 仍然是一个摇摆不定的好主意。 也许我会在圣诞节期间将其中一些赠予我的路德派亲戚。 :)
翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/playaway-preloaded-portable-digital-audiobooks