



Late last year, details surfaced about a new project Google was working on to bring Windows to some Chromebooks. As of now, however, it looks like that’s never going to happen—the project is deprecated.

去年下半年,有关Google为将Windows引入某些Chromebook的新项目而浮出水面的细节 。 但是,到目前为止,看来这将永远不会发生—该项目已过时。

Known as Project Campfire (or “AltOS” in the source code), the goal was to bring a dual-boot setup with Windows to select Chromebooks. As far as we know, it was in testing on the Pixelbook but would have likely shown up on other high-powered Chromebooks as well.

被称为Project Campfire(或源代码中的“ AltOS”)的目标是将Windows的双重引导设置与Chromebook结合使用。 据我们所知,它正在Pixelbook上进行测试,但也可能会出现在其他高性能Chromebook上。

When news about Campfire first dropped, many users were exceptionally excited with the idea of being able to run Windows alongside Chrome OS on their laptops—it would be the perfect solution to offset Chrome OS’ downsides. But backporting it to older devices does seem like a massive undertaking, especially given the limited storage on most Chromebooks. Campfire was rumored to require at least 40 GB of free space to work at all, which is a tall order for nearly all Chromebooks out there.

当有关Campfire的消息首次下降时,许多用户对能够在笔记本电脑上同时运行Windows和Chrome OS的想法感到异常兴奋-这将是抵消Chrome OS缺点的完美解决方案。 但是,将其反向移植到旧设备似乎是一项艰巨的任务,尤其是考虑到大多数Chromebook的存储空间有限。 据传,Campfire至少需要40 GB的可用空间才能工作,对于几乎所有的Chromebook来说,这都是一个很高的要求。

It’s not much of a shocker that Google canned the project, and it’s worth keeping in mind that it never existed in any “official” capacity in the first place. With Linux apps on all Chromebooks moving forward, users already have more choices than ever before on Chrome OS—and less of a reason to need Windows in the first place. Ultimately, I’d rather see the Chrome OS team working on new Chrome OS features anyway. [About Chromebooks]

Google取消该项目并不令人震惊,值得牢记的是,它最初从未以任何“官方”身份存在。 随着所有Chromebook上的Linux应用程序的不断发展 ,用户在Chrome操作系统上的选择已比以往任何时候都要多-首先减少了使用Windows的理由。 最终,我还是希望Chrome OS团队继续使用Chrome OS的新功能。 [ 关于Chromebook ]

在其他新闻中 (In Other News)

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At yesterday’s Nintendo Direct event, the company announced the long-awaited Super Mario Maker 2, and this time around it packs a lot more than a simple level builder. In true Mario fashion, Maker 2 will offer a story mode where you have to rebuild Peach’s castle. It also revamped the builder itself to include co-op building, a ton of new items and mechanics all new to a Mario game. Maker 2 will be out on June 28th for Switch. [Kotaku]

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