本文主要是介绍Head First C# 实验室 赛狗日,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!
本人正在新学C#,这是Head First C# (第二版)的第一个实验,要求写一个模拟赛狗的程序(为什么是赛狗而不是赛马 =_=)。题目我就不多介绍了,因为我假定你已经知道题目了,要不然你也不会来看这篇博客。
首先Guy类,它包含字段Name,Cash,分别指人的名字以及他所拥有 的现金,而MyBet则表示一次下注。如果他还没有下注,则MyBet=null;如果他下了注,MyBet类就会引用一个Bet类实例。另外MyRadioButton和MyLabel分别为了引用界面上的RadioButton和Label标签。Guy类的几个方法,UpdateLabels()就是更新界面上显示的信息的;PlaceBet()就是让MyBet新建一个实例,表示这个下注了;相反,ClearBet()则是把MyBet引用的内容释放掉,在C#中只要让MyBet=null就可以了,终于不需要C++里的delete了;最后的Collect()方法,就是根据这个人是赢了还是输了来改变他的现金Cash。
Joe.MyBet = Bet1;
Bet1.Bettor = Joe;
上面的只是关系示例,只是为了搞明白关系,具体代码中是没Bet1这种名字的。Joe下注这个操作写成代码是 Joe.PlaceBet(),这里面的实现代码是Joe.MyBet = new Bet(); 当然,要加上参数Amount和Dog,我这里省略了。然后再让MyBet.Bettor = this。其中的this在这里就是指Joe。在C#里可以用列表初始化类,所以在这个PlaceBet()方法里可以直接写成
MyBet = new Bet { Amount = Amount, Dog = Dog, Bettor = this };
Bet里的GetDescription()方法,是返回一个字符串描述,指出是谁在下注,他押的是哪条狗。而PayOut(int Winner)方法,如果Winner等于当前Bet实例里的Dog,表示押中了,就返回Amount,否则返回-Amount,这是为了给Guy类的Collect()方法调用的。
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;namespace DogRace
{class Greyhound{public int StartingPosition = 12; //Where my PictureBox startspublic int RacetrackLength = 525; //How long the racetrack ispublic PictureBox MyPictureBox = null; //My PictureBox objectpublic int Location = 0; //My Location on the racetrackpublic Random Randomizer; //An instance fo Randompublic bool Run(){/* Move forward either 1, 2, 3 or 4 spaces at random* Update the position of my PictureBox on the form* Return true if I won the race*/Point p = MyPictureBox.Location;p.X += Randomizer.Next(20);MyPictureBox.Location = p;Location = p.X - StartingPosition;if (Location >= RacetrackLength){return true;}else{return false;}}public void TakeStartingPosition(){//Reset my location to the start linePoint p = MyPictureBox.Location;p.X = StartingPosition;MyPictureBox.Location = p;}}
using System.Windows.Forms;namespace DogRace
{class Guy{public string Name; //The guy's namepublic Bet MyBet; //An instance of Bet() that has his betpublic int Cash; //How much cash he has//The last two fields are the guy's GUI controls on the formpublic RadioButton MyRadioButton; //My RadioButtonpublic Label MyLabel; //My Labelpublic void UpdateLabels(){//Set my label to my bet's description, and the label on my radio button to show my cash ("Joe has 43 bucks")if (MyBet != null){MyLabel.Text = MyBet.GetDescription();}else{MyLabel.Text = Name + " hasn't placed a bet";}MyRadioButton.Text = Name + " has " + Cash + " bucks";}//Reset my bet so it's zeropublic void ClearBet(){MyBet = null;UpdateLabels();}public bool PlaceBet(int Amount, int Dog){//Place a new bet and store it in my bet field//Return true if the guy had enough money to betif (Amount <= Cash && Amount > 0){MyBet = new Bet { Amount = Amount, Dog = Dog, Bettor = this };return true;}else{return false;}}public void Collect(int Winner){//Ask my bet to pay outCash += MyBet.PayOut(Winner);}}
namespace DogRace
{class Bet{public int Amount; //The amount of cash that was betpublic int Dog; //The number of the dog the bet is onpublic Guy Bettor; //The guy who placed the betpublic string GetDescription(){//Return a string that says who placed the bet, how much cash was bet, and which dog he bet on ("Joe bets 8 on dog #4"). If the amount is zero, no bet was placed ("Joe hasn't placed a bet").if (Amount > 0){return Bettor.Name + " bets " + Amount + " on dog #" + Dog;}else{return Bettor.Name + " hasn't placed a bet";}}public int PayOut(int Winner){//The parameter is the winner of the race. If the dog won, return the amount bet. Otherwise, return the negative of the amount bet.if (Winner == Dog){return Amount;}else{return -Amount;}}}
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;namespace DogRace
{public partial class Form1 : Form{Greyhound[] dogs;Guy[] bettors;public Form1(){InitializeComponent();Random random = new Random();dogs = new Greyhound[4]{new Greyhound() {MyPictureBox=pictureBox0, Randomizer=random },new Greyhound() {MyPictureBox=pictureBox1, Randomizer=random },new Greyhound() {MyPictureBox=pictureBox2, Randomizer=random },new Greyhound() {MyPictureBox=pictureBox3, Randomizer=random }};bettors = new Guy[3]{new Guy() {Name="Joe", Cash=50, MyLabel=lblJoeBet, MyRadioButton=radioJoe },new Guy() {Name="Bob", Cash=75, MyLabel=lblBobBet, MyRadioButton=radioBob },new Guy() {Name="Al", Cash=45, MyLabel=lblAlBet, MyRadioButton=radioAl }};foreach (var guy in bettors){guy.UpdateLabels();}}private void radioJoe_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){labName.Text = "Joe";numericUpDown1.Maximum = bettors[0].Cash;}private void radioBob_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){labName.Text = "Bob";numericUpDown1.Maximum = bettors[1].Cash;}private void radioAl_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){labName.Text = "Al";numericUpDown1.Maximum = bettors[2].Cash;}private void btnBets_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){foreach (var bettor in bettors){if (bettor.MyRadioButton.Checked){bettor.PlaceBet((int)numericUpDown1.Value, (int)numericUpDown2.Value);bettor.UpdateLabels();}}}private void btnRace_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){//先检查是否所有人都下注bool allGuysBet = true;foreach (var bettor in bettors){if (bettor.MyBet == null){allGuysBet = false;}}if (!allGuysBet){MessageBox.Show("Someone hasn't bet");return;}//如果都下注,就开始比赛this.btnRace.Enabled = false;this.btnBets.Enabled = false;bool hasAWinner = false;int winner = -1;while (!hasAWinner){for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){hasAWinner = dogs[i].Run();if (hasAWinner){winner = i + 1;MessageBox.Show("dog #" + winner + " win!");break;}System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20);Application.DoEvents();}}//比赛结束,统计结果并将狗复位foreach (var bettor in bettors){bettor.Collect(winner);bettor.ClearBet();bettor.UpdateLabels();}foreach (var dog in dogs){dog.TakeStartingPosition();}this.btnRace.Enabled = true;this.btnBets.Enabled = true;}}
更新:我把完整的代码放在了我的Github上,欢迎访问 DogRace
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