
2024-02-29 18:10



重点 (Top highlight)

Yesterday, I had a phone call with one of my junior developers who asked something like this,


Is there any chance if we don’t have a budget for marketing, can we develop an app that doesn't need any marketing?


The answer was a big “No.” If you develop an app, then you need to invest your time to do some marketing. There is a popular saying, “Without marketing, a good product is a daydream and without a good product, marketing is a nightmare.”

答案是很大的“不”。 如果开发应用程序,则需要花费时间进行一些营销。 有句俗话 “没有营销,好的产品就是白日梦,没有好的产品,营销就是一场噩梦。”

Everything needs marketing. Even Apple couldn’t launch a product without going extra miles for marketing. If you are a fanboy of Apple then you may have already seen their website for each new product. Their website is a big part of their marketing campaign.

一切都需要营销。 即使是苹果公司,如果不付出额外的努力进行营销,也无法发布产品。 如果您是Apple的忠实拥护者,那么您可能已经浏览过每个新产品的网站。 他们的网站是他们营销活动的重要组成部分。

If you browse the apple website for every product they are selling, you’ll have an immediate reaction in your mind. They’ve created those web pages in a way that impresses future user’s reactions. Those webpages turn visitors into real buyers.

如果您浏览Apple网站上出售的每种产品,您的脑海中都会立即做出React。 他们以吸引未来用户React的方式创建了这些网页。 这些网页将访问者变成真正的购买者。

Like Apple, you can develop your app in such a way that will work exactly like your users are marketing your app. Give your users a chance to do the marketing for yourself. Without further ado here are the secrets recipe of letting your users do the marketing for you and, for your app.

与Apple一样,您可以以与用户营销您的应用程序完全相同的方式开发应用程序。 让您的用户有机会自己进行营销。 事不宜迟,这是让您的用户为您以及您的应用程序进行营销的秘诀。

在您的应用程序中添加“共享”按钮 (Add a “Share” Button in Your App)

I’m sure you already know about this concept. Place a “Share App” button inside your app and when users want they can easily share your app with their friends and family.

我确定您已经知道这个概念。 在您的应用程序内部放置一个“共享应用程序”按钮,当用户希望他们可以轻松地与朋友和家人共享您的应用程序时。

But, developers or marketing professionals are using it in the wrong way. They place this share button in the wrong place. If you place this share button in a place that hardly gets any attention from your users, then you’re not doing it right. What doesn’t get noticed, won’t get clicked by your app users.

但是,开发人员或市场营销专业人员使用错误的方式。 他们将共享按钮放置在错误的位置。 如果将此共享按钮放置在几乎不会引起用户注意的位置,则说明您做的不正确。 应用程序用户不会注意到的东西不会被点击。

问他们! (Ask Them!)

You have to ask your users to share your app. But do not ask immediately after the user hops into your app. This way of seeking for them to share your app or rating your app annoys your precious users. What you can do instead, ask them immediately after when they got help using your app.

您必须要求用户共享您的应用程序。 但是在用户跳入您的应用后不要立即询问。 这种寻求他们分享您的应用程序或对您的应用程序进行评级的方法使您宝贵的用户感到烦恼。 您可以做什么,在他们获得使用您的应用程序的帮助后立即询问他们。

Ask them only after serving them and this way they will share your app. You have to invest in them first and then they’ll listen to what helps your needs.

仅在为他们提供服务后再问他们,这样他们就会分享您的应用。 您必须先对他们进行投资,然后他们会听听有什么能满足您的需求。

Another mistake I’ve noticed is that the share button inside the app doesn’t pursue anybody to share. The button looks ugly and has a tendency for nobody to care whether it’s clicked or not. Designers make the “Buy Now” button more appealing to users so that they will buy, but never spend a minute making the “Share App” button look appealing so that people will share.

我注意到的另一个错误是,应用程序内的共享按钮不会吸引任何人共享。 该按钮看起来很丑陋,几乎没有人关心它是否被单击。 设计师使“立即购买”按钮对用户更具吸引力,以便他们购买,但设计师们从不花时间使“共享应用程序”按钮具有吸引力,以便人们共享。

Your app’s share button should pursue your users to share. Make this button or pop up as gorgeous as possible so that more people can share your app. The more people will share your app in their social media, the more marketing you will have.

应用程序的“共享”按钮应促使您的用户共享。 使此按钮或弹出窗口尽可能美观,以便更多人可以共享您的应用程序。 在他们的社交媒体上分享您的应用的人越多,您的营销就越多。

Word-of-mouth is the greatest marketing of all time. If you can pursue your app users to share your app then you’ll have word-of-mouth marketing for your app without investing a dime on marketing.

口碑是有史以来最伟大的营销方式。 如果您可以吸引您的应用程序用户共享您的应用程序,那么您无需为营销投入一角钱就可以进行口碑营销。

添加“评价我们”对话框 (Add “Rate Us” Dialog)

Image for post
Shot by Ramvjk 射击通过Ramvjk

Another oft over-looked feature of your app is not showing the “Rate Us” pop up/dialog in your app. Most apps don’t have a “Rate Us” dialog. As like the “share” button, you also need to pursue your users to rate your app so that future users who are going through the search results in the app store can see what other people are saying about your app and it will help them to make the decision whether they should install your app or the other one which comes at the top of the search result.

应用程序的另一个经常被忽略的功能是未在应用程序中显示“ Rate Us”弹出窗口/对话框。 大多数应用程序没有“为我们评分”对话框。 就像“分享”按钮一样,您还需要吸引用户对应用进行评分,以便将来在应用商店中浏览搜索结果的用户可以看到其他人对您的应用的评价,这将有助于他们决定是应该安装您的应用还是应安装在搜索结果顶部的另一个应用。

Your app needs proof from your users that it's really amazing. Your app needs some good reviews in order to stand out from your competitors.

您的应用需要用户的证明,这确实很棒。 您的应用需要一些好的评价,才能在竞争对手中脱颖而出。

If you do not ask your users to rate your app then chances are, only one in a hundred will rate your app. The scariest thing is, that one person may give you a one-star rating because of some bugs. People complain about bad things more than they appreciate good things.

如果您不要求您的用户对您的应用程序进行评分,那么机会就只有一百分之一。 最可怕的是,由于某些错误,一个人可能给您一星评级。 人们抱怨坏事多于欣赏好事。

So, to get an outstanding review and rating for your app, you need to ask your user. You should ask your users once they’ve had some help using your app otherwise nobody will rate an app without getting value from it.

因此,要获得对应用程序的出色评价和评级,您需要询问用户。 一旦用户在使用您的应用程序方面获得帮助后,您应该询问他们,否则没有人会评价应用程序,而无法从中获得价值。

如何避免获得单星评论? (How to Avoid Getting a One-Star Review?)

Yes, you can avoid getting a one-star review. Develop a “Rate Us” pop up dialog in a way that shows the rating system inside your app. Shows exactly a five-star rating system in your app like the above dribble shot. Do not take your users directly to the app store if they want to rate your app. You need to know first whether they want to leave a good review or bad review. Because once a review is made in App Store that can’t be removed and if your app gets too many bad reviews (one star) then you’ll have a hard time getting new installs.

是的,您可以避免获得一星级评价。 开发“ Rate Us”弹出对话框,以显示应用程序内部的评分系统。 像上述运球一样,在您的应用中准确显示五星级评分系统。 如果用户想给您的应用评分,请不要直接将他们带到应用商店。 您首先需要知道他们是要留下良好的评价还是不良的评价。 因为一旦在App Store中做出了无法删除的评论,并且如果您的应用获得了很多不良评论(一颗星),那么您将很难获得新的安装。

So show a rating dialog inside your “Rate Us” pop up and ask them to leave a review. As this review dialog is built inside your app, you will know whether your users want to leave a positive review (three, four, five stars) or a negative review (one or two stars). If they select only above three to five stars then take them to the app store so that they can finally submit that review, but if they select one or two stars, then do not take them to the app store. Instead, show an input box inside your app to write reviews and suggestions. And, when they submit that review, store them in your app’s database.

因此,在“评价我们”中显示一个评价对话框,并要求他们发表评论。 由于此评论对话框内置于您的应用内,您将知道用户是要留下正面评论(三,四,五颗星)还是留下负面评论(一或两颗星)。 如果他们只选择三到五颗星以上,则将其带到应用商店,以便他们最终可以提交该评论,但是,如果他们选择一或两颗星,则不要将它们带到应用商店。 而是在应用程序内部显示一个输入框,以撰写评论和建议。 并且,当他们提交该评论时,请将其存储在应用程序的数据库中。

Analyze those reviews, improve your app from the suggestions you get from your app users. This way you will have most of the positive reviews in the app store and you’ll have more suggestions for your app to improve.

分析这些评论,并根据您的应用程序用户的建议改进您的应用程序。 这样一来,您将在应用商店中获得大多数正面评价,并且会为您的应用提供更多建议。

将屏幕截图发布到社交媒体 (Post Screenshots to Social Media)

If you have played some mobile games then you may already be familiar with this concept. After playing, if a user makes a high score, you’ll see a pop up with the high score screenshot to ask users if they want to post this high score result in their social media.

如果您玩过一些手机游戏,那么您可能已经熟悉此概念。 播放后,如果用户获得高分,您将看到带有高分屏幕截图的弹出窗口,询问用户是否要将此高分结果发布到他们的社交媒体中。

Everybody loves sharing something great they’ve just achieved whether that is making a million-dollar sale or a game’s high score. People will love to share it with their friends and family. Making a high score is definitely a “wow factor” of the game.

每个人都喜欢分享他们刚刚取得的伟大成就,无论是取得百万美元的销售额还是游戏的高分。 人们会喜欢与他们的朋友和家人分享。 取得高分绝对是游戏的“惊喜因素”。

Figure out what your app’s “wow factor” is. Then take that screenshot programmatically and ask your app user whether they would like to post it in their social media. Many of your users would love to do it. When they do it, some of their family and friends will check out your app for sure.

弄清楚应用程序的“哇因素”。 然后以编程方式获取该屏幕快照,并询问您的应用程序用户是否希望将其发布到社交媒体中。 您的许多用户都愿意这样做。 当他们这样做时,他们的家人和朋友一定会签出您的应用程序。

When they post that screenshot to their social media, make sure your app name and app icon are clearly visible from that image of your app’s screenshot. So that seeing those screenshots posted on social media, other people can easily check out the app. Here are some examples to give an idea.

当他们将该屏幕快照发布到社交媒体时,请确保从该应用程序屏幕快照的图像中清晰可见您的应用程序名称和应用程序图标。 这样一来,其他人可以很容易地查看该应用程序,从而看到那些在社交媒体上发布的屏幕截图。 这里有一些例子可以给您一个想法。

Image for post
Mobbin Mobbin的截图

水印应用内容 (Watermark The App Content)

The best marketing is wherever the product goes, take your brand there too. You’ll see every product that every brand sell, has their logo on it. This way if anybody sees the products and wants to buy it, without asking anybody they will know from where they can get the product.

最好的营销方式是无论产品走到哪里,也都将您的品牌带到那里。 您会看到每个品牌出售的每个产品上都有其徽标。 这样,如果有人看到产品并想购买它,而又不问任何人,他们将知道从哪里可以得到产品。

Same for your app. If your app is a digital tool that helps your users to create some amazing thing, then why not label your app name on their creation. If you watermark the content people create using your app then this also brings another way to monetize your app. Simply, if somebody doesn't want to add your app labels on their creation or if they want to add their own logo on it then you can charge money for this.

与您的应用相同。 如果您的应用程序是一种数字工具,可帮助您的用户创建一些很棒的东西,那么为什么不在创建时在您的应用程序名称上加上标签。 如果您为人们使用您的应用创建的内容加水印,那么这也带来了另一种通过您的应用获利的方法。 简而言之,如果某人不想在创建应用时添加您的应用标签,或者如果他们想在其上添加自己的徽标,则可以为此付费。

I have an app, Tweety, which lets users share their tweets on Instagram without taking any screenshot of their tweets. The app actually reduces the pain for sharing a tweet on Instagram by taking a screenshot first and then cropping only the tweet and sharing it on Instagram. Using Tweety, anybody can share their tweet as an image with any social media. But, here comes the watermark thing. I intentionally added “made with Tweety” in their tweet image as a watermark. See below image:

我有一个应用程序Tweety 它允许用户在Instagram上共享其推文,而无需获取其推文的任何屏幕截图。 该应用程序实际上是通过先截屏然后仅裁剪该推文并在Instagram上共享,从而减轻了在Instagram上共享推文的痛苦。 使用Tweety,任何人都可以与任何社交媒体分享其tweet作为图像。 但是,这里有水印。 我故意添加了“用Tweety制造” 在他们的推特图像中作为水印。 见下图:

Image for post
Tweety App Image by Author

This way, when the user will share their tweet as an image on any social media, “made with Tweety” tag will also go there. If somebody wants to know how they too share their tweet on social media, they will immediately know what app to look for.

这样,当用户在任何社交媒体上将其推文分享为图像时,“使用Tweety制作”标签也将到达那里。 如果有人想知道他们如何在社交媒体上分享自己的推文,他们将立即知道要寻找的应用程序。

The same trick I’ve also followed on my other app, Quote Writer, and got 250,000+ installs without spending any money on marketing. Using the Quote Writer app, users can create amazing quotes like WordPorn, Forbes, Foundr, etc. I’ve added “#quotewriterapp” as a watermark. See the below picture of how I’ve added the watermark.

我在其他应用程序Quote Writer上也遵循相同的技巧,安装了25万多个版本,而没有花任何钱在营销上。 使用Quote Writer应用程序,用户可以创建惊人的报价,例如WordPorn,Forbes,Foundr等。我添加了“ #quotewriterapp”作为水印。 请参阅以下有关如何添加水印的图片。

Screenshot provided by the author.

Now figure out how you can watermark your app’s content. Think about where the watermark suits best for your app and how you can leverage this watermark idea. If you can do it right, you’ll have the best marketing strategy.

现在,弄清楚如何对应用程序的内容加水印。 考虑一下水印最适合您的应用程序的地方,以及如何利用此水印创意。 如果您做对了,您将拥有最佳的营销策略。

回顾 (To Recap)

  1. Add the “Share App” button. Make it attractive so that people want to share the app.

    添加“共享应用程序”按钮。 使其具有吸引力,以便人们希望共享该应用程序。
  2. Add “Rate Us” dialog in your app. Sort out negative reviews. Use them as suggestions and only send positive reviews to the app store.

    在您的应用中添加“为我们评分”对话框。 整理负面评论。 将它们用作建议,仅将正面评价发送到应用程序商店。
  3. Let your users post screenshots of your app’s “wow factor” on their social media such as a game’s high score.

  4. Watermark your app content. Spread your app name everywhere.

    为您的应用内容加水印。 将您的应用名称传播到任何地方。




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