动态wright语言_威尔·赖特(Will Wright)的Proxi艺术挑战赛

2024-02-29 01:40

本文主要是介绍动态wright语言_威尔·赖特(Will Wright)的Proxi艺术挑战赛,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!


您是否有能力与一位传奇的游戏设计师进行演出? 在威尔·赖特(Will Wright)的Proxi艺术挑战赛中,将您的回忆带入生活,向我们展示! (Do you have what it takes to land a gig with a legendary game designer? Show us by bringing your memories to life in Will Wright’s Proxi Art Challenge!)

Will Wright, world-renowned game designer and creator of The Sims, SimCity, and Spore, has announced that his game dev studio, Gallium Artists, which was co-founded by Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego creator Lauren Elliott, is working on its newest mobile game, Proxi.

世界著名的游戏设计师, 《模拟人生》 ,《 模拟城市 》和《 孢子》的创建者威尔·赖特(Will Wright)宣布,他的游戏开发工作室Gallium Artists由卡门·桑迪戈(Carmen Sandiego)创作者Lauren Elliott共同创立,其最新的手机游戏Proxi

During our keynote at GDC, we announced that Will Wright and Gallium Artists have partnered with Unity to launch the Proxi Art Challenge! Artists will submit their creations for the opportunity to become one of two grand prize winners, who will be flown to California to interview with Will Wright and his team. After the interview, one of those winners may be selected as the 3D artist hired to help Will Wright’s team bring Proxi to life! Do you have what it takes to land the gig?

在GDC的主题演讲中 ,我们宣布Will Wright和Gallium Artists与Unity合作发起了Proxi Art Challenge ! 艺术家将提交自己的作品,以便有机会成为两个大奖获得者之一,他们将飞往加利福尼亚,与Will Wright及其团队进行访谈。 面试后,可以选择其中一名获奖者作为3D艺术家,以帮助Will Wright的团队使Proxi栩栩如生! 你有什么需要降落演出?

Join the Proxi Art Challenge



Will Wright is stepping back into the spotlight to build his first game in approximately ten years — and he is building his game with Unity. Proxi is a mobile simulation game currently in development that follows in the footsteps of his other successful games series — The Sims, SimCity, and Spore. However, this time it’s all about the player.

威尔·赖特(Will Wright)正在重新引起人们的关注,以在大约十年内打造出自己的第一款游戏—并且他正在与Unity一起开发自己的游戏。 Proxi是一款正在开发中的移动模拟游戏,紧随其后的其他成功游戏系列(《模拟人生》,《模拟城市》和《孢子》)的脚步。 但是,这一次是关于播放器的。

Proxi will allow players to build worlds from their own memories. Players will be given a blank world to start with and must develop it using memories as building blocks. The player will place memories in the world, creating and naming islands of connected memories, which can be on any topic they choose, such as “Family adventures,” or “High School Days.” Over time, these interlinked environments become rich, 3D worlds.

Proxi将允许玩家从自己的记忆中建立世界。 玩家将获得一个空白的世界,并且必须以记忆为基础来发展它。 玩家将在世界上放置记忆,创建并命名连接的记忆岛,这些记忆岛可以是他们选择的任何主题,例如“家庭冒险”或“高中时代”。 随着时间的流逝,这些相互关联的环境变成了丰富的3D世界。

Will Wright and Gallium Artists chose Unity due to its flexibility, easy integration with AI/ML, and cross-platform capabilities. Unity allows the team to quickly prototype in the environment they create, allowing non-programming artists to build conceptual artwork, import it into Unity and then iterate on it rapidly. For the Proxi team, Unity has become the crossroads for art and artistic expression.

Will Wright和Gallium Artists之所以选择Unity,是因为其灵活性与AI / ML的轻松集成以及跨平台的功能 。 Unity允许团队在他们创建的环境中快速创建原型,允许非编程艺术家构建概念图稿,将其导入Unity,然后快速对其进行迭代。 对于Proxi团队而言,Unity已成为艺术和艺术表达的十字路口。

挑战:将自己的个人记忆变成3D游戏美术。 (The Challenge: Turn your own personal memories into 3D game art.)

The memories you choose to create are entirely up to you.


On May 29 – a little less than two months from now – judges will pick two grand prize winners, who will be flown out to the San Francisco Bay Area to meet Will Wright and the team at Gallium Artists, as well as have the opportunity to interview for a chance to land a job on their team. View the full job description here. The contest began on March 19, and will run until May 14. We have a group renowned creators participating as judges including:

5月29日-距现在还不到两个月-评委将挑选两名大奖获得者,他们将飞往旧金山湾区与Will Wright和Gallium Artists团队会面,并有机会面试有机会在他们的团队中找到工作。 在此处查看完整的职位描述 。 比赛于3月19日开始,并将持续到5月14日。我们有一群著名的创作者作为评委参加比赛,其中包括:

  • Will Wright: Co-Founder Maxis – The Sims, Spore, SimCity

    威尔·赖特(Will Wright): Maxis联合创始人– 《模拟人生》,《孢子》,《模拟城市》

  • Ocean Quigley: Creative Director, Facebook, EA

    Ocean Quigley: EA创意总监,Facebook

  • Bill Robinson: Disney Illustrator and Character Design – Frozen

    比尔·罗宾逊:迪士尼插画家和角色设计–《 冰雪奇缘》

  • Matt Jones: Story Artist, Pixar – Inside Out, Finding Dory

    马特·琼斯(Matt Jones):皮克斯(Pixar)的故事艺术家-由内而外,寻找海ry

  • Jenna Chalmers: Game Designer, Tech Lead

    珍娜·查默斯(Jenna Chalmers):游戏设计师,技术主管

  • Robin Hunicke: Game Designer – Journey, Professor of Game Design

    Robin Hunicke:游戏设计师–旅程,游戏设计教授

  • Lauren Elliott: Game Designer – Carmen Sandiego, CEO Gallium

    Lauren Elliott:游戏设计师– Carmen Sandiego ,首席执行官镓

  • Nick Klingensmith: Unity Asset creator, Unity Developer Certification contributor

    Nick Klingensmith: Unity资产创建者,Unity开发人员认证贡献者

  • Oskar Stalberg: Game Developer – Planet Tile Experiment

    Oskar Stalberg:游戏开发人员– 行星瓷砖实验

  • Mark Schoennagel: Evangelist, Unity

    马克·肖纳格尔(Mark Schoennagel):传道者,团结

The Proxi Art Challenge is hosted on Unity Connect, the first professional network and community hub dedicated to the full spectrum of Unity creators, from the games industry to VR/AR and beyond.

Proxi Art Challenge在Unity Connect上举办, Unity Connect是第一个专业网络和社区中心,致力于从游戏行业到VR / AR以及其他领域的所有Unity创作者。

Join the Proxi Art Challenge


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/03/30/will-wrights-proxi-art-challenge/


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