class Command { private function Command() { } // Methods public function Execute():Void { } public function UnExecute():Void { } } // "ConcreteCommand" class CalculatorCommand extends Command { // Fields private var $operator:String; private var operand:Number; private var calculator:Calculator; // Constructor public function CalculatorCommand(calculator:Calculator, $operator:String, operand:Number) { this.calculator = calculator; this.$operator = $operator; this.operand = operand; } // Properties public function set Operator(value:String):Void { $operator = value; } public function set Operand(value:Number):Void { operand = value; } // Methods public function Execute():Void { calculator.Operation($operator, operand); } public function UnExecute():Void { calculator.Operation(Undo($operator), operand); } // Private helper function private function Undo($operator:String):String { var undo:String =""; switch ($operator) { case "+" : undo = "-"; break; case "-" : undo = "+"; break; case "*" : undo = "/"; break; case "/" : undo = "*"; break; } return undo; } } // "Receiver" class Calculator { // Fields private var total:Number = 0; // Methods public function Operation($operator:String, operand:Number):Void { switch ($operator) { case "+" : total += operand; break; case "-" : total -= operand; break; case "*" : total *= operand; break; case "/" : total /= operand; break; } trace("Total =" + total + " (following" + $operator + " " + operand + ")"); } } // "Invoker" class User { // Fields private var calculator:Calculator; private var commands:Array = new Array(); private var current:Number = 0; public function User() { calculator = new Calculator(); } // Methods public function Redo(levels:Number):Void { //trace(commands[current++] instanceof Command); trace("---- Redo " + levels + " levels "); // Perform redo operations for (var i = 0; i < levels; i++) { if (current < commands.length - 1) { commands[current++].Execute(); } } } public function Undo(levels:Number):Void { trace("---- Undo" + levels + " levels "); // Perform undo operations for (var i = 0; i < levels; i++) { if (current > 0) { commands[--current].UnExecute(); } } } public function Compute($operator:String, operand:Number):Void { // Create command operation and execute it var command:Command = new CalculatorCommand(calculator, $operator, operand); command.Execute(); // Add command to undo list commands.push(command); current++; } } client.fla // Create user and let her compute var user:User = new User(); user.Compute('+', 100); user.Compute('-', 50); user.Compute('*', 10); user.Compute('/', 2); // Undo and then redo some commands user.Undo(4); user.Redo(3);
Total =100 (following+ 100)
Total =50 (following- 50)
Total =500 (following* 10)
Total =250 (following/ 2)
---- Undo4 levels
Total =500 (following* 2)
Total =50 (following/ 10)
Total =100 (following+ 50)
Total =0 (following- 100)
---- Redo 3 levels
Total =100 (following+ 100)
Total =50 (following- 50)
Total =500 (following* 10)