
2024-02-26 16:04
文章标签 matlab 替代 国产 征途




The Journey of Domestic Alternatives to MATLAB


In the tide of technology, software has become a crucial tool driving progress. MATLAB, a giant in engineering and scientific computing, has gained global acclaim for its powerful numerical analysis, matrix operations, and a rich array of application toolboxes. However, as international dynamics fluctuate, technological dominance sometimes becomes a pawn in the geopolitical game between nations. With the United States restricting the use of MATLAB in certain Chinese universities for nearly four years, one cannot help but wonder: has domestic software successfully emerged as an alternative to this giant?


Firstly, it must be acknowledged that the strength of MATLAB lies not only in its computational capabilities but also in its extensive toolbox system and the Simulink platform designed for model simulation. These are the soul of MATLAB and the formidable challenges that domestic software must overcome. In the face of this technological competition, domestic enterprises and research institutions have not stood idly by. Instead, with unwavering determination, they have embarked on a journey of independent innovation.


One such product born out of this context is the MWorks platform by Suzhou Tongyuan Soft-Control Information Technology Co., Ltd. It aims to approach MATLAB in functionality, providing a range of solutions including control algorithm design, simulation, and code generation. LinkLab, developed by Beijing Liangao Software, offers a similar environment and tools, intending to serve the design and analysis of control systems. The emergence of these domestic software solutions undoubtedly fills a gap in the domestic landscape and serves as a robust response to international restrictions.


However, it is crucial to recognize that despite significant progress in certain aspects, domestic software still lags behind MATLAB in overall functionality, user experience, and ecosystem development. The toolboxes of domestic software are relatively limited, and in some specialized fields, they cannot fully meet user requirements in terms of depth and breadth. Furthermore, the shift in user habits poses a significant challenge. MATLAB’s widespread global adoption and educational investments over the years have led to a large and loyal user base, a factor that cannot be changed overnight.


The rise of open-source software provides another path for the development of domestic software. Python, with its concise syntax and powerful third-party library ecosystem, has become a favorite among many researchers. Octave, a language similar to MATLAB, may lack in performance but can serve as an alternative for basic numerical calculations. The high-performance characteristics of the Julia language attract a subset of users. These open-source software options share the traits of flexibility and being free, but they still struggle to compete with MATLAB in terms of professionalism and integration.


In this process, policy support and market guidance are paramount. National-level policies encouraging and financially supporting software development can provide robust assurance for domestic software research. Simultaneously, changes in market demand prompt companies to accelerate research and development, continually optimizing products to meet the growing internal needs.


In conclusion, the journey of domestic alternatives replacing MATLAB is challenging but filled with hope. In this process, what is needed is not only technological breakthroughs but also collective efforts in policy, market, and cultural aspects. The rise of domestic software is not only a symbol of technological independence but also a manifestation of national competitiveness. Looking ahead, we anticipate seeing more domestic software solutions like MWorks and LinkLab taking root domestically and venturing onto the global stage to compete with international giants.





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原文地址:libsvm在matlab中的使用方法 作者: lwenqu_8lbsk 前段时间,gyp326曾在论坛里问libsvm如何在matlab中使用,我还奇怪,认为libsvm是C的程序,应该不能。没想到今天又有人问道,难道matlab真的能运行libsvm。我到官方网站看了下,原来,真的提供了matlab的使用接口。 接口下载在: http://www.csie.ntu.edu.


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转自:http://blog.163.com/lxg_1123@126/blog/static/74841406201022774051963/ 层次聚类是基于距离的聚类方法,MATLAB中通过pdist、linkage、dendrogram、cluster等函数来完成。层次聚类的过程可以分这么几步: (1) 确定对象(实际上就是数据集中的每个数据点)之间的相似性,实际上就是定义一个表征


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