990-08产品经理:IT Project Management: Managing IT Projects IT项目管理:管理IT项目

本文主要是介绍990-08产品经理:IT Project Management: Managing IT Projects IT项目管理:管理IT项目,希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

What Is an IT Project? 什么是IT项目?

What Is an IT Project?
An information technology (IT) project is a type of project that deals with IT infrastructure, information systems or computers. Examples of an IT project include web development, software development, mobile app development, network configuration, software implementation, hardware installation, database management, and IT emergency recovery.

What Is IT Project Management? 什么是IT项目管理?

What Is an IT Project?
An information technology (IT) project is a type of project that deals with IT infrastructure, information systems or computers. Examples of an IT project include web development, software development, mobile app development, network configuration, software implementation, hardware installation, database management, and IT emergency recovery.

What Is IT Project Management?
IT project management (ITPM) is the planning, scheduling, execution, monitoring and reporting of IT projects. While many industries focus exclusively on IT projects, IT is unique in that most, if not all, industries have some level of an IT component.

Since they are often very wide in scope, IT project managers must deal with risk, interdependent integrations, software updates, scope creep and so on. Therefore, IT projects require more than the typical project management tools and skills to complete.
Specialized IT project management software complete with online Gantt charts, kanban boards, dashboards and reports provide the essential functions necessary for successful IT projects.

What Are the Six Phases of an IT Project? IT项目的六个阶段是什么?

The six phases of an IT project are based on the six phases of project management, which are used in conjunction with the IT phases to manage the project. They are as follows:

During the first phase of an IT project, one must ask “why is this project needed?”—in other words, the objective of the project must be identified. Then, a project proposal, including a business plan, that meets the needs of the project must be written. In addition, a feasibility study might be conducted to ensure the proposal is airtight.

After the project proposal has been approved, the project moves into the definition phase. This is where the objectives of the project are finalized and the requirements for a successful project are identified. The project scope can also be outlined, and a project plan may be created during this phase. Budgets are also set, and resources are determined.

The design phase of an IT project is when the project team sets out to find the best solution for achieving their goal. This includes creating multiple designs and prototypes. Once a suitable design has been chosen, specifications for the development team are created and shared.

The development phase is when the development team is assigned tasks and project management tools are selected. Additionally, technicalities are outlined, raw materials are requested and so on. The main goal of this phase is to make the entire plan as crystal clear as possible to avoid issues in the implementation phase.

The implementation phase is where the final deliverable of the IT project is developed; unsurprisingly, this is often the longest phase of the project. The project team sets out to complete their tasks, while the manager monitors and controls the work, resources, cost, quality and risk.

Follow Up
Finally, once the implementation phase is complete, the final project is delivered to the customer/client/stakeholder. The follow up phase is all the work that comes after the project is delivered, and includes setting up support teams, training the end-users, creating a postmortem and ultimately ending the project.

Most IT projects and their phases are managed with a traditional, structured waterfall methodology. An agile framework, though, can minimize risk when adding functionality. DevOps deployment can be a good fit within an organizational culture. Rapid application development (RAD) is a low-investment, high-quality process.

What Does an IT Project Manager Do? IT项目经理做什么?

An IT project manager is responsible for overseeing an organization’s IT department and managing teams to execute IT projects on time and within budget. Some of the duties of an IT project manager include:

Setting project goals and creating plans to meet them
Maintaining the project schedule and budget, creating status reports
Managing resources, including the team, equipment, etc.
Assigning tasks to team members
Developing strategy to deliver projects on time and within budget
Using IT project management tools to track progress and performance
Assessing project risks
Developing IT risk management strategies
Leading regular meetings with team and stakeholders


IT project managers are expected to have advanced knowledge of computers, operating systems, network and service desk administration. They must also be good communicators and be able to clearly explain complex technical issues. Other required skills include experience with scheduling, budgeting and resource planning.
While the skill sets of project managers across different industries are generally the same, an IT project manager is unique in that they’re focused solely on the IT needs of an organization. But like all project managers, the way an IT project manager handles their varied duties and responsibilities is with the help of robust IT project management software.

What Is IT Project Management Software? 什么是IT项目管理软件?

IT project management software is used by managers to organize and control the processes of their IT projects. Like any software tool, it’s main purpose is to increase efficiency.

IT project management software boosts efficiency by giving users the features they need to monitor and track progress and performance. This keeps their IT projects on track to meet tight schedules and budgets.
Some key features common among IT project management tools include task and time tracking, real-time data, unlimited file storage, multiple project views to support hybrid methodologies, planning, scheduling and reporting. Microsoft Project is one of the most commonly used project management software, but it has major drawbacks that make ProjectManager a better choice for IT projects.
IT项目管理工具中常见的一些关键功能包括任务和时间跟踪、实时数据、无限的文件存储、支持混合方法的多个项目视图、计划、调度和报告。Microsoft Project是最常用的项目管理软件之一,但它有主要缺点,使ProjectManager成为IT项目的更好选择。

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