HarmonyOS 鸿蒙应用开发(十二、paho-mqtt的mqtt客户端库移植)

2024-02-21 06:04

本文主要是介绍HarmonyOS 鸿蒙应用开发(十二、paho-mqtt的mqtt客户端库移植),希望对大家解决编程问题提供一定的参考价值,需要的开发者们随着小编来一起学习吧!

PAHO MQTT 是 Eclipse Foundation 的一个开源项目,提供了用于 MQTT 协议的客户端库。这个库为使用 MQTT 协议的应用程序提供了丰富的功能和灵活性。轻量级mqtt服务器mosquitto也是其中有名的一个开源项目。








项目开源地址:GitHub - eclipse/paho.mqtt.javascript: paho.mqtt.javascript

PAHO MQTT 客户端库支持多种平台,包括 Java、JavaScript、C、Python 等,使得开发者可以在不同的环境中使用相同的客户端代码来实现 MQTT 通信。

以下是 PAHO MQTT 客户端库的一些关键特性:

  1. 支持 MQTT 协议的各种版本:PAHO MQTT 客户端库提供了对 MQTT 3.1、3.1.1、5.0 版本的支持,使得开发者可以根据自己的需求选择合适的 MQTT 版本进行通信。

  2. 提供丰富的 API:PAHO MQTT 客户端库提供了丰富的 API,包括连接服务器、发布消息、订阅主题、处理消息等,开发者可以灵活地使用这些 API 来实现自己的 MQTT 应用程序。

  3. 支持 TLS/SSL 安全连接:PAHO MQTT 客户端库提供了对 TLS/SSL 安全连接的支持,使得 MQTT 通信可以在安全的网络环境下进行。

  4. 跨平台支持:PAHO MQTT 客户端库支持多种平台,包括 Java、JavaScript、C、Python 等,使得开发者可以在不同的环境中使用相同的客户端代码来实现 MQTT 通信。

  5. 持久化消息:PAHO MQTT 客户端库支持持久化消息,即使客户端断开连接,消息也可以被持久化,确保消息不会丢失。

原库的介绍:The Paho JavaScript Client is an MQTT browser-based client library written in Javascript that uses WebSockets to connect to an MQTT Broker.


移植后的我的开源仓库地址:paho-mqtt: paho-mqtt移植





(function ExportLibrary(root, factory) {if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') {module.exports = factory();} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {define(factory);} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {exports = factory();} else {if (typeof root.Paho === 'undefined') {root.Paho = {};}root.Paho.MQTT = factory();}
})( this,function LibraryFactory() {
// ......});

这段代码采用的是UMD (Universal Module Definition) 模块化规范,用于创建一个可以在CommonJS、AMD以及全局变量环境下都能正常加载和使用的JavaScript库。这种写法允许同一段代码在Node.js(CommonJS)、RequireJS(AMD)或非模块化的浏览器环境中运行。









最后一种情况,如果没有上述任何模块系统,就将库挂载到全局对象上,这里是root.Paho.MQTT = factory();,即将factory函数返回的对象作为Paho命名空间下的MQTT属性暴露出去。

最后的括号( function LibraryFactory() { ... } )实际上是立即执行函数表达式(IIFE, Immediately Invoked Function Expression),在这里传递了LibraryFactory函数作为ExportLibrary函数的参数。但在这个示例中,LibraryFactory函数体为空,看起来可能是待填充实际库内容的部分。正常情况下,LibraryFactory应该包含了实际的库实现代码,以便在不同模块环境下正确初始化和导出。

在鸿蒙(HarmonyOS)的环境中,不存在名为global的全局对象。在浏览器环境中,通常全局对象是window,在Node.js 环境中则是global。然而,在鸿蒙操作系统中,全局对象的命名可能不同,或者可能不存在类似的全局对象用于在所有代码中共享变量和函数。因此在移植时,这里是需要大刀阔斧的砍掉和修改的。

接下来开始移植,引入鸿蒙的websocket库,在function LibraryFactory里,实例化websocket客户端实例。在 JavaScript 中,当多个模块 import 同一个模块时,导出的对象会被多次实例化吗?不会的,这是因为:

这是因为模块在 JavaScript 中是单例模式的,意味着无论import多少次,导出的对象都是同一个实例。下面是一个示例,假设有一个名为 MyClass 的类对象在 "myModule.js" 中被定义和导出:

// myModule.jsclass MyClass {constructor() {// ...}// ...
}export default new MyClass();

如果有多个模块import "myModule.js",它们得到的是同一个 MyClass 的实例:

// moduleA.js
import myClassInstance from './myModule.js';
// 使用 myClassInstance// moduleB.js
import myClassInstance from './myModule.js';
// 使用 myClassInstance

在 moduleA.js 和 moduleB.js 中 import 的 myClassInstance 实际上是同一个对象实例。

因此,不用担心多次 import 同一个模块会导致对象被多次实例化。


ws.on('open', (err, value) => {if(err){this._trace("error:" + JSON.stringify(err));}this._trace("on open, status:" + JSON.stringify(value));this._on_socket_open(value);});ws.on('message', (err, value) => {this._trace("on message, message:" + value);this._on_socket_message(value);});ws.on('close', (err, value) => {this._trace("on close, code is " + value.code + ", reason is " + value.reason);this._on_socket_close();});ws.on('error', (err) => {this._trace("on error, error:" + JSON.stringify(err));this._on_socket_error();});ws.connect(wsurl, (err, value) => {if (!err) {this._trace("Connected successfully");} else {this._trace("Connection failed. Err:" + JSON.stringify(err));}});//ws.on('message',scope(this._on_socket_message, this));//ws.on('close',scope(this._on_socket_close, this));//ws.on('error',scope(this._on_socket_error, this));



import webSocket from '@ohos.net.webSocket';
function LibraryFactory() {var ws = webSocket.createWebSocket();var PahoMQTT = (function(ws) {// Private variables below, these are only visible inside the function closure// which is used to define the module.var version = "@VERSION@";var buildLevel = "@BUILDLEVEL@";/*** @private*/var localStorage = (function () {var data = {};return {setItem: function (key, item) { data[key] = item; },getItem: function (key) { return data[key]; },removeItem: function (key) { delete data[key]; },};})();/*** Unique message type identifiers, with associated* associated integer values.* @private*/var MESSAGE_TYPE = {CONNECT: 1,CONNACK: 2,PUBLISH: 3,PUBACK: 4,PUBREC: 5,PUBREL: 6,PUBCOMP: 7,SUBSCRIBE: 8,SUBACK: 9,UNSUBSCRIBE: 10,UNSUBACK: 11,PINGREQ: 12,PINGRESP: 13,DISCONNECT: 14};// Collection of utility methods used to simplify module code// and promote the DRY pattern./*** Validate an object's parameter names to ensure they* match a list of expected variables name for this option* type. Used to ensure option object passed into the API don't* contain erroneous parameters.* @param {Object} obj - User options object* @param {Object} keys - valid keys and types that may exist in obj.* @throws {Error} Invalid option parameter found.* @private*/var validate = function(obj, keys) {for (var key in obj) {if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {if (keys.hasOwnProperty(key)) {if (typeof obj[key] !== keys[key])throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof obj[key], key]));} else {var errorStr = "Unknown property, " + key + ". Valid properties are:";for (var validKey in keys)if (keys.hasOwnProperty(validKey))errorStr = errorStr + " " + validKey;throw new Error(errorStr);}}}};/*** Return a new function which runs the user function bound* to a fixed scope.* @param {function} User function* @param {object} Function scope* @return {function} User function bound to another scope* @private*/var scope = function(f, scope) {return function() {return f.apply(scope, arguments);};};/*** Unique message type identifiers, with associated* associated integer values.* @private*/var ERROR = {OK: { code: 0, text: "AMQJSC0000I OK." },CONNECT_TIMEOUT: { code: 1, text: "AMQJSC0001E Connect timed out." },SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT: { code: 2, text: "AMQJS0002E Subscribe timed out." },UNSUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT: { code: 3, text: "AMQJS0003E Unsubscribe timed out." },PING_TIMEOUT: { code: 4, text: "AMQJS0004E Ping timed out." },INTERNAL_ERROR: { code: 5, text: "AMQJS0005E Internal error. Error Message: {0}, Stack trace: {1}" },CONNACK_RETURNCODE: { code: 6, text: "AMQJS0006E Bad Connack return code:{0} {1}." },SOCKET_ERROR: { code: 7, text: "AMQJS0007E Socket error:{0}." },SOCKET_CLOSE: { code: 8, text: "AMQJS0008I Socket closed." },MALFORMED_UTF: { code: 9, text: "AMQJS0009E Malformed UTF data:{0} {1} {2}." },UNSUPPORTED: { code: 10, text: "AMQJS0010E {0} is not supported by this browser." },INVALID_STATE: { code: 11, text: "AMQJS0011E Invalid state {0}." },INVALID_TYPE: { code: 12, text: "AMQJS0012E Invalid type {0} for {1}." },INVALID_ARGUMENT: { code: 13, text: "AMQJS0013E Invalid argument {0} for {1}." },UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION: { code: 14, text: "AMQJS0014E Unsupported operation." },INVALID_STORED_DATA: { code: 15, text: "AMQJS0015E Invalid data in local storage key={0} value={1}." },INVALID_MQTT_MESSAGE_TYPE: { code: 16, text: "AMQJS0016E Invalid MQTT message type {0}." },MALFORMED_UNICODE: { code: 17, text: "AMQJS0017E Malformed Unicode string:{0} {1}." },BUFFER_FULL: { code: 18, text: "AMQJS0018E Message buffer is full, maximum buffer size: {0}." },};/** CONNACK RC Meaning. */var CONNACK_RC = {0: "Connection Accepted",1: "Connection Refused: unacceptable protocol version",2: "Connection Refused: identifier rejected",3: "Connection Refused: server unavailable",4: "Connection Refused: bad user name or password",5: "Connection Refused: not authorized"};/*** Format an error message text.* @private* @param {error} ERROR.KEY value above.* @param {substitutions} [array] substituted into the text.* @return the text with the substitutions made.*/var format = function(error, substitutions) {var text = error.text;if (substitutions) {var field, start;for (var i = 0; i < substitutions.length; i++) {field = "{" + i + "}";start = text.indexOf(field);if (start > 0) {var part1 = text.substring(0, start);var part2 = text.substring(start + field.length);text = part1 + substitutions[i] + part2;}}}return text;};//MQTT protocol and version          6    M    Q    I    s    d    p    3var MqttProtoIdentifierv3 = [0x00, 0x06, 0x4d, 0x51, 0x49, 0x73, 0x64, 0x70, 0x03];//MQTT proto/version for 311         4    M    Q    T    T    4var MqttProtoIdentifierv4 = [0x00, 0x04, 0x4d, 0x51, 0x54, 0x54, 0x04];/*** Construct an MQTT wire protocol message.* @param type MQTT packet type.* @param options optional wire message attributes.** Optional properties** messageIdentifier: message ID in the range [0..65535]* payloadMessage:  Application Message - PUBLISH only* connectStrings:  array of 0 or more Strings to be put into the CONNECT payload* topics:      array of strings (SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE)* requestQoS:    array of QoS values [0..2]** "Flag" properties* cleanSession:  true if present / false if absent (CONNECT)* willMessage:   true if present / false if absent (CONNECT)* isRetained:    true if present / false if absent (CONNECT)* userName:    true if present / false if absent (CONNECT)* password:    true if present / false if absent (CONNECT)* keepAliveInterval: integer [0..65535]  (CONNECT)** @private* @ignore*/var WireMessage = function(type, options) {this.type = type;for (var name in options) {if (options.hasOwnProperty(name)) {this[name] = options[name];}}};WireMessage.prototype.encode = function() {// Compute the first byte of the fixed headervar first = ((this.type & 0x0f) << 4);/** Now calculate the length of the variable header + payload by adding up the lengths* of all the component parts*/var remLength = 0;var topicStrLength = [];var destinationNameLength = 0;var willMessagePayloadBytes;// if the message contains a messageIdentifier then we need two bytes for thatif (this.messageIdentifier !== undefined)remLength += 2;switch (this.type) {// If this a Connect then we need to include 12 bytes for its headercase MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNECT:switch (this.mqttVersion) {case 3:remLength += MqttProtoIdentifierv3.length + 3;break;case 4:remLength += MqttProtoIdentifierv4.length + 3;break;}remLength += UTF8Length(this.clientId) + 2;if (this.willMessage !== undefined) {remLength += UTF8Length(this.willMessage.destinationName) + 2;// Will message is always a string, sent as UTF-8 characters with a preceding length.willMessagePayloadBytes = this.willMessage.payloadBytes;if (!(willMessagePayloadBytes instanceof Uint8Array))willMessagePayloadBytes = new Uint8Array(payloadBytes);remLength += willMessagePayloadBytes.byteLength + 2;}if (this.userName !== undefined)remLength += UTF8Length(this.userName) + 2;if (this.password !== undefined)remLength += UTF8Length(this.password) + 2;break;// Subscribe, Unsubscribe can both contain topic stringscase MESSAGE_TYPE.SUBSCRIBE:first |= 0x02; // Qos = 1;for (var i = 0; i < this.topics.length; i++) {topicStrLength[i] = UTF8Length(this.topics[i]);remLength += topicStrLength[i] + 2;}remLength += this.requestedQos.length; // 1 byte for each topic's Qos// QoS on Subscribe onlybreak;case MESSAGE_TYPE.UNSUBSCRIBE:first |= 0x02; // Qos = 1;for (var i = 0; i < this.topics.length; i++) {topicStrLength[i] = UTF8Length(this.topics[i]);remLength += topicStrLength[i] + 2;}break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREL:first |= 0x02; // Qos = 1;break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH:if (this.payloadMessage.duplicate) first |= 0x08;first = first |= (this.payloadMessage.qos << 1);if (this.payloadMessage.retained) first |= 0x01;destinationNameLength = UTF8Length(this.payloadMessage.destinationName);remLength += destinationNameLength + 2;var payloadBytes = this.payloadMessage.payloadBytes;remLength += payloadBytes.byteLength;if (payloadBytes instanceof ArrayBuffer)payloadBytes = new Uint8Array(payloadBytes);else if (!(payloadBytes instanceof Uint8Array))payloadBytes = new Uint8Array(payloadBytes.buffer);break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.DISCONNECT:break;default:break;}// Now we can allocate a buffer for the messagevar mbi = encodeMBI(remLength); // Convert the length to MQTT MBI formatvar pos = mbi.length + 1; // Offset of start of variable headervar buffer = new ArrayBuffer(remLength + pos);var byteStream = new Uint8Array(buffer); // view it as a sequence of bytes//Write the fixed header into the bufferbyteStream[0] = first;byteStream.set(mbi, 1);// If this is a PUBLISH then the variable header starts with a topicif (this.type == MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH)pos = writeString(this.payloadMessage.destinationName, destinationNameLength, byteStream, pos);// If this is a CONNECT then the variable header contains the protocol name/version, flags and keepalive timeelse if (this.type == MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNECT) {switch (this.mqttVersion) {case 3:byteStream.set(MqttProtoIdentifierv3, pos);pos += MqttProtoIdentifierv3.length;break;case 4:byteStream.set(MqttProtoIdentifierv4, pos);pos += MqttProtoIdentifierv4.length;break;}var connectFlags = 0;if (this.cleanSession)connectFlags = 0x02;if (this.willMessage !== undefined) {connectFlags |= 0x04;connectFlags |= (this.willMessage.qos << 3);if (this.willMessage.retained) {connectFlags |= 0x20;}}if (this.userName !== undefined)connectFlags |= 0x80;if (this.password !== undefined)connectFlags |= 0x40;byteStream[pos++] = connectFlags;pos = writeUint16(this.keepAliveInterval, byteStream, pos);}// Output the messageIdentifier - if there is oneif (this.messageIdentifier !== undefined)pos = writeUint16(this.messageIdentifier, byteStream, pos);switch (this.type) {case MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNECT:pos = writeString(this.clientId, UTF8Length(this.clientId), byteStream, pos);if (this.willMessage !== undefined) {pos = writeString(this.willMessage.destinationName, UTF8Length(this.willMessage.destinationName), byteStream, pos);pos = writeUint16(willMessagePayloadBytes.byteLength, byteStream, pos);byteStream.set(willMessagePayloadBytes, pos);pos += willMessagePayloadBytes.byteLength;}if (this.userName !== undefined)pos = writeString(this.userName, UTF8Length(this.userName), byteStream, pos);if (this.password !== undefined)pos = writeString(this.password, UTF8Length(this.password), byteStream, pos);break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH:// PUBLISH has a text or binary payload, if text do not add a 2 byte length field, just the UTF characters.byteStream.set(payloadBytes, pos);break;//          case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREC://          case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREL://          case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBCOMP://            break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.SUBSCRIBE:// SUBSCRIBE has a list of topic strings and request QoSfor (var i = 0; i < this.topics.length; i++) {pos = writeString(this.topics[i], topicStrLength[i], byteStream, pos);byteStream[pos++] = this.requestedQos[i];}break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.UNSUBSCRIBE:// UNSUBSCRIBE has a list of topic stringsfor (var i = 0; i < this.topics.length; i++)pos = writeString(this.topics[i], topicStrLength[i], byteStream, pos);break;default:// Do nothing.}return buffer;};function decodeMessage(input, pos) {var startingPos = pos;var first = input[pos];var type = first >> 4;var messageInfo = first &= 0x0f;pos += 1;// Decode the remaining length (MBI format)var digit;var remLength = 0;var multiplier = 1;do {if (pos == input.length) {return [null, startingPos];}digit = input[pos++];remLength += ((digit & 0x7F) * multiplier);multiplier *= 128;} while ((digit & 0x80) !== 0);var endPos = pos + remLength;if (endPos > input.length) {return [null, startingPos];}var wireMessage = new WireMessage(type);switch (type) {case MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNACK:var connectAcknowledgeFlags = input[pos++];if (connectAcknowledgeFlags & 0x01)wireMessage.sessionPresent = true;wireMessage.returnCode = input[pos++];break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH:var qos = (messageInfo >> 1) & 0x03;var len = readUint16(input, pos);pos += 2;var topicName = parseUTF8(input, pos, len);pos += len;// If QoS 1 or 2 there will be a messageIdentifierif (qos > 0) {wireMessage.messageIdentifier = readUint16(input, pos);pos += 2;}var message = new Message(input.subarray(pos, endPos));if ((messageInfo & 0x01) == 0x01)message.retained = true;if ((messageInfo & 0x08) == 0x08)message.duplicate = true;message.qos = qos;message.destinationName = topicName;wireMessage.payloadMessage = message;break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBACK:case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREC:case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREL:case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBCOMP:case MESSAGE_TYPE.UNSUBACK:wireMessage.messageIdentifier = readUint16(input, pos);break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.SUBACK:wireMessage.messageIdentifier = readUint16(input, pos);pos += 2;wireMessage.returnCode = input.subarray(pos, endPos);break;default:break;}return [wireMessage, endPos];}function writeUint16(input, buffer, offset) {buffer[offset++] = input >> 8; //MSBbuffer[offset++] = input % 256; //LSBreturn offset;}function writeString(input, utf8Length, buffer, offset) {offset = writeUint16(utf8Length, buffer, offset);stringToUTF8(input, buffer, offset);return offset + utf8Length;}function readUint16(buffer, offset) {return 256 * buffer[offset] + buffer[offset + 1];}/*** Encodes an MQTT Multi-Byte Integer* @private*/function encodeMBI(number) {var output = new Array(1);var numBytes = 0;do {var digit = number % 128;number = number >> 7;if (number > 0) {digit |= 0x80;}output[numBytes++] = digit;} while ((number > 0) && (numBytes < 4));return output;}/*** Takes a String and calculates its length in bytes when encoded in UTF8.* @private*/function UTF8Length(input) {var output = 0;for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {var charCode = input.charCodeAt(i);if (charCode > 0x7FF) {// Surrogate pair means its a 4 byte characterif (0xD800 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xDBFF) {i++;output++;}output += 3;} else if (charCode > 0x7F)output += 2;elseoutput++;}return output;}/*** Takes a String and writes it into an array as UTF8 encoded bytes.* @private*/function stringToUTF8(input, output, start) {var pos = start;for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {var charCode = input.charCodeAt(i);// Check for a surrogate pair.if (0xD800 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xDBFF) {var lowCharCode = input.charCodeAt(++i);if (isNaN(lowCharCode)) {throw new Error(format(ERROR.MALFORMED_UNICODE, [charCode, lowCharCode]));}charCode = ((charCode - 0xD800) << 10) + (lowCharCode - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;}if (charCode <= 0x7F) {output[pos++] = charCode;} else if (charCode <= 0x7FF) {output[pos++] = charCode >> 6 & 0x1F | 0xC0;output[pos++] = charCode & 0x3F | 0x80;} else if (charCode <= 0xFFFF) {output[pos++] = charCode >> 12 & 0x0F | 0xE0;output[pos++] = charCode >> 6 & 0x3F | 0x80;output[pos++] = charCode & 0x3F | 0x80;} else {output[pos++] = charCode >> 18 & 0x07 | 0xF0;output[pos++] = charCode >> 12 & 0x3F | 0x80;output[pos++] = charCode >> 6 & 0x3F | 0x80;output[pos++] = charCode & 0x3F | 0x80;}}return output;}function parseUTF8(input, offset, length) {var output = "";var utf16;var pos = offset;while (pos < offset + length) {var byte1 = input[pos++];if (byte1 < 128)utf16 = byte1;else {var byte2 = input[pos++] - 128;if (byte2 < 0)throw new Error(format(ERROR.MALFORMED_UTF, [byte1.toString(16), byte2.toString(16), ""]));if (byte1 < 0xE0) // 2 byte characterutf16 = 64 * (byte1 - 0xC0) + byte2;else {var byte3 = input[pos++] - 128;if (byte3 < 0)throw new Error(format(ERROR.MALFORMED_UTF, [byte1.toString(16), byte2.toString(16), byte3.toString(16)]));if (byte1 < 0xF0) // 3 byte characterutf16 = 4096 * (byte1 - 0xE0) + 64 * byte2 + byte3;else {var byte4 = input[pos++] - 128;if (byte4 < 0)throw new Error(format(ERROR.MALFORMED_UTF, [byte1.toString(16), byte2.toString(16), byte3.toString(16), byte4.toString(16)]));if (byte1 < 0xF8) // 4 byte characterutf16 = 262144 * (byte1 - 0xF0) + 4096 * byte2 + 64 * byte3 + byte4;else // longer encodings are not supportedthrow new Error(format(ERROR.MALFORMED_UTF, [byte1.toString(16), byte2.toString(16), byte3.toString(16), byte4.toString(16)]));}}}if (utf16 > 0xFFFF) // 4 byte character - express as a surrogate pair{utf16 -= 0x10000;output += String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + (utf16 >> 10)); // lead characterutf16 = 0xDC00 + (utf16 & 0x3FF); // trail character}output += String.fromCharCode(utf16);}return output;}/*** Repeat keepalive requests, monitor responses.* @ignore*/var Pinger = function(client, keepAliveInterval) {this._client = client;this._keepAliveInterval = keepAliveInterval * 1000;this.isReset = false;var pingReq = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.PINGREQ).encode();var doTimeout = function(pinger) {return function() {return doPing.apply(pinger);};};/** @ignore */var doPing = function() {if (!this.isReset) {this._client._trace("Pinger.doPing", "Timed out");this._client._disconnected(ERROR.PING_TIMEOUT.code, format(ERROR.PING_TIMEOUT));} else {this.isReset = false;this._client._trace("Pinger.doPing", "send PINGREQ");ws.send(pingReq, (err, value) => {if (!err) {this._client._trace("Message sent successfully");} else {this._client._trace("Failed to send the message. Err:" + JSON.stringify(err));}});this.timeout = setTimeout(doTimeout(this), this._keepAliveInterval);}};this.reset = function() {this.isReset = true;clearTimeout(this.timeout);if (this._keepAliveInterval > 0)this.timeout = setTimeout(doTimeout(this), this._keepAliveInterval);};this.cancel = function() {clearTimeout(this.timeout);};};/*** Monitor request completion.* @ignore*/var Timeout = function(client, timeoutSeconds, action, args) {if (!timeoutSeconds)timeoutSeconds = 30;var doTimeout = function(action, client, args) {return function() {return action.apply(client, args);};};this.timeout = setTimeout(doTimeout(action, client, args), timeoutSeconds * 1000);this.cancel = function() {clearTimeout(this.timeout);};};/** Internal implementation of the Websockets MQTT V3.1 client.** @name Paho.MQTT.ClientImpl @constructor* @param {String} host the DNS nameof the webSocket host.* @param {Number} port the port number for that host.* @param {String} clientId the MQ client identifier.*/var ClientImpl = function(uri, host, port, path, clientId) {this._trace("Paho.MQTT.Client", uri, host, port, path, clientId);this.host = host;this.port = port;this.path = path;this.uri = uri;this.clientId = clientId;this._wsuri = null;// Local storagekeys are qualified with the following string.// The conditional inclusion of path in the key is for backward// compatibility to when the path was not configurable and assumed to// be /mqttthis._localKey = host + ":" + port + (path != "/mqtt" ? ":" + path : "") + ":" + clientId + ":";// Create private instance-only message queue// Internal queue of messages to be sent, in sending order.this._msg_queue = [];this._buffered_msg_queue = [];// Messages we have sent and are expecting a response for, indexed by their respective message ids.this._sentMessages = {};// Messages we have received and acknowleged and are expecting a confirm message for// indexed by their respective message ids.this._receivedMessages = {};// Internal list of callbacks to be executed when messages// have been successfully sent over web socket, e.g. disconnect// when it doesn't have to wait for ACK, just message is dispatched.this._notify_msg_sent = {};// Unique identifier for SEND messages, incrementing// counter as messages are sent.this._message_identifier = 1;// Used to determine the transmission sequence of stored sent messages.this._sequence = 0;// Load the local state, if any, from the saved version, only restore state relevant to this client.// Load the local state, if any, from the saved version, only restore state relevant to this client.for (var key in localStorage)if (   key.indexOf("Sent:"+this._localKey) === 0 || key.indexOf("Received:"+this._localKey) === 0)this.restore(key);};// Messaging Client public instance members.ClientImpl.prototype.host = null;ClientImpl.prototype.port = null;ClientImpl.prototype.path = null;ClientImpl.prototype.uri = null;ClientImpl.prototype.clientId = null;// Messaging Client private instance members.ClientImpl.prototype.socket = null;/* true once we have received an acknowledgement to a CONNECT packet. */ClientImpl.prototype.connected = false;/* The largest message identifier allowed, may not be larger than 2**16 but* if set smaller reduces the maximum number of outbound messages allowed.*/ClientImpl.prototype.maxMessageIdentifier = 65536;ClientImpl.prototype.connectOptions = null;ClientImpl.prototype.hostIndex = null;ClientImpl.prototype.onConnected = null;ClientImpl.prototype.onConnectionLost = null;ClientImpl.prototype.onMessageDelivered = null;ClientImpl.prototype.onMessageArrived = null;ClientImpl.prototype.traceFunction = null;ClientImpl.prototype._msg_queue = null;ClientImpl.prototype._buffered_msg_queue = null;ClientImpl.prototype._connectTimeout = null;/* The sendPinger monitors how long we allow before we send data to prove to the server that we are alive. */ClientImpl.prototype.sendPinger = null;/* The receivePinger monitors how long we allow before we require evidence that the server is alive. */ClientImpl.prototype.receivePinger = null;ClientImpl.prototype._reconnectInterval = 1; // Reconnect Delay, starts at 1 secondClientImpl.prototype._reconnecting = false;ClientImpl.prototype._reconnectTimeout = null;ClientImpl.prototype.disconnectedPublishing = false;ClientImpl.prototype.disconnectedBufferSize = 5000;ClientImpl.prototype.receiveBuffer = null;ClientImpl.prototype._traceBuffer = null;ClientImpl.prototype._MAX_TRACE_ENTRIES = 100;ClientImpl.prototype.connect = function(connectOptions) {var connectOptionsMasked = this._traceMask(connectOptions, "password");this._trace("Client.connect", connectOptionsMasked, null, this.connected);if (this.connected)throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["already connected"]));if (this._reconnecting) {// connect() function is called while reconnect is in progress.// Terminate the auto reconnect process to use new connect options.this._reconnectTimeout.cancel();this._reconnectTimeout = null;this._reconnecting = false;}this.connectOptions = connectOptions;this._reconnectInterval = 1;this._reconnecting = false;if (connectOptions.uris) {this.hostIndex = 0;this._doConnect(connectOptions.uris[0]);} else {this._doConnect(this.uri);}};ClientImpl.prototype.subscribe = function(filter, subscribeOptions) {this._trace("Client.subscribe", filter, subscribeOptions);if (!this.connected)throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["not connected"]));var wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.SUBSCRIBE);wireMessage.topics = [filter];if (subscribeOptions.qos !== undefined)wireMessage.requestedQos = [subscribeOptions.qos];elsewireMessage.requestedQos = [0];if (subscribeOptions.onSuccess) {wireMessage.onSuccess = function(grantedQos) { subscribeOptions.onSuccess({ invocationContext: subscribeOptions.invocationContext, grantedQos: grantedQos }); };}if (subscribeOptions.onFailure) {wireMessage.onFailure = function(errorCode) { subscribeOptions.onFailure({ invocationContext: subscribeOptions.invocationContext, errorCode: errorCode, errorMessage: format(errorCode) }); };}if (subscribeOptions.timeout) {wireMessage.timeOut = new Timeout(this, subscribeOptions.timeout, subscribeOptions.onFailure, [{invocationContext: subscribeOptions.invocationContext,errorCode: ERROR.SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT.code,errorMessage: format(ERROR.SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT)}]);}// All subscriptions return a SUBACK.this._requires_ack(wireMessage);this._schedule_message(wireMessage);};/** @ignore */ClientImpl.prototype.unsubscribe = function(filter, unsubscribeOptions) {this._trace("Client.unsubscribe", filter, unsubscribeOptions);if (!this.connected)throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["not connected"]));var wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.UNSUBSCRIBE);wireMessage.topics = [filter];if (unsubscribeOptions.onSuccess) {wireMessage.callback = function() { unsubscribeOptions.onSuccess({ invocationContext: unsubscribeOptions.invocationContext }); };}if (unsubscribeOptions.timeout) {wireMessage.timeOut = new Timeout(this, unsubscribeOptions.timeout, unsubscribeOptions.onFailure, [{invocationContext: unsubscribeOptions.invocationContext,errorCode: ERROR.UNSUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT.code,errorMessage: format(ERROR.UNSUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT)}]);}// All unsubscribes return a SUBACK.this._requires_ack(wireMessage);this._schedule_message(wireMessage);};ClientImpl.prototype.send = function(message) {this._trace("Client.send", message);var wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH);wireMessage.payloadMessage = message;if (this.connected) {// Mark qos 1 & 2 message as "ACK required"// For qos 0 message, invoke onMessageDelivered callback if there is one.// Then schedule the message.if (message.qos > 0) {this._requires_ack(wireMessage);} else if (this.onMessageDelivered) {this._notify_msg_sent[wireMessage] = this.onMessageDelivered(wireMessage.payloadMessage);}this._schedule_message(wireMessage);} else {// Currently disconnected, will not schedule this message// Check if reconnecting is in progress and disconnected publish is enabled.if (this._reconnecting && this.disconnectedPublishing) {// Check the limit which include the "required ACK" messagesvar messageCount = Object.keys(this._sentMessages).length + this._buffered_msg_queue.length;if (messageCount > this.disconnectedBufferSize) {throw new Error(format(ERROR.BUFFER_FULL, [this.disconnectedBufferSize]));} else {if (message.qos > 0) {// Mark this message as "ACK required"this._requires_ack(wireMessage);} else {wireMessage.sequence = ++this._sequence;this._buffered_msg_queue.push(wireMessage);}}} else {throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["not connected"]));}}};ClientImpl.prototype.disconnect = function() {this._trace("Client.disconnect");if (this._reconnecting) {// disconnect() function is called while reconnect is in progress.// Terminate the auto reconnect process.this._reconnectTimeout.cancel();this._reconnectTimeout = null;this._reconnecting = false;}if (!this.connected)throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STATE, ["not connecting or connected"]));var wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.DISCONNECT);// Run the disconnected call back as soon as the message has been sent,// in case of a failure later on in the disconnect processing.// as a consequence, the _disconected call back may be run several times.this._notify_msg_sent[wireMessage] = scope(this._disconnected, this);this._schedule_message(wireMessage);};ClientImpl.prototype.getTraceLog = function() {if (this._traceBuffer !== null) {this._trace("Client.getTraceLog", new Date());this._trace("Client.getTraceLog in flight messages", this._sentMessages.length);for (var key in this._sentMessages)this._trace("_sentMessages ", key, this._sentMessages[key]);for (var key in this._receivedMessages)this._trace("_receivedMessages ", key, this._receivedMessages[key]);return this._traceBuffer;}};ClientImpl.prototype.startTrace = function() {if (this._traceBuffer === null) {this._traceBuffer = [];}this._trace("Client.startTrace", new Date(), version);};ClientImpl.prototype.stopTrace = function() {delete this._traceBuffer;};ClientImpl.prototype._doConnect = function(wsurl) {// When the socket is open, this client will send the CONNECT WireMessage using the saved parameters.if (this.connectOptions.useSSL) {var uriParts = wsurl.split(":");uriParts[0] = "wss";wsurl = uriParts.join(":");}this._wsuri = wsurl;this.connected = false;ws.connect(wsurl, (err, value) => {if (!err) {this._trace("Connected successfully");} else {this._trace("Connection failed. Err:" + JSON.stringify(err));}});ws.on('open', (err, value) => {this._trace("on open, status:" + JSON.stringify(value));this._on_socket_open(value);});ws.on('message', (err, value) => {this._trace("on message, message:" + value);this._on_socket_message(value);});ws.on('close', (err, value) => {this._trace("on close, code is " + value.code + ", reason is " + value.reason);this._on_socket_close();});ws.on('error', (err) => {this._trace("on error, error:" + JSON.stringify(err));this._on_socket_error();});//ws.on('message',scope(this._on_socket_message, this));//ws.on('close',scope(this._on_socket_close, this));//ws.on('error',scope(this._on_socket_error, this));this.sendPinger = new Pinger(this, this.connectOptions.keepAliveInterval);this.receivePinger = new Pinger(this, this.connectOptions.keepAliveInterval);if (this._connectTimeout) {this._connectTimeout.cancel();this._connectTimeout = null;}this._connectTimeout = new Timeout(this, this.connectOptions.timeout, this._disconnected, [ERROR.CONNECT_TIMEOUT.code, format(ERROR.CONNECT_TIMEOUT)]);};// Schedule a new message to be sent over the WebSockets// connection. CONNECT messages cause WebSocket connection// to be started. All other messages are queued internally// until this has happened. When WS connection starts, process// all outstanding messages.ClientImpl.prototype._schedule_message = function(message) {this._msg_queue.push(message);// Process outstanding messages in the queue if we have an  open socket, and have received CONNACK.if (this.connected) {this._process_queue();}};ClientImpl.prototype.store = function(prefix, wireMessage) {var storedMessage = { type: wireMessage.type, messageIdentifier: wireMessage.messageIdentifier, version: 1 };switch (wireMessage.type) {case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH:if (wireMessage.pubRecReceived)storedMessage.pubRecReceived = true;// Convert the payload to a hex string.storedMessage.payloadMessage = {};var hex = "";var messageBytes = wireMessage.payloadMessage.payloadBytes;for (var i = 0; i < messageBytes.length; i++) {if (messageBytes[i] <= 0xF)hex = hex + "0" + messageBytes[i].toString(16);elsehex = hex + messageBytes[i].toString(16);}storedMessage.payloadMessage.payloadHex = hex;storedMessage.payloadMessage.qos = wireMessage.payloadMessage.qos;storedMessage.payloadMessage.destinationName = wireMessage.payloadMessage.destinationName;if (wireMessage.payloadMessage.duplicate)storedMessage.payloadMessage.duplicate = true;if (wireMessage.payloadMessage.retained)storedMessage.payloadMessage.retained = true;// Add a sequence number to sent messages.if (prefix.indexOf("Sent:") === 0) {if (wireMessage.sequence === undefined)wireMessage.sequence = ++this._sequence;storedMessage.sequence = wireMessage.sequence;}break;default:throw Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STORED_DATA, [key, storedMessage]));}localStorage.setItem(prefix+this._localKey+wireMessage.messageIdentifier, JSON.stringify(storedMessage));};ClientImpl.prototype.restore = function(key) {var value = localStorage.getItem(key);var storedMessage = JSON.parse(value);var wireMessage = new WireMessage(storedMessage.type, storedMessage);switch (storedMessage.type) {case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH:// Replace the payload message with a Message object.var hex = storedMessage.payloadMessage.payloadHex;var buffer = new ArrayBuffer((hex.length) / 2);var byteStream = new Uint8Array(buffer);var i = 0;while (hex.length >= 2) {var x = parseInt(hex.substring(0, 2), 16);hex = hex.substring(2, hex.length);byteStream[i++] = x;}var payloadMessage = new Message(byteStream);payloadMessage.qos = storedMessage.payloadMessage.qos;payloadMessage.destinationName = storedMessage.payloadMessage.destinationName;if (storedMessage.payloadMessage.duplicate)payloadMessage.duplicate = true;if (storedMessage.payloadMessage.retained)payloadMessage.retained = true;wireMessage.payloadMessage = payloadMessage;break;default:throw Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_STORED_DATA, [key, value]));}if (key.indexOf("Sent:" + this._localKey) === 0) {wireMessage.payloadMessage.duplicate = true;this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier] = wireMessage;} else if (key.indexOf("Received:" + this._localKey) === 0) {this._receivedMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier] = wireMessage;}};ClientImpl.prototype._process_queue = function() {var message = null;// Process messages in order they were addedvar fifo = this._msg_queue.reverse();// Send all queued messages down socket connectionwhile ((message = fifo.pop())) {this._socket_send(message);// Notify listeners that message was successfully sentif (this._notify_msg_sent[message]) {this._notify_msg_sent[message]();delete this._notify_msg_sent[message];}}};/*** Expect an ACK response for this message. Add message to the set of in progress* messages and set an unused identifier in this message.* @ignore*/ClientImpl.prototype._requires_ack = function(wireMessage) {var messageCount = Object.keys(this._sentMessages).length;if (messageCount > this.maxMessageIdentifier)throw Error("Too many messages:" + messageCount);while (this._sentMessages[this._message_identifier] !== undefined) {this._message_identifier++;}wireMessage.messageIdentifier = this._message_identifier;this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier] = wireMessage;if (wireMessage.type === MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH) {this.store("Sent:", wireMessage);}if (this._message_identifier === this.maxMessageIdentifier) {this._message_identifier = 1;}};/*** Called when the underlying websocket has been opened.* @ignore*/ClientImpl.prototype._on_socket_open = function(res) {// Create the CONNECT message object.var wireMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNECT, this.connectOptions);wireMessage.clientId = this.clientId;this._socket_send(wireMessage);};/*** Called when the underlying websocket has received a complete packet.* @ignore*/ClientImpl.prototype._on_socket_message = function(data) {this._trace("Client._on_socket_message",data);var messages = this._deframeMessages(data);for (var i = 0; i < messages.length; i += 1) {this._handleMessage(messages[i]);}};ClientImpl.prototype._deframeMessages = function(data) {var byteArray = new Uint8Array(data);var messages = [];if (this.receiveBuffer) {var newData = new Uint8Array(this.receiveBuffer.length + byteArray.length);newData.set(this.receiveBuffer);newData.set(byteArray, this.receiveBuffer.length);byteArray = newData;delete this.receiveBuffer;}try {var offset = 0;while (offset < byteArray.length) {var result = decodeMessage(byteArray, offset);var wireMessage = result[0];offset = result[1];if (wireMessage !== null) {messages.push(wireMessage);} else {break;}}if (offset < byteArray.length) {this.receiveBuffer = byteArray.subarray(offset);}} catch (error) {var errorStack = ((error.hasOwnProperty('stack') == 'undefined') ? error.stack.toString() : "No Error Stack Available");this._disconnected(ERROR.INTERNAL_ERROR.code, format(ERROR.INTERNAL_ERROR, [error.message, errorStack]));return;}return messages;};ClientImpl.prototype._handleMessage = function(wireMessage) {this._trace("Client._handleMessage", wireMessage);try {switch (wireMessage.type) {case MESSAGE_TYPE.CONNACK:this._connectTimeout.cancel();if (this._reconnectTimeout)this._reconnectTimeout.cancel();// If we have started using clean session then clear up the local state.if (this.connectOptions.cleanSession) {for (var key in this._sentMessages) {var sentMessage = this._sentMessages[key];localStorage.removeItem("Sent:"+this._localKey+sentMessage.messageIdentifier);}this._sentMessages = {};for (var key in this._receivedMessages) {var receivedMessage = this._receivedMessages[key];localStorage.removeItem("Received:"+this._localKey+receivedMessage.messageIdentifier);}this._receivedMessages = {};}// Client connected and ready for business.if (wireMessage.returnCode === 0) {this.connected = true;// Jump to the end of the list of uris and stop looking for a good host.if (this.connectOptions.uris)this.hostIndex = this.connectOptions.uris.length;} else {this._disconnected(ERROR.CONNACK_RETURNCODE.code, format(ERROR.CONNACK_RETURNCODE, [wireMessage.returnCode, CONNACK_RC[wireMessage.returnCode]]));break;}// Resend messages.var sequencedMessages = [];for (var msgId in this._sentMessages) {if (this._sentMessages.hasOwnProperty(msgId))sequencedMessages.push(this._sentMessages[msgId]);}// Also schedule qos 0 buffered messages if anyif (this._buffered_msg_queue.length > 0) {var msg = null;var fifo = this._buffered_msg_queue.reverse();while ((msg = fifo.pop())) {sequencedMessages.push(msg);if (this.onMessageDelivered)this._notify_msg_sent[msg] = this.onMessageDelivered(msg.payloadMessage);}}// Sort sentMessages into the original sent order.var sequencedMessages = sequencedMessages.sort(function(a, b) { return a.sequence - b.sequence; });for (var i = 0, len = sequencedMessages.length; i < len; i++) {var sentMessage = sequencedMessages[i];if (sentMessage.type == MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH && sentMessage.pubRecReceived) {var pubRelMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREL, { messageIdentifier: sentMessage.messageIdentifier });this._schedule_message(pubRelMessage);} else {this._schedule_message(sentMessage);}}// Execute the connectOptions.onSuccess callback if there is one.// Will also now return if this connection was the result of an automatic// reconnect and which URI was successfully connected to.if (this.connectOptions.onSuccess) {this.connectOptions.onSuccess({ invocationContext: this.connectOptions.invocationContext });}var reconnected = false;if (this._reconnecting) {reconnected = true;this._reconnectInterval = 1;this._reconnecting = false;}// Execute the onConnected callback if there is one.this._connected(reconnected, this._wsuri);// Process all queued messages now that the connection is established.this._process_queue();break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBLISH:this._receivePublish(wireMessage);break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBACK:var sentMessage = this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier];// If this is a re flow of a PUBACK after we have restarted receivedMessage will not exist.if (sentMessage) {delete this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier];localStorage.removeItem("Sent:"+this._localKey+wireMessage.messageIdentifier);if (this.onMessageDelivered)this.onMessageDelivered(sentMessage.payloadMessage);}break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREC:var sentMessage = this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier];// If this is a re flow of a PUBREC after we have restarted receivedMessage will not exist.if (sentMessage) {sentMessage.pubRecReceived = true;var pubRelMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREL, { messageIdentifier: wireMessage.messageIdentifier });this.store("Sent:", sentMessage);this._schedule_message(pubRelMessage);}break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREL:var receivedMessage = this._receivedMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier];localStorage.removeItem("Received:"+this._localKey+wireMessage.messageIdentifier);// If this is a re flow of a PUBREL after we have restarted receivedMessage will not exist.if (receivedMessage) {this._receiveMessage(receivedMessage);delete this._receivedMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier];}// Always flow PubComp, we may have previously flowed PubComp but the server lost it and restarted.var pubCompMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBCOMP, { messageIdentifier: wireMessage.messageIdentifier });this._schedule_message(pubCompMessage);break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBCOMP:var sentMessage = this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier];delete this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier];localStorage.removeItem("Sent:"+this._localKey+wireMessage.messageIdentifier);if (this.onMessageDelivered)this.onMessageDelivered(sentMessage.payloadMessage);break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.SUBACK:var sentMessage = this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier];if (sentMessage) {if (sentMessage.timeOut)sentMessage.timeOut.cancel();// This will need to be fixed when we add multiple topic supportif (wireMessage.returnCode[0] === 0x80) {if (sentMessage.onFailure) {sentMessage.onFailure(wireMessage.returnCode);}} else if (sentMessage.onSuccess) {sentMessage.onSuccess(wireMessage.returnCode);}delete this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier];}break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.UNSUBACK:var sentMessage = this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier];if (sentMessage) {if (sentMessage.timeOut)sentMessage.timeOut.cancel();if (sentMessage.callback) {sentMessage.callback();}delete this._sentMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier];}break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.PINGRESP:/* The sendPinger or receivePinger may have sent a ping, the receivePinger has already been reset. */this.sendPinger.reset();break;case MESSAGE_TYPE.DISCONNECT:// Clients do not expect to receive disconnect packets.this._disconnected(ERROR.INVALID_MQTT_MESSAGE_TYPE.code, format(ERROR.INVALID_MQTT_MESSAGE_TYPE, [wireMessage.type]));break;default:this._disconnected(ERROR.INVALID_MQTT_MESSAGE_TYPE.code, format(ERROR.INVALID_MQTT_MESSAGE_TYPE, [wireMessage.type]));}} catch (error) {var errorStack = ((error.hasOwnProperty('stack') == 'undefined') ? error.stack.toString() : "No Error Stack Available");this._disconnected(ERROR.INTERNAL_ERROR.code, format(ERROR.INTERNAL_ERROR, [error.message, errorStack]));return;}};/** @ignore */ClientImpl.prototype._on_socket_error = function(error) {if (!this._reconnecting) {this._disconnected(ERROR.SOCKET_ERROR.code, format(ERROR.SOCKET_ERROR, [error.data]));}};/** @ignore */ClientImpl.prototype._on_socket_close = function() {if (!this._reconnecting) {this._disconnected(ERROR.SOCKET_CLOSE.code, format(ERROR.SOCKET_CLOSE));}};/** @ignore */ClientImpl.prototype._socket_send = function(wireMessage) {if (wireMessage.type == 1) {var wireMessageMasked = this._traceMask(wireMessage, "password");this._trace("Client._socket_send", wireMessageMasked);} else this._trace("Client._socket_send", wireMessage);ws.send(wireMessage.encode(), (err, value) => {if (!err) {this._trace("Message sent successfully");} else {this._trace("Failed to send the message. Err:" + JSON.stringify(err));}});/* We have proved to the server we are alive. */this.sendPinger.reset();};/** @ignore */ClientImpl.prototype._receivePublish = function(wireMessage) {switch (wireMessage.payloadMessage.qos) {case "undefined":case 0:this._receiveMessage(wireMessage);break;case 1:var pubAckMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBACK, { messageIdentifier: wireMessage.messageIdentifier });this._schedule_message(pubAckMessage);this._receiveMessage(wireMessage);break;case 2:this._receivedMessages[wireMessage.messageIdentifier] = wireMessage;this.store("Received:", wireMessage);var pubRecMessage = new WireMessage(MESSAGE_TYPE.PUBREC, { messageIdentifier: wireMessage.messageIdentifier });this._schedule_message(pubRecMessage);break;default:throw Error("Invaild qos=" + wireMmessage.payloadMessage.qos);}};/** @ignore */ClientImpl.prototype._receiveMessage = function(wireMessage) {if (this.onMessageArrived) {this.onMessageArrived(wireMessage.payloadMessage);}};/*** Client has connected.* @param {reconnect} [boolean] indicate if this was a result of reconnect operation.* @param {uri} [string] fully qualified WebSocket URI of the server.*/ClientImpl.prototype._connected = function(reconnect, uri) {// Execute the onConnected callback if there is one.if (this.onConnected)this.onConnected(reconnect, uri);};/*** Attempts to reconnect the client to the server.* For each reconnect attempt, will double the reconnect interval* up to 128 seconds.*/ClientImpl.prototype._reconnect = function() {this._trace("Client._reconnect");if (!this.connected) {this._reconnecting = true;this.sendPinger.cancel();this.receivePinger.cancel();if (this._reconnectInterval < 128)this._reconnectInterval = this._reconnectInterval * 2;if (this.connectOptions.uris) {this.hostIndex = 0;this._doConnect(this.connectOptions.uris[0]);} else {this._doConnect(this.uri);}}};/*** Client has disconnected either at its own request or because the server* or network disconnected it. Remove all non-durable state.* @param {errorCode} [number] the error number.* @param {errorText} [string] the error text.* @ignore*/ClientImpl.prototype._disconnected = function(errorCode, errorText) {this._trace("Client._disconnected", errorCode, errorText);if (errorCode !== undefined && this._reconnecting) {//Continue automatic reconnect processthis._reconnectTimeout = new Timeout(this, this._reconnectInterval, this._reconnect);return;}this.sendPinger.cancel();this.receivePinger.cancel();if (this._connectTimeout) {this._connectTimeout.cancel();this._connectTimeout = null;}// Clear message buffers.this._msg_queue = [];this._buffered_msg_queue = [];this._notify_msg_sent = {};if (this.connectOptions.uris && this.hostIndex < this.connectOptions.uris.length - 1) {// Try the next host.this.hostIndex++;this._doConnect(this.connectOptions.uris[this.hostIndex]);} else {if (errorCode === undefined) {errorCode = ERROR.OK.code;errorText = format(ERROR.OK);}// Run any application callbacks last as they may attempt to reconnect and hence create a new socket.if (this.connected) {this.connected = false;// Execute the connectionLostCallback if there is one, and we were connected.if (this.onConnectionLost) {this.onConnectionLost({ errorCode: errorCode, errorMessage: errorText, reconnect: this.connectOptions.reconnect, uri: this._wsuri });}if (errorCode !== ERROR.OK.code && this.connectOptions.reconnect) {// Start automatic reconnect process for the very first time since last successful connect.this._reconnectInterval = 1;this._reconnect();return;}} else {// Otherwise we never had a connection, so indicate that the connect has failed.if (this.connectOptions.mqttVersion === 4 && this.connectOptions.mqttVersionExplicit === false) {this._trace("Failed to connect V4, dropping back to V3");this.connectOptions.mqttVersion = 3;if (this.connectOptions.uris) {this.hostIndex = 0;this._doConnect(this.connectOptions.uris[0]);} else {this._doConnect(this.uri);}} else if (this.connectOptions.onFailure) {this.connectOptions.onFailure({ invocationContext: this.connectOptions.invocationContext, errorCode: errorCode, errorMessage: errorText });}}}};/** @ignore */ClientImpl.prototype._trace = function() {// Pass trace message back to client's callback functionif (this.traceFunction) {for (var i in arguments) {if (typeof arguments[i] !== "undefined")arguments.splice(i, 1, JSON.stringify(arguments[i]));}var record = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join("");this.traceFunction({ severity: "Debug", message: record });}//buffer style traceif (this._traceBuffer !== null) {for (var i = 0, max = arguments.length; i < max; i++) {if (this._traceBuffer.length == this._MAX_TRACE_ENTRIES) {this._traceBuffer.shift();}if (i === 0) this._traceBuffer.push(arguments[i]);else if (typeof arguments[i] === "undefined") this._traceBuffer.push(arguments[i]);else this._traceBuffer.push("  " + JSON.stringify(arguments[i]));}}};/** @ignore */ClientImpl.prototype._traceMask = function(traceObject, masked) {var traceObjectMasked = {};for (var attr in traceObject) {if (traceObject.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {if (attr == masked)traceObjectMasked[attr] = "******";elsetraceObjectMasked[attr] = traceObject[attr];}}return traceObjectMasked;};// ------------------------------------------------------------------------// Public Programming interface.// ------------------------------------------------------------------------/*** The JavaScript application communicates to the server using a {@link Paho.MQTT.Client} object.* <p>* Most applications will create just one Client object and then call its connect() method,* however applications can create more than one Client object if they wish.* In this case the combination of host, port and clientId attributes must be different for each Client object.* <p>* The send, subscribe and unsubscribe methods are implemented as asynchronous JavaScript methods* (even though the underlying protocol exchange might be synchronous in nature).* This means they signal their completion by calling back to the application,* via Success or Failure callback functions provided by the application on the method in question.* Such callbacks are called at most once per method invocation and do not persist beyond the lifetime* of the script that made the invocation.* <p>* In contrast there are some callback functions, most notably <i>onMessageArrived</i>,* that are defined on the {@link Paho.MQTT.Client} object.* These may get called multiple times, and aren't directly related to specific method invocations made by the client.** @name Paho.MQTT.Client** @constructor** @param {string} host - the address of the messaging server, as a fully qualified WebSocket URI, as a DNS name or dotted decimal IP address.* @param {number} port - the port number to connect to - only required if host is not a URI* @param {string} path - the path on the host to connect to - only used if host is not a URI. Default: '/mqtt'.* @param {string} clientId - the Messaging client identifier, between 1 and 23 characters in length.** @property {string} host - <i>read only</i> the server's DNS hostname or dotted decimal IP address.* @property {number} port - <i>read only</i> the server's port.* @property {string} path - <i>read only</i> the server's path.* @property {string} clientId - <i>read only</i> used when connecting to the server.* @property {function} onConnectionLost - called when a connection has been lost.*                            after a connect() method has succeeded.*                            Establish the call back used when a connection has been lost. The connection may be*                            lost because the client initiates a disconnect or because the server or network*                            cause the client to be disconnected. The disconnect call back may be called without*                            the connectionComplete call back being invoked if, for example the client fails to*                            connect.*                            A single response object parameter is passed to the onConnectionLost callback containing the following fields:*                            <ol>*                            <li>errorCode*                            <li>errorMessage*                            </ol>* @property {function} onMessageDelivered - called when a message has been delivered.*                            All processing that this Client will ever do has been completed. So, for example,*                            in the case of a Qos=2 message sent by this client, the PubComp flow has been received from the server*                            and the message has been removed from persistent storage before this callback is invoked.*                            Parameters passed to the onMessageDelivered callback are:*                            <ol>*                            <li>{@link Paho.MQTT.Message} that was delivered.*                            </ol>* @property {function} onMessageArrived - called when a message has arrived in this Paho.MQTT.client.*                            Parameters passed to the onMessageArrived callback are:*                            <ol>*                            <li>{@link Paho.MQTT.Message} that has arrived.*                            </ol>* @property {function} onConnected - called when a connection is successfully made to the server.*                                  after a connect() method.*                                  Parameters passed to the onConnected callback are:*                                  <ol>*                                  <li>reconnect (boolean) - If true, the connection was the result of a reconnect.</li>*                                  <li>URI (string) - The URI used to connect to the server.</li>*                                  </ol>* @property {boolean} disconnectedPublishing - if set, will enable disconnected publishing in*                                            in the event that the connection to the server is lost.* @property {number} disconnectedBufferSize - Used to set the maximum number of messages that the disconnected*                                             buffer will hold before rejecting new messages. Default size: 5000 messages* @property {function} trace - called whenever trace is called. TODO*/var Client = function(host, port, path, clientId) {var uri;if (typeof host !== "string")throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof host, "host"]));if (arguments.length == 2) {// host: must be full ws:// uri// port: clientIdclientId = port;uri = host;var match = uri.match(/^(wss?):\/\/((\[(.+)\])|([^\/]+?))(:(\d+))?(\/.*)$/);if (match) {host = match[4] || match[2];port = parseInt(match[7]);path = match[8];} else {throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [host, "host"]));}} else {if (arguments.length == 3) {clientId = path;path = "/mqtt";}if (typeof port !== "number" || port < 0)throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof port, "port"]));if (typeof path !== "string")throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof path, "path"]));var ipv6AddSBracket = (host.indexOf(":") !== -1 && host.slice(0, 1) !== "[" && host.slice(-1) !== "]");uri = "ws://" + (ipv6AddSBracket ? "[" + host + "]" : host) + ":" + port + path;}var clientIdLength = 0;for (var i = 0; i < clientId.length; i++) {var charCode = clientId.charCodeAt(i);if (0xD800 <= charCode && charCode <= 0xDBFF) {i++; // Surrogate pair.}clientIdLength++;}if (typeof clientId !== "string" || clientIdLength > 65535)throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [clientId, "clientId"]));var client = new ClientImpl(uri, host, port, path, clientId);this._getHost = function() { return host; };this._setHost = function() { throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION)); };this._getPort = function() { return port; };this._setPort = function() { throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION)); };this._getPath = function() { return path; };this._setPath = function() { throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION)); };this._getURI = function() { return uri; };this._setURI = function() { throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION)); };this._getClientId = function() { return client.clientId; };this._setClientId = function() { throw new Error(format(ERROR.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION)); };this._getOnConnected = function() { return client.onConnected; };this._setOnConnected = function(newOnConnected) {if (typeof newOnConnected === "function")client.onConnected = newOnConnected;elsethrow new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof newOnConnected, "onConnected"]));};this._getDisconnectedPublishing = function() { return client.disconnectedPublishing; };this._setDisconnectedPublishing = function(newDisconnectedPublishing) {client.disconnectedPublishing = newDisconnectedPublishing;};this._getDisconnectedBufferSize = function() { return client.disconnectedBufferSize; };this._setDisconnectedBufferSize = function(newDisconnectedBufferSize) {client.disconnectedBufferSize = newDisconnectedBufferSize;};this._getOnConnectionLost = function() { return client.onConnectionLost; };this._setOnConnectionLost = function(newOnConnectionLost) {if (typeof newOnConnectionLost === "function")client.onConnectionLost = newOnConnectionLost;elsethrow new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof newOnConnectionLost, "onConnectionLost"]));};this._getOnMessageDelivered = function() { return client.onMessageDelivered; };this._setOnMessageDelivered = function(newOnMessageDelivered) {if (typeof newOnMessageDelivered === "function")client.onMessageDelivered = newOnMessageDelivered;elsethrow new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof newOnMessageDelivered, "onMessageDelivered"]));};this._getOnMessageArrived = function() { return client.onMessageArrived; };this._setOnMessageArrived = function(newOnMessageArrived) {if (typeof newOnMessageArrived === "function")client.onMessageArrived = newOnMessageArrived;elsethrow new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof newOnMessageArrived, "onMessageArrived"]));};this._getTrace = function() { return client.traceFunction; };this._setTrace = function(trace) {if (typeof trace === "function") {client.traceFunction = trace;} else {throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof trace, "onTrace"]));}};/*** Connect this Messaging client to its server.** @name Paho.MQTT.Client#connect* @function* @param {object} connectOptions - Attributes used with the connection.* @param {number} connectOptions.timeout - If the connect has not succeeded within this*                    number of seconds, it is deemed to have failed.*                    The default is 30 seconds.* @param {string} connectOptions.userName - Authentication username for this connection.* @param {string} connectOptions.password - Authentication password for this connection.* @param {Paho.MQTT.Message} connectOptions.willMessage - sent by the server when the client*                    disconnects abnormally.* @param {number} connectOptions.keepAliveInterval - the server disconnects this client if*                    there is no activity for this number of seconds.*                    The default value of 60 seconds is assumed if not set.* @param {boolean} connectOptions.cleanSession - if true(default) the client and server*                    persistent state is deleted on successful connect.* @param {boolean} connectOptions.useSSL - if present and true, use an SSL Websocket connection.* @param {object} connectOptions.invocationContext - passed to the onSuccess callback or onFailure callback.* @param {function} connectOptions.onSuccess - called when the connect acknowledgement*                    has been received from the server.* A single response object parameter is passed to the onSuccess callback containing the following fields:* <ol>* <li>invocationContext as passed in to the onSuccess method in the connectOptions.* </ol>* @param {function} connectOptions.onFailure - called when the connect request has failed or timed out.* A single response object parameter is passed to the onFailure callback containing the following fields:* <ol>* <li>invocationContext as passed in to the onFailure method in the connectOptions.* <li>errorCode a number indicating the nature of the error.* <li>errorMessage text describing the error.* </ol>* @param {array} connectOptions.hosts - If present this contains either a set of hostnames or fully qualified* WebSocket URIs (ws://iot.eclipse.org:80/ws), that are tried in order in place* of the host and port paramater on the construtor. The hosts are tried one at at time in order until* one of then succeeds.* @param {array} connectOptions.ports - If present the set of ports matching the hosts. If hosts contains URIs, this property* is not used.* @param {boolean} connectOptions.reconnect - Sets whether the client will automatically attempt to reconnect* to the server if the connection is lost.*<ul>*<li>If set to false, the client will not attempt to automatically reconnect to the server in the event that the* connection is lost.</li>*<li>If set to true, in the event that the connection is lost, the client will attempt to reconnect to the server.* It will initially wait 1 second before it attempts to reconnect, for every failed reconnect attempt, the delay* will double until it is at 2 minutes at which point the delay will stay at 2 minutes.</li>*</ul>* @param {number} connectOptions.mqttVersion - The version of MQTT to use to connect to the MQTT Broker.*<ul>*<li>3 - MQTT V3.1</li>*<li>4 - MQTT V3.1.1</li>*</ul>* @param {boolean} connectOptions.mqttVersionExplicit - If set to true, will force the connection to use the* selected MQTT Version or will fail to connect.* @param {array} connectOptions.uris - If present, should contain a list of fully qualified WebSocket uris* (e.g. ws://iot.eclipse.org:80/ws), that are tried in order in place of the host and port parameter of the construtor.* The uris are tried one at a time in order until one of them succeeds. Do not use this in conjunction with hosts as* the hosts array will be converted to uris and will overwrite this property.* @throws {InvalidState} If the client is not in disconnected state. The client must have received connectionLost* or disconnected before calling connect for a second or subsequent time.*/this.connect = function(connectOptions) {connectOptions = connectOptions || {};validate(connectOptions, {timeout: "number",userName: "string",password: "string",willMessage: "object",keepAliveInterval: "number",cleanSession: "boolean",useSSL: "boolean",invocationContext: "object",onSuccess: "function",onFailure: "function",hosts: "object",ports: "object",reconnect: "boolean",mqttVersion: "number",mqttVersionExplicit: "boolean",uris: "object"});// If no keep alive interval is set, assume 60 seconds.if (connectOptions.keepAliveInterval === undefined)connectOptions.keepAliveInterval = 60;if (connectOptions.mqttVersion > 4 || connectOptions.mqttVersion < 3) {throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.mqttVersion, "connectOptions.mqttVersion"]));}if (connectOptions.mqttVersion === undefined) {connectOptions.mqttVersionExplicit = false;connectOptions.mqttVersion = 4;} else {connectOptions.mqttVersionExplicit = true;}//Check that if password is set, so is usernameif (connectOptions.password !== undefined && connectOptions.userName === undefined)throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.password, "connectOptions.password"]));if (connectOptions.willMessage) {if (!(connectOptions.willMessage instanceof Message))throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [connectOptions.willMessage, "connectOptions.willMessage"]));// The will message must have a payload that can be represented as a string.// Cause the willMessage to throw an exception if this is not the case.connectOptions.willMessage.stringPayload = null;if (typeof connectOptions.willMessage.destinationName === "undefined")throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof connectOptions.willMessage.destinationName, "connectOptions.willMessage.destinationName"]));}if (typeof connectOptions.cleanSession === "undefined")connectOptions.cleanSession = true;if (connectOptions.hosts) {if (!(connectOptions.hosts instanceof Array))throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.hosts, "connectOptions.hosts"]));if (connectOptions.hosts.length < 1)throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.hosts, "connectOptions.hosts"]));var usingURIs = false;for (var i = 0; i < connectOptions.hosts.length; i++) {if (typeof connectOptions.hosts[i] !== "string")throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof connectOptions.hosts[i], "connectOptions.hosts[" + i + "]"]));if (/^(wss?):\/\/((\[(.+)\])|([^\/]+?))(:(\d+))?(\/.*)$/.test(connectOptions.hosts[i])) {if (i === 0) {usingURIs = true;} else if (!usingURIs) {throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.hosts[i], "connectOptions.hosts[" + i + "]"]));}} else if (usingURIs) {throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.hosts[i], "connectOptions.hosts[" + i + "]"]));}}if (!usingURIs) {if (!connectOptions.ports)throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.ports, "connectOptions.ports"]));if (!(connectOptions.ports instanceof Array))throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.ports, "connectOptions.ports"]));if (connectOptions.hosts.length !== connectOptions.ports.length)throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [connectOptions.ports, "connectOptions.ports"]));connectOptions.uris = [];for (var i = 0; i < connectOptions.hosts.length; i++) {if (typeof connectOptions.ports[i] !== "number" || connectOptions.ports[i] < 0)throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_TYPE, [typeof connectOptions.ports[i], "connectOptions.ports[" + i + "]"]));var host = connectOptions.hosts[i];var port = connectOptions.ports[i];var ipv6 = (host.indexOf(":") !== -1);uri = "ws://" + (ipv6 ? "[" + host + "]" : host) + ":" + port + path;connectOptions.uris.push(uri);}} else {connectOptions.uris = connectOptions.hosts;}}client.connect(connectOptions);};/*** Subscribe for messages, request receipt of a copy of messages sent to the destinations described by the filter.** @name Paho.MQTT.Client#subscribe* @function* @param {string} filter describing the destinations to receive messages from.* <br>* @param {object} subscribeOptions - used to control the subscription** @param {number} subscribeOptions.qos - the maiximum qos of any publications sent*                                  as a result of making this subscription.* @param {object} subscribeOptions.invocationContext - passed to the onSuccess callback*                                  or onFailure callback.* @param {function} subscribeOptions.onSuccess - called when the subscribe acknowledgement*                                  has been received from the server.*                                  A single response object parameter is passed to the onSuccess callback containing the following fields:*                                  <ol>*                                  <li>invocationContext if set in the subscribeOptions.*                                  </ol>* @param {function} subscribeOptions.onFailure - called when the subscribe request has failed or timed out.*                                  A single response object parameter is passed to the onFailure callback containing the following fields:*                                  <ol>*                                  <li>invocationContext - if set in the subscribeOptions.*                                  <li>errorCode - a number indicating the nature of the error.*                                  <li>errorMessage - text describing the error.*                                  </ol>* @param {number} subscribeOptions.timeout - which, if present, determines the number of*                                  seconds after which the onFailure calback is called.*                                  The presence of a timeout does not prevent the onSuccess*                                  callback from being called when the subscribe completes.* @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in connected state.*/this.subscribe = function(filter, subscribeOptions) {if (typeof filter !== "string")throw new Error("Invalid argument:" + filter);subscribeOptions = subscribeOptions || {};validate(subscribeOptions, {qos: "number",invocationContext: "object",onSuccess: "function",onFailure: "function",timeout: "number"});if (subscribeOptions.timeout && !subscribeOptions.onFailure)throw new Error("subscribeOptions.timeout specified with no onFailure callback.");if (typeof subscribeOptions.qos !== "undefined" && !(subscribeOptions.qos === 0 || subscribeOptions.qos === 1 || subscribeOptions.qos === 2))throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [subscribeOptions.qos, "subscribeOptions.qos"]));client.subscribe(filter, subscribeOptions);};/*** Unsubscribe for messages, stop receiving messages sent to destinations described by the filter.** @name Paho.MQTT.Client#unsubscribe* @function* @param {string} filter - describing the destinations to receive messages from.* @param {object} unsubscribeOptions - used to control the subscription* @param {object} unsubscribeOptions.invocationContext - passed to the onSuccess callbackor onFailure callback.* @param {function} unsubscribeOptions.onSuccess - called when the unsubscribe acknowledgement has been received from the server.*                                    A single response object parameter is passed to the*                                    onSuccess callback containing the following fields:*                                    <ol>*                                    <li>invocationContext - if set in the unsubscribeOptions.*                                    </ol>* @param {function} unsubscribeOptions.onFailure called when the unsubscribe request has failed or timed out.*                                    A single response object parameter is passed to the onFailure callback containing the following fields:*                                    <ol>*                                    <li>invocationContext - if set in the unsubscribeOptions.*                                    <li>errorCode - a number indicating the nature of the error.*                                    <li>errorMessage - text describing the error.*                                    </ol>* @param {number} unsubscribeOptions.timeout - which, if present, determines the number of seconds*                                    after which the onFailure callback is called. The presence of*                                    a timeout does not prevent the onSuccess callback from being*                                    called when the unsubscribe completes* @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in connected state.*/this.unsubscribe = function(filter, unsubscribeOptions) {if (typeof filter !== "string")throw new Error("Invalid argument:" + filter);unsubscribeOptions = unsubscribeOptions || {};validate(unsubscribeOptions, {invocationContext: "object",onSuccess: "function",onFailure: "function",timeout: "number"});if (unsubscribeOptions.timeout && !unsubscribeOptions.onFailure)throw new Error("unsubscribeOptions.timeout specified with no onFailure callback.");client.unsubscribe(filter, unsubscribeOptions);};/*** Send a message to the consumers of the destination in the Message.** @name Paho.MQTT.Client#send* @function* @param {string|Paho.MQTT.Message} topic - <b>mandatory</b> The name of the destination to which the message is to be sent.*             - If it is the only parameter, used as Paho.MQTT.Message object.* @param {String|ArrayBuffer} payload - The message data to be sent.* @param {number} qos The Quality of Service used to deliver the message.*    <dl>*      <dt>0 Best effort (default).*          <dt>1 At least once.*          <dt>2 Exactly once.*    </dl>* @param {Boolean} retained If true, the message is to be retained by the server and delivered*                     to both current and future subscriptions.*                     If false the server only delivers the message to current subscribers, this is the default for new Messages.*                     A received message has the retained boolean set to true if the message was published*                     with the retained boolean set to true*                     and the subscrption was made after the message has been published.* @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not connected.*/this.send = function(topic, payload, qos, retained) {var message;if (arguments.length === 0) {throw new Error("Invalid argument." + "length");} else if (arguments.length == 1) {if (!(topic instanceof Message) && (typeof topic !== "string"))throw new Error("Invalid argument:" + typeof topic);message = topic;if (typeof message.destinationName === "undefined")throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [message.destinationName, "Message.destinationName"]));client.send(message);} else {//parameter checking in Message objectmessage = new Message(payload);message.destinationName = topic;if (arguments.length >= 3)message.qos = qos;if (arguments.length >= 4)message.retained = retained;client.send(message);}};/*** Publish a message to the consumers of the destination in the Message.* Synonym for Paho.Mqtt.Client#send** @name Paho.MQTT.Client#publish* @function* @param {string|Paho.MQTT.Message} topic - <b>mandatory</b> The name of the topic to which the message is to be published.*             - If it is the only parameter, used as Paho.MQTT.Message object.* @param {String|ArrayBuffer} payload - The message data to be published.* @param {number} qos The Quality of Service used to deliver the message.*    <dl>*      <dt>0 Best effort (default).*          <dt>1 At least once.*          <dt>2 Exactly once.*    </dl>* @param {Boolean} retained If true, the message is to be retained by the server and delivered*                     to both current and future subscriptions.*                     If false the server only delivers the message to current subscribers, this is the default for new Messages.*                     A received message has the retained boolean set to true if the message was published*                     with the retained boolean set to true*                     and the subscrption was made after the message has been published.* @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not connected.*/this.publish = function(topic, payload, qos, retained) {console.log("Publising message to: ", topic);var message;if (arguments.length === 0) {throw new Error("Invalid argument." + "length");} else if (arguments.length == 1) {if (!(topic instanceof Message) && (typeof topic !== "string"))throw new Error("Invalid argument:" + typeof topic);message = topic;if (typeof message.destinationName === "undefined")throw new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [message.destinationName, "Message.destinationName"]));client.send(message);} else {//parameter checking in Message objectmessage = new Message(payload);message.destinationName = topic;if (arguments.length >= 3)message.qos = qos;if (arguments.length >= 4)message.retained = retained;client.send(message);}};/*** Normal disconnect of this Messaging client from its server.** @name Paho.MQTT.Client#disconnect* @function* @throws {InvalidState} if the client is already disconnected.*/this.disconnect = function() {client.disconnect();};/*** Get the contents of the trace log.** @name Paho.MQTT.Client#getTraceLog* @function* @return {Object[]} tracebuffer containing the time ordered trace records.*/this.getTraceLog = function() {return client.getTraceLog();};/*** Start tracing.** @name Paho.MQTT.Client#startTrace* @function*/this.startTrace = function() {client.startTrace();};/*** Stop tracing.** @name Paho.MQTT.Client#stopTrace* @function*/this.stopTrace = function() {client.stopTrace();};this.isConnected = function() {return client.connected;};};Client.prototype = {get host() { return this._getHost(); },set host(newHost) { this._setHost(newHost); },get port() { return this._getPort(); },set port(newPort) { this._setPort(newPort); },get path() { return this._getPath(); },set path(newPath) { this._setPath(newPath); },get clientId() { return this._getClientId(); },set clientId(newClientId) { this._setClientId(newClientId); },get onConnected() { return this._getOnConnected(); },set onConnected(newOnConnected) { this._setOnConnected(newOnConnected); },get disconnectedPublishing() { return this._getDisconnectedPublishing(); },set disconnectedPublishing(newDisconnectedPublishing) { this._setDisconnectedPublishing(newDisconnectedPublishing); },get disconnectedBufferSize() { return this._getDisconnectedBufferSize(); },set disconnectedBufferSize(newDisconnectedBufferSize) { this._setDisconnectedBufferSize(newDisconnectedBufferSize); },get onConnectionLost() { return this._getOnConnectionLost(); },set onConnectionLost(newOnConnectionLost) { this._setOnConnectionLost(newOnConnectionLost); },get onMessageDelivered() { return this._getOnMessageDelivered(); },set onMessageDelivered(newOnMessageDelivered) { this._setOnMessageDelivered(newOnMessageDelivered); },get onMessageArrived() { return this._getOnMessageArrived(); },set onMessageArrived(newOnMessageArrived) { this._setOnMessageArrived(newOnMessageArrived); },get trace() { return this._getTrace(); },set trace(newTraceFunction) { this._setTrace(newTraceFunction); }};/*** An application message, sent or received.* <p>* All attributes may be null, which implies the default values.** @name Paho.MQTT.Message* @constructor* @param {String|ArrayBuffer} payload The message data to be sent.* <p>* @property {string} payloadString <i>read only</i> The payload as a string if the payload consists of valid UTF-8 characters.* @property {ArrayBuffer} payloadBytes <i>read only</i> The payload as an ArrayBuffer.* <p>* @property {string} destinationName <b>mandatory</b> The name of the destination to which the message is to be sent*                    (for messages about to be sent) or the name of the destination from which the message has been received.*                    (for messages received by the onMessage function).* <p>* @property {number} qos The Quality of Service used to deliver the message.* <dl>*     <dt>0 Best effort (default).*     <dt>1 At least once.*     <dt>2 Exactly once.* </dl>* <p>* @property {Boolean} retained If true, the message is to be retained by the server and delivered*                     to both current and future subscriptions.*                     If false the server only delivers the message to current subscribers, this is the default for new Messages.*                     A received message has the retained boolean set to true if the message was published*                     with the retained boolean set to true*                     and the subscrption was made after the message has been published.* <p>* @property {Boolean} duplicate <i>read only</i> If true, this message might be a duplicate of one which has already been received.*                     This is only set on messages received from the server.**/var Message = function(newPayload) {var payload;if (typeof newPayload === "string" ||newPayload instanceof ArrayBuffer ||newPayload instanceof Int8Array ||newPayload instanceof Uint8Array ||newPayload instanceof Int16Array ||newPayload instanceof Uint16Array ||newPayload instanceof Int32Array ||newPayload instanceof Uint32Array ||newPayload instanceof Float32Array ||newPayload instanceof Float64Array) {payload = newPayload;} else {throw (format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [newPayload, "newPayload"]));}this._getPayloadString = function() {if (typeof payload === "string")return payload;elsereturn parseUTF8(payload, 0, payload.length);};this._getPayloadBytes = function() {if (typeof payload === "string") {var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(UTF8Length(payload));var byteStream = new Uint8Array(buffer);stringToUTF8(payload, byteStream, 0);return byteStream;} else {return payload;}};var destinationName;this._getDestinationName = function() { return destinationName; };this._setDestinationName = function(newDestinationName) {if (typeof newDestinationName === "string")destinationName = newDestinationName;elsethrow new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [newDestinationName, "newDestinationName"]));};var qos = 0;this._getQos = function() { return qos; };this._setQos = function(newQos) {if (newQos === 0 || newQos === 1 || newQos === 2)qos = newQos;elsethrow new Error("Invalid argument:" + newQos);};var retained = false;this._getRetained = function() { return retained; };this._setRetained = function(newRetained) {if (typeof newRetained === "boolean")retained = newRetained;elsethrow new Error(format(ERROR.INVALID_ARGUMENT, [newRetained, "newRetained"]));};var duplicate = false;this._getDuplicate = function() { return duplicate; };this._setDuplicate = function(newDuplicate) { duplicate = newDuplicate; };};Message.prototype = {get payloadString() { return this._getPayloadString(); },get payloadBytes() { return this._getPayloadBytes(); },get destinationName() { return this._getDestinationName(); },set destinationName(newDestinationName) { this._setDestinationName(newDestinationName); },get topic() { return this._getDestinationName(); },set topic(newTopic) { this._setDestinationName(newTopic); },get qos() { return this._getQos(); },set qos(newQos) { this._setQos(newQos); },get retained() { return this._getRetained(); },set retained(newRetained) { this._setRetained(newRetained); },get duplicate() { return this._getDuplicate(); },set duplicate(newDuplicate) { this._setDuplicate(newDuplicate); }};// Module contents.return {Client: Client,Message: Message};})(ws);return PahoMQTT;
};const MQTT = LibraryFactory();
export default MQTT;


export = MQTT;declare global {namespace MQTT {/*** The Quality of Service used to deliver a message.* <dl>*    <dt>0 Best effort (default).</dt>*    <dt>1 At least once.</dt>*    <dt>2 Exactly once.</dt>* </dl>*/type Qos = 0 | 1 | 2;interface MQTTError {/** A number indicating the nature of the error. */errorCode: number;/** Text describing the error */errorMessage: string;}interface WithInvocationContext {/*** <code>invocationContext</code> as passed in with the corresponding field in the connectOptions or* subscribeOptions.*/invocationContext: any;}interface ErrorWithInvocationContext extends MQTTError, WithInvocationContext {}interface OnSubscribeSuccessParams extends WithInvocationContext {grantedQos: Qos;}/*** Called when the connect acknowledgement has been received from the server.* @param o*  A single response object parameter is passed to the onSuccess callback containing the following fields:*  <li><code>invocationContext</code> as passed in with the corresponding field in the connectOptions.*/type OnSuccessCallback = (o: WithInvocationContext) => void;/*** Called when the subscribe acknowledgement has been received from the server.* @param o*  A single response object parameter is passed to the onSuccess callback containing the following fields:*  <li><code>invocationContext</code> as passed in with the corresponding field in the connectOptions.*/type OnSubscribeSuccessCallback = (o: OnSubscribeSuccessParams) => void;/*** Called when the connect request has failed or timed out.* @param e*  A single response object parameter is passed to the onFailure callback containing the following fields:*  <li><code>invocationContext</code> as passed in with the corresponding field in the connectOptions.*  <li><code>errorCode</code> a number indicating the nature of the error.*  <li><code>errorMessage</code> text describing the error.*/type OnFailureCallback = (e: ErrorWithInvocationContext) => void;/*** Called when a connection has been lost.* @param error A single response object parameter is passed to the onConnectionLost callback containing the*  following fields:*  <li>errorCode*  <li>errorMessage*/type OnConnectionLostHandler = (error: MQTTError) => void;/*** Called when a message was delivered or has arrived.* @param message The {@link Paho.MQTT.Message} that was delivered or has arrived.*/type OnMessageHandler = (message: Message) => void;/*** Attributes used with a connection.*/interface ConnectionOptions {/*** If the connect has not succeeded within this number of seconds, it is deemed to have failed.* @default The default is 30 seconds.*/timeout?: number | undefined;/** Authentication username for this connection. */userName?: string | undefined;/** Authentication password for this connection. */password?: string | undefined;/** Sent by the server when the client disconnects abnormally. */willMessage?: Message | undefined;/*** The server disconnects this client if there is no activity for this number of seconds.* @default The default value of 60 seconds is assumed if not set.*/keepAliveInterval?: number | undefined;/*** If true(default) the client and server persistent state is deleted on successful connect.* @default true*/cleanSession?: boolean | undefined;/** If present and true, use an SSL Websocket connection. */useSSL?: boolean | undefined;/** Passed to the onSuccess callback or onFailure callback. */invocationContext?: any;/*** Called when the connect acknowledgement has been received from the server.*/onSuccess?: OnSuccessCallback | undefined;/*** Specifies the mqtt version to use when connecting* <dl>*     <dt>3 - MQTT 3.1</dt>*     <dt>4 - MQTT 3.1.1 (default)</dt>* </dl>* @default 4*/mqttVersion?: 3 | 4 | undefined;/*** If set to true, will force the connection to use the selected MQTT Version or will fail to connect.*/mqttVersionExplicit?: boolean | undefined;/*** Called when the connect request has failed or timed out.*/onFailure?: OnFailureCallback | undefined;/*** If present this contains either a set of hostnames or fully qualified* WebSocket URIs (ws://example.com:1883/mqtt), that are tried in order in place of the host and port* paramater on the construtor. The hosts are tried one at at time in order until one of then succeeds.*/hosts?: string[] | undefined;/*** If present the set of ports matching the hosts. If hosts contains URIs, this property is not used.*/ports?: number[] | undefined;/*** Sets whether the client will automatically attempt to reconnect* to the server if the connection is lost.*/reconnect?: boolean | undefined;/*** If present, should contain a list of fully qualified WebSocket* uris (e.g. ws://mqtt.eclipseprojects.io:80/mqtt), that are tried* in order in place of the host and port parameter of the* construtor. The uris are tried one at a time in order until one* of them succeeds. Do not use this in conjunction with hosts as* the hosts array will be converted to uris and will overwrite this* property.*/uris?: string[] | undefined;}/*** Used to control a subscription*/interface SubscribeOptions {/** the maximum qos of any publications sent as a result of making this subscription. */qos?: Qos | undefined;/** passed to the onSuccess callback or onFailure callback. */invocationContext?: any;/** called when the subscribe acknowledgement has been received from the server. */onSuccess?: OnSubscribeSuccessCallback | undefined;/** called when the subscribe request has failed or timed out. */onFailure?: OnFailureCallback | undefined;/*** timeout which, if present, determines the number of seconds after which the onFailure calback is called.* The presence of a timeout does not prevent the onSuccess callback from being called when the subscribe* completes.*/timeout?: number | undefined;}interface UnsubscribeOptions {/** passed to the onSuccess callback or onFailure callback.  */invocationContext?: any;/** called when the unsubscribe acknowledgement has been received from the server. */onSuccess?: OnSuccessCallback | undefined;/** called when the unsubscribe request has failed or timed out. */onFailure?: OnFailureCallback | undefined;/*** timeout which, if present, determines the number of seconds after which the onFailure calback is called.* The presence of a timeout does not prevent the onSuccess callback from being called when the unsubscribe* completes.*/timeout?: number | undefined;}interface TraceElement {severity: "Debug";message: string;}type TraceFunction = (element: TraceElement) => void;/*** The JavaScript application communicates to the server using a {@link Paho.MQTT.Client} object.** Most applications will create just one Client object and then call its connect() method,* however applications can create more than one Client object if they wish.* In this case the combination of host, port and clientId attributes must be different for each Client object.** The send, subscribe and unsubscribe methods are implemented as asynchronous JavaScript methods* (even though the underlying protocol exchange might be synchronous in nature).* This means they signal their completion by calling back to the application,* via Success or Failure callback functions provided by the application on the method in question.* Such callbacks are called at most once per method invocation and do not persist beyond the lifetime* of the script that made the invocation.** In contrast there are some callback functions, most notably {@link onMessageArrived},* that are defined on the {@link Paho.MQTT.Client} object.* These may get called multiple times, and aren't directly related to specific method invocations made by the* client.*/class Client {/** used when connecting to the server. */readonly clientId: string;/** the server's DNS hostname or dotted decimal IP address. */readonly host: string;/** the server's path. */readonly path: string;/** the server's port. */readonly port: number;/** function called with trace information, if set */trace?: TraceFunction | undefined;/*** called when a connection has been lost. after a connect() method has succeeded.* Establish the call back used when a connection has been lost. The connection may be* lost because the client initiates a disconnect or because the server or network* cause the client to be disconnected. The disconnect call back may be called without* the connectionComplete call back being invoked if, for example the client fails to* connect.* A single response object parameter is passed to the onConnectionLost callback containing the following* fields:* <li>errorCode* <li>errorMessage*/onConnectionLost: OnConnectionLostHandler;/*** called when a message has been delivered.* All processing that this Client will ever do has been completed. So, for example,* in the case of a Qos=2 message sent by this client, the PubComp flow has been received from the server* and the message has been removed from persistent storage before this callback is invoked.* Parameters passed to the onMessageDelivered callback are:* <li>{@link Paho.MQTT.Message} that was delivered.*/onMessageDelivered: OnMessageHandler;/*** called when a message has arrived in this Paho.MQTT.client.* Parameters passed to the onMessageArrived callback are:* <li> {@link Paho.MQTT.Message} that has arrived.*/onMessageArrived: OnMessageHandler;/*** @param host - the address of the messaging server as a DNS name or dotted decimal IP address.* @param port - the port number to connect to* @param path - the path on the host to connect to - only used if host is not a URI. Default: '/mqtt'.* @param clientId - the Messaging client identifier, between 1 and 23 characters in length.*/constructor(host: string, port: number, path: string, clientId: string); // tslint:disable-line unified-signatures (these cannot actually be neatly unified)/*** @param host - the address of the messaging server as a DNS name or dotted decimal IP address.* @param port - the port number to connect to* @param clientId - the Messaging client identifier, between 1 and 23 characters in length.*/constructor(host: string, port: number, clientId: string);/*** @param hostUri - the address of the messaging server as a fully qualified WebSocket URI* @param clientId - the Messaging client identifier, between 1 and 23 characters in length.*/constructor(hostUri: string, clientId: string);/*** Connect this Messaging client to its server.* @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in disconnected state. The client must have received*      connectionLost or disconnected before calling connect for a second or subsequent time.*/connect(connectionOptions?: ConnectionOptions): void;/*** Normal disconnect of this Messaging client from its server.** @throws {InvalidState} if the client is already disconnected.*/disconnect(): void;/*** @returns True if the client is currently connected*/isConnected(): boolean;/*** Get the contents of the trace log.**  @return tracebuffer containing the time ordered trace records.*/getTraceLog(): any[];/*** Start tracing.*/startTrace(): void;/*** Stop tracing.*/stopTrace(): void;/*** Send a message to the consumers of the destination in the Message.** @param message - <b>mandatory</b> The {@link Paho.MQTT.Message} object to be sent.* @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not connected.*/send(message: Message): void;/*** Send a message to the consumers of the destination in the Message.** @param topic - <b>mandatory</b> The name of the destination to which the message is to be sent.* @param payload - The message data to be sent.* @param qos The Quality of Service used to deliver the message.*        <dl>*            <dt>0 Best effort (default).*            <dt>1 At least once.*            <dt>2 Exactly once.*        </dl>* @param retained If true, the message is to be retained by the server and delivered to both* current and future subscriptions. If false the server only delivers the message to current subscribers,* this is the default for new Messages. A received message has the retained boolean set to true if the* message was published with the retained boolean set to true and the subscrption was made after the* message has been published.* @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not connected.*/send(topic: string, payload: string | ArrayBuffer, qos?: Qos, retained?: boolean): void;/*** Subscribe for messages, request receipt of a copy of messages sent to the destinations described by the* filter.** @param filter A filter describing the destinations to receive messages from.* @param subcribeOptions Used to control the subscription* @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in connected state.*/subscribe(filter: string, subcribeOptions?: SubscribeOptions): void;/*** Unsubscribe for messages, stop receiving messages sent to destinations described by the filter.** @param filter - describing the destinations to receive messages from.* @param unsubscribeOptions - used to control the subscription* @throws {InvalidState} if the client is not in connected state.*/unsubscribe(filter: string, unsubcribeOptions?: UnsubscribeOptions): void;}type TypedArray =| Int8Array| Uint8Array| Uint8ClampedArray| Int16Array| Uint16Array| Int32Array| Uint32Array| Float32Array| Float64Array;/*** An application message, sent or received.*/class Message {/*** The name of the destination to which the message is to be sent* (for messages about to be sent) or the name of the destination from which the message has been received.* (for messages received by the onMessage function).*/destinationName: string;/*** If true, this message might be a duplicate of one which has already been received.* This is only set on messages received from the server.*/readonly duplicate: boolean;/*** The payload.* @return if payload is a string. Return the original otherwise.*/readonly payloadBytes: ArrayBuffer | TypedArray;/***  The payload as a string if the payload consists of valid UTF-8 characters.*  @throws {Error} if the payload is not valid UTF-8*/readonly payloadString: string;/*** The Quality of Service used to deliver the message.* <dl>*     <dt>0 Best effort (default).*     <dt>1 At least once.*     <dt>2 Exactly once.* </dl>** @default 0*/qos: Qos;/*** If true, the message is to be retained by the server and delivered to both current and future* subscriptions. If false the server only delivers the message to current subscribers, this is the default* for new Messages. A received message has the retained boolean set to true if the message was published* with the retained boolean set to true and the subscription was made after the message has been published.** @default false*/retained: boolean;/*** @param payload The message data to be sent.*/constructor(payload: string | ArrayBuffer | TypedArray);}}




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